Legendary Armor Options?

Legendary Armor Options?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Notsoperky.2348


So, as it stands, legendary armor will be gated exclusively behind the gimmick filled time your dodges heaven that is GW2’s idea of raid content (well, they are hamstrung by not having proper trinity, so they have to gimmick it up to make it ‘hard’).

Anything else think should be other ways of achieving the armor- which would be useful for the 99% of players that won’t (or can’t) do raids.

Personally I’d like to see some other ways of obtaining it, like from wvw (where is would be good to have, save having ten sets of swap armor). Ok, dreaming there, we all know most of Anet have forgotten wvw exists or that it’s supposed to be a pvp area not another pve mega event in the middle of the map..

How about we give some suggestions as to other ways you could work towards it (not sodding fractals, please).

Here’s one: complete 100% world map completion on a toon rolled after H0T release date- so most players would have to do the whole thing, rewards one ‘legendary armor token’ that you can exchange for one piece of armor. On any character, Please no more soulbound rubbish.

Legendary Armor Options?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Konig Des Todes.2086

Konig Des Todes.2086

First raid boss actually does attribute to the trinity now that there is a viable healer and the Vale Guardian focuses primarily (if not solely) on the individual with highest toughness.

In my attempts, dodging felt second-nature and not mandatory… but then again I was playing necro and only my health bar didn’t go under 80% at every individual attack but only on frequent attacks.

Anyways, legendary gear is meant to be gated behind all content. The method of unlocking the first varies. For example, you have the fractal backpiece gated behind, you guessed it, fractals! You have original precursors’ new collections gated behind Central Tyria experience and doing second HoT story instance. The original legendaries gated behind core PvE maps and dungeons/PvP. The new HoT weapons are gated behind HoT PvE maps, with both having a soft-gate to WvW+PvP.

Seriously, can we stop the “omg the best gear is gated behind difficulty content” threads? They’re not gated just behind them. They’re gated behind a lot of things. You can’t get it from just WvW just like you can’t get standard legendaries from just doing Silverwastes all day long (purchasing from TP not counting)!

Dear ANet writers,
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.

Legendary Armor Options?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Notsoperky.2348


Legendary armor is gated behind raids. That’s currently the only place you can in theory get it. That’s not a lot of things, that’s one thing.

I could care less if they gate it behind ‘difficult’ content, but I would like to see some options to be able to work towards it in other parts of the game rather than being forced to endure gimmick mechanics in order to obtain armor that would be of most use in a competitive game environment where you might want to change your armor frequently (wvw).

Maybe they will address this in future releases (I doubt it, gating seems to be the thing now) rather than trying to force people to endure content they don’t like in a grind fest.

Legendary Armor Options?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: koopatroopa.5360


99% that won’t raid? That’s not going to be the case.

Legendary Armor Options?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Valky.2574


99% that won’t raid? That’s not going to be the case.

99.9% ?

Legendary Armor Options?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Celtic Lady.3729

Celtic Lady.3729

Personally I’d like to see some other ways of obtaining it

A lot of players would. This game used to pride itself on having multiple ways of reaching the same goal, but I’m not sure they still adhere to this philosophy.

However, it’s possible they’ll add another way to get legendary armor in the future. Via crafting, for instance.

I do think multiple paths to the same goal that considers multiple playstyles is a good thing overall.