(edited by Soulwatcher.2604)
Lack of any real loot is a huge problem for this game!
To be honest, it’s too soon to really say that. As the game is only a month old, overall realm wealth is generally low. It’s our job to generate that money through the means given to us. We don’t start the game with money in the bank.
When I first started playing another certain MMO, 500 gold was a lot of money. I mean, a LOT of money. I was rich then! By the time I stopped playing in preparation for GW2, it was a drop in the bucket compared to what I had amassed over the years.
Honestly, you need to be real. That’s all.
What you mean is there’s no EASY way to be wealthy or rich right?
Then I guess Anet succeeded.
To be honest, it’s too soon to really say that. As the game is only a month old, overall realm wealth is generally low. It’s our job to generate that money through the means given to us. We don’t start the game with money in the bank.
When I first started playing another certain MMO, 500 gold was a lot of money. I mean, a LOT of money. I was rich then! By the time I stopped playing in preparation for GW2, it was a drop in the bucket compared to what I had amassed over the years.
Honestly, you need to be real. That’s all.
I am being real, I can log into EQ2 and make 400 plat (pure plat drops only) in 2hrs or less with out any effort. Show me how to make the equivalent in this game.
Is this a troll?
I am never super rich in any game but I do ok. Currently my main has about 15g and I haven’t really tried to farm much at all.
It seems to me that Anet made more money sinks that appealed to you then any MMO you played since 1999. That sounds like a positive achievement.
What you mean is there’s no EASY way to be wealthy or rich right?
Then I guess Anet succeeded.
The only thing they succeed in doing is making sure they have huge profits from gem to gold exchange.
What is the point of amassing virtual currency when – as you said yourself – you easily get enough gold to buy any items you need? Do people want to build a pool of gold to dive into (which, as Peter Griffin demonstrated, does not work).? The only reason for wanting large amounts of gold would be buying gems and I doubt anet will cut themselves from that source of income.
Is this a troll?
I am never super rich in any game but I do ok. Currently my main has about 15g and I haven’t really tried to farm much at all.
It seems to me that Anet made more money sinks that appealed to you then any MMO you played since 1999. That sounds like a positive achievement.
I don’t want to sound rude but 15 gold is nothing I have made way more then that and I still do not feel wealthy or rich.
What is the point of amassing virtual currency when – as you said yourself – you easily get enough gold to buy any items you need? Do people want to build a pool of gold to dive into (which, as Peter Griffin demonstrated, does not work).? The only reason for wanting large amounts of gold would be buying gems and I doubt anet will cut themselves from that source of income.
That’s exactly what they are doing controlling the gem to gold exchange!
What you mean is there’s no EASY way to be wealthy or rich right?
Then I guess Anet succeeded.
The only thing they succeed in doing is making sure they have huge profits from gem to gold exchange.
And what’s the problem with that? There’s no P2W here, if you don’t have the time and patience then spend a few bucks and help Anet.
It’s all about how much money or time you’re willing spend.
What you mean is there’s no EASY way to be wealthy or rich right?
Then I guess Anet succeeded.
The only thing they succeed in doing is making sure they have huge profits from gem to gold exchange.
And what’s the problem with that? There’s no P2W here, if you don’t have the time and patience then spend a few bucks and help Anet.
It’s all about how much money or time you’re willing spend.
Players should never feel forced into buying gems to trade for gold and I am sure many feel that way.
I usually hover at most around 40G.
Than my addiction kicks in and 200+ Unidentifed Dyes later, not to mention Forge Gambling, i’m back to about 5g until I farm more Ore/Run Events and do Dungeons if I feel like.
Gold actually IS easy to come by. It takes time. It does NOT take a lot of effort.
What is the point of amassing virtual currency when – as you said yourself – you easily get enough gold to buy any items you need? Do people want to build a pool of gold to dive into (which, as Peter Griffin demonstrated, does not work).? The only reason for wanting large amounts of gold would be buying gems and I doubt anet will cut themselves from that source of income.
That’s exactly what they are doing controlling the gem to gold exchange!
um… yes? Didn´t I just point that out?
What you mean is there’s no EASY way to be wealthy or rich right?
Then I guess Anet succeeded.
The only thing they succeed in doing is making sure they have huge profits from gem to gold exchange.
but you said you can get everything you need???
What you mean is there’s no EASY way to be wealthy or rich right?
Then I guess Anet succeeded.
The only thing they succeed in doing is making sure they have huge profits from gem to gold exchange.
And what’s the problem with that? There’s no P2W here, if you don’t have the time and patience then spend a few bucks and help Anet.
It’s all about how much money or time you’re willing spend.
Players should never feel forced into buying gems to trade for gold and I am sure many feel that way.
wqhy most can get every thing they need what do i need the gold for other than that, to feel Rich? what dose welth matter in a video game? my Kitten is big enough.
What you mean is there’s no EASY way to be wealthy or rich right?
Then I guess Anet succeeded.
The only thing they succeed in doing is making sure they have huge profits from gem to gold exchange.
And what’s the problem with that? There’s no P2W here, if you don’t have the time and patience then spend a few bucks and help Anet.
It’s all about how much money or time you’re willing spend.
Players should never feel forced into buying gems to trade for gold and I am sure many feel that way.
You stated that you could buy anything you wanted with the gold you have, how’s that being forced into buying gems?
Really dude, it sounds like you want to sit through 1-2 hours playing the game and get more money than you know what to do with. That would just ruin the economy, help botters and kill Anet income. In other words it wouldn’t be good to anyone.
I usually hover at most around 40G.
Than my addiction kicks in and 200+ Unidentifed Dyes later, not to mention Forge Gambling, i’m back to about 5g until I farm more Ore/Run Events and do Dungeons if I feel like.
Gold actually IS easy to come by. It takes time. It does NOT take a lot of effort.
When you say “it takes time” your right it takes TONS of time to amass a small amount of gold. And I am saying it shouldn’t be that way. You should be able to make a decent amount of gold in a reasonable amount of time.
‘Lack of any real loot is a huge problem for ME’ should have been the title
then the proper responses would have been
“Cool story bro”
What you mean is there’s no EASY way to be wealthy or rich right?
Then I guess Anet succeeded.
The only thing they succeed in doing is making sure they have huge profits from gem to gold exchange.
And what’s the problem with that? There’s no P2W here, if you don’t have the time and patience then spend a few bucks and help Anet.
It’s all about how much money or time you’re willing spend.
Players should never feel forced into buying gems to trade for gold and I am sure many feel that way.
You stated that you could buy anything you wanted with the gold you have, how’s that being forced into buying gems?
Really dude, it sounds like you want to sit through 1-2 hours playing the game and get more money than you know what to do with. That would just ruin the economy, help botters and kill Anet income. In other words it wouldn’t be good to anyone.
I don’t know what level you are but just wait to 80 and when you want to try and make gold to buy something you want. You will see what I am talking about then. It takes far too long to make small amounts of gold.
And FYI the EQ2 economy is perfectly healthy and if I really wanted to I could make 1,000 plat in a week with very little effort. All loot boils down to in this game is forcing people to buy gold to keep Anets profits high,
‘Lack of any real loot is a huge problem for ME’ should have been the title
then the proper responses would have been
“Cool story bro”
Come back to this thread after you try making gold to buy your legendary. I am sure you will be singing a different song.
Really? You want to be rich and buy anything you want after playing for a month. Get real.
‘Lack of any real loot is a huge problem for ME’ should have been the title
then the proper responses would have been
“Cool story bro”
Come back to this thread after you try making gold to buy your legendary. I am sure you will be singing a different song.
That’s why they’re called Legendaries, they are supposed to be hard to get duh!
Really? You want to be rich and buy anything you want after playing for a month. Get real.
Don’t worry friend your not going to be rich a year from now, Anet designed it that way.
‘Lack of any real loot is a huge problem for ME’ should have been the title
then the proper responses would have been
“Cool story bro”
Come back to this thread after you try making gold to buy your legendary. I am sure you will be singing a different song.
That’s why they’re called Legendaries, they are supposed to be hard to get duh!
Oh dear lord I can see where this is going, let me guess this is your first MMORPG?
Nope, but it’s the first one I’m enjoying.
So you quit all the other ones in the first 30 days and you have no idea how mmorpg’s work?
So you quit all the other ones in the first 30 days and you have no idea how mmorpg’s work?
I’ve played WoW for four years, I know exactly how MMOs work and also know how I want them NOT to work.
I’m grateful for Anet trying to make so many things different and that’s why I’m enjoying this game. If I wanted just another MMO I would have stuck to WoW or any other of the hundreds of generic MMOs out there.
No thanks.
Of all things that are frustrating about the game, this is not one.
Everything in the game is EASILY availabe minus a few SKINS, where the only way you see it possible is gem store. How DARE arenanet try to FORCE us into using their store
If it seems to difficult, why not try to get your guildies to assist you in the money making process?
Then please explain to me why its a good idea to keep the players right on the edge of being broke all the time. Unless you have a ton of free time like I do your never going to make any money in this game. And even with all my free time I will never be wealthy or rich.
Don`t worry , once you get to 80 and you buy whatever gear you need or get your cultural skins, you won`t need gold anymore except for repairs and ports.
I find myself surprised at how much I miss shineys and trinity play. Who knew?
Then please explain to me why its a good idea to keep the players right on the edge of being broke all the time. Unless you have a ton of free time like I do your never going to make any money in this game. And even with all my free time I will never be wealthy or rich.
So basically you just want a big bag of cash handed to you for free?
Everything in the game is EASILY availabe minus a few SKINS, where the only way you see it possible is gem store. How DARE arenanet try to FORCE us into using their store
If it seems to difficult, why not try to get your guildies to assist you in the money making process?
I am not going to give you a exact amount but I will say that I have made well over 100 gold so far since being 80. But its a far cry from being wealthy or rich. No one person will ever be wealthy or rich in this game unless exploit or work the system.
Is this a troll?
I am never super rich in any game but I do ok. Currently my main has about 15g and I haven’t really tried to farm much at all.
It seems to me that Anet made more money sinks that appealed to you then any MMO you played since 1999. That sounds like a positive achievement.
I don’t want to sound rude but 15 gold is nothing I have made way more then that and I still do not feel wealthy or rich.
Don’t worry, I’m not offended. I’ve taken my time to get to level 50 and got my exotic stuff together and have 15g. That isn’t wealthy but if you have had lots more cash and don’t feel rich, well, I dunno what your problem is. You are rich apparently but don’t feel it. You now admit that you are actually or were rich at some point. So it is easy for you to get rich.
So what are you getting at then? Do you really prefer having tons of gold and nothing to spend it on? I suppose it’s that way in many games but I see it as a positive thing that you still have lots you can spend it on.
Not sure what the OP is talking about when saying “real loot”. Do you mean items that sell for a lot of gold? We do have that, it’s called legendary precursors, however it appears they can’t be farmed due to a drop rate near 0. So you must talk about things like rare drops from boss mobs that you can solo and sell for a fortune, regularly? That’s how I made a fortune in LOTRO, solo group content and sell the loot. Well yeah this is not available in GW2 it seems. But you can make similar amounts of cash by farming and playing TP/Forge. Instead of getting huge sacks of gold at once, you get lot of small ones more often. Not as fun or exciting but it will get you enough gold for pretty much everything in the game. Too bad it’s grind..
Then please explain to me why its a good idea to keep the players right on the edge of being broke all the time. Unless you have a ton of free time like I do your never going to make any money in this game. And even with all my free time I will never be wealthy or rich.
So basically you just want a big bag of cash handed to you for free?
No I want to be able to earn it which is impossible in this game.
No I want to be able to earn it which is impossible in this game.
It’s not
I usually hover at most around 40G.
Than my addiction kicks in and 200+ Unidentifed Dyes later, not to mention Forge Gambling, i’m back to about 5g until I farm more Ore/Run Events and do Dungeons if I feel like.
Gold actually IS easy to come by. It takes time. It does NOT take a lot of effort.
When you say “it takes time” your right it takes TONS of time to amass a small amount of gold. And I am saying it shouldn’t be that way. You should be able to make a decent amount of gold in a reasonable amount of time.
Oh I see NOW what you are saying. You want massive amounts of gold in a very short timeframe instead of having to WORK LONG hours and days and weeks and months and years for it….yes NOW I see where you’re at. I played EQ and EQ2 and I know what they USED to be like before just GIVING PLAT away. I remember when it took days and weeks and months and years to get a pot load of PLAT. Now making plat is like walk here grab your pot, walk there grab your pot, walk everywhere and grab your pot of PLAT.
I’m personally veryyyyyyyy happy about the change and going back to the “good ole days” when coins didn’t come so easily and you didn’t get rich quick overnight. Now there’s something at least to WORK and PLAY for and put some time into at the endgame.
My max attained gold is 2 gold17 silver and 30-40 copper. I struggle to get anymore than that as I’m not in any maps of my level yet which is 80. I spend it all on crafting materials for tailor and jeweler then I’m down to 40-60 silver again.
Even if I didn’t spend it on crafting, I’d end up losing 1 % of it to armor repair and travel costs anyways.
I really don’t know how to get more money other than just farming/completing maps.
Is this a troll?
I am never super rich in any game but I do ok. Currently my main has about 15g and I haven’t really tried to farm much at all.
It seems to me that Anet made more money sinks that appealed to you then any MMO you played since 1999. That sounds like a positive achievement.
I don’t want to sound rude but 15 gold is nothing I have made way more then that and I still do not feel wealthy or rich.
Don’t worry, I’m not offended. I’ve taken my time to get to level 50 and got my exotic stuff together and have 15g. That isn’t wealthy but if you have had lots more cash and don’t feel rich, well, I dunno what your problem is. You are rich apparently but don’t feel it. You now admit that you are actually or were rich at some point. So it is easy for you to get rich.
So what are you getting at then? Do you really prefer having tons of gold and nothing to spend it on? I suppose it’s that way in many games but I see it as a positive thing that you still have lots you can spend it on.
What I am getting at is being able to buy anything you want in the game and having plenty of money left over. If a player wants to put the time/effort they should be able to make a mass amount of gold.
I usually hover at most around 40G.
Than my addiction kicks in and 200+ Unidentifed Dyes later, not to mention Forge Gambling, i’m back to about 5g until I farm more Ore/Run Events and do Dungeons if I feel like.
Gold actually IS easy to come by. It takes time. It does NOT take a lot of effort.
When you say “it takes time” your right it takes TONS of time to amass a small amount of gold. And I am saying it shouldn’t be that way. You should be able to make a decent amount of gold in a reasonable amount of time.
Oh I see NOW what you are saying. You want massive amounts of gold in a very short timeframe instead of having to WORK LONG hours and days and weeks and months and years for it….yes NOW I see where you’re at.
I played EQ and EQ2 and I know what they USED to be like before just GIVING PLAT away. I remember when it took days and weeks and months and years to get a pot load of PLAT. Now making plat is like walk here grab your pot, walk there grab your pot, walk everywhere and grab your pot of PLAT.
I’m personally veryyyyyyyy happy about the change and going back to the “good ole days” when coins didn’t come so easily and you didn’t get rich quick overnight. Now there’s something at least to WORK and PLAY for and put some time into at the endgame.
I agree. It just sounds like OP wants to be rich fast and easy. The casual sauce is strong with the OP.
Don`t worry , once you get to 80 and you buy whatever gear you need or get your cultural skins, you won`t need gold anymore except for repairs and ports.
I agree with the OP. I also agree with you. The problem is that the repair and teleport cost is so high that find myself unable to afford either.
An average reward of an EP for a lvl 80 is around1.8s (if you get a gold reward which is no hard). Average repair for just dying once is around 1.9s and average teleport (nearest) is around 1.65s. Which mean if you die just one you need to do 2 Eps to cover the cost. Cross area teleport is usually over 3s. This means you usually lose money if you teleport to a world events.
I find myself constantly grinding in lower level zone just to pay for exploring in Orr.
I usually hover at most around 40G.
Than my addiction kicks in and 200+ Unidentifed Dyes later, not to mention Forge Gambling, i’m back to about 5g until I farm more Ore/Run Events and do Dungeons if I feel like.
Gold actually IS easy to come by. It takes time. It does NOT take a lot of effort.
When you say “it takes time” your right it takes TONS of time to amass a small amount of gold. And I am saying it shouldn’t be that way. You should be able to make a decent amount of gold in a reasonable amount of time.
Oh I see NOW what you are saying. You want massive amounts of gold in a very short timeframe instead of having to WORK LONG hours and days and weeks and months and years for it….yes NOW I see where you’re at.
I played EQ and EQ2 and I know what they USED to be like before just GIVING PLAT away. I remember when it took days and weeks and months and years to get a pot load of PLAT. Now making plat is like walk here grab your pot, walk there grab your pot, walk everywhere and grab your pot of PLAT.
I’m personally veryyyyyyyy happy about the change and going back to the “good ole days” when coins didn’t come so easily and you didn’t get rich quick overnight. Now there’s something at least to WORK and PLAY for and put some time into at the endgame.
I played EQ from June of 99 to 2004 and by the time GOD came out I had over 60 million plat, It wasn’t hard to make plat in that game either.
Don`t worry , once you get to 80 and you buy whatever gear you need or get your cultural skins, you won`t need gold anymore except for repairs and ports.
I agree with the OP. I also agree with you. The problem is that the repair and teleport cost is so high that find myself unable to afford either.
An average reward of an EP for a lvl 80 is around1.8s (if you get a gold reward which is no hard). Average repair for just dying once is around 1.9s and average teleport (nearest) is around 1.65s. Which mean if you die just one you need to do 2 Eps to cover the cost. Cross area teleport is usually over 3s. This means you usually lose money if you teleport to a world events.
I find myself constantly grinding in lower level zone just to pay for exploring in Orr.
Thank you for backing me up my friend. =)
I usually hover at most around 40G.
Than my addiction kicks in and 200+ Unidentifed Dyes later, not to mention Forge Gambling, i’m back to about 5g until I farm more Ore/Run Events and do Dungeons if I feel like.
Gold actually IS easy to come by. It takes time. It does NOT take a lot of effort.
When you say “it takes time” your right it takes TONS of time to amass a small amount of gold. And I am saying it shouldn’t be that way. You should be able to make a decent amount of gold in a reasonable amount of time.
Oh I see NOW what you are saying. You want massive amounts of gold in a very short timeframe instead of having to WORK LONG hours and days and weeks and months and years for it….yes NOW I see where you’re at.
I played EQ and EQ2 and I know what they USED to be like before just GIVING PLAT away. I remember when it took days and weeks and months and years to get a pot load of PLAT. Now making plat is like walk here grab your pot, walk there grab your pot, walk everywhere and grab your pot of PLAT.
I’m personally veryyyyyyyy happy about the change and going back to the “good ole days” when coins didn’t come so easily and you didn’t get rich quick overnight. Now there’s something at least to WORK and PLAY for and put some time into at the endgame.
I played EQ from June of 99 to 2004 and by the time GOD came out I had over 60 million plat, It wasn’t hard to make plat in that game either.
Well I am talking about the NORMAL players not those without a life or who play 24/7. Plus it’s EASY to say ou had 60 million plat by the time GOD came out. PROVING it is another thing.
If you do the DE’s in Orr you will find between vendoring and the listing on the TP, the loot comes out well above the cost of teleports and repairs without any magic find. Even if you keep the crafting materials for yourself.
If it’s easy to make millions of gold very quickly, then what’s the value of gold? If every player can make a lot of cash in no time, soon you’ll have to spend 100 gold just to buy a bread. Sure, you’ll have pretty large numbers in your bank account, so maybe you will feel rich. But in essence, it’s worthless.
It’s not impossible to get rich if you are willing to put in the time and effort, but you (OP) don’t seem to want to do that. You just want it handed to you.
I usually hover at most around 40G.
Than my addiction kicks in and 200+ Unidentifed Dyes later, not to mention Forge Gambling, i’m back to about 5g until I farm more Ore/Run Events and do Dungeons if I feel like.
Gold actually IS easy to come by. It takes time. It does NOT take a lot of effort.
When you say “it takes time” your right it takes TONS of time to amass a small amount of gold. And I am saying it shouldn’t be that way. You should be able to make a decent amount of gold in a reasonable amount of time.
Oh I see NOW what you are saying. You want massive amounts of gold in a very short timeframe instead of having to WORK LONG hours and days and weeks and months and years for it….yes NOW I see where you’re at.
I played EQ and EQ2 and I know what they USED to be like before just GIVING PLAT away. I remember when it took days and weeks and months and years to get a pot load of PLAT. Now making plat is like walk here grab your pot, walk there grab your pot, walk everywhere and grab your pot of PLAT.
I’m personally veryyyyyyyy happy about the change and going back to the “good ole days” when coins didn’t come so easily and you didn’t get rich quick overnight. Now there’s something at least to WORK and PLAY for and put some time into at the endgame.
I played EQ from June of 99 to 2004 and by the time GOD came out I had over 60 million plat, It wasn’t hard to make plat in that game either.
Well I am talking about the NORMAL players not those without a life or who play 24/7. Plus it’s EASY to say ou had 60 million plat by the time GOD came out. PROVING it is another thing.
Well maybe I should be mad at god for giving me a disability that keeps me from working, but that’s a different story.
But your right about one thing its kind of hard to prove something that happened over 8 years ago. If you don’t believe me then no loss to me.
If it’s easy to make millions of gold very quickly, then what’s the value of gold? If every player can make a lot of cash in no time, soon you’ll have to spend 100 gold just to buy a bread. Sure, you’ll have pretty large numbers in your bank account, so maybe you will feel rich. But in essence, it’s worthless.
It’s not impossible to get rich if you are willing to put in the time and effort, but you (OP) don’t seem to want to do that. You just want it handed to you.
This is exactly what ruined WoW for new players. A lot of stuff in the AH was unobtainable due to people with alts being able to afford it and people listing it for alts.