Legendaries and avalibility of Pre cursors
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It costs an obscene amount to be sure, but there are ways to make that much coin, or you can simply throw rares into the forge until you get it.
Anet have said that they are planning on making precursors available through more methods (IIRC a scavenge hunt was mentioned). It’s been a while since though so not certain if that is still on the agenda.
Fun thing btw, with the exception of dusk and twilight (and perhaps some other, haven’t checked in about a week) the precursor isn’t the most expensive part. If you’re going for a weapon that needs charged lodestones you better take out a second mortgage
Fun thing btw, with the exception of dusk and twilight (and perhaps some other, haven’t checked in about a week) the precursor isn’t the most expensive part. If you’re going for a weapon that needs charged lodestones you better take out a second mortgage
Especially with the curernt drop rate. After farming orr for almost 2 weeks, I have had one (!!) lodestone drop.
This thread again!
Vanity costs deal with it.
There’s probably no way you’ll ever obtain a pre-cursor from Orr Champions or Chests, you just have to fully depend on your RNG luck at the mystic forge so that it throws out an pre-cursor for you.
I myelf had to spend around 150g of rares until I got the pre-cursor for Sunrise, made 400g with it and was able to buy all the Icy Runestones and lodestones I needed for the legendary I want.
Now all I have to do is, do this again and hope that Dusk will get out of the Mystic Forge and I get my beloved Twilight.
Elonas Reach [EU]
This thread again!
Vanity costs deal with it.
This reply again!
Legendary weapons are not just vanity items anymore.
People seem to keep forgetting that little bit of information.
This is what Lindsey Murdock had to say on it:
You’ll also see more Legendary items in the future and an update to our existing Legendary weapons. Legendary items were always intended to be on par with other “best-in-slot” items. So fear not, all existing Legendary weapons, which are currently on par with Exotics, will be upgraded to be on par with Ascended weapons at the same time that we add Ascended weapons to the game. Thus Legendaries will remain “best-in-slot” items. All Legendary items going forward will be of Ascended power.
Now, as I, and I am sure many others, have no use for ascended weapons or armor at all, because we don’t do that Fractal crap, Legendary weapons are not just pretty weapons anymore but an actual tier that will get better and better over time thus making them the exact opposite of a vanity item.
I don’t really care about the legendary items. But I am kitten off about Zap, or the crystalline sword skin being unvailable. Who is going to pay 190g for a skin on the TP thats an exotic. It was near unobtainable in GW1, maybe it will be availble in GW3.
The cool part for me is that the time to coolness ratio doesn’t seem cost effective. I like the Tier 3 Asuran cultural weapons for all my characters. Great animations, Big skins, and they are pretty unique. I like them more than the Mystic weapons and the Dark Asuran stuff. Most of the Legendaries are pretty average. I like one of the great swords and the hammer, but there are other weapons that I think are just as cool. The Halloween great sword is cool and so is the Corrupted Greatsword.
If you get it just because it is Legendary and a recognizable skin, you are doing it for the wrong reasons. Get a skin you totally like and then realize that the amount of time it takes to get this weapon skin is time that could be spent doing real life stuff and making real money to get real things that will enrich your life. Heck, you could write a novel in the time it takes to put into getting one of those now.
This thread again!
Vanity costs deal with it.This reply again!
Legendary weapons are not just vanity items anymore.
People seem to keep forgetting that little bit of information.This is what Lindsey Murdock had to say on it:
You’ll also see more Legendary items in the future and an update to our existing Legendary weapons. Legendary items were always intended to be on par with other “best-in-slot” items. So fear not, all existing Legendary weapons, which are currently on par with Exotics, will be upgraded to be on par with Ascended weapons at the same time that we add Ascended weapons to the game. Thus Legendaries will remain “best-in-slot” items. All Legendary items going forward will be of Ascended power.
Now, as I, and I am sure many others, have no use for ascended weapons or armor at all, because we don’t do that Fractal crap, Legendary weapons are not just pretty weapons anymore but an actual tier that will get better and better over time thus making them the exact opposite of a vanity item.
I agree they have gone way beyond vanity. They are mandatory for long term player because it reduces the grind. I suspect that Ascend weapons will be RNG dungeon nightmare crap and hard/grind to obtain but is negated by the perpetual bump to BIS even if agony is added.
So if you have one now you have BIS forever no more grind required. That is a huge advantage. It is a sad and sorry state of affairs than what it started out as. But Anet always prefer certain players over others.
It isnt based on merit or skill or time. But gold, exploitability and RNG. Everything a legendary should stand for is the stark opposite in this game and I just dont understand why ANet let it be like this.
You would think that they would reward those who commit time,effort,skill and dedication to get the best the game has to offer but this isnt the case here at all. Here it is all about gold and RNG.
(edited by Narkosys.5173)
Soon, there will be no such thing as a super-rare item because everyone would have whined their way to the top.
Heaven’s Punisher, where art thou?
Soon, there will be no such thing as a super-rare item because everyone would have whined their way to the top.
Good. This is a western MMO, not a Korean Grind-Fest.
We don’t want or need “super-rare items”, whatever those are.
Did you get the most powerful and rare stuff in Final Fantasy 7? Yeah. So did everyone else that played that game.
Did it make it feel any less cool and awesome? No. No it did not.
getting my legendary is the last thing ive left to do in the game but trying to grind up to 400-500g just to buy my precursors has made playing the game so horrible that Ive just stopped logging in lately and ive played almost daily since launch up till now
That’s fine. You don’t need to play every day.
I agree that Precursors are ridiculous. The odds of dropping one is so low you shouldn’t even try.
At some point they’ve said they’re introducing new ways to get the precursors so you just need to wait for that really.
I do find it strange that you’ve done everything else in the game in such a short time though… Can I ask how many kills you have in WvW and what rank you are in PvP?
Soon, there will be no such thing as a super-rare item because everyone would have whined their way to the top.
Good. This is a western MMO, not a Korean Grind-Fest.
We don’t want or need “super-rare items”, whatever those are.
Did you get the most powerful and rare stuff in Final Fantasy 7? Yeah. So did everyone else that played that game.
Did it make it feel any less cool and awesome? No. No it did not.
If everyone were running around with the most powerful and rare stuff, and the townspeople I spoke to said, “Haha, you have that sword, Cloud? Me, too!” Yes, it would feel less cool and awesome. FF7 an MMORPG does not equal.
Was there the same type of satisfaction when I got the most powerful stuff in FF7 (not very rare) as there was when I’d get the most powerful, rare stuff in Phantasy Star Online? No. No, there was not.
Do you, in a massive multiplayer game, need to consider the fact that there are thousands upon thousands of players when you’re creating itemization mechanics? Yes. Yes, you do.
Rarity in a single player game is hardly a thing… because it’s a single player game.
bad job
A Legendary weapon is… Legendary. It’s not “something you do pretty quickly after you’ve finished other stuff”.
I don’t really care about the legendary items. But I am kitten off about Zap, or the crystalline sword skin being unvailable. Who is going to pay 190g for a skin on the TP thats an exotic. It was near unobtainable in GW1, maybe it will be availble in GW3.
None of the precursors have unique skins, they all share a skin with another normal exotic.
I beleive the sword you are looking for is this one:
about 4G on the trade post?
Good. This is a western MMO, not a Korean Grind-Fest.
We don’t want or need “super-rare items”, whatever those are.
Do you, in a massive multiplayer game, need to consider the fact that there are thousands upon thousands of players when you’re creating itemization mechanics? Yes. Yes, you do.
Sure, make lots of items, make it so that everyone can have a unique look, make tonnes of colours, tonnes of armour skins, tonnes of weapon skins. I don’t disagree.
How many legendaries are there? like 8, 9 ? You can’t even change their colours.
Getting a legendary in fact makes you look LESS unique, not more unique…
Wanting a rare item just because it’s rare is just dumb.
I understand wanting a Legendary, some of them look pretty cool. I don’t understand wanting it less because lots of people have one. Everyone has the same opportunity to have one, as time goes on thousands and thousands of people will get them.
You’re not special because you got one before everyone else, you just grinded faster and exploited the gold early enough to avoid getting banned.
I’ve grown skeptical of people who claim to not understand why, when something rare is made less rare—that item loses some of its want-value. I guarantee you that if everyone in GW2 looked exactly like your character, you’d enjoy changing the way your character looked just because of that.
The fact that Legendaries are so rare is what makes you look more unique. You don’t need different skins. Making them less rare is what will render their wearers non-unique.
There’s a reason storybook heroes aren’t exactly like everyone else, and a reason lots of people want to be storybook heroes. I know in a fun rainbow ideal world no one would ever even consider what everyone else around them looked like, or did, or their perceptions, and everyone would be an island and an MMO would be pointless because socializing what for!?—but that’s a bad ideal to try to impose on… reality.
If you genuinely don’t understand why rarity increases value, then you must either not be human or you’re just saying things to make a point.
(edited by AmagicalFishy.6935)
we don’t do that Fractal crap
HeroQuest, Talisman, Heroscape, Munchkin Quest
DungeonQuest, Dungeon Run etc…
This thread again!
Vanity costs deal with it.
Only a player that has acquired his precursor already using exploits or any other dubious means would be happy with the current systems in place off course he’d feel threatened that their precursors for sale on the TP would lose their value !
I for one do want to see this change into some sort of personal scavenger hunt that you can only do solo !
and no selling precursors or legendaries on the TP !
I’m a big fan of this game but this situation is starting to disgust me quite a bit to the point I’m not playing as much anymore !
This from someone that has over 850+ hours in the game, and has seen 1 precursor in all his game time and even than it was from the karka fiasco event drop !
Don’t believe me about in-game time click my signature !
This thread again!
Vanity costs deal with it.Only a player that has acquired his precursor already using exploits or any other dubious means would be happy with the current systems in place off course he’d feel threatened that their precursors for sale on the TP would lose their value !
I for one do want to see this change into some sort of personal scavenger hunt that you can only do solo !
and no selling precursors or legendaries on the TP !
I’m a big fan of this game but this situation is starting to disgust me quite a bit to the point I’m not playing as much anymore !
This from someone that has over 850+ hours in the game, and has seen 1 precursor in all his game time and even than it was from the karka fiasco event drop !
Don’t believe me about in-game time click my signature !
Yo man… 1350 hours played here and I already crafted The Juggernaut + I am almost done with the second Legendary now. NO i didnt exploint, maybe I had some luck with drops, thats all. I just play the game.
And I dont want legendaries to be cheaper, easyer … ever (Maybe precursor should be equal in prices, or higher chances to drop).
btw .. I WANT Legendary weapons only because small % of player base has them, thats the main thing I care about. When the day comes and everyone will have Legendary, either I quit or I wont wear them anymore
(edited by Kacigarka.5176)
I didn’t say make them easier to acquire, but you gotta agree the current state of affairs is far from ideal !
The only gripe I have with the whole legendary issue is the state of the precursor acquisition and the selling of legendary weapons on the TP.
I understand completely about the rarity issue and that it needs to be difficult but… playing the trading post or pure RNG has nothing to do with what it should take to acquire a legendary weapon.
I’ve said this before I don’t care if it’s so difficult it takes 6 months to finish the scavenger hunt as long as I have a goal to work towards not just some RNG piece of kitten (yes I wrote kitten)
Precursors are not ridiculous.
I wish people that comment in threads like this would be a bit more honest.
Its not precursors you’re all complaining about, its the greatswords.
I have Rage and Rodgort on my main character for when I have the materials, didnt cost me 500 gold.
The popular ones are more expensive because everyone wants them.
Precursors are not ridiculous.
I wish people that comment in threads like this would be a bit more honest.
Its not precursors you’re all complaining about, its the greatswords.
I have Rage and Rodgort on my main character for when I have the materials, didnt cost me 500 gold.
The popular ones are more expensive because everyone wants them.
I started out working towards twilight on my guardian, but about a month ago I realized that the lodestones + precursor cost will not be a viable goal with the play time I have available.
Up to that point I only farmed karma and gold so I decided to first get The Bifrost for my ele because the shards are not soulbound. In between that decision and now I have managed to aquire most of the mats and gifts needed.. but The Legend is currently selling on the TP for 500g! It was ~300g when I made the switch… so yeah, the popular ones are more expensive, true, but 500g for The Legend is a bit over the top, no?
What’s the alternative? Level another character to 80 and get one of the ‘less popular’ legendaries for it? Or get one of the aquatic weapons? (./joke)
Seriously, this is a problem and ANET needs to have a look at this. Scavenger hunt I hear you say?
Reading through various threads on this forum, getting all the bits and pieces of information together about this scavenger hunt and I am really starting to get worried: Think about it… the scavenger hunt is probably a very low priority item on the development tasks list as it will not generate income for ANET whereas the current system where RNG rules supreme is much more likely to get people to buy gems. We really need someone from ANET to respond here…
Problem is how “easy” to make it to get. Are people expecting to do a scavenger hunt that takes 10 hours? 20 hours? 200 hours? I agree the price on em is crazy. I got lucky and got Kudzu precursor back on lost shore event for around 100g. Now its 230g. I just finished it a few days and got about 1200 hours played. Looking back on it, none of the stuff was really hard, just time consuming but if all you do is focus on it, you will get burnt and depressed. If you just play the game and get stuff as you go, it will be much more enjoyable.
I personally think they should put a cap on the sell price for precursors and/or add a set amount of days an auction can run for so that people selling them have to keep spending money to repost em if they insist on crazy prices. As for making it easier, like i said only thing hard is getting the cash for precursor so if they hand out precursors, i bet in 2 months, you’d see 6/10 people running around with legendaries which in that case kind of makes em not so “legendary”.
Maybe do something like a quest which requires 500 of all dungeon tokens or maybe 1000 dragon kills. That way it will still take enough work to make it legendary AND you will see progress to a goal with every kill or dungeon run.
Am I legendary yet!?
Problem is how “easy” to make it to get. Are people expecting to do a scavenger hunt that takes 10 hours? 20 hours? 200 hours?
Agreed… it should not be too easy. A scavenger hunt, by definition, will take you all over the world doing lots of different time consuming yet fun things. How fast you get everything together will depend on how dedicated you are or how much play time you have. If the average player takes 200 hours to get through it all, fine. I have a few hours each night to play, I’ll get there eventually. Just dont ask met to go out and farm 500g++ or fill the mystic forge with rares for a ‘chance’ at one.
As for making it easier, like i said only thing hard is getting the cash for precursor so if they hand out precursors, i bet in 2 months, you’d see 6/10 people running around with legendaries which in that case kind of makes em not so “legendary”.
Not really 100% correct. Remember, you still need to do all the other things… most of which is not hard but takes a certain amount of dedication.
or maybe 1000 dragon kills
as long as my current kill count counts towards it!
Precursors are not ridiculous.
I wish people that comment in threads like this would be a bit more honest.
Its not precursors you’re all complaining about, its the greatswords.
I have Rage and Rodgort on my main character for when I have the materials, didnt cost me 500 gold.
The popular ones are more expensive because everyone wants them.
Yeah, kind of like the emperor’s new cloth here. You are not the only one know what’s happening here and not the only one who shout out the truth too. I believe Dev also know what the real issue is.
So where’s the guy that will pop out and say “everything’s ok guys!! I got 10 precursors 2 weeks ago from the forge! stop whining!”
Or did I happen to miss it in one of the posts?