LFG Tool - we need more categories! [Merged]
i think that something will be added, more particularly 1 for the raids
Supported, as always. Because I’m lazy, I copied my suggestion on what should be changed from another thread:
The most important thing for me would be to be able to only see the groups from all versions of the map I am currently on. I’d prefer it if that was the default view when I open the lfg tool.
Let’s say I want to do the Tequatl event. I’ll waypoint into the map – if it’s a lively one with enough people and some commanders I’ll stay and help get more people in. If it’s rather empty, I’ll use the lfg tool to find a better map. So this is how I use the lfg tool: I usually know what I want to do and am already on the map I want to be on, I just need to find a more organised version of it.
Most of the vanilla GW2 maps don’t need their own category imo. It would nice to have a separate category for farm maps like Dry Top and Silverwastes, but the rest could go into one general category. The new HoT maps should all have their own category.
So, basically, my suggestion would be:
Open World
- Central Tyria
– General
– Dry Top
– Silverwastes
- HoT
– Verdant Brink
– Auric Basin
– Tangled Depths
– Dragon’s Stand
Hi guys!
I’ve done a little map to show how the lfg tool should evolve!
Currently, the problem is that players open the lfg, advertise for their group and don’t care if they are in the good tab.
“As everyone see the Living World tab when they open lfg tool, why should I care about setting my fractal’s party in fractal tab?”
So, the main purpose of this map is to restrain the creation of party in wrong tab and helping players to find faster what they’re looking for while letting them an overview of the kind of content they want to play.
Typical request : “I want to join an organized Dragon Stand”.
How to read :
Bubble 1 : Clic to select the kind of content you want to play.
It’s a navigation menu (no group listed).
Bubble 2 : Clic to see the content purposed by players in this kind of content.
You have the list of groups and you can join.
You can’t create a message.
Bubble 3 : Clic to filter the specific content you’re looking for.
You have the list of groups, you can both join and create.
Ofc, the lfg tool shouldn’t be set in stone : each time Arenanet add a content which need to organize people, there should be an associated tab.
(edited by purecontact.1680)
This is so true. I quite rarely post anything on the forums and I was just about to post when I saw this thread.
One of the biggest problems besides the lack of categories is that people usually just post on the first category they can, to the “Living World/ Open World Content” because they are too hasty to select the right category. This will result LFG posts like “lvl 14” or “p2” on description. For veterans it is easy to tell what they are going to do but new players do not know what they are looking for.
This would be solved like this: people can not hastily post their groups in LFG tool because they would need to select a category manyally to do so. Second issue in this section is the naming “Living World/ Open World Content”. I see them as two separate things and they should have their own drop down menus.
So in conclusion -> there are some things to edit and add to LFG tool.
Imo we would benefit to have additional categories something like theese:
HoT zones (VB, AB, TD and DS as dropdown menus).
Raids (Foresaken Thicket/ Spirit Vale ->because Fractals and Dungeons have their own too).
And we should do following changes:
Players should manually select the right category before they can post to LFG tool to reduce posting into wrong place.
Living World would be divided to Central Tyria and Heart of Maguuma (as it makes easier to find groups to level masteries).
I took a screenshot of the LFG tool and underlined with red all groups that are currently at the wrong place. And this is only from the visible groups, if I would scroll down there are more posts like them.
There are just too much groups in the one category!
(EDIT: upgraded the picture, thanks purecontact )
(edited by Louhetar.2901)
You can underline group who ask for story achievement as it is “personal story” related content.
In your example, we have 12 groups.
3 for fractals
2 for personal story
1 without msg
6/12 = 50%.
Yes, LFG tool needs a serious update.
1. First of all, there’s been a whole slew of open world content added with HoT. the Open World category itself doesn’t cut it anymore in terms of filtering out events.
2. A default group for posting is a seriously bad idea. Developers, please refer to the earlier suggestions about mandatory selection of categories for both posters and joiners to avoid cluttering one group. I’m sure the developers should already know how common Ascalonian Catacombs groups have been posting their LFG on the Open World group.
3. Allow players to input keywords with a click. Add buttons to the side of the menu containing important keywords such as event names and profession names. These reduce the effort required for posters so they’ll feel less inclined to just type out what they want in the most popular group. Right now, everyone is posting their fractal, dungeon, story needs on the open world because it has the biggest audience. Improving the convenience of inputting keywords will encourage them to reinvest that effort into posting on the right group.
I support 100%. Should already have been in the game, don’t think anybody is against this idea.
Those zerker reaper ps warrior tank guard still plagues my lfg tool every now and then. Is giving them a place in the LFG tool too hard? Because “raids” are not “open-world content” and I demand a change now.
Those zerker reaper ps warrior tank guard still plagues my lfg tool every now and then. Is giving them a place in the LFG tool too hard? Because “raids” are not “open-world content” and I demand a change now.
You demand it?
Haha, thanks for making my day with your illusion of self-importance.
The wish for more lfg categories in open world was there since day 1 HoT, probably even before.
Did Anet show that they care in any way? No.
Is anyone even against a change like this? Besides Anet of course.
Is anyone even against a change like this? Besides Anet of course.
No. I haven’t read a single post that is against this.
Some people worry that lfgs will become hidden deep in some subcategory, but a proper seraching and aggregating function can address this easily.
But especially with raids, it makes no sense at all to have them in open world, and nobody would complain if they got their own category.
Those zerker reaper ps warrior tank guard still plagues my lfg tool every now and then. Is giving them a place in the LFG tool too hard? Because “raids” are not “open-world content” and I demand a change now.
You demand it?
Haha, thanks for making my day with your illusion of self-importance.
As a LFG tool user he’s entitled to the change.
Given how long it took to implement the LFG in the first place, I suspect ANet has had nowhere near enough time to modify it since raids launched a week ago.
Even if PUG-raiding isn’t encouraged it is still going to happen and i see noting wrong with it at all
Is anyone even against a change like this? Besides Anet of course.
No. I haven’t read a single post that is against this.
Some people worry that lfgs will become hidden deep in some subcategory, but a proper seraching and aggregating function can address this easily.
But especially with raids, it makes no sense at all to have them in open world, and nobody would complain if they got their own category.
It doesnt need to be buried deep, its just adding in two more categories:
Living world
– open world content (leave this the same)
Map Zones
– Tyria
*List all tyria maps
– Maguuma Jungle
*list all HoT maps
– List raids
Everything else stays untouched
(edited by Serophous.9085)
Those zerker reaper ps warrior tank guard still plagues my lfg tool every now and then. Is giving them a place in the LFG tool too hard? Because “raids” are not “open-world content” and I demand a change now.
best troll of the day.
There are guilds, mostly small ones, who look for people to join to just do guild events so guilds can get events done and temp “members” get commendations.
I definitely feel there should be a LFG for “commendation mercenaries” to easily find guilds seeking more participants.
I agree as well. Trying to scroll through everything and also having to read quickly is just a strain. And even with the new area’s having to read fast to see which area it is for, can take a while.
They should add more categories to LFG AND let us choose which server to play on, thus removing the need for “taxis”.
Another one of these posts. Still gonna +1 ’cause I also want this to happen.
It doesnt need to be buried deep, its just adding in two more categories:
Living world
– open world content (leave this the same)
Map Zones
– Tyria
*List all tyria maps
– Maguuma Jungle
*list all HoT maps
– List raids
Everything else stays untouchedtada
Sounds good, but I woulnd’t list all the different maps (and eventually raids). Just a category for Tyria zones and for HoT zones would suffice.
I’ve often thought it could use a “local” category for all the instances of the map you are currently in. So go to the assembly point for the raid/dungeon/event/farm and the top LFG category will show only the groups forming in that area/map.
Does anyone know why they remover word “beta” from LFG -tool’s name? I can not see any difference between non-beta and beta LFG tool..
This has probably already been requested. Can we please have a separate area in the LFG for Raids…having them in the open world content is making finding open world parties ridiculously hard unless I refresh every two seconds… in which case the parties have already filled.
I main an ele but playeth all the things
Instead of starting a new thread I’m just going to BUMP this one. The LFG tool is very messy at the moment.
We need more sub categories or a way to sort the open world section by event.
Yes…please add new categories and sorting options.
Adding a per area dropdown would be a good way to sort. Also per event.
Hello there Tyrians, I just wanted to make a suggestion about having a ‘Raid’ section in the LFG, just like there is a ‘Dungeons’ sections and so on. I noticed whilst LFG’ing for certain Open World events, I tend to come across many people LFG’ing for Raid related content, and I end up having to scroll down the list to slowly search for the particular Open World event like Tequatl and so forth. Thanks for reading!
Definitely agree. Although I notice the amount of clutter isn’t just the LFG stuff. It is maps in general. At any time people are forming champ trains, HP trains, pre-event taxis, meta event taxis, or misc trains on… 5 different maps at least. There’s so much stuff that finding anything specific is hard to do.
IMO, the HoT maps should have their own LFGs.
Raids should have their own outpost. An instance based system so if your Squad was assembling in instance 3 you could drop down to room 3 (just like in GW1).
So everyone in your outpost is there for Raids talking about Raids.
The LFG system is getting way to big and confusing.
GW1 had it right the first time.
I agree. Hate seeing raid group spam on the lfg open world section. Needs it’s own place.
please can you add:
A raid section
seperate the open world by region : ascalon, orr kryta
lock the open world lfg so you only see events for the region you are in.
“commander can i have a word”
Dear devs at ArenaNet, you really need to rethink your system considering how your meta-events and LFG work. I have frequent issues with that and here is a typical example I just experienced.
So I wanted to do a DS attempt. I go to DS and of course I land in a barren map. So LFG it goes. I find a taxi, join the party and try to change instances. Of course the map is full. After spamming join attempts for 2 minutes I decide to leave the party and search again. After few minutes I find another different taxi, which may be to the same map I tried before or not, there is no way to tell. I join and try to port. Map full. Oh well, 2 more minutes of trying and no luck. I leave the party and want to try again. But what is that? “You have joined to many parties recently…”. Ooooh I see. So I am not joining any parties for several minutes now. Might as well go chop some wood? Or just logout for 20 minutes and then maybe get back and retry the LFG lotto? Fun times.
I am sorry ArenaNet but this simply does not work. Many people don’t have time to play your game for 8 hours per day and trying to do anything while struggling with situations like the one described above is just a royal PITA. If you really want to keep changing everything in your game into a giant meta event spam, at least redesign your grouping and server systems to facilitate that design.
I absolutely agree with this idea.
I know the strugle when I’m trying to join DS map … thinking if I should scroll down the LFG list or it will pop up at the begining after I scroll down etc.
DS seems to be popular so it would be realy nice if it could have subgroup in LFG system
And I have to agree with other guy about how many times you can join party via LFG. Some players at DS are trolling (saying that his map have 3 commanders, but when you join … well empty map). Also many times when you join party, map is full so again you have to leave party. I know there must be some kind of protection to prevent abuse, but that realy get on my nervs when I try to get on DS map.
Corsair RM650x, Fractal Define S (with window panel)
(edited by ShinyDay.5349)
This is something I see currently as and absolutely number one top priority for improved Features that Anet needs to rework with a next Feature Pack or so.
The LFG tool always was from the begin on just a kind of weak band aid system so far, but now after the implementation of HoT, the whole tool became only far more of a chaotic unoverviewable mess.
This is how I envision the toll to be reworked and improved:
LFG-Tool becomes CMO-T
Community Management and Organization-Tool
Categories & Sub Categories:
- Living World
- Personal & Living Story
- Regional Events- Queensdale
- and so on…
- World Bosses & Organization (I.E. Taxi LFGs here)
- Tequatl
- Shatterer
- Triple Wurm
- and so on
- Raids
- Spirit Vale
- More to come
- Dungeons
- Ascalon Catacombs
- Caudecus’ Manor
- Twilight Arbor
- Sorrow’s Embrace
- Citadel of Flame
- Honor of the Waves
- Crucible of Eternity
- The Ruined City of Arah
- Fractals of the Mists
- Level 1-20
- Level 21-50
- Level 51-75
- Level 76-100
- Guild
- Guild Recruitment Board
- Guild Search
- Guild Missions
- Unranked Team Finder
- Ranked Team Finder
- Stronghold
- add here more upcoming PvP Modes
- Desert Borderland
- Faction 1
- Faction 2
- Faction 3
- Alpine Borderland
- Faction 1
- Faction 2
- Faction 3
- Seashore Borderland
- Faction 1
- Faction 2
- Faction 3
- Jungle Borderland
- Faction 1
- Faction 2
- Faction 3
- Eternal Mist Battlefields (Merged Map of EB + EotM)
- Faction 1
- Faction 2
- Faction 3
- Roleplay
- Trading
- Community Events
- Questions & Answers
Side Note:
LFG’ from HoT Players that open up a search in any HoT revelvant content will be shown naturally only to players in CMO-T, if they also own HoT.
So for example, a player that doesn’t own HoT won’t see under World Boss for example the Sub Categorie for “Chak Gerent” or the Sub Category for “Mouth of Mordremoth” or the Sub Category for “Octovine”, that are Categories naturalyl only players that own HoT will be able to see.
(edited by Orpheal.8263)
I don’t know why they didn’t add raid to LFG…
IT"S so hard to recruit people. The interface is really weird… ugh.