Lack of heavy armored classes

Lack of heavy armored classes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Skie.8246


Lately I was thinking about classes in gw2 and I managed to notice something. There are only 2 heavy armored classes when we are able to play 3 of medium and 3 of light type. Isnt it little unfair? I mean, for armorsmiths and ppl who simply likes playing characters in hard armors especially.
How do you think?

Lack of heavy armored classes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kravick.4906


The next new class will most likely be a heavy armor class.

Stuff goes here.

Lack of heavy armored classes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phy.2913


Why does this matter? How is it unfair?

Lack of heavy armored classes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CassieGold.7460


I think it comes down to veriaty of arch-type and role. The light armor types are the Mesmer (gw staple), the elementalist and the necromancer. All fairly classic light armor casters. The Medium armor classes are the Thief, Ranger and Engineer…. Ranger and Thief are pretty typically medium armor and the Engineer fits there.

For heavy armor we get Warrior… your out and out damage main liner, and Guardian… the psuedo-paladin, team focused defensive front line player.

What heavy armor role are we missing? Really, what arch type are we lacking that isn’t expressed in the classes we already have? I mean, I miss my paragon for being a paragon, but Guardian fills that kind of role…. Paladin…. guardian…. Berserker…. warrior…. Soldier… warrior…. Just don’t know what we would need that we don’t have in heavy armor already.

LVL 80’s: Thief / Warrior / Guardian / Mesmer

Lack of heavy armored classes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TransparentlyOpaque.1824


Heavy armor creates a problem, in that they are very survivable classes and prone to being “overpowered”, because they typically come with high health and pretty high damage.

Lack of heavy armored classes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gardavil.1762


What heavy armor role are we missing? Really, what arch type are we lacking that isn’t expressed in the classes we already have? I mean, I miss my paragon for being a paragon, but Guardian fills that kind of role…. Paladin…. guardian…. Berserker…. warrior…. Soldier… warrior…. Just don’t know what we would need that we don’t have in heavy armor already.

Heavy Armor Cleric. Primary role healer, low damage, heavy armor, and CC… not a Paladin mind you… a Cleric. Think DAoC Albion healer class.

granted not a usual class for GW, but the White Mantle did set the example (it sure seemed they were heavy armored to me) and it would not be far fetched to see it in GW2.

As much as I would want to play this, I would not want to see this in GW2… it would tip the whole class system on it’s ear.

stumble stumble crawl crawl

(edited by Gardavil.1762)

Lack of heavy armored classes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NetherDiver.6079



Heavy Armored pet class.


Lack of heavy armored classes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ZeroStatic.2176


Heavy Armor Cleric. Primary role healer, low damage, heavy armor, and CC… not a Paladin mind you… a Cleric. Think DAoC Albion healer class.

Ugh how I hate everyone that made the Cleric into the healing wussy it is today, as opposed to the overpowered engine of destruction from the D&D days.

I agree with the poster that asked what we’re really missing though, due to the lack of the trinity system it’s hard to think of any archetypes that do not fit in with any of the current classes somehow, yet can be designed into a non-trinity type class.

Lack of heavy armored classes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bearhugger.4326


Warriors and guardians are hugely popular. Even though there’s only two heavy armor classes I’m pretty sure there are more heavy armor users then medium armor users, or light armor users.

Lack of heavy armored classes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SpyderArachnid.5619


The only other Heavy Armor Profession I can think of, would be a Battlemage. Like the old D&D Prestige Class.

But even that is kind of close to Guardian, just instead of Holy, you are using Arcane.

Then of course there are your Paragons from GW1, who use Tower Shields and Throwing Spears. Similar as well, the Amazon from D2.

A day without sunshine is like, you know, night.
Lady Bethany Of Noh – Chronomancer – Lords of Noh [LoN]

Lack of heavy armored classes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arsenic Touch.7960

Arsenic Touch.7960

Next class will be a templar like in DA: O

Plated, can cast spells and lock down casters.

Or they’ll make it a heavy armored dervish.

Is it better to out-monster the monster or to be quietly devoured?

Dragonbrand – Level 80 – Human Ranger

Lack of heavy armored classes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ryld.1340


Currently have Heavy Armor High Health and Heavy Armor Low Health.

Need something that has Heavy Armor and Medium Health now.

Maybe some sort of Spellsword or something.

Lack of heavy armored classes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gardavil.1762


Heavy Armor Cleric. Primary role healer, low damage, heavy armor, and CC… not a Paladin mind you… a Cleric. Think DAoC Albion healer class.

Ugh how I hate everyone that made the Cleric into the healing wussy it is today, as opposed to the overpowered engine of destruction from the D&D days.

I agree with the poster that asked what we’re really missing though, due to the lack of the trinity system it’s hard to think of any archetypes that do not fit in with any of the current classes somehow, yet can be designed into a non-trinity type class.

Well I played AD&D, but I do not recall Clerics being overpowered engines of destruction. Maybe a difference in DMs. Maybe just me forgetting… that was so long ago.

I had much experience with DAoC’s Cleric class, both as a Player, and as a … “receiver” of their “blessings” lol. If played correctly they were not wimpy at all, hence why I suggested them. A heavy armor class needs to be able to take the punishment.

And if I may say this… GW2 is not missing the trinity system, just one part of it. Just trying to honest here.

stumble stumble crawl crawl

(edited by Gardavil.1762)

Lack of heavy armored classes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

Heavy armor creates a problem, in that they are very survivable classes and prone to being “overpowered”, because they typically come with high health and pretty high damage.

Not in GW2.
Heavy armor is 200 armor rating above medium, which is 200 armor rating above light.
200 armor doesn’t make you a “very survivable class”.

Lack of heavy armored classes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257


Heavy Armored pet class.


Dragoon would be epic, especially now with all the emphasis on Dragons.

Lack of heavy armored classes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CassieGold.7460


See, I see Guardian as being as close as GW2 is going to get to Cleric…. can wear heavy armor and works with party boons to aid both offence and defense.

As to Dragoon… someone check me if I’m historically inaccurate, but Dragoons were light cavalry / mounted infantry… not a heavy armor type at all.

The Dervish from GW1 was a Medium Armor class. I never liked the Dervish (I’m honest) because I felt like the Melee Caster was a a bit more Jack of All Trades / Master of None… I just didn’t like the way it played. That, however, is completely a matter of preference, it was an awesome class for what it did. But… Battle Mage of any sort should be a Medium Armor class (that’s an opinion from someone who played way too many Fighter/Mages in 2nd ed!)

And, as much as I miss my dearly loved Paragon… when you put longbow and rifle on the Warrior (something the GW1 warrior never had), the need of the Paragon as a Heavy Armor ranged class kind of goes away.

The only things I can think that would be heavy armored that we don’t already have would involve something else we don’t already have: Mounts. Given that I’m generally anti-mount… I have a hard time advocating for mounted heavy cavalry.

Well… unless you wanted to build an entire profession around Asura Power Armor… but, that’s the Gundam fan in me talking :P

LVL 80’s: Thief / Warrior / Guardian / Mesmer

Lack of heavy armored classes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tarvok.4206


You are correct about historical dragoons, CassieGold (or at least dragoons as represented in the Civilization series). But then you’ve got the JRPG (or at least Final Fantasy) class by that name, which is something different.

I think the only heavy armored class that would make sense at this point would be some sort of battlemage. Not spellsword; in TES, they were separate classes, and the battlemage was heavily armored. Basically the offensive magic equivalent of the Guardian—not that I have any interest in playing it. But it’s the only thing I can think of.

Lack of heavy armored classes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mulch.2586


I don’t have hard stats, but it seems to me that loot drops are 3/8 light 3/8 medium and 1/4 heavy. So it works out fine the way it is.

I don’t think it’s unfair, anymore than it’s unfair that there’s twice as many warriors as necros.

It’s fun to think of dragoons or what they might like to add in the future. I think there’s a lot of work to get the starting 8 working to their best, yet.