Learn from WoW

Learn from WoW

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: VaLee.5102


Talking about the idiocy of white knights at its finest.

The OP only referred to the way questing and class unique feels are in WoW compared to GW2. That’s it. I don’t see him mentioning anything about end game gear or grinding or anything like that.

You know you could say GW2 took raids from WoW right?
It might aswell take other good things and implement it in the game, just like WoW is implementing a wardrobe system in the next expansion, a thing that GW2 had for years. Does that make WoW a GW2 clone?

I even bet half of you didn’t even play WoW and you’re just bashing on the game based on what others say. If it’s such a bad game how come it’s still the MMO with the most active players, even after the decline in population and even with a monthly sub fee?

The game is not perfect, but you must be a fool to say there’s nothing good in WoW, because there are a lot of things that WoW does right and GW2 could borrow those ideas and implement them in its own way.

(edited by VaLee.5102)

Learn from WoW

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: luzt.7692


But but this game is DIFFERENT! -puts on hipster glasses, while sipping from a mug with a mustache print-

In all seriousness, I agree, Gw2 can learn alot from other games. I have some great ideas and I’ll post them in the Future.

(edited by luzt.7692)

Learn from WoW

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Beldin.5498


You know you could say GW2 took raids from WoW right?
It might aswell take other good things and implement it in the game, just like WoW is implementing a wardrobe system in the next expansion, a thing that GW2 had for years. Does that make WoW a GW2 clone?

And WoW took raids from EQ. I don’t think there is any single thing in WoW that
was not taken from other games. They even hired players from EQ top guilds
to design their raids.

However i wished GW2 would not have started with the raiding crap, since that
is mostly and elitist playground, and i already see how people in my guild that
never had raided get aware of why i was so against that.

EVERY MMO is awesome until it is released then its unfinished. A month after release it just sucks.
Best MMOs are the ones that never make it. Therefore Stargate Online wins.

Learn from WoW

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rauderi.8706


I find it more amusing that WoW is learning from GW2, in some ways. This last expansion, it focused on quite a few quality of life improvements, like the reagent bank, sorting bags, etc.

Of course, if there’s a QoL element GW2 could learn from WoW…
it'd be mounts!

Many alts; handle it!
“I’m finding companies should sell access to forums,
it seems many like them better than the games they comment on.” -Horrorscope.7632

(edited by Rauderi.8706)

Learn from WoW

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Beldin.5498


I find it more amusing that WoW is learning from GW2, in some ways. This last expansion, it focused on quite a few quality of life improvements, like the reagent bank, sorting bags, etc.

Thats normal Blizzard style .. they never invent new things themself, they just look
what seems to be a success in other games and then assimilate it in WoW.
Trying new things always has the risk that people not like it and Blizzard don’t
wants risks.

EVERY MMO is awesome until it is released then its unfinished. A month after release it just sucks.
Best MMOs are the ones that never make it. Therefore Stargate Online wins.

Learn from WoW

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ilMasa.2546


Talking about the idiocy of white knights at its finest.

The OP only referred to the way questing and class unique feels are in WoW compared to GW2. That’s it. I don’t see him mentioning anything about end game gear or grinding or anything like that.

I just said Op shuld atleast play the game more than 20 levels (on a free trial) before stating “Learn from WoW”.If he had done that then he would know why GW2 went for a not holy trinity class system,why there r “hearts” and not a basic/oldschool quest system,and why the character skill system is this limited….
On the other hand Blizzard is skinning WoW every year to have the perfect product for the current “gaming generation”: fast,simple,everything is accessible with the less effort (call it elitsm if it sound better).

You know you could say GW2 took raids from WoW right?
It might aswell take other good things and implement it in the game, just like WoW is implementing a wardrobe system in the next expansion, a thing that GW2 had for years. Does that make WoW a GW2 clone?

Nowdays if u r talking about “end game content” u r talking about raid:thats the mindset,and thats why noone want to invest in any sandbox content
Wildstar tried to bring back the “oldschool WoW experience”,with quests and raids attunements…and it ended like we all know.

I even bet half of you didn’t even play WoW and you’re just bashing on the game based on what others say. If it’s such a bad game how come it’s still the MMO with the most active players, even after the decline in population and even with a monthly sub fee?

Ive been playing wow from long time: when i started u had to unlock the next graveyard to actually respawn “in that zone” and when attacking a non combat NPC of the opposit faction = lose your Honor points. just sayin..

WoW,like it or not,has everything: pve,pvp,content for small guilds and big guilds,hardcore,casual,pugs,collectibles,achievements,leaderboards,“open pvp” (big words),a pet battle system (lawl),garrison.You may not like how they implemented all THESE features,but they are actually there,u can blame the monthly fee or the old tab targeting/combat system or the outdated graphic,but u also know that u can pay that fee and blizzard will be still there,so at the end did you waste your money?!Plus a user linked a really intresting video: How come wow still is the most profitable mmo with still a good player base!?Cos the majority of the other product try to emulate WoW,and “its fortune”.Why i shuld play Wildstar (a really similar game) while i have a 10 year account on WoW?! Imo this is the reason why.

The game is not perfect, but you must be a fool to say there’s nothing good in WoW, because there are a lot of things that WoW does right and GW2 could borrow those ideas and implement them in its own way.

Dude its 2015 loets move on.Thats why we have kittening 350 Battlefields (carbon copy with a better skin).Even the new Battlefront is a huge resking BS. Ive started to play online in 1998…if a take a look to what Starsiege Tribes had to offer (features) and make a comparison with a modern fps: ohh man dont even get me start.

Thats why i loved gw2 ok?! it took a different step from other mmos.

(edited by ilMasa.2546)

Learn from WoW

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BlackIsleDragon.7516


Didn’t read everyone’s post but…
I have to say, I much prefer the way GW2 works over other MMO games. The only things I would change / add would be:

Legendary Weapons need less crafting and more questing. Something like how Everquest did their Epic weapons. The Specific collections are on track to a GW2 take on EQ’s Eipic Weapons, except maybe put some required pieces behind quests. Or make a long quest chain that gives you pieces as you go. I am no programmer, so I am not sure how or if its even possible, seeing as the quest would have to be progressive and character specific.

Mini-Pets, Do something with them. WoW uses the Pokemon idea, basically. I am not saying we should have Pokemon in GW2, or am I? I think it could be cool to battle pets, even just a 2v2 or something. We have a plethora of other mini-games that we can do, why not add a pet battling one.

Learn from WoW

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: OneYenShort.3189


Of course, if there’s a QoL element GW2 could learn from WoW…
it'd be mounts!

Pre HoT I would have disagreed with you.

Now, given 50% if not more of the WP are contested at any given moment out in HoT I’m much more in agreement that GW2 probably needs them.

Either that or I’m the freaking commander weither I want to be or not. Let me through the kitten gate. Meow!

Learn from WoW

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


As far as I’m concerned, GW2 has already taken too much from WoW. I’d like the game to be less like WoW than it is. Unfortunately, GW2 seems to be moving closer to WoW, rather than further away.

Why does GW2 copy stuff from WoW? Because MMO consumers demand these things. Remember when GW2 launched with an in-game LFG that was not useful, and players used a 3rd party site to party up? Remember the demand for in-game LFG? Remember the players saying that, “No MMO should be without this feature.” Get enough people saying that about enough features, and enough developers listening, and you start to get MMO’s that are converging to be more like each other, rather than diverging to be something novel and different. I can empathize with the guy who posted the video Doggie linked to. MMO’s ain’t what they used to be. GW2 is a better game for me than most others, but it’s not as good a game for me as it was when it came out.

I’m sorry, what? GW2 is too much like WoW because they fixed a feature that was in the game at launch so that it actually is functional and useful? The LFG tool did need to be fixed, because you shouldn’t have to rely on a third party program in order to use a function that actually exists in game. That would be like getting upset that they fixed the search function on these forums when google works just fine for that purpose.

It’s hard to equate that to something like adding mounts and trinity, though, or even any of the stuff the OP is talking about.

Perhaps, instead of complaining about the LFG, I was using that feature as an example of developers adding things from other games because consumers say, “No MMO should be without X.” or similar. I could have used other things, but chose not to because LFG is pretty innocuous and I didn’t want a tangent to start around a charged topic. Try reading again with that in mind, please.

If I’m complaining, it’s not about a specific copied feature, it’s about the convergence in the genre, which — to me — seems to be so because developers think that’s what consumers want.

It was just a terrible example. What would be the argument against having an LFG? “Spamming map chat is so much better!!!”?

Learn from WoW

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RoRo.8270


WAaaaaaaaaaait, you’re saying gw2 should learn from one the biggest grind mmos today? gw2- farm ascended gear and never need to grind endgame gear again.
wow- grind for weeks to get top notch raid gear, pay tons of gold to gem slot, just to have it all invalid in a few months.

Also, gw2 should not have more spells, while I do understand that having a lot of spells is nice at times, this is the one of the most casual mmos you can play. I don’t think gw2 is for you just by what i’ve read.

Sorry but no, keep WoW out of gw2 please.

The one thing that I did like about WoW though was the questing somewhat, It always had a story to it, as in gw2 your helping farmers or killing centaurs just “Cuz” however keep in mind, WoW had 3 strategy games to build up it’s story. So of course the story is 100x better imo.

I haven’t played wow since bc but I highly doubt wow comes anywhere close to the grind especially to level in other mmos namely eastern mmos

Learn from WoW

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


Even though, GW2 don’t spam you with gear drop like WoW every few hours… You don’t need to get new tier of gear in GW2 anyway.

So it is more a matter of perspective, which you like better. That being said I don’t enjoy horizontal progression much. Since there are so many gear stats and combination…. Eventhough most are useless, is really grindy if you want to be flexible.

Learn from WoW

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nusku.3941


I actually agree that there are things from wow GW2 should adopt, the first one being raiding and I mean real raiding for PvE content that requires a significant amount of coordination. The dungeon is really lacking on that part and the fact that no new dungeons have came out in the past years with any difficulty changes in tier really makes the game more boring and less interesting. Yeah the story quests are there, but what’s the point of playing an mmorpg where the story is just about you being the hero of every npc. Some possible rewards for a raid could be something like give 30g to the player or something like that, it doesn’t have to necessarily be armor, ya know? It would really change the dynamic of the gameplay and how players work together thus far besides WvW.

If Anet would just listen to this part it would make me feel special, but I seriously doubt that’s going to happen anyway. So poop.

Learn from WoW

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nilkemia.8507


Hmmm…..no. What’s there to learn, besides what not to do?

Learn from WoW

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: fixit.7189


Wow, despite it’s gear treadmill that resets every few months and completely in expansions is still the one the best mmos out there imo b/c at least the story, quests, and large open world that has no loading screens keep me occupied. WoD was the worst WoW expansion but even then it kept me interested for 3 months…HoT lasted 2 weeks. Blizzard also has an absurbly high standards; they do NOT release broken kitten and then make excuses blaming the players…no they release polished patches and usually immedietly fix things if bugs make it through their thorough testing phases. Now here’s the thing, I swore off wow but I end up going back every expansion…like next one which has me real curious…hopefully they learned from WoD. Conversely, Anet has learned nothing about the last 3 years and decided to do a ‘Wildstar’ + turning GW2 into the usual cash shop richy rich only Korean f2p model. Meh, no thanks.

(edited by fixit.7189)

Learn from WoW

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Killthehealersffs.8940


If i see something like that again : ‘’They should fire the Wildstar ppl that is rummored they hire’’ ,
i promish -day and night i will make you very uncomfitable…

Pandaria -intro – Menthil harbor event was unplayable from the lag and constant dc

Wod Blasted-lands Dark portal – usa servers -unplayable from the lag and constant dc
> 8 laters they on the eu release they replicate the Karazan Mage that offers the quest/cinematic in various cities to split the population

Learn from WoW

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: InsidiousWaffle.7086


For the record, I have science leveled to 92/100, and still having a blast. I came back to GW for the new PvP system, which is keeping me occupied, but at the end of the season or if it gets stale I’ll probable head back to wow.

If it would help some of you, I can take a screenshot of my skillbar and macros, explaining the usage of the skills and when to use them. For the record, I only have 4 macros, 1 that buffs my damage and deals a few huge hits, 1 that pops all my defensive a if I need to escape, and 2 that switch between stances and change weapons and gear based on that stance I’m in(defensive gear for defensive stance etc.)

Learn from WoW

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sheobix.8796


Talking about the idiocy of white knights at its finest.

The OP only referred to the way questing and class unique feels are in WoW compared to GW2. That’s it. I don’t see him mentioning anything about end game gear or grinding or anything like that.

You know you could say GW2 took raids from WoW right?
It might aswell take other good things and implement it in the game, just like WoW is implementing a wardrobe system in the next expansion, a thing that GW2 had for years. Does that make WoW a GW2 clone?

I even bet half of you didn’t even play WoW and you’re just bashing on the game based on what others say. If it’s such a bad game how come it’s still the MMO with the most active players, even after the decline in population and even with a monthly sub fee?

The game is not perfect, but you must be a fool to say there’s nothing good in WoW, because there are a lot of things that WoW does right and GW2 could borrow those ideas and implement them in its own way.

I agree. I have played WoW to the end and while there is a grind, and grindy aspects like irrelevant gear, etc. Its been more enjoyable than GW2 overall.

The gear you get in GW2 doesn’t feel special. It’s all prefix/suffix blue/green/yellow which all suck and are useless, then orange(good enough) and pink(lol, not even needed)

once you get gear in GW2… its already obsolete. It doesn’t feel epic, it all feels like “nutrition bars” from snowpiercer… everything is generic and bland.

endgame always sucked in GW2.. at least WoW HAS endgame that you can progress.

I’ve enjoyed the quests in WoW more than the hearts in core tyria and the 4 metas Anet gave us as a full on expansion… Half of the hearts are like.. “use 10 buckets on fires” or one really bad one in the Charr area was… to kill grubs with stones, catch chickens, and plant seeds.

needless to say, my IRL friend that I invited to play GW2 as a new charr revenant got halfway through that heart and quit gw2 permanently. Who the hell wants to waste 15-20 minutes throwing stones that spawn what feels like once an hour into grubs that also feel like they spawn once an hour? his comment was “the game was fun for a couple hours, then I realized i was frustrated trying to get through mini farm simulator 2015 just so i could get to a more fun quest”

what GW2 has going for itself:

-good artwork
-jump puzzles are super unique and challenging in a good way, and don’t force players to partake
-the ability to instantly Alt-F4 to log out and quit game when it bores me

It’s not just me and a bunch of “salty” players. I literally gifted GW2 to my friend so he could play (mind you, he enjoys combing through EVERY inch of a game, like 100% completion in bethesda games) and he simply couldn’t find the heart to slog through GW2.

fix it.

(edited by Sheobix.8796)

Learn from WoW

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nilkemia.8507


The story in the above post seems made up.

Learn from WoW

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Supernaut.2684


The only thing I wish ANet would learn from WoW and apply to GW2, is clear and purposeful gear progression.

In WoW, you run dungeons to gear up for heroic dungeons. Then you run heroics to get the gear needed to raid. It’s a clear path, and you learn group play on the way. It makes sense.

In GW2, if you want the gear to raid, you need to craft ascended, which is very expensive, time gated, and quite frankly, really grindy. Yes, I know, it is technically possible to gear up through drops. Just don’t count on it; if you’re very lucky, you might get a drop here and there. But mostly, no. And standing around at a crafting table does nothing to teach you the group play skills you need to raid. It just doesn’t make sense.

But, hey, if you’re in a hurry, you can whip out the ol’ credit card and buy some gems to convert. So, working as intended, I guess.

Learn from WoW

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Beldin.5498


The only thing I wish ANet would learn from WoW and apply to GW2, is clear and purposeful gear progression.

In WoW, you run dungeons to gear up for heroic dungeons. Then you run heroics to get the gear needed to raid. It’s a clear path, and you learn group play on the way. It makes sense.

No .. please no. If we ever get a gear treadmill here then i’m really out, and i guess
a lot of other players also, since that is one of the main factors why a lot people
play GW2.
Its already bad enough that they made legendary armor raid exclusive, and i
really hope the whole raiding thing will backfire hard.

EVERY MMO is awesome until it is released then its unfinished. A month after release it just sucks.
Best MMOs are the ones that never make it. Therefore Stargate Online wins.

Learn from WoW

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Supernaut.2684


I’m not talking about the treadmill, nor am I advocating for any kind of treadmill. Please re-read my post. I’m talking about sensible gear acquisition, as in gearing up by playing the content in the game.

But yeah, I’m right there with you on the raiding backfire thing, too. Making “endgame content” that is only accessible to 5% of the player population is pretty silly. IMO, and all that.

(edited by Supernaut.2684)

Learn from WoW

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Samnang.1879


Maybe the gaming experience might be totally different…

But me just looking at WoW’s graphic makes me not want to touch it. I’m pretty shallow in that sense, I need the graphics to be in with today’s standards.

Please nerf bag types instead of class skills!

Learn from WoW

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Beldin.5498


I’m not talking about the treadmill, nor am I advocating for any kind of treadmill. Please re-read my post. I’m talking about sensible gear acquisition, as in gearing up by playing the content in the game.

I also don’t want to be forced to play dungeons, and even more dungeons to get
my gear … one of my main reasons to play this game was that i can craft the
best gear.
And else .. you can gear up with dungeons, you can already aquire lvl 80 exotics
for example with 70 in CoF if you want berserker gear.

EVERY MMO is awesome until it is released then its unfinished. A month after release it just sucks.
Best MMOs are the ones that never make it. Therefore Stargate Online wins.

Learn from WoW

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Supernaut.2684


And else .. you can gear up with dungeons, you can already aquire lvl 80 exotics

Good luck finding a raid group with your exotics, though.

But, to be honest? Ascended gear should never have been put in the game. It was a clear backpedaling from their initial stance on how gear progression should work in the game. Personally, I think we’d be better off without it.

(edited by Supernaut.2684)

Learn from WoW

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


I’m not talking about the treadmill, nor am I advocating for any kind of treadmill. Please re-read my post. I’m talking about sensible gear acquisition, as in gearing up by playing the content in the game.

But yeah, I’m right there with you on the raiding backfire thing, too. Making “endgame content” that is only accessible to 5% of the player population is pretty silly. IMO, and all that.

You might be one of those guys under 100 hour of play time. I think most people playing for 1 or 2 year have already gotten a set of ascended gear by just playing the game. (unless they have a infatuation on skins or legendary)

Learn from WoW

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Beldin.5498


And else .. you can gear up with dungeons, you can already aquire lvl 80 exotics

Good luck finding a raid group with your exotics, though.

But, to be honest? Ascended gear should never have been put in the game. It was a clear backpedaling from their initial stance on how gear progression should work in the game. Personally, I think we’d be better off without it.

Thats something totally different .. i was als against the whole ascended stuff,
however i understood your first post like :
- you need to play dungeons to get exotic
- then play “heroic” dungeons (maybe ftactals) to get ascended for raiding
- then raid for legendary or even better stuff

And if you only play open world .. no gear for you .. be happy with green or yellow.

EVERY MMO is awesome until it is released then its unfinished. A month after release it just sucks.
Best MMOs are the ones that never make it. Therefore Stargate Online wins.

Learn from WoW

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azure Prower.8701

Azure Prower.8701

lel people still think WoW is good?

Yes. Because it is good. But I guess you’re above good quality products.

What kind of low standards are you judging it on?

This game.

Learn from WoW

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mo Mo.1947

Mo Mo.1947

I did the free trial for WoW a while back and couldn’t get past the starter zone. I’m not sure how you didn’t feel the grind. After killing a bunch of pigs for my first quest then killing a bunch of spiders for a random drop I needed to accumulate the next quest turn-in requirements I saw where the grind was going. And dang I would play SRO if the game was functioning in any practical way, but at least that game had interesting animations.

Learn from WoW

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Steeldragon.7308


For the record, I have science leveled to 92/100, and still having a blast.

OK, so you’re telling a GW2 community that you’re having a blast on WoW.

…. What’s your point?

Learn from WoW

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eponet.4829


Another thing that WoW has is tangible class roles. I know, none of us want the holy trinity, but currently, the split between heavy, medium, and light classes feel pretty weak. Guardians and warriors lack active defenses, besides the occasional shield block or agis proc, healing doesn’t feel rewarding, and you rarely ever have the thrill of seeing big numbers flash onto your screen from damage(besides DH or Reaper).

Honestly… one armour weight with access to every skin rather than dividing them into three sets would make me happy. I don’t actually see why there’s a need for that divide in the first place.

Guardians only have occasional aegis if you don’t trait for it. A guardian built for active defense has massive amounts of aegis. Warriors lacking active defenses is because their passive defense is so much higher, if they had the same level of active defenses that mesmers or guardians had, while also maintaining the highest base health and highest base armour, they would be overpowered.

Additionally, every class has the capacity for large amounts of damage. There’s nothing inherently exciting about giant numbers, it’s all about the combat style, if you just want to see big numbers appear, play mesmer and greatsword autoattack a target dummy. A power mesmer’s shatter damage spikes might not show a single huge number, but you certainly feel it, the same applies to fresh air elementalists, or tempests when they manage to fully channel an overload, or rangers bursting with their longbow’s rapid fire+barrage+rapid fire burst, warriors constantly talk about their 60k+ damage hundred blades, etc.

You haven’t really stated why having role differences between classes is a good thing, just that there are differences in WoW, though, really, I disagree in that regard too.

In WoD at least, when it came to end game, most groups didn’t seem to care that as a paladin you could fully restore someone’s health while still dealing damage, or that a balance druid could turn into a bear to mitigate burst or the like.

With the sole exception of the discipline priest’s shields, and the death knight’s pull, all the classes felt extremely homogenised into melee DPS, ranged DPS, Healing, and Tanking, where in almost every circumstance, they were measured by their damage for DPS, HPS for healers, and damage taken for tanks unless they screwed up a mechanic and got yelled at. It might be that I never got too deep into it, but I barely noticed a difference between healing a protection warrior/guardian druid/protection paladin/brewmaster monk, with only death knights really feeling any different.

It has a lot of mechanics that /in theory/ differentiate the classes, but end up not actually being viable, like spirited crane monks and atonement healing.

Comparing the “Take whomever has the highest DPS for this fight” in WoW to Guild Wars 2’s “A power tempest would be great for orb control”, a condition necromancer would be amazing for dealing with spirits, a condition warrior would be amazing due to the boss’ large hitbox and need for immobilisation in Gorseval, or “We don’t really /need/ a tank for this fight” in Sabetha, or “We have two chronomancers, if they build appropriately, we could go full melee and ignore the green circles entirely if they’re on top of their invulnerability sharing” in Vale guardian, etc.

It’s safe to say that Guild Wars 2 has classes that are far more unique from each other than WoW does.

(edited by Eponet.4829)

Learn from WoW

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kolompi.1287


Of course, if there’s a QoL element GW2 could learn from WoW…
it'd be mounts!

Pre HoT I would have disagreed with you.

Now, given 50% if not more of the WP are contested at any given moment out in HoT I’m much more in agreement that GW2 probably needs them.

Either that or I’m the freaking commander weither I want to be or not. Let me through the kitten gate. Meow!

Mounts are already in the game. They are called gliders.

Learn from WoW

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kolompi.1287


Leveling was fun, and not only did it not feel like a grind(as a new player to gw2 the first 20 levels took ages)

If you start from scratch, the first 20 levels take a few hours.

Learn from WoW

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ilMasa.2546


You guys seems to not get the point.Gw2 should not have been a gear based game nor a pve focused one: Anet stated this very clearly long time before the release of the core game.

And infact Gw2 pve was really bland since start,no depth mechanics nor variety,pve speaking.We had like 4 to 5 dungeons…and u usually got there to farm tokens for skins or farm gold: its a fact.

So if u dont have a good pve “endgame content” what was the “endgame”!?Hmmm….WvW!?

As i said this game always promoted the fast possible level experience: u can level with crafting,exploring,wvw,participating in undreds of events.And the same goes for gear acquisition: karma,crafting,pvp badges,TP.

In common mmorpgs u farm better gear to get access to more difficult challenges…and on GW2 u can only have this kind of mechanics in Fractals.

First of legendary: at the begining they were only supposed to be aesthetic, 1 year later “puff” best in slot with higher stats.
Exotic gear at the beginning were the top quality to aim…then ascended gear came…ohh boy.First was the ascended back pack from Fractals…now we have multiple ascended gear (accountbound) with time cooldowns on crafting….

To me Anet is just destroyin what they had,taking the opposit direction for everything they stated: “not a gear based game” to me looks we r getting really fast to that (just to say one thing).

According to their early/pre release policy this game shuld have been wvw focused,skillbased,with multiple way to gear up and anjoy the game as u please.

Learn from WoW

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Supernaut.2684


You might be one of those guys under 100 hour of play time. I think most people playing for 1 or 2 year have already gotten a set of ascended gear by just playing the game. (unless they have a infatuation on skins or legendary)

Nope, I’ve been here since launch, and have had a grand total of one ascended weapon chest drop. I never bothered to craft ascended gear, because we were told from the beginning that ascended would only ever be necessary for high-end fractals, and I was not and I am not interested in repeating that content over and over and over. Why would I bother to craft it, when I don’t need it in the first place?

But once again, they’ve waffled on their stance on ascended, and have tuned raids for it, and have simultaneously made it more difficult and expensive to acquire. That seems backwards to me.

(edited by Supernaut.2684)

Learn from WoW

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Miellyn.6847


You guys seems to not get the point.Gw2 should not have been a gear based game nor a pve focused one: Anet stated this very clearly long time before the release of the core game.

And infact Gw2 pve was really bland since start,no depth mechanics nor variety,pve speaking.We had like 4 to 5 dungeons…and u usually got there to farm tokens for skins or farm gold: its a fact.

So if u dont have a good pve “endgame content” what was the “endgame”!?Hmmm….WvW!?

As i said this game always promoted the fast possible level experience: u can level with crafting,exploring,wvw,participating in undreds of events.And the same goes for gear acquisition: karma,crafting,pvp badges,TP.

In common mmorpgs u farm better gear to get access to more difficult challenges…and on GW2 u can only have this kind of mechanics in Fractals.

First of legendary: at the begining they were only supposed to be aesthetic, 1 year later “puff” best in slot with higher stats.
Exotic gear at the beginning were the top quality to aim…then ascended gear came…ohh boy.First was the ascended back pack from Fractals…now we have multiple ascended gear (accountbound) with time cooldowns on crafting….

To me Anet is just destroyin what they had,taking the opposit direction for everything they stated: “not a gear based game” to me looks we r getting really fast to that (just to say one thing).

According to their early/pre release policy this game shuld have been wvw focused,skillbased,with multiple way to gear up and anjoy the game as u please.

GW2 still isn’t ‘gear based’ except high lvl fractals and agony resistance, the actual raid wing has been proven to be beatable with a complete exotic group, it’s not ArenaNets fault that PUGs require ascended equipment

you can loot ascended boxes from fractals and world bosses and buy them for raid currency

Meena Wolfsgeist | Ranger
Ceana Mera | Mesmer
Indra Nebelklinge | Revenant

(edited by Miellyn.6847)

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Swagger.1459


Well that game is obviously doing something right… There are tons of elements gw2 could adopt to make this game better and have more staying power…

Trust me, ncsoft and anet would love to have a wow sized playerbase and quarterly report…

New Main- 80 Thief – P/P- Vault Spam Pro

221 hours over 1,581 days of bank space/hot pve/lion’s arch afk and some wvw.

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Draknar.5748


I would dare say most people hit level 20 on day 2 or 3 of playing the game. If that’s taking “ages” nowadays, then I feel sorry for MMO developers.

“I’ve been playing for a week now, how come I’m not at level cap! WTF is this grindfest!”

I won’t stop because I can’t stop.

It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


You guys seems to not get the point.Gw2 should not have been a gear based game nor a pve focused one: Anet stated this very clearly long time before the release of the core game.

And infact Gw2 pve was really bland since start,no depth mechanics nor variety,pve speaking.We had like 4 to 5 dungeons…and u usually got there to farm tokens for skins or farm gold: its a fact.

So if u dont have a good pve “endgame content” what was the “endgame”!?Hmmm….WvW!?

As i said this game always promoted the fast possible level experience: u can level with crafting,exploring,wvw,participating in undreds of events.And the same goes for gear acquisition: karma,crafting,pvp badges,TP.

In common mmorpgs u farm better gear to get access to more difficult challenges…and on GW2 u can only have this kind of mechanics in Fractals.

First of legendary: at the begining they were only supposed to be aesthetic, 1 year later “puff” best in slot with higher stats.
Exotic gear at the beginning were the top quality to aim…then ascended gear came…ohh boy.First was the ascended back pack from Fractals…now we have multiple ascended gear (accountbound) with time cooldowns on crafting….

To me Anet is just destroyin what they had,taking the opposit direction for everything they stated: “not a gear based game” to me looks we r getting really fast to that (just to say one thing).

According to their early/pre release policy this game shuld have been wvw focused,skillbased,with multiple way to gear up and anjoy the game as u please.

This is revisionist history in the extreme. PvE was promoted a year before they talked about WvW. Promoted. Anet said, at the time, that they wanted to promote PvE because Guild Wars 1 was known as a PvP game primary and they wanted to break the stereo type.

In fact, Anet has said, over and over again that they wanted to create a living breathing world, and that the game centered around dynamic events.

WvW was offered as another option of play, not the one and only end game. In fact, if the game had been centered around WvW, as you claim, why was PvE the focus of juset about every update.

What you say Anet said….Anet never said.

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: slamfunction.7462


I’d just give up the argument and go play WoW. WoW is a better value-per-dollar game, hands down. Arguing this with GW2 fans, many of which are F2P leeches, is futile.

And if WoW isn’t enough, there is Hearthstone, HoTS, Diablo 3, and (soon) Overwatch. For what what you’d spend in GW2 to build a legendary (gem-to-cash conversion), you’d own all of the above games, AND have quite a bit of the F2P stuff unlocked.

Simply put: If you don’t mind spending money on a game, GW2 is not for you. Its like comparing Walmart with Macy’s. You either think smart and pay for value, or buy over-priced yuppy crap that you’ll end up putting on a garage sale in a year.

Arena Nets are used to catch Gladiator Fish.

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ilMasa.2546


WvW was offered as another option of play, not the one and only end game. In fact, if the game had been centered around WvW, as you claim, why was PvE the focus of juset about every update.

They kittened up!? :p

No now seriously: whats the “living breathing world” part? the living story?!

Didnt they changed the legendary weapons from pure aesthetic(they had the same stats of exotics) to an autoupgraded best in slot?!
Didnt they added overtime little by little more and more ascended!?
Didnt they say Ascended Gear to be Required for Raids?! (https://twitter.com/All_Caulle/status/649239988282875907)

So what I say Anet said,Anet never said…yea

Hot introduced a different way of personal progression,with masteries and the new elist spec?They said this decision was taken basically to “be different from the other mmorpg” (add 5 more levels,level up again,grind new equip…).

“mastery allow you to constantly grow and overcome new challenges while focusing on playing the game instead of grinding for gear” (https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/reimagining-progression-the-mastery-system/)

But this is not what they said regardless ascended gear (im quoting Linsey Murdock):

“As we watch Guild Wars 2 mature in its Live environment, we have found that our most dedicated players were achieving their set of Exotic gear and hitting ‘the Legendary wall’. We designed the process of getting Legendary gear to be a long term goal, but players were ready to start on that path much sooner than we expected and were becoming frustrated with a lack of personal progression.”

And they added the Fractals (with the agony levels system) and its related gear (ascended)

“Adding item progression is a delicate process normally undertaken in an expansion, but we feel it’s important to strive to satisfy the basic needs of our players sooner rather than later”

And according to Murdock “Legendary weapons will be boosted to be on a par with Ascended weapons leaving Exotic weapons slightly behind”

why was PvE the focus of juset about every update.

Because they ran out of ANY pve content in the first year,they HAD to focus every single day on PVE features becasue every single player already burned any content they had.And thats where the living sotry kicked in.By giving a little new content every month u get players come back and check.Every single legit “pve endgame player” quit Gw2 after the first 2 months.

(edited by ilMasa.2546)

Learn from WoW

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Serophous.9085


when it comes to WoW i will say the most bad part about it is paying to play it. but at lest you know you will have the game updated with out any questions at all. but as for the rest of it. yes it has lots of skills and so forth and you can move the ui stuff around if i remember it right . and it has quests which do beat the hearts quests . and i will say with wow you got no server lag and so forth . but yet gw2 has its good points but as of late it has gotten more bad points then the good ones . i do hope that changes but yet waiting 3 mo,s for updates is a major kitten in my book . so it is a give and take both ways . and you can all talk about both points of both games . but yet i got to say if things in gw2 does not get better . lets just say from what i see right now ahh if no changes happen here . other then people leaving the game well then i think maybe anet will git the idea or shut it down like they did city of heros . but i have seen a lot of people leaving . and not coming back but yet still got to hold out hope for this game . unless the next update goes even more kitten bad

Yes, you will have the game updated. I believe a major patch is what? approx 3 months? So bout $45. And you have no idea the quality or amount coming in that patch. Wasn’t one of the WoD patches a completely flop where it added pretty much nothing but twitter interface and a selfie stick? Good spending of $45 I guess…

Learn from WoW

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Serophous.9085


Learn from WoW

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kampilan.3895


I played WoW for… three years? Late BC to early Cata. Three 80s. Fought my share of PvP in a server dedicated to that. Got my Paladin’s special mount solo, not bought and with barely any help even from guildies.

Left because the community was filled with people demanding you play your character to spec and how so much content – and equipment – was behind raids. I’m a solo MMOer, strange as that sounds. The only people I feel comfortable playing with are my longtime guildmates. I abhor LFG.

GW2 was a refreshing change for me. So much I can solo. I have six 80s, all with Exotic equipment and at least two with full Ascended trinks.

All mostly solo-ed.

I miss a lot of things in WoW, like the Mounts. I did the grind for those special dragons in Outland (whose names evade me right now). Like I said, I solo-ed my Paladin’s special mount. I miss the epic, easily-relatable story that anyone who played Warcraft 2 will understand.

But I’m not coming back. Not for that price tag. Arrogant little kids who have it easy and think they’re effing powerful. Grinding of gear at cap just to be USEFUL.

I have a lot of gripes with Heart of Thorns. But I love GW2. I just stopped playing the HoTS maps and went back to the stuff I found fun.

Learn from WoW

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ilMasa.2546


Sorry m8 i dont see any reply about “balancing around” the only official response i see is from IsaiahCartwright “It’s recommended”. u mean that one?

Learn from WoW

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Serophous.9085


Sorry m8 i dont see any reply about “balancing around” the only official response i see is from IsaiahCartwright “It’s recommended”. u mean that one?

person asks “is ascended recommended?”.
isaiah “recommended”

Learn from WoW

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Miellyn.6847


Sorry m8 i dont see any reply about “balancing around” the only official response i see is from IsaiahCartwright “It’s recommended”. u mean that one?


you can beat the entire wing in complete exotic, ascended is not required…

Meena Wolfsgeist | Ranger
Ceana Mera | Mesmer
Indra Nebelklinge | Revenant

Learn from WoW

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ilMasa.2546


Sorry m8 i dont see any reply about “balancing around” the only official response i see is from IsaiahCartwright “It’s recommended”. u mean that one?

person asks “is ascended recommended?”.
isaiah “recommended”

Ok…“recommended”,what about the “Last boss should be full asc”.
when isaiah reply was posted?prior,after Crystal tweet?!

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Serophous.9085


Sorry m8 i dont see any reply about “balancing around” the only official response i see is from IsaiahCartwright “It’s recommended”. u mean that one?

person asks “is ascended recommended?”.
isaiah “recommended”

Ok…“recommended”,what about the “Last boss should be full asc”.
when isaiah reply was posted?prior,after Crystal tweet?!

also, should =/= will or must. it still means the opposite can happen. example “this pebble should scare away a hungry tiger”.

(edited by Serophous.9085)

Learn from WoW

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Laurie.1698


April, 2005, GW1, I started with the GW games, and this thing around work and around gaming people circles was WoW is better! No GW1 is better! constant rivalry. Even “dance off” videos posted WoW vs GW .

I started WoW just to see what the hype was about at the end of 2005 while still playing GW. I got all the expansions for each, every time they came out. One foot on both sides of the rivalry for years.

No I didn’t stop playing either of them, moving on to GW2 in beta and staying with it this whole time, and playing WoW as well this whole time. Until now. I really got fed up with WoW and the way the game changed so much and 179.88 sub fees for a year of gaming, no I don’t buy six months at a time, which still would have been 144.00 a year in sub fees plus expansion costs. Yes GW had expansion cost but it comes no where near what it costs for WoW per year.

So…I switched to WoW tokens, for gold you could get game time. Started at 20,000 gold, now is up to 50,000 gold to get a month. Yes, I work, yes I can “afford” game time but that is not the point. The point is, value for your money. Which varies GREATLY from person to person and each person has their own value decision to make.

But what really made me stop WoW completely is I didn’t like the quests, they got gimmicky and the fact that there is no shared targets and cross realm zones now in WoW, you could wait in a bottle neck at a quest area that was now “on rails” meaning you have to complete that one to move on to the next, watching piles of the same body of a boss and groups waiting to kill the next body and only one would get it each time, really turned me away. Rare monsters used to be difficult and rare, now rares are everywhere and spawn within minutes, once you kill them, that’s it, they are not rare anymore. The real “Rares” are camped by lots of people, no shared target, so your first or you lose. Fights break out in chat regularly due to this. Its been three years since cross realm in Wow and I’m done with it.

Yes every game has it perks, every game has its “better this way” mechanics and quests, but I don’t want WoW’s ways, the rivalry it seems will continue….years in the making.

You make your decision. I made mine. Doesn’t mean one is better than the other, but WoW isn’t all sunshine and roses in the questing areas. At least GW2 has shareable targets, you can group or not group, (btw WoW, you cannot group with cross realm zoned people you see, you can by LFG realm but not trade, join guilds, server rivalry will cause many griefers and arguments about grouping for a quest, click on a cross realm zone person to ask to group and get “this person does not exist”, two person mounts still plummet your guest to the ground to death when crossing into cross realm zones and you get 50% experience not full XP in a group)

GW2 has its issues, but for me, I’ll never go back to WoW again. I am done with it.

“Do not scorn caring and sympathizing, they are the gifts of a gentle heart!”
J.R.R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings

Learn from WoW

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Beldin.5498


No now seriously: whats the “living breathing world” part? the living story?!

Living Story 1 was … sadly the players couldn’t understand that a “living breathing
world” can’t be permantly the same because it means constant change, and so after
all the complaints how bad temporar content is, ANet has more or less abandoned
that concept

And yes … i liked the LS1 where we got new stuff every 2 weeks much more than
all the long pauses with nothing new we got after that.

EVERY MMO is awesome until it is released then its unfinished. A month after release it just sucks.
Best MMOs are the ones that never make it. Therefore Stargate Online wins.