Legendary HOPE collection
They reworked that event so you don’t have to fail anything anymore, check the wiki. I sure didn’t have to fail any events when I was working on my HOPE.
End of July, you still had to fail the event with the little quaggan (if OP is talking about that).
I complained here about it:
More important is Khisanth’s response though.
Champion Icebrood Quaggans can also spawn during Claw of Jormag and the torch defense events in Bitterfrost Frontier
I got the collection item from the quaggan quest eventually, but I suggest trying the Claw of Jormag event to get it. Not sure how to inteprete “can also spawn”. Maybe they don’t always spawn there? No idea, I only have done the Claw event once, it’s not on my favourite events list.
If you don’t have the Giant Devourer Ichor yet, you’ll be stalled in your progress anyway because that event is bugged and you cannot kill the devourer.
You have to fail the CoE event to spawn the champ and you have to fail the Quaggan event. Faaris Ty for telling me that before i wait hours for it to spawn!
Guess it has been bugged for a while then. So big chance then that i wont have HOPE when the expansion releases
Here’s a tip: Every time there is a new build, immediately head over to the location for the Brand Devourer Queen event’s beginning. There’s always a chance it won’t be bug out for that run since it’s technically a reset. It’s what happened for me.
i have the same problem with the event Protector of Verdance for Nevermore in Verdant Brink. I don’t know when or if it starts. Thats the only part i’m missing for the first achievment.
i dit it once. but that was before i started Nevermore.
It was easy to me, instead, be grateful you missed it, you weren’t there during the time when the scorpion Queen event in charr lands was bugged for weeks… worst part ever…
i have the same problem with the event Protector of Verdance for Nevermore in Verdant Brink. I don’t know when or if it starts. Thats the only part i’m missing for the first achievment.
i dit it once. but that was before i started Nevermore.
The whole event chain starts when day begins in VB, west of Mellaggan’s Valor Waypoint:
It’s a long event chain. I tried doing it alone, and 2 or 3 random people joined on the way. I was alone again at “Salvage damaged armaments to build bombs”. That’s when I asked for help in map chat and two more people joined. Next and last step is planting bombs at the blightning tree. I asked again in map chat and more people joined, we were about 8 then. Unfortunately, day was over when we were almost done with that tree, and we failed.
Maybe you need a commander tag to get enough people. I’m playing on EU, if you want to try again this weekend, chat me up ingame. I need it for Nevermore too.
As someone heavily involved in curating HOPE on the wiki, I can confirm some of these complaints were dealt with. The need to fail events was somewhat mitigated with giving other opportunities to get the item (Champ Icebrood Quaggan, Risen Wraith, Branded Devourer).
>got the collection item from the quaggan quest eventually, but I suggest trying the
>Claw of Jormag event to get it. Not sure how to inteprete “can also spawn”. Maybe
>they don’t always spawn there?
Not too many ways to interpret “can also spawn”. In this case, you’ll see Champion Icebrood Quaggans at the Claw of Jormag event if there are enough players there to upscale the event; this being a popular world boss, that tends to happen. If you want to sweeten your odds, get there a bit early to make sure your map fills up.
During Claw of Jormag is also a good time to see if the other event chain is active and likely to fail, since the World Boss is providing a distraction on the other side of the map. This is how I completed it originally.
I usually play late at night, and I stumble across the Champ Quaggan every so often. He likes to wander far.
> If you don’t have the Giant Devourer Ichor yet, you’ll be stalled in your progress anyway because that event is bugged and you cannot kill the devourer.
This is sadly true; the replacement method is bugged. You might be able to manage it if you go to Fields of Ruin after reset and get a fresh map. The original method presents the same problem, as the event chain would often stall before you reached the devourer, but it is still possible for it to work.
> You have to fail the CoE event to spawn the champ
Also true. You’ll have a better chance of getting a fresh map if you go to Mount Maelstrom at the same time as Inquest Golem Mark II spawns. This will allow you to go through the event chain. Unlike what I advised with Claw, you’ll want to go late.
Here’s a tip: Every time there is a new build, immediately head over to the location for the Brand Devourer Queen event’s beginning. There’s always a chance it won’t be bug out for that run since it’s technically a reset. It’s what happened for me.
This is what I had to do as well. You can also file a bug report, but i don’t know that it does any good. It’s ridiculous that BOTH events that you can get the ichor from are completely bugged up. There’s a third devourer champ in GW2 that they should enable for this collection.
I’m on the last stage of grinding gold for mats for my Gifts for HOPE.
1) I soloed several of the champs on a thief
2) I highly recommend banding together with other HOPE collectors. I knocked out all the spiders in about an hour by working together with another player to find events that were up. Best place to meet them? At the starting point and at the events themselves. For the random, hardly done by normal player events, I always asked anyone else there if they were doing HOPE. Made a lot of good contacts, got a lot of help, and some primo advice. If you’re nice and polite about it, you can try messaging me in game…
3) Friday evening and Saturday late afternoon are best times to do things that are large scale events, like Dragon’s Stand. I had zero problems with these and used an event timer site (google it) to know when to do it. If you’re on low pop server, remember that you can guest on other servers. I’m on BG so I never had to try that.
4) Do your research. Every bit of advice in this thread can be found with minimal Googlefu.
Watch around PoF release. We will see many bug fix patches which will reset maps.
I did HOPE a while back. Just keep working at it and you will get there
Well this is fun again an issue i encounter. I have to do DS and kill Blademaster and so i did but i did not received his core even though i killed him at Blighting Tower…. WHY are there so many issue’s here?
The collection is 2 years old still so many problems.
Atleast it became clear why the Legendary is called HOPE.
You have to HOPE you dont need to wait 6 or even more hours for a event to spawn
You have to HOPE a event fails.
You have to HOPE the event isn’t bugged
You have to HOPE a patch will launch while you are playing so you can get to a event to receive an other piece of the collection.
You have to HOPE you receive the item for the collection afther killing a boss
(edited by Merc The Forgotten.5610)
Did you have the https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Incomplete_Catalytic_Converter in your inventory? Were you in the boss group doing damage to the boss?
I remember having some issues finding active events I needed, but the only times I didn’t get a boss item drop when killing the boss was when I had to activate an item and then kill the boss inside the buff timer and forgot to keep my buff up. I don’t think the converter needs activation, but you likely do need it on you and to be part of the dps on the kill.
Did you have the https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Incomplete_Catalytic_Converter in your inventory? Were you in the boss group doing damage to the boss?
I remember having some issues finding active events I needed, but the only times I didn’t get a boss item drop when killing the boss was when I had to activate an item and then kill the boss inside the buff timer and forgot to keep my buff up. I don’t think the converter needs activation, but you likely do need it on you and to be part of the dps on the kill.
Yeah i did everything Wiki said and the item doesnt give a buff. Wiki say’s
Once the Incomplete Catalytic Converter has been unlocked, this item can be obtained on any character, the Converter does not need to be in your character’s inventory
The Core is given once all three commanders are slain.
I always have the items with me to avoid this…. Well it didn’t work out.
Finally i’m done. Never again i will do this way too bad expierence. Now i just need to wait for them to fix the event for Champion Branded Devourer Queen. I see it’s being bugged for a while so guess i dont need to put my hopes up too high.
Finally i’m done. Never again i will do this way too bad expierence. Now i just need to wait for them to fix the event for Champion Branded Devourer Queen. I see it’s being bugged for a while so guess i dont need to put my hopes up too high.
It’s only been bugged for less than 6 weeks. I did it about 6 weeks ago, that’s how I know it was not bugged then. I suggest you start collecting all the materials you need for HOPE. You shouldn’t really be in a hurry unless you already have all the items to complete it. What’s the advantage of completing the collection and then have to grind for a few more weeks to proceed? The day when you finish HOPE will not come closer if you do.
Finally i’m done. Never again i will do this way too bad expierence. Now i just need to wait for them to fix the event for Champion Branded Devourer Queen. I see it’s being bugged for a while so guess i dont need to put my hopes up too high.
It’s only been bugged for less than 6 weeks. I did it about 6 weeks ago, that’s how I know it was not bugged then. I suggest you start collecting all the materials you need for HOPE. You shouldn’t really be in a hurry unless you already have all the items to complete it. What’s the advantage of completing the collection and then have to grind for a few more weeks to proceed? The day when you finish HOPE will not come closer if you do.
I have everything i just need the bugged event. I already have all the other things like gifts etc. If i killed the champion of the bugged event i just need to talk with the frog to get the final gift then i can throw it all in the mystic toilet to get HOPE.
Still 6 weeks for a bug like that seems long.
Specially because the other event is bugged since january. Because that event is bugged they made it possible with this event but this one is also bugged now. So instead of fixing the first one they just made it possible with an other event and because they didn’t fixed the first one they now have 2 event’s to fix for the same item.
(edited by Merc The Forgotten.5610)
It hasn’t been bugged that long. I completed the events a few weeks ago. That said, it’s almost always bugged unless they do a patch release. One suggestion I heard that might work, would be for a guild or other large group to fill up existing maps so that new maps are created.