(edited by Christos de Soufre.3802)
(There’s no TL;DR, sorry.)
Mostly because of Mystic Clovers, but also in part to a few other things. I’m one of those people that’s always drooling after Sunrise because I play a Guardian and it’s probably the most amazing Guardian-esque weapon I can imagine having. I’m more than willing to sit through the grind for the money to pick up Dawn and the 100 Charged Lodestones and all of those t6 mats, but the one thing that KILLS me are the clovers.
I have put in a total of 12 single-unit attempts and gotten 3 clovers back. I have put in a total of nineteen (19) 10-unit attempts and gotten back a total of zero (0) clovers back from those. That’s 199 ecto, 199 mystic coins, and 120 skill points I am not getting back. And that’s just so far; I still need 74 clovers.
Now, maybe if I didn’t also have the insane cost of the 100 Charged Lodestones looming over me, I’d be a little more okay with grinding even more for what would likely be more disappointments in the clover area, but then I look at other legendaries… Bifrost in particular has caught my eye. Its equivalent of the Gift of Light, the Gift of Color, requires 100 Opal Orbs. Opal Orbs are 2.48 silver on the BLTP; that’s a grand total of 2.5g for all 100.
Compare that to the 100 Charged Lodestones which total up to 393.7g for Sunrise’s Gift of Light and all of the million RNG-based disappointments start to really beat down on you.
I don’t have a problem with RNG being a part of things like this. It’s an artificial time barrier, but I feel it’s needed to prevent everyone from getting legendaries too quickly, but when you’re already 19 10-set and 9 1-set clover failures in and STILL have to grind out almost 400g for not-even-the-precursor compared to most other legendaries, it gets a little (read: very) disheartening. I imagine those after Twilight and a few others have similar issues here, but I’m fairly certain that Charged Lodestones are the most expensive t6 mats by an irritatingly wide margin.
What bothers me more still is that the cost of these particular lodestones aren’t AS demand-based as they are supply-based. There are extremely few places to farm for these Lodestones, and most (if not all) of them require some kind of event to be completed to be available. Off the top of my head, there are the temples of Lyssa and Dwayna that open up spawn areas for high-level air elementals, and those are relatively obscure and not completed very often. And then they aren’t exactly open for long.
Yes, there are fractals. Yes, there are explorable chests. But we can get any type of lodestone and core from those things. The point is that there are many, many more places to farm the other lodestones (even Onyx and Destroyer) than there are for Charged.
So, I guess my major gripes with this disheartening grind are: 1) the RNG rate of Mystic Clover success and 2) the overwhelming lack of reliable ways to farm or increase supply of certain t6 mats (Lodestones) for some of the more expensive legendaries, such as Sunrise, Twilight, and Bolt. This lack of supply also lends itself to some rather insane non-legendary prices, in the neighborhood of 760g+.
There’s also the ever-inflating costs of pre-cursors, but I know that ANet is actively trying to work on that. I just wonder if, perhaps, there are any plans to try and stump the inflation of lodestone prices? I realize that there’s little chance of making Clovers any “easier,” but I may as well ask if there are otherwise any plans to make legendaries any less stressful, aside from the scavenger hunts?
Not to sound rude, but I’m not really interested in comments about how “RNG is RNG” or anything else you’d expect Captain Obvious to say. I’m just wondering what others might think about all of this. And perhaps a staff response to questions about lightening the load just a little bit on those going for the seemingly hyper-inflated legendaries.
Thanks. Have a nice day.
(edited by Christos de Soufre.3802)
I finished my clovers a few weeks ago.
I would recommend doing the single attempts rather than the 10 unit attempts.
The best run I ever had was 6 clovers in a row, the worst was 10 no-clovers in a row.
It ended up being about 33% clover rate when I was done with it all.
The mystic clovers are also the thing that i am dreading for my legendary. I always seem to have the worst luck. I doubt i’ll ever be fortunate enough to actually get a legendary.
There’s a reason I didn’t do Miragent armor in AION either. Same relentless punishing RNG.
Rng is rng. the 10x recipe is for risk takers imo. the x1 recipe is more sound/safe. And, I guess this is just me, but try to do them in small batches. Like I usually do anything between 5-20 tries in one go, and do them over a few days over a few chars (to help with the skill points).
You’re not interested in certain responses, but are still looking for an answer?
Seems you’ve already made up your mind.
also, rng is rng. I don’t deal with it. Mystic clovers aren’t that bad (always do single attemps), but precursors…nah.
You’re not interested in certain responses, but are still looking for an answer?
also, rng is rng.
I asked for thoughts, not the obvious.
Legendaries are not meant to be acquired quickly. Else, everyone would be welding one and these weapons will lose it’s uniqueness.
I did 10x recipe and finished off with singles once I hit 70. 2/3 of my 10x recipes gave me clovers, about 1/5 gave me clovers on single. In case you care how someone else fared in the clover lotto.
My 2c on legendaries in general is that…its a long term goal that you can work towards but shouldnt obsess over. You get it as you get it. I have everything needed except precursor and lodestones. Eventually I will get lucky and get one, or the money to buy one… eventually.
They have repeatedly said on countless other threads on this subject that they realize its an issue to the community and are working towards a solution.
Good luck
Mystic clovers were a kitten to me too. Sometimes I’d go 20 single attempts and end up with 2 clovers.
People have made a ton of great suggestions regarding lodestones and what not, just remember Anet is a buisness first and foremost and they need to provide roi to NCSoft. I wouldn’t hold my breath for any relief to this situation (unless they kitten up again, who am I kidding they either ignore or don’t have a QA team so they will kitten up again)
Legendaries are not meant to be acquired quickly. Else, everyone would be welding one and these weapons will lose it’s uniqueness.
From the time I decided “Oh, I guess I’ll make the hammer thing, that’s kind of cool” to the time i equipped it on my character was about 70 hours of in-game time, most of which I spent idling in front of the mystic forge. The only “difficult” part was walking from the TP to the mystic forge and waiting for balth to open.
There is nothing unique or legendary about them, if it wasn’t for the promise that they would remain BiS through all content I’d have listed it on the TP.
(edited by Brutal Arts.6307)
Indeed, I don’t think it’s a very…unique experience. It’s the same as any other grind, it’s just that the general costs of the gifts needed per legendary can be so insanely skewed (Light vs Color, for example) because of any reason from higher legendary popularity to, as is largely the case here, sheer lack of supply. That and the RNG in this case is absolutely merciless.
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