Guardian Paladin 2.5 Build,So We Are 80 Series “Weekly”
Guardian Berserker 3.0 Build
Technically You can call this part 6 in the series. I’m not going to number them anymore that’s pointless.
Hello guys what I wanted to do for the community today is giving you a realistic view of chasing a legendary. This is a view from a person actually chasing it himself. As usual I’ll get to the point and give you facts. And as your accustom to be doing show you the fastest way to achieve your goals. Well let’s go right into it. Feel free to discuss it all and add faster ways to go about things this is what it’s all about.
Here’s what you need
200 Skill Points/ 500 Dungeon Tokens
Precursor weapon/ 525,000 karma for Obsidian Shards/ 120 Gold Coins/ 1 Gift of Exploration 100% Map Completion/ 77 Mystic Clovers
500 Badges of Honor
250 Globs of Ectoplasm
250 Vicious Fangs
250 Vicious Claws
250 Vials of Powerful Blood
250 Elaborate Totems
250 Armored Scales
250 Ancient Bones
250 Piles of Crystalline Dust
250 Powerful Venom Sacs
Yea I know wtf right?….
This leads all up to becoming 4 parts:
Part 1 Exotic Precursor Weapon of Choice= Will cost you 200-300g or extreme RNG luck with the mystic forge.
Part 2 Gift of Fortune:
77 Mystic Clovers
250 Glob of Ectoplasm 1 Gift of Magic 1 Gift of Might
77 clovers is also a RNG nightmare. This is probably harder than the Precursor weapon to get. You can’t but it at all only receives it from recipe crafting on chance.
The other parts can be purchased. Average cost 160g
Part 3 Gift of mastery:
200 Skill Points= Not as hard as it looks 525,000 (250 Obsidian Shards) = is as long as it looks
120g= Depends on farming
1 Gift of Exploration (100% World Completion) Time consuming not hard
Part 4 Gift of Precursor’s Weapon:
Every precursor weapon needs a certain Gift for them. Say I need sunrise it would be Gift of Sunrise.
Average cost of that would be 285g. This depends on market and the item needed. You also need 400 trade skills in the area for the precursor.
Is it worth it hmm that depends on the person you ask. Personally I say no even though I’m climbing towards it. The time you expend just for a unique skin is not worth it. You can cut needed for this down. Alot of ways can achieve that. You could buy outright all the parts not needed for by achievement or merit. That will cost a super amount of 500-550g. But save you a lot of time.
So you could get a legendary in a few weeks yes if rng with clovers is on your side. You also need to complete the map. And dungeons farm a little pvp a little. But it can be done rather fast but at great cost.
Another way to go about it is get some friends. And you all farm together and help each other towards the goal. This of course will take longer but it will probably be easier in the long run.
In Most cases you will go with choice B and farm it with friends. The third choice is do it all alone you can…But it will take a great deal of work and time. My pace I’m going it will more than likely take me 3 months to reach the goal alone. I’m in no hurry so I’ll get there. This guide of sorts is meant to clear up all the info. And give you a clear goal realistically to shoot for.
If you are going to go with choice B/C I can help you with that. You can check out a sister video I just put out with this one. It shows a diamond event area. You can run constantly and literally farm most of the mats you need. As an added bonus you will get a lot of karma and gold. It’s probably the best area for you to do so. Also don’t be afraid to try and do temple events in Orr its rumored they drop precursors. That’s a pretty big step erased if you get one off them.
Well that’s about it I hope you all learned something you needed. I hope to see you guys sending me vids of your legendaries. I’ll make a vid in appreciation for your accomplishments. Have fun out there maybe you’ll see my purple guardian whiz by. And as always my saying has always been.
If you’re going to be a gamer be Legendary.
Part One, Two, Three, Four of the series can be viewed there 5 exist but I cant link it. But its famous enough on twitter easily found.
I learned not to bother chasing a legendary weapon. So thanks for that!
Well sorry to hear that but I wanted to give a realistic view and facts on it. It’s possible to do alone but it will take ALONG time.
Legendaries requirements are funny, people want carrots so Anet painted one on the moon!
I have completed 3/4 of the gift of fortune (now I only need the 250 ectos), 340 more badges of honor, still need to do a Twilight Arbor explorable (many… times) but have otherwise completed my unicorn statue requirements, need 95 more icy runes (or whatever) and have 110,000 karma towards obsidian shards. It still feels far along for the legendary though, especially grinding mats to craft rare bows and feed them to the forge over a long period of time. Since there’s a chance at the lover if I remain consistent with the forge I’ll eventually get one. I’ll also be making money the entire time since I’m not going to stop DE farming after the karma and gold requirements either and will be material gathering as usual.
There is really only 1 thing on there that’s absurd and that’s the precursor.
let me put it this way. You get karma for absolutely flippin everything now. And if you’re smart and use boosters you can get 90k karma every 10 days without needing to do ANY events. And you will probably be doing events too.
The clovers have a byproduct of creating tons of the t6 mats. I know i’m at around 60-100 of every T6 mat and im only up to 30 clovers (and my only limiting factor in not making more clovers is not bothering to buy more mystic coins)
I already have all the badges of honor I need. If it’s truly that hard for you, just do the jump puzzles every day. Even if your server isnt stomping you can usually do them. Or transfer for a week to one that is and get all your badges in one week.
skill points are cake
dungeon tokens are cake (there’s at least 1 farmable route for every dungeon. Trust me on that)
icy runestones and the recipes are… well, ok, these arent fun to do, but 120g isnt that much tbh. My friend who has never once even attempted to do anything resembling “playing the tp” has bought commander twice. He simply does a LOT of dungeons. He does his AC runs every day, he runs arah, and HoTW, and CoF, and pretty much everything daily, it does add up if you dont die.
The precursor is the only thing up there that needs to go stuff itself.
Honestly if you get a precursor drop, you might as well make that legendary, because you are already 60% of the way there the second you get it.
Well the legendary weapons are supposed to be ‘rare’ and hard to get. That said, there’s no motivation towards pursing them, imo other than the few hardcore ‘visual’ folks out there.
Truly it’s not worth it eventhough I did this guide. I was trying to be truthful because it seem like people were being mislead. Most of the guys you see with legendaries now had alot of help. It wasn’t some oh i went out and grinded and became bad kitten LOL
Try The Moot. Main hand/No lodestones needed(most expansive mat)/Cheap Precursor(40-50g atm). Can be done within 300g. Absolutely doable for half of population.
im not bitter. i wish i could get either the dreamer, kudzu or twilight but i can’t. but i could if bltc rates of real money to gems then to gold conversion will be equal to the rates of gold farmers.
All this work for a weapon that glows hehe hell no ive got better things to spend my gold on.
Sad thing is that only the greatswords have any Legendary worth effects worth mentioning. I’m a staff player and see zero reasons to bother with a Legendary, there’s normal staffs that look better and that’s saying a lot since it’s the least decorated/visually impressive weapon available.
All the best on your journey and thanks for sharing.
Personally I’ve spent too much gold on exotic sets, and time in WvW to get down and on a mission for a Legendary. But I have a feeling I will be coming back to your videos in the future
Thank you for sharing your experience with making a legendary weapon.
Some people may want to work towards this altough this is just a fancy skin and “a carrot painted on the moon”. I’d rather buy some exotic set for my alt, enjoy the game a bit more than go into this farmfest, grindy nightmare.
It’s not difficult to get, and that’s coming from a casual. Already got 200sp, 200k karma, half the badges from wvw and dungeon, one profession on max, 85% explored. Money trickles in and I save that for the golden achievement. So in 2 months playing as a casual I’m actually making quite some progress.
Furthermore all precursors are trending down so getting one will become feasible pretty soon.
Will I get it tomorrow? No of course not don’t be silly…. but I do see it as a realistic goal to have a legendary on my birthday in march next year.
As for my profile… I work 10 hours a day, have a girlfriend who is more of a priority than games, I run a lot and still managed to get all this…. I even went on holidays for 2 weeks so that doesn’t count either. Any student or person-between-jobs could have it by now.
If they ever decide to remove RNG and make this whole process based on player skills. I might give it a go. I like challenges but this whole gambling with mystic forge seems like a rush job as if devs went out of ideas and wanted to rush legendaries for end game.
If they ever decide to remove RNG and make this whole process based on player skills. I might give it a go. I like challenges but this whole gambling with mystic forge seems like a rush job as if devs went out of ideas and wanted to rush legendaries for end game.
Maybe part of your player skill is being a lucky player? If you’re not there’s always the 1 clover recipe which is far more predictable than the 10 clover recipe.
If they ever decide to remove RNG and make this whole process based on player skills. I might give it a go. I like challenges but this whole gambling with mystic forge seems like a rush job as if devs went out of ideas and wanted to rush legendaries for end game.
Maybe part of your player skill is being a lucky player? If you’re not there’s always the 1 clover recipe which is far more predictable than the 10 clover recipe.
Sorry but since when luck got anything to do with player skills? i am down with collecting mats and everything but give me a challenge. Keep legendaries rare and unique. I don’t want it easy but this whole RNG thing is such a bad design and cop out.
I would rather go through a process like in EQ and EQ2 to get pre legendaries rather than keep throwing rares and exotics in mystic forge to get lucky. No skills involved in that.
When GW2 devs said in manifesto they want to get rid of all the nuisances of old MMO i guess they forgot to add ‘RNG’ and ‘LFG spam’ to their list.
It’s not difficult to get, and that’s coming from a casual. Already got 200sp, 200k karma, half the badges from wvw and dungeon, one profession on max, 85% explored.
This means you don’t even have the easiest things required to get a legendary yet and you say its easy. Add to this very rare mats worth hundreds of gold you need to farm.
I play several hours a day, not farm – just play, and I got only 12 gold now. Would need to have at least 50 times more to make an legendary. I just can’t see this happen if I don’t farm or play Trading Post. And even if I had so much money I wouldn’t spend them for a skin, legendary or not.
Nice compilation of all the scattered facts, here is another.
I did a survey of parts cost minus the required farmer grind for badges and karma. The real money price were a person to buy gold from Anet’s gemstore using real money to buy the rest of the parts would be 880 game gold at a price of USD $1,985.00. Give or take a few bucks.
This does not take into account the folks buying gold from gold sellers at a fraction of what Anet charges to get these items so their cost would be drasticaly less to those that made their weapons this way.
That is to someone that has that kind of disposable income, and i would wager some folks have done this.
The mechanic for the legendary is as idiotic as the thought proccess that made it. Run a dungeon hundreds of times or farm for hundreds of items? Pass Anet. Nothing legendary here but grind and rng.
As i pointed out these Anet folks do not know what Legendary means, but they definately know what farming and gemstore mean.
I will tell you guys how I imagine requirements for a legendary that make sense:
100% world exploration
100% dungeons completed (Dungeon Master title)
Maxed all craftings (Master Crafter title)
Some WvW titles gained (e.g. Combat Healer, Ultimate Dominator)
Some sPvP achievements
If someone complete these things we may say he played the game through. PLAYED is a keyword, not farmed. Currently legendary weapon must be farmed and gambled for. It is opossition to things devs have been saying about killing the farming factor in GW2. Not only this factor exists but also has been made ridiculously high. I don’t like this that’s why I ignore legendary weapons.
I learned not to bother chasing a legendary weapon. So thanks for that!
Ditto! Not even gonna bother.
Buttt,nice guide though,appreciated for the people that Do want it.
As someone said, if they remove stupid RNG, i would not mind to give it a try. But on other hand if they would do that it would be srsly not cool to ppl who did it so far.
I just can’t imagine anyone giving up this much of their life for a single weapon in a game.
Impressive guide, but… meh.
zamraiThis means you don’t even have the easiest things required to get a legendary yet and you say its easy. Add to this very rare mats worth hundreds of gold you need to farm.
I play several hours a day, not farm – just play, and I got only 12 gold now. Would need to have at least 50 times more to make an legendary. I just can’t see this happen if I don’t farm or play Trading Post. And even if I had so much money I wouldn’t spend them for a skin, legendary or not.
And yet I’m well on my way for most things. You didn’t understand what I’m saying. It is easy to get, it just takes a bit of time. If I could get all that stuff without playing much, then how could it be difficult for people who actually have time in the day? If I were still a student or between jobs, I would have it by now. I’m 100% positive on that one.
mickeyI would rather go through a process like in EQ and EQ2 to get pre legendaries rather than keep throwing rares and exotics in mystic forge to get lucky. No skills involved in that.
When GW2 devs said in manifesto they want to get rid of all the nuisances of old MMO i guess they forgot to add ‘RNG’ and ‘LFG spam’ to their list.
If you don’t want any RNG I recommend playing any other MMO … oh wait EVERYTHING is RNG in other MMOs. One component of the legendary is RNG and you complain about the whole game being RNG … are you serious? Especially when the RNG can be mitigated by using the less random recipe?
As for the lfg “spam”. If you can’t stand 5 minutes of lfg as a DPS in GW2 … again… try your luck in any other mmo.
i think the Exotics look better than legendarys imo lol
zamraiThis means you don’t even have the easiest things required to get a legendary yet and you say its easy. Add to this very rare mats worth hundreds of gold you need to farm.
I play several hours a day, not farm – just play, and I got only 12 gold now. Would need to have at least 50 times more to make an legendary. I just can’t see this happen if I don’t farm or play Trading Post. And even if I had so much money I wouldn’t spend them for a skin, legendary or not.And yet I’m well on my way for most things. You didn’t understand what I’m saying. It is easy to get, it just takes a bit of time. If I could get all that stuff without playing much, then how could it be difficult for people who actually have time in the day? If I were still a student or between jobs, I would have it by now. I’m 100% positive on that one.
I think you may have missed my point too And my point is: it is impossible to get legendary without farming hard/playing TP. You can’t get thousand of ultra rare mats in a matter of months just by casually playing the game. You need to farm them hard or farm gold – both are boring and not enjoyable. And I bought GW2 to actually play it, not to grind weeks for one skin.
But this GW2 isn’t it? why are you comparing it to other MMOS? i thought GW2 was meant to be different and get rid of problems that plague older MMOS?
You just however made my point. I could care less what other MMOS have RNG or LFG spam, i am concerned with GW2 not other MMOS.
But this is not just any activity but legendary that are supposed to be challenging and actually feel like a legendary task.
As far as ‘lfg spam’ you missed the point again. I don’’t spam LFG, i could care less about dungeons till they implement some tool for it. I am talking about the spam in general which forces me to shut the general off especially being on populated server that is all you can read in your chat box.
Been there done that and i am not going to spam LFG in any MMO ever again.
Only because you tell me that another ‘x’ MMO has this problem doesn’t make that problem less important in GW2. Especially when GW2 is supposed to be better and revolutionary than every other MMO in the market.
Meh, I just see it for what is it… the skin jackpot, but only if you play the slot machine or just buy it straight up. Say what you will about RNG in D3 or WoW or other loot games, but at least the slot machine is cleverly hidden within the main objective of the game (fight baddies, get lewtz). This game simply removed the real rewarding parts of the RNG and internalized it into their marketplace.
MarnickAnd yet I’m well on my way for most things. You didn’t understand what I’m saying. It is easy to get, it just takes a bit of time. If I could get all that stuff without playing much, then how could it be difficult for people who actually have time in the day? If I were still a student or between jobs, I would have it by now. I’m 100% positive on that one.
And I’m 100% positive that if you were following any course worth following as a student, you wouldn’t. Statements like these are meaningless.
The only thing you told us was that you were on your way to getting the Gift of Exploration / Battle and the obsidian shards. You did not tell us what your actual current gold was aside from it ‘’trickling in’‘. Nor did you tell us about your progress on the other Gifts / T6 mats required to get a Legendary. So as far as anyone here is concerned, you literally have nothing aside from the 200 skillpoint item. You’re not well on your way for ‘’most things’‘, you’re well on your way for the few easiest parts to acquire. (Not counting raw cash purchases through the gemstore)
Of course the Legendary is ’’easy’’ to achieve. Pretty much anything in any MMO is ’’easy’’ to achieve in the sense that you simply perform a repetitive set of simple tasks and buttonpresses to gain more of X and Y. Combine that with the fact that playing the game casually (with friends) lets you get lots of skillpoints & karma & Map Completion due to the way these are connected and it seems easy for anyone with or without a tiresome job.
…Until you hit the grindwall.
If I were to have summer holidays, I might be able to get a Legendary within one month, assuming that I literally do nothing other than grinding all day long, do not hang out with any friends whatsoever (Unless they happen to play GW2 and are chasing the legendary as well), and get lucky with the clovers required for one of the gifts. Add to that the fact that I do have obligations outside of the game, and this quickly gets lengthened to 4~5 months of grinding, that is assuming that I do not get bored by the grind either. If I do anything that might make me less bored I would not be optimizing my income, lengthening the span in which I might get my Legendary even more.
I’m still working towards my Legendary at this moment, and though I will probably keep going for it, there’s nothing Legendary about getting the legendary, unless doing Cursed Shore event runs for 310+ hours in a row is considered legendary. (And this is assuming that those hours spent there will also get me the mats I need, otherwise I’ll need to throw in even more hours)
So in this case I’m with zamrai, if you want the Legendary, be prepared to farm hard or play the TP, because you’re not gonna get it any time soon with ‘’casual play’‘. GW2 was supposed to do away with ’The Grind’, this is the opposite of that.
It’s ironic that the more desirable an item in this game, the further they stray from the “no grind” philosophy. I’m not saying it shouldn’t take time… but I’d rather the time be spent learning a challenge and getting better at playing than needing to farm ad nauseum. That’s a big reason why botting is so pervasive in this game. It’s lucrative for some who want to get in on this exclusive market where there’s high demand and convenient for others who don’t want to spend their time doing the same uninteresting brainless activity for hours.
(edited by Bruno Sardine.2907)
I give props to anyone or any team that were able to get a Legendary, but after seeing the amount of work it takes it just wasn’t for me.
I hate the fact that legendary weapons aren’t legendary at all. Nothing you do to get them is exciting or even remotely fun, it’s just The Garbage Grind. Grind for garbage loot until you have sold endless piles of it to buy some material you actually need, then put it all in a stupid spreadsheet and presto, Legendary Weapon.
Nothing in it requires skill or is even remotely challenging. Mindlessly grinding Plinx is not challenging, not fun and not interesting, and neither is throwing endless amounts of rares into the Mystic Forge on a tiny drop rate.
I really hate how the legendaries are set up, and not at all because of the effort or time required but because the things you need to do to get it are contrary to the basic tenets of the game that ANet put forward. Not only that, but it’s not fun and it’s not challenging or even interesting.
The only thing a legendary says about your character is that you know how to grind garbage loot for hours on end, or that you are willing to blow $2000 on in game gold via gems to shortcut the boring crap grindfest.
That’s not “legendary” by any means.
Well with the new patch Im sure things here will be easier I may haved to revisit this guide now.
you have an extra 0 on the low end price of precursors, some are ~20g
That’s why I decided to forego the whole process. Legendaries are cool looking, but I think they were made to milk the OCD types into sinking money into the cash shop grinding it out. The mat requirements are stupid, and god dat grind… so boring.
The precursors dropping off the event makes this guide entirely more possible now.
Legendaries requirements are funny, people want carrots so Anet painted one on the moon!
Haha, I seriously laughed imagining a carrot being painted on the moon…
Why would I get one since they will only change the goal post shortly before I get there?
Well they are in the midst of adjusting what is needed. It’s not that easy to do although I don’t agree with nerfing plinx that was uncalled for.
Thx for the vid comments but I too missed out on the precursors
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