Legendaries Question

Legendaries Question

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SaberSamSlayer.7691



So I’ve been watching a few YouTubers and when they go for legendaries they get help from the community.
Ive recently decided to make twilight and have got to the last component i need, i ask one of my guild friends to help and he said no.
( a legendary should be your journey and yours alone )

So im wandering what are your views of this ?

Does the community actually help a random person like myself, or is it just because the youtubers have big names ?

Legendaries Question

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Telemin.7380



When I made both my legendaries, the server of Eredon Terrace basicly made both of them. The only thing I did was map completion. Everything else came from donations. But this was back in the days before mega servers (and one of the reasons I was so opposed to them back then). I also did not stream or youtube.

If its a solo journey or group effort is up to the crafter. But the crafter cannot force others to donate.

Teh Ouchies

Legendaries Question

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Danikat.8537


In my experience people will rarely help if asked, especially directly and especially if the help requested is sending gold or items.

But people will sometimes choose to help. One of my guild mates sent me tons and tons of Elder wood and other logs (I was making the Dreamer so I needed a lot), several joined me for dungeon runs and gave me advice.

Right at the end one random person sent me 13g when I was talking about only needing a few more T6 mats to finish it. It might have helped that it was at the end of the MS Toga Party so people might have been in a generous mood.

Danielle Aurorel, Dear Dragon We Got Your Cookies [Nom], Desolation (EU).

“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”

Legendaries Question

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lokh.2695


PPl who stream or you tube GW2 content usually invest some time into it that they can’t invest in crafting/grinding. I think that’s what justifies them getting donations by their crowd.
Random ppl who beg in mapchat or on the forums don’t get anything from me. Grind it your own or spend some $$$ on it. I have made a few legendaries so far and all w/o help of the community.

+ : Keyrings, Underwater-Combat, Build Templates
- : Mounts, ViP-Player systems, HoT-like Xpacs
Have a nice day.

Legendaries Question

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SaberSamSlayer.7691


thanks for your opinions !