(edited by Moderator)
Kudos on your bot cleaning
i’ve actually also noticed an improvement on the FA server
Bots seem to have decreased drastically on my server – happy to see that
Much better recently on Seafarer’s Rest. Saw a few pop up at Penitent recently but they might have moved/been banned already, not sure. They weren’t doing very well though, lol, dying pretty much every wave.
I haven’t had gold spam mail or seen gold spam in map chat for ages. The large cluster of naked bots at shelter’s gate camp is gone as well.
Must have been a huge ban wave, there was lots of those guys completing events for me, and now I don’t see any.
Bot genocide
There was one lone gold spammer yesterday on my server but he seemed rather pathetic, and currently in receipt of a few dozen reports no doubt. But I haven’t seen a bot in any of the major farming spots for a few days now. Congratulations ANet, that’s a tick in the positive column.
Ah, seems even the bots didn’t like the new patch.
Blackgate here as well.
I’ve gotten a couple mails in the last few days, but it’s nothing like it was. I sort of miss getting more of them. They were all written in a butchered form of English that was a blast to make fun of.
Sanctum of Rall and it looks like the spam has decreased from what I’ve seen.
I still kind of wish they had some corpses of banned characters hanging out by the city gates for effect but the result is was really counts
(edited by DoctorOverlord.8620)