Try swearing in a post (seriously) and youll see why kittens are so beloved on the forums!
Retired and living in a shack. Relaxing!
hahahahaha omg good one. The answer is obviously because everyone like cats.
a doubble ss -> kitten /p>
BS -> Bullkitten
and theres waaaay more kitten out there for you (and i have no clue if that just kittened as well xD)
Greetz (‘-’)/
“Kitten” is used as the profanity filter for the forums. Each time you say a swear word, it is replaced with the word “Kitten”.
Lady Bethany Of Noh – Chronomancer – Lords of Noh [LoN]
It’s probably the single best kitten profanity filter I’ve every kittening seen in my entire kittened life. It makes all the kittening, moaning, and raging threads so much funnier to read.
It makes ragers look hilarious and stupid.
Oh my god what the kitten i cant kittening stop kittening saying the word kitten because i need the word kitten to make a point!
One of the reasons i dont swear much annoying people who need swear words to make a point.
Well.. that is interesting and makes more sense. I really had no clue! thank you guys.
It makes ragers look hilarious and stupid.
Oh my god what the kitten i cant kittening stop kittening saying the word kitten because i need the word kitten to make a point!
One of the reasons i dont swear much annoying people who need swear words to make a point.
Would say Aion’s Nyerk filter was better. If you get the Nyerk refernce?