Laurel items now basically worthless?
The only real question about the values of Celestials and magic find was did they give their specific numbers to Celestials because of the mf, or did they ignore it and set the stats as is, ignoring the MF.
Several armor pieces have an out of place number of 11 for the stat base. Was the set given 11 instead of 12 for the stats because of MF or not? Only the Dev’s know and they aren’t saying anything.
Who cares? The only people crying about it are those who had no problems mooching on the population by being less effective in combat for more rewards than those who were strong armed into picking up the slack.
My sympathy well |_|
It runneth dry.
Wait there, you bought two celestial rings, the kind of item that gives you every stat possible, JUST because of the magic find?
lol, LOL. Man, I have bad news, but you are either naive or an idiot, no offense
The magic find update was a correction of a broken system (or an attempt). Getting MF was a huge waste of stats, effort and time
Wait there, you bought two celestial rings, the kind of item that gives you every stat possible, JUST because of the magic find?
lol, LOL. Man, I have bad news, but you are either naive or an idiot, no offense
The magic find update was a correction of a broken system (or an attempt). Getting MF was a huge waste of stats, effort and time
Yes and you know WHY ?
Those asc. rings at that time were ONLY among asc. rings WITH MF
Do you get that now ?
Wait there, you bought two celestial rings, the kind of item that gives you every stat possible, JUST because of the magic find?
lol, LOL. Man, I have bad news, but you are either naive or an idiot, no offense
The magic find update was a correction of a broken system (or an attempt). Getting MF was a huge waste of stats, effort and time
Yes and you know WHY ?
Those asc. rings at that time were ONLY among asc. rings WITH MF
Do you get that now ?
But again, Exotic magic find items were still giving more Magic Find compared to ascended Celestial ascessories. I’m gonna tell you what realy happend, you chose to sacrifice some magic find for extra stats instead. You know why? Because you didn’t cared about the minor magic find penalty in the first place! If you would have tried to optimised Magic Find on your set you would never have replaced it with anything inferior to its previous Magic Find value. So i’m sorry to tell you, but this is te most plausible evidence that shows us you favored Celestial for stats and not the MF, if it was not the case you would never have buyed those ascended rings.
Also, sinds Celestial gear didn’t loose any of its major attributes, unlike other sets wich lost a major attribute, and sinds you could recover it with a free 20% magic find account wide gift you don’t deserve any compensation because you didn’t got penalized at all for using Celestial gear. You still got more Magic find, you got compensated for any real magic find sets and you can still play the game at a regular rate and earn some extra Magic Find with recycled items. And this while keeping all your combat attributes and your Magic find attribute shared on every single character on your account.
If you don’t see the good side of it, you should realy think harder!
Did anyone ever, throughout this whole thread, think to send a ticket “just in case” it was an actual error?
It seems that when something like this happens, the first thing we do is run to the forums to complain instead of contacting the people who can actually do something about it.
So you are angry about losing 8% mf on a single character while this update gives 20% mf to the entire account right off the bat and can be upgraded up to 300%?
20% MF is worthless if everyone has it. There isn’t anything in this game bought with gold that isn’t from the TP. So 20% MF on all accounts just means prices will rise to compensate. What matters is having MF beyond what you would have normally.
… Are you familiar with racial armor skins? Repair costs? Crafting mat/reagents from crafting trainers? Waypoint costs? Plenty of things cost a static amount of gold and nothing that happens to the TP economy will change those prices.
You can still obtain over 300% MF through food buffs (hey crafting vendor mats!!), guild buffs and various other things.
For the main topic:
Don’t celestial items still have MORE stats in their other items of equivalent level in their item budget even without the MF? The other item’s like traveler’s suffered an item budget loss that put them below other items of an equivalent level which is why they were given a 1 time switch.
If celestial gear still has an equal or greater stat budget AFTER the MF nerf on gear where is the complaint? Is it because people ONLY bought the item for the MF? A character’s effectiveness isn’t reduced at all and people are given a method to increase their MF beyond what the rings previously allowed (which is why a character isn’t really nerfed, and new characters get the benefit without having to invest additional gear and gold to achieve MF).
So you are angry about losing 8% mf on a single character while this update gives 20% mf to the entire account right off the bat and can be upgraded up to 300%?
20% MF is worthless if everyone has it. There isn’t anything in this game bought with gold that isn’t from the TP. So 20% MF on all accounts just means prices will rise to compensate. What matters is having MF beyond what you would have normally.
… Are you familiar with racial armor skins? Repair costs? Crafting mat/reagents from crafting trainers? Waypoint costs? Plenty of things cost a static amount of gold and nothing that happens to the TP economy will change those prices.
All those are miniscule relative to the money put through the TP.
Don’t celestial items still have MORE stats in their other items of equivalent level in their item budget even without the MF?
Yeah. That’s to compensate for being balanced. They have a higher total number of points, but there’s no focus. It’s a classic trade-off: Fewer points and specialization vs. more raw points, but balanced.
When I bought them, I really didn’t want the balanced stats. However, it was the only way to get MF on ascended rings. If there hadn’t been MF on them, I never would have dreamed of buying them.