Left Handed Characters

Left Handed Characters

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gemini Bull.5476

Gemini Bull.5476


Hello! First I’m sorry if there is already a topic about this already, but I haven’t found it yet. The forum auto search is….not that good. But that’s for another topic. I was wondering if there is a way, or if Arenanet are planning to, allow players to make there characters left handed in-game. I’m a lefty and I would like to see my characters doing things as a lefty as well. This would add more personality to our characters and put a bit of ourselves in them too. Most mmo’s are right handed only, and I think it’s time for we left handed players get our left handed characters.

I don’t know how the coding will be done for this, but it really should be done by someone. I already posted a message like this on a fan-made mmo’s forum I frequent, and they said they will try to make it work. So at least they said they will try, and that made a lot of us playing that fan made mmorpg happy. I simply want my characters to be left handed like me, that’s all.

Left Handed Characters

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Belzebu.3912


Hello! First I’m sorry if there is already a topic about this already, but I haven’t found it yet. The forum auto search is….not that good.

Actually the forum search is non existent, I wish it was upgraded to “not good” haha

That subject was discussed not long ago: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/gw2/Left-Handed-Character-s

Take a look there and I think it is not old enough to be considered necro if you post.

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Left Handed Characters

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blockhead Magee.3092

Blockhead Magee.3092

It would be nice if my character could be left handed like me – the only time it feels somewhat right is when I duel wield.

However, I’d rather they spend their time on new content than add a ‘which hand is primary’ feature.


Left Handed Characters

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gemini Bull.5476

Gemini Bull.5476

Belzebu.3912, Blockhead Magee.3092, thank you for your replies.

Left Handed Characters

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DietPepsi.4371


I’d like if we could pick hand bias, but I’m (as in IRL) a little weird; I hold things like melee weapons, stationary equipment (i.e pens), bows in my left hand, but Rifles, knives and forks I hold right handed. =P

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Left Handed Characters

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Danikat.8537


I’d like this as well, but I suspect it would be a lot of work to do as all the animations would have to be reversed. It’s not like back in ye olde days when you could just mirror image your sprites and it’s done.

Whenever I have the opportunity I do make my main character left-handed, but it doesn’t really bother me when I can’t.

Danielle Aurorel, Dear Dragon We Got Your Cookies [Nom], Desolation (EU).

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Left Handed Characters

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blair.3796


It doesn’t seem like it would be that hard to mirror the animations. Shoot, it doesn’t even need to be that specific; just give us a setting to mirror the character avatar. That way not only would animations and weapon hands be swapped, but details like single arm guards would be as well.

Probably best way to do this would be to simply place a check box in the game settings. Something like, “Check for a left-handed character. This will require a map change to take effect.” And then once the player reloads the avatar will simply be mirrored.

Just like other players can see when you change outfits or weapons, so should it be possible for them to simply see when you mirror an avatar.

I’m not sure how easy this would be to implement, but I believe a straight and simple mirror would make this easiest. No need to design brand-new avatars and animations.

-left handed irl. I play hockey and lacrosse right handed, but otherwise I do everything left handed.

Left Handed Characters

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Unforgiven Azrael.6203

Unforgiven Azrael.6203

A) topic already exists post was made about this about 2-3 weeks ago
B) its not gonna happen, as its too much effort for such a small cosmetic change that too few people would even consider wanting, and no, its not as simple as “just mirror the animations”. I will also wager it would be alot more work to accomplish this in GW2 than some ‘fan-made mmo’.

Left Handed Characters

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Miss Lana.5276

Miss Lana.5276

A) topic already exists post was made about this about 2-3 weeks ago
B) its not gonna happen, as its too much effort for such a small cosmetic change that too few people would even consider wanting, and no, its not as simple as “just mirror the animations”. I will also wager it would be alot more work to accomplish this in GW2 than some ‘fan-made mmo’.

Pretty much this. There would only be a small percentage of people who actually use it.

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Left Handed Characters

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

A) topic already exists post was made about this about 2-3 weeks ago
B) its not gonna happen, as its too much effort for such a small cosmetic change that too few people would even consider wanting, and no, its not as simple as “just mirror the animations”. I will also wager it would be alot more work to accomplish this in GW2 than some ‘fan-made mmo’.

Pretty much this. There would only be a small percentage of people who actually use it.

There are lots of reasons why this probably won’t happen, but “small percentage who actually use it” ought not to be one of them.

Minimum estimates of lefties in industrialized nations (those likely to have players in this game) top 10%; some studies suggest more (depending on the definition). That’s a lot of GW2 players.

That said, as a left-handed dyslexic who actually gets turned around in-game by the main-hand weapon being on the “wrong” side, there are other changes I’d prefer to see than ANet figuring out how to mirror image a huge number of animations.

John Smith: “you should kill monsters, because killing monsters is awesome.”

Left Handed Characters

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Oh My God.8423

Oh My God.8423

Yes, I am always annoyed and still confused that our main hand weapon is on the left side of the skill bar and on the right hand of the character.

Mirroring animations is not hard at all. I would love to seet that.

Otherwise, you have not idea how much I want to move our main hand weapon to slot 3-5 and offhand 1 and 2.

(edited by Oh My God.8423)

Left Handed Characters

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gemini Bull.5476

Gemini Bull.5476

A) topic already exists post was made about this about 2-3 weeks ago
B) its not gonna happen, as its too much effort for such a small cosmetic change that too few people would even consider wanting, and no, its not as simple as “just mirror the animations”. I will also wager it would be alot more work to accomplish this in GW2 than some ‘fan-made mmo’.

Pretty much this. There would only be a small percentage of people who actually use it.

There are lots of reasons why this probably won’t happen, but “small percentage who actually use it” ought not to be one of them.

Minimum estimates of lefties in industrialized nations (those likely to have players in this game) top 10%; some studies suggest more (depending on the definition). That’s a lot of GW2 players.

That said, as a left-handed dyslexic who actually gets turned around in-game by the main-hand weapon being on the “wrong” side, there are other changes I’d prefer to see than ANet figuring out how to mirror image a huge number of animations.

First, thank you all for your answers, even those who say it will never happen, anywhere. In any game. Lefties are a minority that are ALWAYS forgotten. Mainly because there are so few of us. It’s only right some of us speak out and try to get the rest of humanity to remember we do exist. It is possible to make our characters lefties as others have said. AND, there is a fan made mmorpg that i do play, that the developers are working on making it possible to make our characters left-handed. I posted it on their forums months ago, and got a reply form one of the head developers, saying that they will work on it. So yeah, if a fan made mmorpg will have it, it shouldn’t be that hard for professionals to do the same thing.

Left Handed Characters

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Substance E.4852

Substance E.4852

Yes, I am always annoyed and still confused that our main hand weapon is on the left side of the skill bar and on the right hand of the character.

Mirroring animations is not hard at all. I would love to seet that.

Otherwise, you have not idea how much I want to move our main hand weapon to slot 3-5 and offhand 1 and 2.

You have to adjust each rotational value one at a time individually to do this which can be a lot of work for even one auto attack chain. Never mind redoing many particle effects/animations so they come out the correct side.

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