LFG Caudecus

LFG Caudecus

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mezorick.3610


try this: http://gw2lfg.com/
it should help you find a group

LFG Caudecus

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NetherDiver.6079


Because the game doesn’t have a working lfg tool?

LFG Caudecus

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Captain Maugrymm.1753

Captain Maugrymm.1753

The game shouldn’t have to. Players don’t NEED a LFG tool to make groups. Why not ask guild members? Make friends? MMOs did perfectly fine before they implemented LFG tools for the games. I think that the implementation of said tools has made players a bit lazy, and expectant.

I have never once had a problem finding a group to do a dungeon run in all of the many years I have been playing MMOs.

If the concept of using a third party infuriates you, don’t use it. I, however, find it useful because it isn’t server specific.

As an afterthought, if you choose to NOT use any of the above stated methods of forming a group, I’d suggest using your /m method in Lion’s Arch. You’ll probably have better luck.


Maugrymm- 80 Elementalist/Rajibad- 80 Ranger/Soreph-80 Mesmer
Fat Lute Tavern [LUTE]- Sorrow’s Furnace
“There are other worlds than these.”

LFG Caudecus

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PearlGore.7419


We had these tools in-game in 1996, perhaps earlier. It’s expected though, were talking about a company that has not even had a peep of plans for an expansion 7 months into release.

LFG Caudecus

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Daywolf.2630


Hence why I made this topic

For trolling? No seriously, just use the stupid website (or mobile app as I use), this isn’t wow. They said they were going to improve lfg, I can’t think of many/any mmo’s that launched with a complete lfg system. So, spam lfg for a bit, then use the app or site. Actually I quite like the app on my tablet, ANET should make one :P

(edited by Daywolf.2630)

LFG Caudecus

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: zityz.6089


What would be nice in all major towns and LA is a notice board where you can run up to the notice board and it’s the same idea as the gw2lfg site. Doesn’t require you to tab out and helps the other 75%est. of the population who doesn’t know about the website to be able to participate.

Who know’s could work out well.

LFG Caudecus

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RebelYell.7132


I want an auto-grouping system.

GW2LFG exists. Guilds exist. But these carry expectations on them that are too much to ask of a new or casual player. They’re not going to know X boss needs Y ability interrupted. They’re not going to have the timing memorized on dodging Z boss ability that does 5/6ths of their health. Maybe they want to play a Mesmer who doesn’t use stealth and portals.

In events, these aren’t a problem. They’re designed so random people can congregate and play them together. Dungeons, as they are currently, could be a lot better designed as video games, and an auto-LFG might just be the kick in the butt Arenanet needs to polish them up.

User was infracted for being awesome.

LFG Caudecus

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CreativeAnarchy.6324


I’d like a in game LFG tool that works.

One that when the group gets full, it gets removed from the lising. gw2lfg need the players to do that themselves up to 30 minutes. I know that some groups are not full after waiting for a few minutes but most players I don’t think bother if the lfm is older than one minute.

I don’t need it to do anything other than let me click on a group listing and wait for them to accept or decline me.

Just need the dungeon or event to be listable, even have a comment section if events are not listed such as getting a group for a temple on a certain server. Icons for the professions that the leader may specificaly be looking to have. Doesn’t need to do much more than that for me.

I speak for my self and no one else. Only fools believe they speak for a majority.

(edited by CreativeAnarchy.6324)

LFG Caudecus

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rhysati.4932


We had these tools in-game in 1996, perhaps earlier. It’s expected though, were talking about a company that has not even had a peep of plans for an expansion 7 months into release.

Uhh…hearing about plans for an expansion in only 7 months after release would be almost unheard of.

LFG Caudecus

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kaizer.7135


Maybe it’s harder to put that kind of LFG tool into the game than you think, in GW1 they had it, but what was on it was requests in ONLY that city and that district(server). So there wasn’t many LFG’s on there, only stuff revolved around trading and that was only in Lions Arch, Kamadan and sometimes Kaineng Center since they were the most populated.

LFG Caudecus

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Snowy.9580


try this: http://gw2lfg.com/
it should help you find a group

Just make sure you run Spybot afterwards.

We’ll stop to sleep when the game is the best possible game we think it can be.
We’ve been awake since March 2007! Please help!
“GW2 the game with more rolls than roles!”

LFG Caudecus

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: xArchOne.4253


Sure, a LFG inside the game would be nice, but for now stop crying and use gw2lfg.com
It works perfectly, and I have never needed more than a few minutes to find a party using the website.

LFG Caudecus

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hicci.8761


I am not crying, I have a legitimate question…actually two legitimate questions and legitimate questions are part of customer service:

1) why is this not in game?
2) why is there zero official comments about this issue?

Since launch I can not find Anet responses to this as yet. Maybe I missed a response somewhere but it seems to me that Anet is purposefully avoiding to address the issue and as thus I am going to keep asking the question until it is answered as I refuse to spend huge amounts of time in a game simply waiting to get into a dungeon.

Also new players need to be made aware that the game lacks a tool to easily get them into content and that they have to use a third party website to run dungeons

The game hasn’t been out all that long and they’ve got more important stuff to work on like future content, balancing, lag problems etc. This issues has been brought up DOZENS of times and I’m sure they are well aware of it.

They just don’t see it as a priority since everybody is already using gw2lfg.com and are quite happy with it. The information spreads between people attending dungeons and thus everybody learns of it. The community is what makes a game good.
Don’t waste your time trying to beat a dead horse.

LFG Caudecus

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Geotherma.2395


Hence why I made this topic

For trolling? No seriously, just use the stupid website (or mobile app as I use), this isn’t wow. They said they were going to improve lfg, I can’t think of many/any mmo’s that launched with a complete lfg system. So, spam lfg for a bit, then use the app or site. Actually I quite like the app on my tablet, ANET should make one :P

Didn’t Aion launch with a lfg tool, and ffxi?

Intel i7 3.9ghz processor 16GB Ram 2TB HDD
Nvidia GTX 650 Win 7 64bit FFXI 4+yrs/Aion 4+ years Complete Noob~ Veteran OIF/OEF
http://everyonesgrudge.enjin.com/home MY GW2 Music http://tinyurl.com/cm4o6tu

LFG Caudecus

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ari Kagura.9182

Ari Kagura.9182

I am not crying, I have a legitimate question…actually two legitimate questions and legitimate questions are part of customer service:

1) why is this not in game?
2) why is there zero official comments about this issue?

Since launch I can not find Anet responses to this as yet. Maybe I missed a response somewhere but it seems to me that Anet is purposefully avoiding to address the issue and as thus I am going to keep asking the question until it is answered as I refuse to spend huge amounts of time in a game simply waiting to get into a dungeon.

Also new players need to be made aware that the game lacks a tool to easily get them into content and that they have to use a third party website to run dungeons

The last official word I heard, forum-wise, about such Dungeon/Group Finder was the post that is linked in my signature.

I do agree that using a 3rd party website is kind of whack. It reminds me of using a third party auction house when playing GW1, which I thought was also whack as well. For now, it’s really our only option. Either that or join a guild with like-minded people.

“I control my fate!” — Claire Farron
I am Fleeting Flash, in-game dungeon cosplayer of Reddit Refugees [RR] .

LFG Caudecus

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Daywolf.2630


I want an auto-grouping system.

100% – for dungeons and with preferences.

Didn’t Aion launch with a lfg tool, and ffxi?

That’s why I said many/any, though I never played those. If so, it’s still far from the norm.

LFG Caudecus

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NetherDiver.6079


Another LFG whine post isn’t going to speed up the development time on it. They know it’s needed, we have an alternative while we wait.

LFG Caudecus

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Villious.8530


Why do I need to use a third party website to play the game?

I love how people defend Anet when it comes to having a player design, what should be a core game feature, a method to “take care of business”. Hmmmm…maybe we should give some business to other “outsiders” as well? Maybe….gold sellers? Both make about as much sense to me.

LFG Caudecus

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Daywolf.2630


Well at least a good point about it, rather than slapping in some tool/form from a generic systems used in everyday mmo’s, it can be designed to tailor fit to what is needed in GW2 by practice and not just some abstract idea before the game had any population during initial development.

In other words, now that the game is live, and more fleshed out, it’s easier to realize what would be needed in an lfg tool that would best fit the game in practice rather than from theory.