Large Guilds are bad for the Game?

Large Guilds are bad for the Game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Deified.7520


Now as many of you know, this game can have guilds that can reach such sizes of 500 people.

We’re nearing a yearly release and I’m starting to see that having guilds this size is bad for the game. Very bad.

This includes many parts of the game.

First WvW. We are versing a server in WvW who had two of their biggest wvw guilds, both quite large, leave the server. Their server is very very bad now. They are getting dominated. My server had a similar thing. New guild forms, gathers 400+ WvWers on our server together. They play for about a month then they all switch servers causing our server to drop a few ranks because they just took a huge chunk of our WvW players.

This means that a simple guild switching could cause one server to go from enjoying WvW to getting dominated for a few weeks, possibly more, till their rank finally evens out. I think this is way too much power for one guild or guilds to have. Having smaller guilds = more guilds. Diversifying them is better for the server cause it prevents servers getting wrecked a few weeks in a row because on guild just moved servers.

Then we have PvE. The PvE side of this isn’t in dungeons, but a bit more complicated. If a guild has upgrades and is 500 person. This guild dominates the PvE spectrum. This means it is a lot harder for smaller guilds to get started. Not only because a majority of players are in one or more guilds, but also because those guilds already have upgrades and missions. People don’t like spending time trying to build up a guild and would rather just join a large one with full upgrades. While through hardwork they can get on their feet to a good size. It is just the time and work it takes for a guild to try to get started and compete with the larger guilds is insanely hard and could turn many players away from starting their own guilds.

I really just feel like the 500 person guild system has really killed this games guilds. We see less guilds and more of a domino effect chance if a guild goes under or switches servers.

(edited by Deified.7520)

Large Guilds are bad for the Game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Amadan.9451


i don’t think it’s a problem of size, but a problem of people that want to win easy and they are not able to lose…

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Large Guilds are bad for the Game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Deified.7520


i don’t think it’s a problem of size, but a problem of people that want to win easy and they are not able to lose…

Maybe that is the case. I still believe that smaller guilds could reduce the effect these players have on a server’s community. It could also slow down WvW because these 500 person guilds would require more work and coordination with the community to field these huge 50+ zergs.