Kicked out of a dungeon run before last boss
Maybe they were playing a warrior for ’’Fun’’? and didn’t like your eletist snipe comments about how ’’you’’ should build a warrior min/max ?
Just a thought…
Sounds to me like you were being a bit elitist. I probably would have kicked you as well….
Yeah, if i’m playing in a group, last thing i want is someone no lifer elite player constantly moaning and critisizing me for not killing a mob fast enough.
Eg…You have the wrong spec, you’re a newb, you have wrong armour etc… Gets old real fast… some people play for fun not to have the most ’’uber’’ build.
His comment doesn’t sound elitist at all to me, at least the way he has worded it here. Also, irrespective of a snarky comment, it is wrong to kick a player just before the finish depriving him of the dungeon rewards. That is pretty much griefing IMO. Of course, there may be more to the story…
Lol, elitist? my god this community is filled with kids.
Asking him if he’s not properly geared is not elitist, its a question, grow up seriously.
This is worse than the League of Legends community.
But when stating it the way you did it was more or less a direct insult.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
(edited by lordkrall.7241)
If they kicked you for your comment OP then most likely there are other factors not mentioned here.
Myrmidons of Kryta (MOK)
Blackgate Server
When a player is struggling and not pulling their weight they know it and are probably getting frustrated. There is no need for you to be saying anything especially on the last fight of the dungeon. If it was an issue enough to talk about and deal with it should have been dealt with earlier.
But on the last fight? You couldn’t have kept your mouth shut for a few more minutes, get the reward and then leave?
So you were a jerk and they were a jerk back at you. Perhaps next time you’ll get your timing down better.
Elitist response: “Wow, you have no idea of how to play/build a warrior do you? On my warrior, I do this, this and this….”
Disrespectful response: “kitten you noob, why do you build your warrior like that? L2p idiot”
OP’s response: “Are you lacking gear or something?”
Lol, elitist? my god this community is filled with kids.
Asking him if he’s not properly geared is not elitist, its a question, grow up seriously.
This is worse than the League of Legends community.
What they meant is that you may have said it a different way or with a bit more words. We cannot know, we weren’t there.
Anyway, you can’t really do anything. Contact support, maybe? It’s the only possible way to contact someone to help you, but not sure they can handle this kind of problem.
I’m sorry Ruberia but once again you sounded a tad rude, who knows if the comment was elitist or not but at the very least it did sound rude, and your reply to people calling you elitist was also a rude one.
Calling everyone kids simply because they don’t exactly agree with you and telling people to grow up and saying this community is worst then X community.
Instead of being defensive and trying to offend people you should have simply given more detail to your side of the story to understand if you were elitist or not.
Lol, elitist? my god this community is filled with kids.
Asking him if he’s not properly geared is not elitist, its a question, grow up seriously.
This is worse than the League of Legends community.
And you wonder why you get kicked out of dungeons…. ooookay.
80 Necromancer, Thief, Elementalist, Guardian, Warrior x 2, Mesmer
24 Engineer, 10 Ranger
(edited by Mirdo.2719)
To all of those saying that I might have worded it differently, if I had, I wouldn’t be here asking to report them because I would have deserved it and nothing would come out of it.
I worded it pretty much the same way I wrote in my original post, and after they kicked me 3 of them spammed “hahahahahhaa” in chat, so no, I don’t think I did anything wrong (how do I know this? the 4th guy told me).
First, you can report people via the web support page and put all the details you want. Second, if they were having issues, why not help? And then when you put what you said plus how you put “yeah, terrible group” next to a time stamp, makes you sure sound “elitist” to me. Third, it wasn’t just the one player that didn’t like you, it takes a “second” to kick someone.
If someone simply told someone from my party what you said, I’d find it rude but most certainly wouldn’t kick them. I really do assume there were other things to factor in, we didn’t really get to hear both sides of the story.
Either way however, unless you were being a complete and total unbearable jerk they really shouldn’t have kicked you in the very last fight of the dungeon.
I do concede the point that it was very wrong to kick out a player before the final boss, but as others have stated there may be more to the story..
And having a go at a player *passive aggressive * about his spec/items because he did not kill a mob as fast as you would like him to is not nice and makes for a bad social environment. There are better ways to ask about another players build without sounding so critical to him imho
But again, maybe more to the story…
Maybe next time you get with a group, you can personally ask each member what build/weapons they each have before the dungeon so you can decide to join them or not?
To all of those saying that I might have worded it differently, if I had, I wouldn’t be here asking to report them because I would have deserved it and nothing would come out of it.
I worded it pretty much the same way I wrote in my original post, and after they kicked me 3 of them spammed “hahahahahhaa” in chat, so no, I don’t think I did anything wrong (how do I know this? the 4th guy told me).
You can’t report them for kicking you after insulting one of them.
Simple as that.
If you worded it “pretty much the same way” then it was a clear insult, and they have all right to kick you.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
To all of those saying that I might have worded it differently, if I had, I wouldn’t be here asking to report them because I would have deserved it and nothing would come out of it.
I worded it pretty much the same way I wrote in my original post, and after they kicked me 3 of them spammed “hahahahahhaa” in chat, so no, I don’t think I did anything wrong (how do I know this? the 4th guy told me).
You can’t report them for kicking you after insulting one of them.
Simple as that.If you worded it “pretty much the same way” then it was a clear insult, and they have all right to kick you.
I’m sorry, but I don’t consider this as an insult. I consider it pathetic that some of you do, the ONLY reason I was asking him was because I was busy fighting the ghost boss (whatever his face) and wanted to know if he would like to replace roles, where he’ll tank him and I’ll kill the acolyte to improve our DPS.
I find it absurd, pathetically so, that some of you find it an insult to ask someone if their gear is not the best in the world. I can’t believe that this is what this community has come to, it wasn’t even criticism, it was a freaking question to help us finish the dungeon faster and you people call it an insult? jesus christ..
OP, Don’t get me wrong.. Dungeons are far far easier and quicker with a maxed out party (I’m not against Min/Max builds) but the problem comes when a Min/Max player groups with casual players (Like myself).. Then the moaning-questions about builds/damage begin which can be a distraction from the fun.
OP, Don’t get me wrong.. Dungeons are far far easier and quicker with a maxed out party (I’m not against Min/Max builds) but the problem comes when a Min/Max player groups with casual players (Like myself).. Then the moaning-questions about builds/damage begin which can be a distraction from the fun.
I don’t recall ever asking to kick him because he didn’t have the best gear. the last boss was going very slowly, so I asked him in order to see if maybe he wants to switch positions (i was tanking the ghost boss thingy) in order to make the fight go smoother. how on earth is someone supposed to play the freaking game when people take a SERIOUS QUESTION as an insult?! I am honestly astounded by what people here consider to be an insult.
I’m sorry, but I don’t consider this as an insult. I consider it pathetic that some of you do, the ONLY reason I was asking him was because I was busy fighting the ghost boss (whatever his face) and wanted to know if he would like to replace roles, where he’ll tank him and I’ll kill the acolyte to improve our DPS.
I find it absurd, pathetically so, that some of you find it an insult to ask someone if their gear is not the best in the world. I can’t believe that this is what this community has come to, it wasn’t even criticism, it was a freaking question to help us finish the dungeon faster and you people call it an insult? jesus christ..
Oh, so just because you don’t consider it an insult it can’t be an insult?
Seeing as several people here seems to share the view that it could be seen as an insult, clearly it can?
And based on your reaction here when people does say something against you I find it highly unlikely that this is all there is to the story and if those were the exact words you said.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
To all of those saying that I might have worded it differently, if I had, I wouldn’t be here asking to report them because I would have deserved it and nothing would come out of it.
I worded it pretty much the same way I wrote in my original post, and after they kicked me 3 of them spammed “hahahahahhaa” in chat, so no, I don’t think I did anything wrong (how do I know this? the 4th guy told me).
You can’t report them for kicking you after insulting one of them.
Simple as that.If you worded it “pretty much the same way” then it was a clear insult, and they have all right to kick you.
I’m sorry, but I don’t consider this as an insult. I consider it pathetic that some of you do, the ONLY reason I was asking him was because I was busy fighting the ghost boss (whatever his face) and wanted to know if he would like to replace roles, where he’ll tank him and I’ll kill the acolyte to improve our DPS.
I find it absurd, pathetically so, that some of you find it an insult to ask someone if their gear is not the best in the world. I can’t believe that this is what this community has come to, it wasn’t even criticism, it was a freaking question to help us finish the dungeon faster and you people call it an insult? jesus christ..
So every other post you do is insulting in one way or another, now calling everyone pathetic because they have a different view point from yours. From the sour and bitter personality you’re displaying here I really don’t doubt there’s more to the story then the simple passive aggressive comment you made to the warrior. If you thought something was wrong then you most certainly should not have made such a snide remark about the warrior, just because you didn’t realize it might have been offensive – doesn’t mean it wasn’t offensive.
I made sure to be as perfect with my character as possible, full exotics and spending hours on my build to find perfect synergy, yet I don’t made rude comments about other people if they’re not as obsessive about being perfect as I am. I was doing Lupicus the other day with a guardian that kept dying, it was his first time and he was almost always the first one to die – a guardian, and we had an elementalist in the group.
Instead of raging and telling him his gear or build was bad, I took a few minutes and talked to him about his build and gave him some pointers on which abilities would be good to use against Lupicus, using the trait which reduces aegis passive to 30 seconds, using the elite which makes invulnerable for 3 seconds and recharges virtues and so on and so forth, trying to help him understand what to do in that specific fight.
If you found a problem instead of being rude and passive aggressive, be polite and try understand and communicating your concerns, so far what you’ve done in this thread is being rude time after time again.
I’m sorry, but I don’t consider this as an insult. I consider it pathetic that some of you do, the ONLY reason I was asking him was because I was busy fighting the ghost boss (whatever his face) and wanted to know if he would like to replace roles, where he’ll tank him and I’ll kill the acolyte to improve our DPS.
I find it absurd, pathetically so, that some of you find it an insult to ask someone if their gear is not the best in the world. I can’t believe that this is what this community has come to, it wasn’t even criticism, it was a freaking question to help us finish the dungeon faster and you people call it an insult? jesus christ..
Oh, so just because you don’t consider it an insult it can’t be an insult?
Seeing as several people here seems to share the view that it could be seen as an insult, clearly it can?And based on your reaction here when people does say something against you I find it highly unlikely that this is all there is to the story and if those were the exact words you said.
First of all, no, I don’t find a question that can help me during the instance to be an insult. not for ONE second, did I ever consider it an insult, and not for a second will I ever consider it an insult when someone will ask me that, because I’m adult enough to answer “No, might be that I just suck”. Obviously most people here are not.
Also, I did not ask anyone to believe me or not, I do not care if random people on the internet believe me, this is not what the thread is about. you can feel free to think whatever you want about me, but so far only one or two people actually were able to understand why this thread exists and give me a real answer.
Ruberia, I agree that kicking you out of the dungeon group at the last boss was lame.
At the same time, “Are you lacking gear or something?” doesn’t sound like the preface to “Let’s swap roles since I do more damage and can burn that mob down,” which is where you say you were going with your comment. “Are you geared for survival?” or “Are you tanky?” on the other hand would’ve gotten to the same point without the room for misunderstanding.
I’ve found when dealing with random groups it’s generally better to try to phrase things as a positive (“Are you a tank build?”) than a negative (“You’re not doing much damage, does your gear suck?”). Unless the player/group is so abysmally incompetent that there’s no way to phrase it as a positive, in which case, it’s time to leave the group anyway.
“Are you lacking gear or something? = Insulting = “Are you stupid or something?”
“Are you having issues?” = Less Insulting = “Is there a problem?”
There a plenty of other ways to ask “Are you the better tank?” than “Are you lacking gear or something?".
I think the problem is not the question but how it was worded…
He may have felt like you were critisizing him and his build/playstyle (Even if that is not what you intended) especially if he was having a hard time with the boss.
Maybe a better thing would have been to help him, then after dungeon send him a quiet word (pm) to him.. something like…
Hey, the dungeon was fun, i’m a ** (build) warrior and seaching for exotics is driving me crazy hehehe – So, what build are you going after with your warrior? you thought about exotics etc …
I realise it appears to be walking on eggshells with regards to some players, but many are tired/bored of the Wow Elite crowd (not saying you are one) who are highly critical of anything not maxed out or playing a class a specific way and would percieive your comment about their armour/playstile as a throwback to that.
Wow. Just wow. The guy is right to be concerned about this kind of stuff, yet you all jump on him for a question which was not even close to being impolite or insulting? What was the question supposed to sound like? The guy was playing a kitten warrior, a profession with big damage output and little thinking requirement. He was failing, yet, despite his inability to render himself useful to the group, the OP was supposed to address him like he was some lord?
Those people kicked the OP from the group after he invested time and effort into the dungeon, yet you’re defending them. Honestly, you’re laughable.
Whether I was the warrior or not, I would have started a vote to kick you too. I’d much rather have a 75 casual than 80++ elitist in my team.
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto
‘’The guy was playing a kitten warrior, a profession with big damage output and little thinking requirement. He was failing, yet, despite his inability to render himself useful to the group…’’
I think this is what a lot of players are trying to get away from… You don’t do max damage so you suck and should not be in a group/cannot play properly/should quit game etc …
I was hoping GW2 would be free of this :-(
‘’The guy was playing a kitten warrior, a profession with big damage output and little thinking requirement. He was failing, yet, despite his inability to render himself useful to the group…’’
I think this is what a lot of players are trying to get away from… You don’t do max damage so you suck and should not be in a group/cannot play properly/should quit game etc …
I was hoping GW2 would be free of this :-(
Nobody said that you need to do max damage. However, when you’re the one failing and you’re kicking someone for pointing out the fact that you might be doing something wrong in a manner which was not even close to being rude, you’re an kitten Period.
‘’The guy was playing a kitten warrior, a profession with big damage output and little thinking requirement. He was failing, yet, despite his inability to render himself useful to the group…’’
I think this is what a lot of players are trying to get away from… You don’t do max damage so you suck and should not be in a group/cannot play properly/should quit game etc …
I was hoping GW2 would be free of this :-(
Nobody said that you need to do max damage. However, when you’re the one failing and you’re kicking someone for pointing out the fact that you might be doing something wrong in a manner which was not even close to being rude, you’re an kitten Period.
The issue with that is OP did not in fact tell him he might be doing something wrong – and even if he did no one likes to be told they’re wrong, which is why the OP went on such a defensive and insulting stance when everyone told him he was wrong. It’s only natural to not want to be told you’re wrong.
Either way OP didn’t tell him he was doing something wrong, he said “are you lacking gear or something?”, is more like saying he IS wrong. It’s offensive, it’s passive aggressive (which I find to be the worst because unlike a direct insult you can’t really argue against a passive aggressive insult as the person is trying to maintain a ‘holier than thou’ stance, which is why so many people would say he’s being elitist), it’s really unpleasant.
Either way if that truly is ALL he did – it was undeserving of a kick before the final boss like that. The group had the right to kick him because he was in fact, whether you accept it or not, offensive – yet they were still being jerks by doing so.
As stated, there are other less insulting ways to enquire about his build without making him feel like a faliure because he doesn’t match your ideals on what damage a warrior should do.
Maybe he had a healing spec or was roleplaying?
‘’The guy was playing a kitten warrior, a profession with big damage output and little thinking requirement. He was failing, yet, despite his inability to render himself useful to the group…’’
I think this is what a lot of players are trying to get away from… You don’t do max damage so you suck and should not be in a group/cannot play properly/should quit game etc …
I was hoping GW2 would be free of this :-(
Nobody said that you need to do max damage. However, when you’re the one failing and you’re kicking someone for pointing out the fact that you might be doing something wrong in a manner which was not even close to being rude, you’re an kitten Period.
The issue with that is OP did not in fact tell him he might be doing something wrong – and even if he did no one likes to be told they’re wrong, which is why the OP went on such a defensive and insulting stance when everyone told him he was wrong. It’s only natural to not want to be told you’re wrong.
Either way OP didn’t tell him he was doing something wrong, he said “are you lacking gear or something?”, is more like saying he IS wrong. It’s offensive, it’s passive aggressive (which I find to be the worst because unlike a direct insult you can’t really argue against a passive aggressive insult as the person is trying to maintain a ‘holier than thou’ stance, which is why so many people would say he’s being elitist), it’s really unpleasant.
Either way if that truly is ALL he did – it was undeserving of a kick before the final boss like that. The group had the right to kick him because he was in fact, whether you accept it or not, offensive – yet they were still being jerks by doing so.
Actually I don’t think I was ever offensive \ defensive or w/e. Some people here claim that I was wrong, but I don’t agree, simple as that. I am quite amazed that people think that, it is true, but I didn’t kick them in the last boss of a dungeon run for that.
Also, I completely disagree that they had any right to kick me. I can’t be blamed that an HONEST question is being taken as an insult. Could I have worded it better? sure, I probably could have, but I don’t think that my wording was offensive regardless.
We’re only seeing one side of the story, for all we know OP was making comments the entire run and enough was enough.
I’ve kicked someone for being a prrick like that. Playing in a group, happen to have a bad run of luck where you keep getting downed and have to be revived (not killed, just downed). Hey, sometimes people have off days, I mean seriously, it happens. Maybe I’m a lil high, tired, distracted, what have you.
Have some groupmate getting verbally upset he has to keep reviving me and then tells me I’m probably the worst guardian he’s ever seen. Laugh it off, tell him that my being revived is not affecting the run (which it wasn’t, we were a solid team and I just happened to need getting picked up a few times more than everyone).
But he would not let up. Questions like “what kind of crap gear are you wearing, I mean, is it like level 30 lol”. Start rolling eyes at this point.
Very next time I get downed, he says “dude seriously, what the hell is wrong with you”.
Vote to kick, kicked. whispers me and starts to whine. Told him he needs to get off his high horse and stop treating video games like work. Finished the dungeon 4man and I didn’t get downed once for the remainder of the run.
Some people need a chill pill.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
When playing with a PuG always let everyone ping his/her weapons, armor and jewels. Kick directly if not specced for damage or lacking lvl 80 exotics. Root out the problem at the source. CoF path 2 shouldn’t take 50 minutes.
Hi everyone,
Ruberia, if you think someone’s behaviour was unappropriate towards you, feel free to report them with the in game report tool.
To prevent this thread from derailing, we are closing it. Thanks for your understanding