Knock backs?
use a stun breaker and most mosters with knockbacks are really animated/telegraphed so you can dodge/walk your way out of the knockback.
No you are right……….
Too many different creatures have knock backs and of course when ganged up by just a few of them you can be disabled for some time and this REALLY takes the fun out of the game. It does not make the game difficult or a challenge as Anet might believe it does it just makes it dang frustrating and stupidly boring.
Yesterday I happened to be in a fight with 4 creatures who were all knocking me down, that was not fun but I still over ran them in the end.
They really need to take into account each enemie’s skills with regards to skills like these when deciding mob placement. Or they could actually work on synergy between said creatures in areas rather than just give the same creatures the exact same skills and just copy and paste them in a certain area. Pure laziness…..
use a stun breaker
and most mosters with knockbacks are really animated/telegraphed so you can dodge/walk your way out of the knockback.
Not so when facing multiples of them, you may dodge one or 2 but it will only be a splt second before more come in and how many times can you use your stun breaker and then have to wait for cooldown?
It’s not as simple as you make it sound to be.
Maybe use the boon that is the direct counter to knock down/back?
I find it funny that Anet didn’t learn how to put DR on stuns and knockbacks yet.
A) if in any other MMO you get stunned you can’t get stunned again for at least 2 seconds
B) almost all enemies have a knockback or a stun of some sorts. Even the ones that don’t have it in their description
You can get stunlocked by 5 mobs infinitely.
use a stun breaker
and most mosters with knockbacks are really animated/telegraphed so you can dodge/walk your way out of the knockback.
Not so when facing multiples of them, you may dodge one or 2 but it will only be a splt second before more come in and how many times can you use your stun breaker and then have to wait for cooldown?
It’s not as simple as you make it sound to be.
May I know what mob this is? Even if you’re facing multiples of them, you still should be able to kite, dodge, and stunbreak their knockbacks/knockdowns. Try practicing on the group of ettins (i forgot the place x.x somewhere in kryta iirc). I can usually take on 2-3 mobs with knockback with my lowbie, but you do need to keep on moving, going around in circles, etc.
Also, not all mobs have knockbacks. In fact, maybe a few handful of them only have it. For all the species of branded/inquest/bandit/separatist/flame legion, only 1 out of the 4-5 different types do the knockback.
(edited by penatbater.4710)
I find it funny that Anet didn’t learn how to put DR on stuns and knockbacks yet.
A) if in any other MMO you get stunned you can’t get stunned again for at least 2 seconds
B) almost all enemies have a knockback or a stun of some sorts. Even the ones that don’t have it in their description
You can get stunlocked by 5 mobs infinitely.
Looks like the mobs are too intelligent for you and are exploiting your lack of stability.
I find it funny that Anet didn’t learn how to put DR on stuns and knockbacks yet.
A) if in any other MMO you get stunned you can’t get stunned again for at least 2 seconds
B) almost all enemies have a knockback or a stun of some sorts. Even the ones that don’t have it in their description
You can get stunlocked by 5 mobs infinitely.Looks like the mobs are too intelligent for you and are exploiting your lack of stability.
not all classes can even apply stability. For example: necro – the only skill with stability is Lich Form. And I can’t really spam my elite.
My necro hates groups of melee centaur. Chain trample ftl. Feel like a ragdoll getting kicked around. Glad i have minions!
use a stun breaker
and most mosters with knockbacks are really animated/telegraphed so you can dodge/walk your way out of the knockback.
Not so when facing multiples of them, you may dodge one or 2 but it will only be a splt second before more come in and how many times can you use your stun breaker and then have to wait for cooldown?
It’s not as simple as you make it sound to be.
May I know what mob this is? Even if you’re facing multiples of them, you still should be able to kite, dodge, and stunbreak their knockbacks/knockdowns. Try practicing on the group of ettins (i forgot the place x.x somewhere in kryta iirc). I can usually take on 2-3 mobs with knockback with my lowbie, but you do need to keep on moving, going around in circles, etc.
Also, not all mobs have knockbacks. In fact, maybe a few handful of them only have it. For all the species of branded/inquest/bandit/separatist/flame legion, only 1 out of the 4-5 different types do the knockback.
I’m not going to list the multiples of different creatures that have knock downs or knock backs, theres far too many.
I certainly don’t need to practice on Ettins either as I have completed this game and world complete 5 times already. Besides that Ettins have the most easily and avoidable knockback anyway, not so with many others. There are some mobs out there that have these skills and it’s not even in the mobs description.
My point is there are far too many cretures with these same skills over and over and over again. If you do (and can easily sometimes) get crowded by a bunch of them you can easily feel like a rag doll in a push/pull match. Heck in some cases even just one single enemy can do this to you. Here’s one reference I will give:
Go to the Queensdale jumping puzzle and go to the last room with the chest, just stand near the Vet Ooze for a bit or fight it for a while and don’t kill it too fast and you will see what I mean. It pushes you then a split second later it will pull you back to it. That’s 2 cc’s in an almost 1 move and it can repeat this quite often when it feels like it. Luckily I have a strong build and have a trait set that puts protection on me when I’m knocked down or what-not but that does not change the fact it’s a boring/cheap mechanic that offers little challenge or fun. Now imagine this same mob x a few others with it all with the same skills – it does happen in some places.
I agree 100%.
This is the most annoying thing in the game (aside from A-nets greedy RNG box scams).
It’s like they are too daft to think of any other mechanics… it’s ridiculous.
80 Ranger (3), 80 Warrior (3), 80 Thief (3)
80 Ele (2), 80 Engi (3), 80 Rev (2)
Everything does, Each of the branded have one, except for the fish, I haven’t fought the fish so I don’t know if it has one or not. the centaur, every one except for the sharpshooters and the other ones with the gun have a knock down, the gun based ones have a knock back. most of the destoyers have it, the only ones that I don’t thing do are the flying ones, and even then, they dodge out of the way. the devourers do, all of them. Half the drakes do. All of the dredge do, except for the ones that play music on their gong shileds and the odd one with the gun. All the elementals do. Ettins. Giants, ghosts, except for the archers, they have a knock back though. Golems, grawl, some griffons, some of the aggresive hylec, icebroods, some inps, like one or two insects, Jotun, Karka some krait have a knock back in the water and a knock down on land. Minotaurs, oozes, ogres, plants, raptors, some skale, some skelk, some skritt, some spiders, steam creatures, that are in the winter area. Trolls, the risen, they both have a knock down AND a knock back, wnd ryders I think have a knock back, can’t remember now, and wurms.
You wanted the list, I didn’t go into detail as to every single name, but that is what I have been knocked down by, and knocked back by. That’s pretty much everything in the game. When you get more than 2 on you, and they span the kitten things, this makes it so that the game is no fun and it can get you killed.
(edited by Lilium.1509)
You can get stunlocked by 5 mobs infinitely.
This. I hate this with a passion.
This is what ANet calls “challenging content”
And what we call “annoying”.
It is downright silly. ANet have made very sure that players can’t grief other players by CC (long recharge, short duration), nor mobs where it would be a practical option (Defiant on anything champion or stronger).
Yet every trash mob from level 30 onwards seems to have something they can spam every 5-10 seconds. And with the aggro system being what it is, you usually get 3 or more running at you if you attack one of them.
Never mind if something spawns out of view that packs a pull or similar, hello waypoint and armor damage…
What I hate about the mob knock-backs is that they can knock you back and OFF a cliff or platform to your death, but, when you knock them back they will stop at the edge of the cliff or platform like they hit a wall, NOT balanced.
Mud Bone – Sylvari Ranger
I find it funny that Anet didn’t learn how to put DR on stuns and knockbacks yet.
A) if in any other MMO you get stunned you can’t get stunned again for at least 2 seconds
B) almost all enemies have a knockback or a stun of some sorts. Even the ones that don’t have it in their description
You can get stunlocked by 5 mobs infinitely.Looks like the mobs are too intelligent for you and are exploiting your lack of stability.
not all classes can even apply stability. For example: necro – the only skill with stability is Lich Form. And I can’t really spam my elite.
There is a trait called foot in the grave that gives you stability.
“Gain stability for 3 seconds when you enter death shroud.”
Right, and after those 3 seconds your stability gone is now on a 40 second cooldown if you aren’t a necro with death shroud) and you get dragged around like a ragdoll.
(edited by Hoyvin.3241)
I find it funny that Anet didn’t learn how to put DR on stuns and knockbacks yet.
A) if in any other MMO you get stunned you can’t get stunned again for at least 2 seconds
B) almost all enemies have a knockback or a stun of some sorts. Even the ones that don’t have it in their description
You can get stunlocked by 5 mobs infinitely.Looks like the mobs are too intelligent for you and are exploiting your lack of stability.
not all classes can even apply stability. For example: necro – the only skill with stability is Lich Form. And I can’t really spam my elite.
There is a trait called foot in the grave that gives you stability.
“Gain stability for 3 seconds when you enter death shroud.”
I play a necro and, not only does the ability have a cool down, but if your deathshroud goes out before it recharges, you have to wait for death shroud to fill up again before you can use it.
edit: I’m sorry, I thought it was the other thing in the third ability bar, not the trait skill thing. But again, you still have to wait for death shroud to be usable again before you can use it.
If you encounter multiple high level mobs with knock downs, then strategically place yourself in positions that minimize their effect – use line of sight, kite them etc. – as well as all of the tools you have to proactively defend – stun breakers, blocks, stability, profession specific abilities (aegis, distortion, etc), knockbacks, knockdowns, dazes, stuns, fears, reflections, etc.
The things like knockdowns (or stuns or pulls or confusion, etc) that we see a small number of people call “frustrating” are in fact what make fights interesting.
And, if all else fails – either make sure you dont aggro too many of these kinds of mobs at once – or, in worst case scenarios, simply run away.
I find it funny that Anet didn’t learn how to put DR on stuns and knockbacks yet.
A) if in any other MMO you get stunned you can’t get stunned again for at least 2 seconds
B) almost all enemies have a knockback or a stun of some sorts. Even the ones that don’t have it in their description
You can get stunlocked by 5 mobs infinitely.Looks like the mobs are too intelligent for you and are exploiting your lack of stability.
not all classes can even apply stability. For example: necro – the only skill with stability is Lich Form. And I can’t really spam my elite.
There is a trait called foot in the grave that gives you stability.
“Gain stability for 3 seconds when you enter death shroud.” play a necro and, not only does the ability have a cool down, but if your deathshroud goes out before it recharges, you have to wait for death shroud to fill up again before you can use it.
edit: I’m sorry, I thought it was the other thing in the third ability bar, not the trait skill thing. But again, you still have to wait for death shroud to be usable again before you can use it.
Death shroud has a 10 second cool down. That means you can have 3 seconds of stability every 10 seconds which is a heck of a lot. I was just trying to point out necros have a pretty good stability option if speced that way :P
The problem is not with knock backs per se. The problem is continuous major CC of whatever variety. The ability to spam CC eventually renders skill-based play impossible as you quickly have break stun like abilities on cool down. Anet has gone over the line here with recent patches. The only real challenge in the game at the moment is the challenge of balancing it.
Maybe use the boon that is the direct counter to knock down/back?
Most stability boons are on a long CD.
The Dragonfly Effect [Phi]
The issue I have with knock back in its current form is based on a couple points, which throw the balance way outta whack, and basically makes it if you get hit once you’re lucky if you aren’t downed (at least from higher level areas). Most knock back/knock down/stun breakers have a cooldown, fine fair enough…however most mob’s stun/knock back attacks don’t have a cooldown. I’ve come across many mobs that literally just spam their knock back attacks. It’s bad enough we only have two dodges….but you let the mobs spam their attacks too?
Which leads to the next thing (that’s been touched on before) you get knocked down and they spam their attack and your basically locked out till down…how are you suppose to evade, and overcome..once i get knocked down it’s basically a “opp looks like time to find the nearest waypoint”.
Sometimes the knock down time seems a tad long…many times a mob will do it’s knock down attack, then as my character is waiting to get back up the mob does it’s other attack and once i’m up it’s time for the knock down again…ok well gg.
I feel like Anet is trying to make the mobs hard, which is a good thing but they’re going about it from the wrong way. Anyways just my observations as i’ve been playing.
Wu Táng Financial [Táng] – YB
I find it funny that Anet didn’t learn how to put DR on stuns and knockbacks yet.
Correct …
Even in LotRO characters have a 5 sec stun/knockdown DR … it’s a common mechanic in many MMOs.
I have a feeling this mechanic was simply overlooked while developing the game, or is already planned to be added soon. It just makes too much sense to be otherwise.
Regardless, adding a 5 sec stun/knockdown DR would be a perfect topic for the Suggestion forum.
PS: I have added this request to the suggestion forums.
by level 80 should have the best statistical loot in the game.
We want everyone on an equal power base.”
(edited by Ision.3207)
If you encounter multiple high level mobs with knock downs, then strategically place yourself in positions that minimize their effect – use line of sight, kite them etc. – as well as all of the tools you have to proactively defend – stun breakers, blocks, stability, profession specific abilities (aegis, distortion, etc), knockbacks, knockdowns, dazes, stuns, fears, reflections, etc.
The things like knockdowns (or stuns or pulls or confusion, etc) that we see a small number of people call “frustrating” are in fact what make fights interesting.
And, if all else fails – either make sure you dont aggro too many of these kinds of mobs at once – or, in worst case scenarios, simply run away
At this point the game should be called kite wars 2 and melee weapons removed from the game, as kiting is best done with a elephant gun on repeat. And perhaps implement a proper mouse aim.
I find it funny that Anet didn’t learn how to put DR on stuns and knockbacks yet.
A) if in any other MMO you get stunned you can’t get stunned again for at least 2 seconds
B) almost all enemies have a knockback or a stun of some sorts. Even the ones that don’t have it in their description
You can get stunlocked by 5 mobs infinitely.Looks like the mobs are too intelligent for you and are exploiting your lack of stability.
not all classes can even apply stability. For example: necro – the only skill with stability is Lich Form. And I can’t really spam my elite.
There is a trait called foot in the grave that gives you stability.
“Gain stability for 3 seconds when you enter death shroud.” play a necro and, not only does the ability have a cool down, but if your deathshroud goes out before it recharges, you have to wait for death shroud to fill up again before you can use it.
edit: I’m sorry, I thought it was the other thing in the third ability bar, not the trait skill thing. But again, you still have to wait for death shroud to be usable again before you can use it.
Death shroud has a 10 second cool down. That means you can have 3 seconds of stability every 10 seconds which is a heck of a lot. I was just trying to point out necros have a pretty good stability option if speced that way :P
With the spec tying up 30 trait points…
If you encounter multiple high level mobs with knock downs, then strategically place yourself in positions that minimize their effect – use line of sight, kite them etc. – as well as all of the tools you have to proactively defend – stun breakers, blocks, stability, profession specific abilities (aegis, distortion, etc), knockbacks, knockdowns, dazes, stuns, fears, reflections, etc.
The things like knockdowns (or stuns or pulls or confusion, etc) that we see a small number of people call “frustrating” are in fact what make fights interesting.
And, if all else fails – either make sure you dont aggro too many of these kinds of mobs at once – or, in worst case scenarios, simply run away
At this point the game should be called kite wars 2 and melee weapons removed from the game, as kiting is best done with a elephant gun on repeat. And perhaps implement a proper mouse aim.
I quoted kiting as one of many different options. There are many different ways to deal with these mobs. The key is to experiment and learn what works best in which situations. As an example, on my mesmer, I often prefer to be in melee range so I can use blurred frenzy to avoid big attacks and still do damage – with an off hand sword equipped to offer access to a quick block or daze. I think what alot of people (not all) do is look for the highest DPS setup and then complain when they encounter mechanics that require something other than DPS/dodge/DPS.
ANet uses a lot of knockback in GW2. And by a lot, I mean a whole lot. They also use a lot of other CC and conditions (stun, daze, cripple, immobilize, bleed, poison, etc.). The question is: why?
The answer is twofold:
- CC makes the encounter marginally harder; if mobs did nothing but direct damage, then they would be boring. To be made even remotely challenging, ANet would have to up their damage, probably significantly.
- ANet provided players with mechanisms to avoid mob attacks (i.e., dodge, block, etc.) that the player doesn’t want to be hit by. Given that, it makes sense to give mobs attacks that players might want to avoid.
yeah, first boss in CM P3, all he really does is repeatedly knock you down.
Also, anyone remember the old risen putrifiers? they will pull you from 1200 range and then another one will pull you to him. and if you get pulled into a pack of them then you might as well forget that your toon has legs if your stab/stunbreak is on cd
Try not to charge in head first to a pack of enemies that use crowd control. Use ranged attacks, pets, illusions etc.
I can think of seven ways to avoid mob knock backs off the top of my head:
Chilling an enemy also helps because it will put the knock back on longer cool-down.
So on one camp, we have people saying pve is too easy, and mobs provide no challenge. On this camp, we have people saying mob’s skills are too OP, and we should nerf them =/ While it may indeed be true that mobs do a lot of knockbacks/knockdowns, anet gave each class the ability to handle those situations, and I believe it is up to the players to find out what those solutions are. The poster above me already gave good suggestions.
well there is another post in the thread pointing out that CCs annoy the heck out of people but they don’t really make the game content that much more challenging.
A mob will keep you blinded/KDed 95% of them time but you can deal with the damage by whatever means and eventually kill it. I personally would find that plain annoying.
Are you guys serious?
Protip: Mobs cannot use attacks while moving.
As far as having 5 or more mobs stunlock you with CC, it’s because you’re not suppose to be fighting that many mobs at once by yourself. If you are and cannot counter the CC, you need to run away and kite.
You’re not meant to sit in a hoard of 8 mobs with them attacking you.
You run, they leash, you focus on one while the others retreat and continue until they are dead. If you cannot do this or doing so does not complete the task that the mobs are involved in, then you should enlist help.
Are you guys serious?
Protip: Mobs cannot use attacks while moving.
As far as having 5 or more mobs stunlock you with CC, it’s because you’re not suppose to be fighting that many mobs at once by yourself. If you are and cannot counter the CC, you need to run away and kite.
You’re not meant to sit in a hoard of 8 mobs with them attacking you.
You run, they leash, you focus on one while the others retreat and continue until they are dead. If you cannot do this or doing so does not complete the task that the mobs are involved in, then you should enlist help.
ever tried to run trough Orr? You’ll have to aggro something. And then it’s a never ending pull-pull-pull as everybody comes because a Risen called some friends over.
Are you guys serious?
Protip: Mobs cannot use attacks while moving.
As far as having 5 or more mobs stunlock you with CC, it’s because you’re not suppose to be fighting that many mobs at once by yourself. If you are and cannot counter the CC, you need to run away and kite.
You’re not meant to sit in a hoard of 8 mobs with them attacking you.
You run, they leash, you focus on one while the others retreat and continue until they are dead. If you cannot do this or doing so does not complete the task that the mobs are involved in, then you should enlist help.ever tried to run trough Orr? You’ll have to aggro something. And then it’s a never ending pull-pull-pull as everybody comes because a Risen called some friends over.
I occasionally run through orr, and I don’t see the problem o.o If I die, it means I wasn’t moving fast enough. I usually die not because of mobs, but because I was walking/running/jumping into something that I couldn’t.
Maybe use the boon that is the direct counter to knock down/back?
Most classes have 1-2 skills that grant stability, are they to be expected to have them on at all times? We already have enough problems with build diversity without cutting the skill bar down.
(edited by Conncept.7638)
Are you guys serious?
Protip: Mobs cannot use attacks while moving.
As far as having 5 or more mobs stunlock you with CC, it’s because you’re not suppose to be fighting that many mobs at once by yourself. If you are and cannot counter the CC, you need to run away and kite.
You’re not meant to sit in a hoard of 8 mobs with them attacking you.
You run, they leash, you focus on one while the others retreat and continue until they are dead. If you cannot do this or doing so does not complete the task that the mobs are involved in, then you should enlist help.ever tried to run trough Orr? You’ll have to aggro something. And then it’s a never ending pull-pull-pull as everybody comes because a Risen called some friends over.
On what profession?
Of the professions I play:
Elementalist = pretty simple with a focus or staff. Drop chill, cripple and stun behind/around you. Keep running.
Warrior = if you don’t want to fight, equip a Greatsword and Sword/Shield + Bulls Rush. You can run away before the mobs even get a chance to shoot at you.
Mesmer = lol Mobs are dumb enough to go after clones so it’s child’s play.
Ranger = lolol If your pet isn’t getting the aggro for you, then you can just drop traps as you run. Even better, when mobs run over traps, that doesn’t put you in combat.
It’s so easy to outrun mobs. ‘Running’ through Orr is simplistic when you practice. Try running through some dungeons, now that can be a challenge if you don’t know where you’re going.
Try not to charge in head first to a pack of enemies that use crowd control. Use ranged attacks, pets, illusions etc.
I can think of seven ways to avoid mob knock backs off the top of my head:
FearChilling an enemy also helps because it will put the knock back on longer cool-down.
Quoted because people seem to miss it. There are many solutions, and all classes have access to some of them if you are having trouble. Use your tools, why would you want the game even easier. Remove all CC from mobs and what do you have? No threat at all.
You just want to log in and get loot for zero effort or thought? How is that even a game.
Maybe use the boon that is the direct counter to knock down/back?
Most classes have 1-2 skills that grant stability, are they to be expected to have them on at all times? We already have enough problems with build diversity without cutting the skill bar down.
You don’t need stability. There are other ways.
Try not to charge in head first to a pack of enemies that use crowd control. Use ranged attacks, pets, illusions etc.
I can think of seven ways to avoid mob knock backs off the top of my head:
FearChilling an enemy also helps because it will put the knock back on longer cool-down.
Quoted because people seem to miss it. There are many solutions, and all classes have access to some of them if you are having trouble. Use your tools, why would you want the game even easier. Remove all CC from mobs and what do you have? No threat at all.
You just want to log in and get loot for zero effort or thought? How is that even a game.
Quoted because I didn’t miss it and it’s irrelevant to the issue at hand. I’m well aware of my abilities and use them appropriately. This is not a learn to play issue; rather, it’s a learn to design issue. The problem is spammed major CC. All the above solutions are on a cooldown of some kind.
When major CC is spammed you are left without abilities to use to break stuns. It’s not an issue around skilled play. What I and others are saying is that when you are skill-capped, the employment of continuous major CC renders those very skills irrelevant because they are on cooldown.
I’ve played MMO’s and various takes on the RPG for years. I understand the role of CC in games, how to deal with it, and why it is there. I love CC. What I haven’t encountered in my years of playing is a game imbalanced to the extent GW2 is in this regard. I’m on a server that previously was known for keeping the temples open. They are no longer open regularly and the failure rate is well over 90%. The problem is not excessive challenge. I know challenge and this is not it. I suppose that if we need gear we can guest on a miracle server. But, what we can’t do is enjoy a challenging encounter in Orr. Those have been made silly and removed from the game altogether.
Maybe use the boon that is the direct counter to knock down/back?
Most classes have 1-2 skills that grant stability, are they to be expected to have them on at all times? We already have enough problems with build diversity without cutting the skill bar down.
You don’t need stability. There are other ways.
The person I responded to specifically cited stability.
I’ve played MMO’s and various takes on the RPG for years. I understand the role of CC in games, how to deal with it, and why it is there. I love CC. What I haven’t encountered in my years of playing is a game imbalanced to the extent GW2 is in this regard. I’m on a server that previously was known for keeping the temples open. They are no longer open regularly and the failure rate is well over 90%. The problem is not excessive challenge. I know challenge and this is not it. I suppose that if we need gear we can guest on a miracle server. But, what we can’t do is enjoy a challenging encounter in Orr. Those have been made silly and removed from the game altogether.
And how many of those RPGs let you dodge to negate attacks completely?
Mobs give a large amount of CC yet the game provides us with multiple ways to address it. I don’t see how it is a design issue o.o It’s not like you get caught in 1 cc and you insta-die in orr.
Maybe use the boon that is the direct counter to knock down/back?
Most classes have 1-2 skills that grant stability, are they to be expected to have them on at all times? We already have enough problems with build diversity without cutting the skill bar down.
You don’t need stability. There are other ways.
The person I responded to specifically cited stability.
Just trying to politely remind you that stability isn’t the only way to counter knockback. You also mentioned the problem cutting into diversity and there are diverse ways of dealing with KB so…
Maybe use the boon that is the direct counter to knock down/back?
Most classes have 1-2 skills that grant stability, are they to be expected to have them on at all times? We already have enough problems with build diversity without cutting the skill bar down.
You don’t need stability. There are other ways.
The person I responded to specifically cited stability.
Just trying to politely remind you that stability isn’t the only way to counter knockback. You also mentioned the problem cutting into diversity and there are diverse ways of dealing with KB so…
Stability is really the only reliable way, there are others but most require that you predict your opponents use of control abilities beforehand. There’s one ability that allows you to freeze your opponent while stunned, and one that allows you to stun an opponent while stunned, both on the Elementalist. Most classes don’t have any quick attacks, and none have a great many. Dodging is a finite resource, you can dodge a CC only to get hit by a high damage ability instead, that you would have been hit with anyway had you been hit by the CC. Block, fear, aegis, and reflection are not available to all classes.
And the problem is only compounded in PvE by a great deal of horribly unclear telegraphing, especially with the more common humanoid mobs. I do agree with you though, stability isn’t the only way, but the other ways of dealing with it need to be improved upon, and the best place to start would probably be by improving mob telegraphing.
I’m not saying CC should be dumbed down or that stability should be more common. I’m just saying that the OP has a point, and that in my opinion this is an area in which the games PvE combat could afford to be improved.
(edited by Conncept.7638)
On what profession?
Of the professions I play:
Elementalist = pretty simple with a focus or staff. Drop chill, cripple and stun behind/around you. Keep running.Warrior = if you don’t want to fight, equip a Greatsword and Sword/Shield + Bulls Rush. You can run away before the mobs even get a chance to shoot at you.
Mesmer = lol Mobs are dumb enough to go after clones so it’s child’s play.
Ranger = lolol If your pet isn’t getting the aggro for you, then you can just drop traps as you run. Even better, when mobs run over traps, that doesn’t put you in combat.
It’s so easy to outrun mobs. ‘Running’ through Orr is simplistic when you practice. Try running through some dungeons, now that can be a challenge if you don’t know where you’re going.
completed all the dungeons in this game. Most are about studying the mechanics of bosses. The only one I could complain about is the destroyer of worlds doing his minion spawn with a hand swipe that takes him 0.2 seconds to do, meaning that you have to spawn reflect walls at random, which is not fun, because it makes the boss not challenging, but random if anything.
Block, fear, aegis, and reflection are not available to all classes.
Okay, name the profession that doesn’t have any of those things.
I’m not dismissing the OP entirely, but most of what is being argued is just beginner’s mistakes. Being chained CC’ed is a problem when you’re outmatched and that’s hardly a reason to put a cooldown on an effect that already only lasts a short time.
Block, fear, aegis, and reflection are not available to all classes.
Okay, name the profession that doesn’t have any of those things.
I’m not dismissing the OP entirely, but most of what is being argued is just beginner’s mistakes. Being chained CC’ed is a problem when you’re outmatched and that’s hardly a reason to put a cooldown on an effect that already only lasts a short time.
however if the effect has no cooldown potentially the enemy could decide to use that one and only attack stunning you into eternity. No cooldown for enemy abilities, no pattern and no diminishing returns at the same time is stupid.