Kill Hydra Queen

Kill Hydra Queen

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nay of the Ether.8913

Nay of the Ether.8913

So for several months now I’ve been trying to get the hydra queen achievement, done it nearly 30 times, but have yet to get the achieve…wtf is going on with that? I’m starting to think I’m bugged because when I do it with friends or guildies they get the achieve, yet I do not. I get credit for the event (sometimes not the chest though) but never get the achieve. And yes I do it from start to finish, even killing the risen capt those few times it takes to spawn the event. There’s something going on with this. Surely I’m not the only one this happens to?
Edit: yes I make sure the NPC Jenny doesn’t die too, because I know that sometimes makes you unable to get the achievement.
~Surrender fiend and you will get an easy death
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Kill Hydra Queen

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bartas.4908


weird. I got this achievement like 2 days ago (after months of hunting for it) and I only popped for last few hits on Taidha. I only logged into a game because I saw it in “On” on and tohught I give it a try coz I needed that only achi.

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Kill Hydra Queen

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: skullmount.1758


Well you guys are lucky, at least you guys have got to see her. I’ve yet to see her up when I’m on. I’m usually looking at when I start and then every once in a while while I’m playing.

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Kill Hydra Queen

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nay of the Ether.8913

Nay of the Ether.8913

Well you guys are lucky, at least you guys have got to see her. I’ve yet to see her up when I’m on. I’m usually looking at when I start and then every once in a while while I’m playing.

She’s not on a timer, you actually have to kill the risen version I think 3 times in a row, then her actual events will start. That’s most likely why you never see her up on the overlay
~Surrender fiend and you will get an easy death
~I could promise you the same…but it would be a lie…

Kill Hydra Queen

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Whitey.6185


I don’t even know who or what the Hyrda is.

I saw the achievement in the list and never knew what it was or where this Queen is.

Kill Hydra Queen

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Casmurro.9046


To get the achievement you need to be on the last place where she teleports and atack her. It doesn’t matter if you fought her on the other places of that ship, if you get too late to the last place where she stays you dont get the achievement.

So the best way to do that is to know where she will be and just wait for her there. Depending of the number of people on the event she dies very quicky, giving too little time to run to her specially if you get lost on that ship.

Kill Hydra Queen

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nay of the Ether.8913

Nay of the Ether.8913

To get the achievement you need to be on the last place where she teleports and atack her. It doesn’t matter if you fought her on the other places of that ship, if you get too late to the last place where she stays you dont get the achievement.

So the best way to do that is to know where she will be and just wait for her there. Depending of the number of people on the event she dies very quicky, giving too little time to run to her specially if you get lost on that ship.

Good to know, I’ll try it next time. That’s complete bullkitten if it works though. No reason for it to be this hard to get.
~Surrender fiend and you will get an easy death
~I could promise you the same…but it would be a lie…

Kill Hydra Queen

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nikkala.5842


I believe Casmurro is correct—make sure you get in some hits when she is at the final (chest) location.

Kill Hydra Queen

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nay of the Ether.8913

Nay of the Ether.8913

I believe Casmurro is correct—make sure you get in some hits when she is at the final (chest) location.

I do, but apparently i need to just camp out there and be physically there when she shows up, which I have not ( I was usually right behind her though). I’ll try it again this weekend and post my results.
~Surrender fiend and you will get an easy death
~I could promise you the same…but it would be a lie…

Kill Hydra Queen

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


I believe Casmurro is correct—make sure you get in some hits when she is at the final (chest) location.

Not entirely. When I got my achievement it was just me and a friend fighting her. My friend was right next to me when Taidha was killed and I am pretty sure I didn’t solo her. I got the achievement but he did not.

The only difference between the two of us that I can think of is that fact that during first phase I had already taken off a fairly large chunk of damage before asking my friend for help and I was higher level(lv 80 vs 50s) in berserker armor so I probably did more damage afterwards too. This was before the most recent update but this bug isn’t new either.

Kill Hydra Queen

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Taygus.4571


yes I’m bumping.

Is this achieve possible?
Just beat taidhe, got the daily chest but not the achieve… (or is it like teqs achieve in the panel, not achievable? )

Kill Hydra Queen

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Taygus.4571


so…..nobody knows??

Kill Hydra Queen

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RoseofGilead.8907


I got the achievement several months ago. So, as far as I know, it’s still able to be done.

Kill Hydra Queen

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Taygus.4571


I got the achievement several months ago. So, as far as I know, it’s still able to be done.

so I should try again and report as bug…just wondering… annoying as did kill her…

Kill Hydra Queen

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RoseofGilead.8907


I got the achievement several months ago. So, as far as I know, it’s still able to be done.

so I should try again and report as bug…just wondering… annoying as did kill her…

Yeah, I’d try again. If you still don’t get the achievement, I’d screenshot both the event reward and your AP to show you still didn’t get it, and then report it.

Kill Hydra Queen

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Neural.1824


Maybe this will help.

Per the wiki @

You will only receive credit for the achievement Kill the Hydra Queen if Jenny is alive when the Admiral dies.

Where are my gem sales? I want gem sales! Nerf EVERYTHING!

Kill Hydra Queen

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Taygus.4571


who’s jenny? how do I guarantee she stays alive? Where does she spawn so I can follow her? XD