LS3 > New legendary + SAB W3,W4?
Nah, there is a post called “Legendary weapons” which has 2793 replies. You can read plenty about it there.
Yeah, this is probably not happening. But I’d love to see new SAB worlds in the future. I’ve bought some SAB related stuff from the gemstore and would gladly buy more if I knew that money would go into some further SAB development. One of the most enjoyable parts of GW2 for me.
Edit: Dunno when LS3 comes out, but if there’s any chance of new SAB worlds coming up, it’s probably on april some next year. Anet said they only intend to bring back SAB once a year.
(edited by Tarasicodissa.7084)
I dont really care about legendaries or SAB at all,so LS3 go for it !
Living World is the pipe through which almost all new PvE content comes through. People want new content. Of course they would want to divert from Legendaries and their collections- content enhancers, not content in and of themselves- and SAB- which while fun, is very limited in its scope.
This is such a pointless set up, I mean of course I would take LS3 over both of the other two. But that doesn’t mean that these three have to be mutually exclusive with one another. I am thinking purely in terms of the order/priority here (because ideally, I would love to have all 3, but legendaries interest me the least tbh).
However, seeing as the best thing that has happened in the game since HoT launch is them reactivating some content from 2013, in my personal opinion, which ever they can get to us the fastest would be my pick at this point.
It is obviously not legendaries or LS3, seeing as the former just got iced and the latter is coming after raid wing 3, the time table of which we have no clue, the wildest speculation has seen the summer months being thrown around (for LS3). Personally this is way too late. I need things to do in this game in order to keep playing after the 19th, but right now there aren’t any… and chances are before LS3 kicks off (unless the April update is some miracle that rewitalizes HoT zones for me) there don’t seem to be any coming either.
Of course if they were to change gears now, in one direction or another, it would do us no good… because any changes would start showing few months down the line. I don’t know what their roadmap for 2016 is like, not really, but so far it feels as if they were still in the pre-release crunch for HoT, which we know they are not… so what gives.
(edited by Crise.9401)
I read:
“Content > Skins?”
As someone with an affinity for jumping puzzles, 8-bit graphics, and chiptune music (currently listening to the Megaman X soundtrack at the time of this post) the priorities outlined in the title of this thread are backwards.
I don’t really care about not getting new legendaries, but I would prefer getting new content in the form of SAB before getting LS3. Unfortunately I seem to be in the minority.
Never liked SAB, so could not care any less about that at all. I would like new legendaries, but I am quite fine without (I get why others are mad though)
I have however been waiting for something to do since I completed HoT, so I am looking forward to LS3, whenever that is going to start. Now I don’t mind waiting, that much, but prolonging that wait with development on SAB would be very very annoying.