(edited by Rainmaker.7594)
Labyrinthine Horror, engi solo
Very cool. You make it look so easy lol.
There are usually 2 reasons why the recording might be choppy: Either the HDD you use for recording is too slow or you are using the same HDD for something else (Windows, GW2 etc) at the same time. Best to use a dedicated HDD with at least 100MB/s writespeed for recording in FullHD.
lol op turret engi move along ty
lol op turret engi move along ty
Your signature is coincidentally amusing.
On topic, Good solo. Well done.
Zarin Mistcloak(THF) Valkyrie Mistblade(WAR) Kossori Mistwalker(REV) Durendal Mistward(GRD)
I used to think (build op, pls nerf) like you, but then I took a nerf to the knee.
lol op turret engi move along ty
Your signature is coincidentally amusing.
On topic, Good solo. Well done.
Ok ill explain the net turret gg , get it ?
lol op turret engi move along ty
Funny because turret usage will likely kill you in this situation.
For the toast!
There are usually 2 reasons why the recording might be choppy: Either the HDD you use for recording is too slow or you are using the same HDD for something else (Windows, GW2 etc) at the same time. Best to use a dedicated HDD with at least 100MB/s writespeed for recording in FullHD.
I’ve used the same set-up (codec – lossy but still high quality, resolution, HDD, etc.) for my previous videos, so I don’t think that is the problem. I do use one HDD (different partition, but I doubt that matters in this case), but it is a fairly good one (WD black). Its possible that Avast decided to run a scan and used up read cycles, but unlikely, as it would affect my fps to a lesser extent as well. I’m thinking its actually an update I did to OBS just before recording. I’d really like to get a hardware capture utility, but none currently support my resolution (2560 × 1600, downscaled when recording). Thanks for the input though.
lol op turret engi move along ty
not really. only turrets that I used were from my elite (supply crate). also, they’re weren’t traited in any way. And as Halcyon said, turrets are actually counter-productive – the boss not only cures, but has a chance to transfer conditions. This is why if I do this solo again in berserker gear, I’ll likely use mistfire wolf instead. If anything, you can maybe say “bombs OP.”
update: I was able to attempt this in berserker gear, but only got him to 40%. based on the amount of time that it took to get him to 50%, berserker gear isn’t any faster (vs celestial armor/berserker trinkets) against this particular boss (I was even running around less, connecting more hits). Berserker is better for most other PvE stuff though, so don’t take this as promoting the use of tanky gear in dungeons.
update: I was able to attempt this in berserker gear, but only got him to 40%. based on the amount of time that it took to get him to 50%, berserker gear isn’t any faster (vs celestial armor/berserker trinkets) against this particular boss (I was even running around less, connecting more hits). Berserker is better for most other PvE stuff though, so don’t take this as promoting the use of tanky gear in dungeons.
I did okay with (exotic armor, asc weapon) zerk gear, and asc cavalier trinkets. Took about 6 mins on my first try.
I took Elixir U for the quickness – dual purpose healing/damage burst instead of Utility Goggles. Also, the toss U reflects/absorbs his (healing?) auto attack.
For the toast!
so exciting 10/10 pve would watch again, favorited and subbed im #1 fan
ArenaNet Communications Manager
Rainmaker — having spent a bit of my evening on my patoot last night, as a result of the foe you handily vanquished, I must say I’m very impressed with your achievement and your style. Well done!
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
There was a guardian soloing the lich the other day. He brought it to 5% alone before the zerg ran in to get the kill…
There was a guardian soloing the lich the other day. He brought it to 5% alone before the zerg ran in to get the kill…
This guy soloed the lich as well. His video is in his channel.
I’m impressed.
I did the viscount with one other person. The tricky bit with fighting the viscount is that it takes a long time, and there is a good chance of the horror showing up to spoil the party.
Well done! Very nice use of mobility.
Wow, never expected a red post. Thank you, and thanks to everyone else to for the compliments as well. To be fair, I’m not the first person to solo and record it, Sanderinoa is (with mesmer).
I’m not sure if I’m going to do a Grand High Viscount of Candy Corn solo, I’ve solo’d him once to 40%, but wasn’t recording, so I tagged up for others to come join. The way I solo’d GHVoCC though might be boring to watch, as its just LOSing him around the wall. I did try a solo again yesterday, but tried with grenades, which went alright (despite me not liking or being good with grenades), but horror respawned and ruined it. I might try once more with minimal LOSing and fortified turrets (I saw a necro vid starting GHVoCC and just circle strafing in melee range, but that didn’t work when I tried it – might just need to practice, or use perma-vigor traits).
I did okay with (exotic armor, asc weapon) zerk gear, and asc cavalier trinkets. Took about 6 mins on my first try.
I took Elixir U for the quickness – dual purpose healing/damage burst instead of Utility Goggles. Also, the toss U reflects/absorbs his (healing?) auto attack.
If that was against horror, you should definitely record and upload it, as that beats both mine and Sandy’s time by alot. I’m thinking you’re talking about lich though. If that’s the case, then yes, his AA heals (I’ve tried holding him at 5% for the zerg and noticed his health went up to 15% in about 30 sec). Just be careful with quickness because it could eliminate your endurance (dodges). If you’d like to reflect his attacks instead of out healing them, fortified turrets might be worth a try – they offer a higher reflect uptime, on a lower cooldown, and you can blow them up in your fire field (assuming bombs) for extra might. Just make sure to blow them up before he spawns skeletons on them. Either way, good job on successfully soloing.
I did okay with (exotic armor, asc weapon) zerk gear, and asc cavalier trinkets. Took about 6 mins on my first try.
I took Elixir U for the quickness – dual purpose healing/damage burst instead of Utility Goggles. Also, the toss U reflects/absorbs his (healing?) auto attack.
If that was against horror, you should definitely record and upload it, as that beats both mine and Sandy’s time by alot. I’m thinking you’re talking about lich though. If that’s the case, then yes, his AA heals (I’ve tried holding him at 5% for the zerg and noticed his health went up to 15% in about 30 sec). Just be careful with quickness because it could eliminate your endurance (dodges). If you’d like to reflect his attacks instead of out healing them, fortified turrets might be worth a try – they offer a higher reflect uptime, on a lower cooldown, and you can blow them up in your fire field (assuming bombs) for extra might. Just make sure to blow them up before he spawns skeletons on them. Either way, good job on successfully soloing.
Oh… wow. Major reading comprehension fail. In the sense of not actually reading, haha. Yep, I indeed thought I was reading and posting in your Skeletal lich thread.
Pretty much everything I posted was in reference to the Lich fight. Disregard in this case at it has nothing to do with the horror!
Nice job on the horror solo – I figured the horror would indeed be a bit more of a challenge than the lich!
For the toast!
(edited by Halcyon.7352)
Rainmaker — having spent a bit of my evening on my patoot last night, as a result of the foe you handily vanquished, I must say I’m very impressed with your achievement and your style.
Well done!
I must agree. Watching my peers, in the zerg, die repeatedly to foes like this, it’s wildly impressive to see you solo the same mobs.
Just shows how knowing your class and applying it makes a world of difference.
Well done.
The horror transfers conditions with the same effect that gives 2 stacks of confusion.
It is quite impossible to dodge
If you try to solo horror it’s easier on a non condition build.
Any champion takes me around 5mn with my condition build but this one keeps giving me back my stacks of bleeds, making it very tedious to fight, I have to hide & use stealth.
I recorded a fight end where you can see the condition transfers very well: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4H9tS7-9VOo