Late Game for Solo PVE player
Farming ressource nodes over and over and over again, and than do the most heroic thing ever:
Craft your ascended items.
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
Life is hard for a solo PvE player. I find its best to get at the very least a core group of like minded friends to do dungeons and fractals with. This will help you with not getting bored/burned out to quickly especially if you are on some sort of voice server like team speak, mumble, or vent.
For a PvE player you have to set long term and short term goals for yourself so you have something to work towards. Some people its a specific look from a dungeon, trying to become fully ascended, or even working towards a legendary.
I would say find what trips your trigger and go out and try and get it. Remember nothing worth getting is easily obtained.
| 80 (Mesmer) Brook Envision | 80 (Thief) Kuro Rin |
World Completion+explorer and jumping puzzle achievements
Northern Shiverpeaks
World Completion
Alt Building
World Bosses
Some people enjoy pugging dungeons
Learning to solo some dungeons
Living Story
I’m in same boat as the OP – I spend a lot of time exploring the world trying to find profitable places to farm.
Which dungeons are soloable without stealth? I walked into three, got pummelled by like third mob in each, and assumed they were all intentionally un-soloable.
World Completion
Alt Building
World Bosses <—————-
Some people enjoy pugging dungeons
Learning to solo some dungeons
Living Story
I agree with world bosses, surprised no one mentioned them earlier.
While they involve a lot of players, most of them require little to no communication.
Well I do mostly solo stuff because my kid hates instances -.-
I like exploring and gathering and I love atls.
I have also enjoyed the LS quite a lot and things like the Queens gaunlet, Teq, Mari have been great fun for me.
For the big bosses you really just have to be there, read map and follow directions.
I also like making my own goals, so I never wonder what to do really
Exploration / Achievement point hunting is really all that is available for a solo PvEer late game. There are lots to do on the PvP/WvWvW side, and a decent number of things to do on the group play side (FoTM / dungeon paths), but for solo PvEer, I’m afraid it is pretty much like every other game in existence. At some point you either have to group up with someone or do PvP.
I can’t honestly think of an MMO that doesn’t require group play or PvP to stay busy at end-game, can anyone else?
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
solo dungeons.
The rooms that were in the tower of nightmares were awesome from Solo players like me ! hope they add more stuff like this
Dungeon train.
AC123 (2 optional, sometimes buggy)
CoF12 (3 is easy, too, but no one does it)
HotW1 (3 is alright as well)
All day every day!
Graduate to Arah1234 when you’re ready.
Dungeon train.
AC123 (2 optional, sometimes buggy)
CoF12 (3 is easy, too, but no one does it)
HotW1 (3 is alright as well)
CoE123All day every day!
Graduate to Arah1234 when you’re ready.
Pretty much this if you like gold, or just need large quantities of it. As far as “easy”, it takes time, experience and learning to play your class in a way that best synergizes with other people in a dungeon group. That means cleanses, reflects, fields/finishers and the most melee dps you can squeeze out of your character. It also means memorizing dungeons, positioning, dodge times/locations and coordination with your fellow dungeon mates, but that comes with time and experience.
If you don’t want to try too hard, there’s always the QD zerg, FG zerg and the wvw and orr event trains, which can be profitable, but IMO much less than chaining dungeons. Pick your goal and then try each of these suggestions to see what works best for you.
Guild wars 1, soloed it all. Why I thought for sure the devs would make 2 with hinch’s, but they screwed half there GW1 players, just hung us out to dry.
solo dungeons.
Running world bosses trains is always fun. This should help you find them all.
Choo Choo
World Boss Timer:
If you get bored with the PvE monotony, I suggest giving WvW a proper try. Join a WvW guild, use the server voice communications sometimes (don’t need to speak, being there to listen makes the game mode 100x more fun).
Experiment with different builds. Find what play style you prefer more (zerging, solo roaming, guild raid, 5 man, havoc, small ops, scouting/defending).
You might find that you actually enjoy it. I know I did. In the first few months of GW2 I despised it, and came to love it when I jumped in head first.
The best part is: PvP will always be different every time you play. And there is no limit on personal skill level.
PvP modes are the “endgame” in all MMOs.
Stop failing at PvE, and fix WvW/SPvP. Thank you.
(edited by thaooo.5320)
Right now it’s the Queen’s Gauntlet in Divinity’s Reach. Not the Pavilion downstairs, go up the ramps to find the 12 bosses that can only be solo’d. Fun, challenging, and quite possibly very rewarding depending on how lucky you are