(edited by AmateurGod.5403)
Lack of a PVE skin locker-bashing thread
yes this is a very common gripe and i agree that it needs to change.
have stones to change the look if you want, but don’t have it destroy the armor x.x
I wish they had appearance slots.. and I understand the need for cash flow in a non sub game, so have a stone that grants an appearance skin from whatever armor you wish. That “skin” could be kept in the “locker” you propose.
then everyone gets their cake.
Buy more bank slots. >_>
A wardrobe locker should:
*Section for each alt based on their armor type.
*Divided into sets of armor based on look. (ex: pirate)
*slots for two of each set.
*custom mix and match set slots.
I would love to have an “Armor Wardrobe” too. It could work in a similar fashion to the PvP armor wardrobe, except that to unlock skins in the PvE wardrobe, you need to “show” it a complete set of the armor. After a skin is unlocked, you can apply any combination of appearances to your existing armor by using Transmutation Stones (1 stone per piece, same way it works now). This would have minimal impact on the Transmutation Stone economy, but give players a lot more freedom and save them have to create an additional armor set for every style they like.
You still can’t wear armor types that you couldn’t normally wear, and you can’t wear armors specific to certain races/orders.
EDIT: Forgot to mention. While I’d love for it to be account wide, for balance purposes, the Armor Locker would probably be character-specific.
It’s funny, I was thinking about this exact thing last night, but slightly differently.
On top of what has already been mentioned, I would add that it is a boon for collectors to know exactly which armour sets they are missing and/or what to aim for. I know I still need to find a Medium Trooper’s chest piece because it’s missing from my locker… once I have that I have completed a nice set. It also means that collectors actually can collect armours.
I would like a system that requires destruction of an object to put it into your “locker”. This makes putting something in there a choice with real consequences. Maybe a special grade of Salvage Kit that works the same as Master’s but with the added benefit of placing a copy of the skin in your locker. The Kit only works on an item if you don’t have that skin.
Once you have skins available you can go to the Armoursmith or Weaponsmith in any settlement (you know, those guys that are currently utterly useless because all they sell are low level white items) and buy a copy of that skin for a nominal price, exactly the same as how the HoM Heritage skin vendor works. When I say a nominal fee, I mean nominal. 5s would probably be fair, but making it cost you 1g per piece, for example, defeats the purpose.
I am torn over whether such a locker should be account or character based because arguments can be made for both. I think the strongest argument for an account-based system is a) Skins that you only get at character creation can be made available to other characters and b) Legendaries. On the other hand, the biggest reason to have them as character specific is that it becomes a never-ending hunt that adds longevity to the game, but having said that many people, myself included, would rather Dyes be account-wide rather than character specific, so…
Kyxha 80 Ranger, Sokar 80 Necro
Niobe 80 Guardian, Symbaoe 45 Ele
If this were implemented, I personally would like to see that an item can have it’s stats removed and reduced to a skin only and then be able to be stacked in a locker. A space for every armor/weapon piece just like the pvp counterpart.
If you want to use that skin, then you must use a transmutation stone. The reason for the stat swipe, it allows items to be stacked. A short stack would work I think. Nothing like the 250 on most items currently and no reason for the only 1 piece like pvp version. Maybe a stack of 8 would suffice.
Why? Because collectors are hoarders.
Or they should just add armor costume slot allow you to wear 2 sets of armors, one for skin, and one for stat. Problem solved.
If you need storage space make 10x personal guilds and invite 9 from other guilds over to help you build the bank and treasure grove, then kick them. To be fair, each one will in turn invite the other 9 over and help build 10x personal guilds, then kick, etc. So in a month you have a 1500 extra inventory space for each of all 10 people.
I agree with the OP on this. I would like a place to store skins that isnt taken up so much bank space. I have so many upgrades yet bank is full on models and mats…