League of Legends copy Guild Wars 2?????
It is the same theme and the timing is suspect. That said, GW2 wasn’t the first to do something like this to advertise. GW1 did it too (granted it is the same game franchise) during the War in Kryta arch. I know other settings have done it too.
Sorry what? A game shows characters…
Magitech and Scarlet i presume…
What am I looking for there?
Wait fpr the page to load, you will see how its vandalised, just like the Queen’s speech release page (before the clockwork chaos patch).
BTW I agree with you Invictus, but still, its the same thing.
as if “magitech” was invented by GW2, and pinkish colours for that matter.
It’s quite safe to say that GW2 is nowhere on Riot’s radar when making any sort of creative decision of any sort. It’s a non-issue.
To be blatantly honest, it makes more sense to say Riot copied GW2 In making Rengar (Which it mostly did) than it did in the format for Vi’s vandalism. It’s like saying Woolworths is copying Target by advertising on TV.
Yep, definitely coping GW2! It’s not like the “fake vandalization of property” ad thing has ever been done to death long before Scarlet (the most boring Saturday Morning Cartoon Villain I’ve seen since… well, since I watched saturday morning cartoons really) was ever even thought of.
Yep, plagiarism. Btw, Riot is totally ripping ANet off dude! They have FORUMS AND A WEBSITE TOO!!!!11one
Really….Anet should sue over Shadowrun. Wait…it was released in the 80s…doh?
Not everything you come across is the first time the subject matter was covered.
I’m confused. Maybe some one should post screen shots because the page looks normal to me.
Now GW2 needs revenge by copying those gloves and making them Thief weapons.
Now GW2 needs revenge by copying those gloves and making them Thief weapons.
Fist Weapons, DO WANT.
There ARE games ANET would have a legit suit against this isnt one of them. If you want A REAL example of a game that ripped them off look at Shards of the Dreams . on facebook . most of the imiges used in that game are ripped right from GW 1
(edited by Adine.2184)
WoW stole from Warhammer and got away with it, i’m guessing anyone can these days
What am I looking for there?
Notice the vandalism JUST LIKE they had for a GW2 release.
Mud Bone – Sylvari Ranger
if anything, its GW2 that copies other games
This idea is not exclusive to GW2.