Large Scale Fail?
Wait…….are you talking about FPS lag?
Don’t how much more they can do, they added 2x more servers before launch if I remember right on time frame, tweaked net code already post release.
Too many variables that cause lag on the world wide web.
your account,and your 384 other accounts”
GG Anet
Because large-scale fights mean large-scale packet handling by networks and there are tons of bottlenecks for the data to get caught up in?
It’s been happening since MMOs began, up to and including UO. It’s not really an easy problem to fix.
You should have seen the “nexus” events when Tera first went free-to-play! You didn’t even have to be in the same map — I’m pretty sure the entire server got lag.
I don’t mind it so much in GW2. The boss events are hardly mandatory. My PC and internet connection are probably going to prevent me from getting perfect performance not matter what ArenaNet does on their end. And some events are better than others. Shadow Behemoth tends to be on the better end of the spectrum for me, but that Frozen Maw clobbers me down to like 3-5 FPS.
At least the events are designed to be simple enough that we can actually play them competently despite the lag. If entire groups were wiping on Maw because we couldn’t react in time, that would be one thing — but it is always a faceroll and we always come out fine. It’s a mindless, open-world zerg activity, and I like that it’s in the game, even if it doesn’t display terribly well.
Honestly, i very rarely experiance any lag!
I don’t experience lag often, possible on more crowded active times, but never had lag, except huge FPS drop, on world bosses.
Only fail in megaserver, is that the sorting seems to never work.
Best possible fix is propably give us GW1 style “district” selection system, queue and GW1 Reconnect feature.
I rarely do PvP or Hard PvE, unless it’s organized.
I’ve got lag sometimes too, but that’s mostly my ISP and the fact that I’m playing on servers that are literally half the world away. I don’t think you can really blame ANet for it, the only issue on ANet’s side that I can image is that since they’re using virtualisation and most likely passing those images around it’s likely that you might end up on a server which does not have an optimal routing path (this is clear since 1 zone might have lag while the other zone is perfectly fine).
Only fail in megaserver, is that the sorting seems to never work.
Yeah, this seems to be part of the problem. The criteria for selecting a server instance requires some refining and probably doesn’t take latency into account (or at least not as a major factor). Although since the sorting algorithm is probably categorised as ‘best practice’ or some other fuzzy IP term we’ll never full know the algorithm and the variables being checked.
It seems like they did something Monday to improve overall network performance, I’ve noticed most maps are completely lag free (actual network lag, not low FPS/choppy animation “lag”) on first zone-in; previously (ever since the megaserver patch) I would need to rezone half a dozen times before the map would finally give me playable ping (which was really annoying for dungeons).
I would suggest contacting your ISP.
The only time I have lagged in this game was during the denial of service attacks aimed at cloudflare.
I would suggest contacting your ISP.
The only time I have lagged in this game was during the denial of service attacks aimed at cloudflare.
ISP’s are already throttling high usage customers. That may be part of the issue.
The other part of the issue is that IPS’s do not do enough maintenance on their own networks. I had issues with another ISP and found out it was one of their servers dropping packets by 50% – they insisted it was me.
Check your ISP and upgrade your computer.
I play on max settings during large scale events and run ~20fps and no network lag at all. Whatever it is it isn’t on Anets side or I would be experiencing it too.
Well, I’ve never experienced that much lag as since 3 or 4 days ago. Actually, Yesterday was the worst with FPS dropping around 9-11 for nothing then coming back after a little while. With or without zerg by the way.
Zudet…that’s what I though also, but then there was people complaining of major lag in the chat windows at the same time, so I’m pretty sure it’s not, at least not only, my ISP/computer.
Large Scale Fail?
Do you like to rhyme all the time?
OP seems to be the only person who wants to bring culling back.
OP seems to be the only person who wants to bring culling back.
You should have seen the “nexus” events when Tera first went free-to-play! You didn’t even have to be in the same map — I’m pretty sure the entire server got lag.
Heh.. they weren’t the only one. I remember once in WoW, a huge raid into the main horde city was being prepared by the alliance, announced two weeks earlier (so we were sure lots of people would come on both sides), and they even talked with moderators to make sure they knew and to ask if the server could handle it, they were confident it could….
They were overconfident.. during the raid it was normal to go into an empty city, walk around and suddenly go back to your corpse where you were 10 minutes ago when the game finally finished loading, and the server crashed 3 times during that time, for everyone connected, no just those around the raid. A friend didn’t knew anything about it, and was complaining later about how she was trying to do some dungeons in a completely unrelated area but the lag and server crashes made it impossible.
wrapped up in some crazy ritualist hoo-ha from Cantha.
A real grab bag of ‘you can’t hurt me. They’re called Guardians.
lag =/= low fps
lag is when you press ‘1’ and 2 seconds later you attack, or other characters’ toons jump – like they were running in a straight line then instantly were somewhere else.
low fps is when there are lots of sparkles on the screen and it appears choppy because your computer can’t render everything
the first one is a server/ISP/your internet connection problem. to fix, you’ll need to contact your ISP about upgrading your connection or asking if they are throttling you. As most people don’t get lag all the time, it’s probably not Anet’s fault – though sometimes it is (I’ve been in WvW before and running to help at a big battle and could tell the battle already started because my skills weren’t happening when I tried to use them.
the second one is your computer’s problem. for this, reduce graphics settings or buy a better computer.
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