Legendary Armor
Confirmed, links for legendary and ascended armor were datamined awhile back (before WvW season started). No idea how they will be obtained though, perhaps the fractals update could shed some light on the ascended armor.
Queen Of Macabre – 80 Thief
Dragonbrand [Ankh]
Man… The particle effects…. I mean, just… If legendary armor is anything like the weapons if you have more than a few pieces on any given set of players we aren’t going to have any idea what is goign on anywhere on the screen.
I have been hearing a lot of talk about legendary armor lately. Is this a confirmed thing or are people just talking? To be honest I am the exact type of person that will “have” to grind and get this. So I am kinda hoping that it is just a rumor so I don’t feel obligated to grind and get it. Two legendaries is more than enough grind to last me a lifetime. I know my issue is self imposed
Its real . Its also real hideous though .
I only saw the data mined information on Ascended Armor. If there were data mined info for Legendary armor I haven’t seen the models yet, and Iw ould imagine it’d be plastered everywhere with enough people whining about it.
If there will be legendary armors, they should release them at the same time with ascended armors. Because I don’t want to waste my effort to ascended ones then work again for legendary armors. If they release both of them together, we can at least decide whether to craft legendary or ascended.
The concept is official, but no one knows the method of implementation.
I mean, imagine crafting 6 gifts of mastery. Screw that. Is it even possible to get that many gifts of Exploration? And the Obby shards you’d need are absurd. Imagine the ectos.
The concept is official, but no one knows the method of implementation.
I mean, imagine crafting 6 gifts of mastery. Screw that. Is it even possible to get that many gifts of Exploration? And the Obby shards you’d need are absurd. Imagine the ectos.
:) Imagine getting precursor armor pieces.
The concept is official, but no one knows the method of implementation.
I mean, imagine crafting 6 gifts of mastery. Screw that. Is it even possible to get that many gifts of Exploration? And the Obby shards you’d need are absurd. Imagine the ectos.
:) Imagine getting precursor armor pieces.
Especially after ascended armor kicks off, I doubt anyone is going to bother even if the legendary armor is the most gorgeous thing in the game.
In combination and total it’s an enormous grind to deal with.
Maybe it would come in the form of those new armor kits that were recently data-mined. All six pieces in one go.
I agree I don’t want to have to grind for ascended armor and grind for legendary armor a few months down the road. Maybe have a way to upgrade ascended armor into legendary armor?
Anybody mind posting the links/pics of said legendary armor? I remember ascended was leaked but not legendary.
ascended armors confirmed but not legendaries armors
I’m scared of what they’d look like. Although any armor at all that doesn’t have a clipping and/or stretched skirt on my Sylvari that makes his butt or hips look gigantic~ and doesn’t force my weapons through my arm because of incorrect positioning I’d consider Legendary.
From what I remember from the developer streams though they mentioned that legendary trinkets would possibly come first. Would probably be easier that way too and add somekinda aura maybe?
you’d eventually end up with too many conflicting aura’s since it seems all legendaries weapons are getting the, if trinkets did also…chances are they’ll be legendary in that you can switch their stats to whatever type.
you’d eventually end up with too many conflicting aura’s since it seems all legendaries weapons are getting the, if trinkets did also…chances are they’ll be legendary in that you can switch their stats to whatever type.
Or maybe the legendary trinkets will transform you into a Quaggan when you double click it. A Quaggan that can jump and fight with your weapons and etc like Watchknight tonic.
Ascended armor item codes are in game. The next legendary types are not in-game. People are assuming armor but from the videos I have seen with A-net they have not decide on the next legendary type yet.
“Quoth the raven nevermore”
Platinum Scout: 300% MF
you’d eventually end up with too many conflicting aura’s since it seems all legendaries weapons are getting the, if trinkets did also…chances are they’ll be legendary in that you can switch their stats to whatever type.
Or maybe the legendary trinkets will transform you into a Quaggan when you double click it. A Quaggan that can jump and fight with your weapons and etc like Watchknight tonic.
Yes please. I would pay 999999 gems for such a godly item.
They said they would consider legendary armor, but there has been no confirmation of it, or planning, and I would suspect it is at least a year away if they decide to do it.
legendary armor has never been confirmed afaik. however ascended is – codes already out.
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