Legendaries and Ventari Stats

Legendaries and Ventari Stats

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SonOfKrypton.4357



Can anyone provide me with any info on whether Legendary weapons will be able to eventually change their stats to Ventari?

Compensation for the introduction of ascended weapons was to make Legendary weapons equal to the best items in game.

Grinding gold for a prestige weapon should, in my opinion, make these weapons the ‘best’ weapons in game and should be continuously updated as things like new stat combos are released.

Is this intentional or simply an oversight?

Thanks. x

Attempting to contact arenanet.support seeking counselling expenses.

Legendaries and Ventari Stats

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xista.7391


Confirmed to be added to legendaries in a future patch.

In-game opinions of Skyhammer: http://i.imgur.com/FKymDjC.jpg