Before you guys jump in to say again that if they drop more often, then they lose their value, then so be it! Introduce more loot after that that are valuable when the current batch of valuables lose their value!
Loot doesn’t need to remain valuable forever! they can be replaced with newer equally valuable items after they lose their value!
The important thing is to let PvE players feel the exhilaration from finding a VALUABLE item!
Lack of valuable loot is really killing my interest in doing PvE.
Most games/game modes are the same. Kill monsters and gain loot.
Loot makes up a huge part of the game IMO.
I really need better and more valuable loot dropping =/
And dropping for solo play too. Not where I need to form teams for raids or join large groups to kill world bosses.
I really need solo play good loot drops.
I’m referring to loot that is worth 100+ to 1000s of gold.
Like precursors etc.
I’ve played for 2+ years and only got 1 precursor drop.
Other then that 1 precursor, I have got no other drops that is worth more than 50 gold by itself.
That is so sad! 2 Years!
… other more loot RPGs manage to achieve a higher balance between making the character feel rewarded from loot drops with the inevitability of characters grinding out the system.
But, that balance doesn’t even come close to existing in GW2. They have had the right item at some points with the introduction of standalone armor and weapons.
But the items on this list are mostly acquired via…
- Gem Store (biggest culprit of them all)
- Previous Living World Seasons (N/A)
- Festival Events (N/A)
- Material Intense Crafting Recipes
- Mystic Forge Recipes (Either Material Intensive or Mystic Coin Intensive)
The remainder that do actually drop are isolated to specific areas and with a very, very very low drop chance. They aren’t part of the universal loot tables.
Just because the game has horizontal progression doesn’t mean that it can’t have rewarding loot. Unique named items and armor with an unique skin can be perceived as valuable for applying an unique look to your character. The cosmetic aspect of the game has always been cited as GW2’s reward system.
However, the aspect that they base their rewards on is also the aspect that they make money on, which is why the ratio of cosmetic skins being produced for the gem store exceeds what is produced in the game.
And loot is in a current state where it’s a bunch of garbage that piles up in your bags to salvage for crafting materials. Crafting materials, mind you, that now lack a lot of value, since they are no longer supporting legendary weapons.
The sad thing is they don’t have to make a ton of new skins if they wanted to overhaul the loot system. They already have a ton of available options in the lists in the two links I have provided that players just don’t get, because of how they have to be acquired.
If you took all the current named weapons and all the old unique armor items from the old Living Season rewards, repurposed them to drop universally, made them account bound so the skins cant be acquired off the trading post and altered their drop rates so it was probable for a player with average magic find to get one once every 3-4 days, you would add an element of looting of “Ahh, that’s cool” that wouldn’t be exhausted quickly just due to the volume of items that already exist.
So many cool weapon skins on that list that either have incredibly low drop rates and are targeted to very specific chests or bags or cost something like 50 mystic coins and 250 of a T6 material to make (which they aren’t that cool to spend that amount on).
Wasted potential.
This poster above nailed it.
Loot has to be rewarding! I don’t feel rewarded grinding a few thousand hours for items that I break and sell the mats worth a few bronze or silver coins.
I feel rewarded when I find drops worth 100s or 1000s of gold!
This is where GW2 really disappointed me.
The rewarding loots drop so rarely!
(edited by EremiteAngel.9765)