Launch vs. Push/Pull

Launch vs. Push/Pull

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Huskyboy.1053


So I’ve noticed a discrepancy that affects sPvP and maybe WvW: launch can be used to move downed bodies, and push/pull can’t. This is actually pretty messed up, there are strategic uses for using this type of CC on downed bodies, and that usage is being blocked by an illogical disparity. This obviously fuels class imbalance, for example revs can push downed foes off point via Glint elite, but thieves and guards can’t pull enemies off-point or out of node fights or whatever. This should be changed to balance them out.

Launch vs. Push/Pull

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TexZero.7910


i would be entirely okay with said change as it would open up more strategic gameplay choices.

Launch vs. Push/Pull

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orangensaft.7139


i think it is intended in balance that not every knockback/pull skill can move downed bodies to not make rezzing impossible in spvp

anet considers the difference between giving skills a knockback or a launch effect

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Launch vs. Push/Pull

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Huskyboy.1053


But it’s inherently imbalanced to give that power only to a very small number of people, that’s the opposite of balance. And it’s not like an interesting class-specific mechanic such as Steal, just a mechanic that a few unrelated professions have.

Launch vs. Push/Pull

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


I think it would be an interesting change, being able to F1 spear pull downed away from capture points.

Or even warrior skill kick your foe out of the ring if they are downed.

Launch vs. Push/Pull

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cyn.2157


I think it makes sense in concept that you’re not going to push someone who’s on the ground out of the way unless you’re also lifting them – friction and gravity and all – and the skills that perform launch seem to mostly match this, e.g. an upswing from a hammer, etc. Mesmer is the only class that doesn’t appear to have access to it in some form, though you may need to choose a specific elite or weapon to get it on most classes. I’m not sure thiefs elite is viable for this purpose either, as it looks to have a launch of 0. So, 7/9 have it

Revenants and Engineers seem like the most likely candidates to be using it with any regularity, as Revs will have it as their elite w/ herald, and engineers have access to it like up to 6 ways.

As a thief, I find the easiest way to get someone downed off point is to simply defeat them. I will agree though, that I get jealous when I see a downed player get knocked off point.

-Fade Nightshade (thief all the way, baby)

Launch vs. Push/Pull

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ardid.7203


I think is already included in the balance: classes without easy launchs aren’t weaker because they don’t have it at hand, they are simply stronger at other strategies.

“Only problem with the Engineer is
that it makes every other class in the game boring to play.”

Launch vs. Push/Pull

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Serious.7083


I tend to agree, either make this open to all or none.

Launch vs. Push/Pull

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Huskyboy.1053


I think is already included in the balance: classes without easy launchs aren’t weaker because they don’t have it at hand, they are simply stronger at other strategies.

I agree, it’s not like classes lacking launch can’t kill downed foes. The main reasons I don’t like the disparity is that (barring aforementioned considerations about real-world physics) it wastes precious seconds in capping a point when a downed person sitting on a point continues to prevent cap/decap progress. 3 seconds is no big deal, but 10s+ is actually quite a lot when you’re on a high-mobility class that could be elsewhere.

Launch vs. Push/Pull

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: IndigoSundown.5419


But it’s inherently imbalanced to give that power only to a very small number of people, that’s the opposite of balance.

8 of the 9 professions have access to launch. If they aren’t choosing to build to use it, well they’re choosing something they value more.

Launch vs. Push/Pull

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Huskyboy.1053


But it’s inherently imbalanced to give that power only to a very small number of people, that’s the opposite of balance.

8 of the 9 professions have access to launch. If they aren’t choosing to build to use it, well they’re choosing something they value more.

Totally disingenuous response. Firstly not all launch skills move bodies horizontally, which is what makes launch more useful than other types of CC. Secondly, AoE horizontal launch is built-into power rev, making it OP. At the very least all professions should have a single-target horizontal launch skill, although I don’t think the game would be made better by everyone having AoE horizontal launch, it would make node fights messier.

Launch vs. Push/Pull

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aury.1367


Uhm guard can push downed enemies with Hammer.

Launch vs. Push/Pull

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ardid.7203


If you want to “balance” an strategic element by sharing it along all classes in the same way, you can’t stop at CC. You should do it for rezzing power and damage spikes too, and also for defense access, disengage ability, and party boons…
CC is not different from DPS or Sustain. Why should CC be equal for everyone, when DPS and Sustain are not? Aren’t part of the same strategic pool of tools?

“Only problem with the Engineer is
that it makes every other class in the game boring to play.”

Launch vs. Push/Pull

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Huskyboy.1053


If you want to “balance” an strategic element by sharing it along all classes in the same way, you can’t stop at CC. You should do it for rezzing power and damage spikes too, and also for defense access, disengage ability, and party boons…
CC is not different from DPS or Sustain. Why should CC be equal for everyone, when DPS and Sustain are not? Aren’t part of the same strategic pool of tools?

Ardid I’m not asking for a balance that changes combat, adding a launch doesn’t affect a person’s effectiveness in combat if they already have access to knockbacks/pushes. You brought up a ton of mechanics that are in no way relevant to the topic matter, I’m perplexed as to why party boons or whatever “defense access” is made its way into this discussion. Your argument is that discussing access to a particular strategic element should expand to a conversation about access to all strategic elements. If you’d like to do that, please make a separate thread, as that is a different and more complex discussion.

Getting back on topic, pushes could just be changed to launches since in every other way they’re the same type of CC (i.e. forces the victim away from the user). Launch just allows the user to knock a downed player off the point. The alternative of course would be to just not allow downed people to affect point captures, which would make more sense. After all, if someone’s been downed then they’ve lost the fight, so why are they still affecting point capture?