Lava Lounge
Technically it’s Flutist and neither Flautist or Floutist should ever exist. According to some people anyway.
All three are used regardless.
Ingame Name: Guardian Erik
grammarist.comFor the noun denoting a person who plays the flute, Americans usually use flutist. In varieties of English from outside North America, flautist is more common. The web-searchable Canadian-English sample size is too small to be useful, but both words are used to some degree by Canadian writers.
Flutist, from the French flûtiste, is by far the older word in English, and it is not American in origin. The OED lists an example from 1603, though the word remained rare in any form until the early 18th century. It was the preferred form in all varieties of English until the late 19th century, when flautist, which came to English from the Italian flautista early that century, was fully adopted in British English.
I don’t know where the heck ‘floutist’ (Google gives me nothing at all) came from but it sounds like someone who repeatedly flouts rules, not plays the flute. It’s always been ‘flautist’ to me, but I’m a British woodwind instrumentalist so… -shrugs-
dragons, I sometimes wonder if we’ll ever find a way to save us from ourselves.”
Funny, I’m an America woodwind instumentalist, and I’ve always heard it as ‘flautist’, as well. But, I’m ‘old-school’, so maybe it what’s popular has changed.
Never heard of ‘floutist’ until today; I would expect that to mean ‘someone who mocks, or treats with disdain’, but just a typo of ‘flouter’. We may have floutists here. ; )
Lava Lounge Infiltrated
I posses neither the temporary nor permanent pass but have successfully eluded the 3VCTN golem, for now. I have most cleverly disguised my self as part of the ambient wildlife to evade suspicions.
The locals appear odd and the service providers, overworked. In-particular this one waiter appears to be, terribly overworked.
The music produced by the Floutist and Lutist is quite pleasant to the ear.
I now must return to by my observations, it seems a frog writing a journal atop of a Festival Tent is upsetting to some of the natives. As luck has had it the 3VCTN golem still remains aloof.
Agreed, good job on the Lava Lounge. I like the design, the conveniences, and the ambience. It’s a fun place to meet up and hang out with my guildies who also purchased the pass.
wish it had a Carni Cannon to launch you to any Heart Merchant on the map.
wish it had a Carni Cannon to launch you to any Heart Merchant on the map.
That would be great. I might plunk down 1000 gems for that.