“We are now! We are forever!”
Legendary Longbow and Arrow
“We are now! We are forever!”
I could have a longbow on my back and a longbow back item….and a longbow shooting longbows….that would be sooooo good !
You could be onto something there. The post reminded me of AVGN’s review of Little Red Hood. In it you can get a slingshot but instead of shooting rocks you throw slingshots. This longbow could be a longbow that shoots longbows. If collections were still needed you would need to kick trees to complete the legendary longbow.
At the mistic forge when you finally have the 4 ingredients you need you throw them in. Instead of getting the bow straight away you are transported to Zommoros where he says, “Thank you for your coming.” and gives you the bow.
I could have a longbow on my back and a longbow back item….and a longbow shooting longbows….that would be sooooo good !
You could be onto something there. The post reminded me of AVGN’s review of Little Red Hood. In it you can get a slingshot but instead of shooting rocks you throw slingshots. This longbow could be a longbow that shoots longbows. If collections were still needed you would need to kick trees to complete the legendary longbow.
At the mistic forge when you finally have the 4 ingredients you need you throw them in. Instead of getting the bow straight away you are transported to Zommoros where he says, “Thank you for your coming.” and gives you the bow.
Anet,hire this guy!!!
“We are now! We are forever!”
We already have Ice Bows that are dropped for random use. How about a bow of flame that shoots fire arrows? Would look especially cool if you could colorize it as you wish (blue flames, red flames, green flames, etc).
A Longbow Legendary where YOU become the arrow.
that it makes every other class in the game boring to play.”
I’d love a legendary Longbow named Apocalypse which should be a magical radiant Longbow of Light, that never runs out of arrows, as it just produces unendlessly magical light arrows the moment you draw it.
With a precursor that is named “Supernova”. Mix this together with some kind of “Cosmic/Sun Theme”, I think that would look awesome
maybe similar looking like this, just with GW2#s weapon design style, less cartoonish, with more details and the added cosmic/sun theme to it.
Every shot for that legendary longbow looking, as if you create magical shooting stars
Zeldas Bow of Light could be also an good looking inspiration for its design animations when drawing and shooting the light arrows
I know at least, id be instantly in love with such a good lookign legendary longbow of light that shoots light arrows like shooting stars with good looking light animations
A bow named Apocalypse seems like it would be more dark and such rather than a radiant bow of light.
A bow named Apocalypse seems like it would be more dark and such rather than a radiant bow of light.
Not when the design is of cosmic nature, like a Supernova of Light is an apocalypse for everybody, when that light is so bright and hot, that it burns just all existing materia of life away – even whole planets.
I always wanted to see a legendary storm bow, but they took care of that. I would like to see something epic, like twilight/sunrise/eternity. A legendary based on a fiery dragon sword and icy dragon sword. Same dragon head that shoots fiery or icy arrows. If you craft both you you could combine them in to a bow that changes depending on time of day.
i wanna see a legendary bow with no skin at all (you have nothing in your hand).
But the projectiles are all random longbows. You throw longbows at your enemies.
I would have got a legendary longbow a long time ago, if it wasn’t such a flowery little pony item. Would love to see kudzu retired and something much more epic take its’ place.
Agree, can’t use Kudzu if you’re not a Sylvari, it looks silly. Especially on a heavy armored Dragonhunter.
Long bows are too small to feel legendary. We need a Giant Bow!
Save the Bell Choir activity!
I’m still waiting for the new Legendary longbow myself. Going to be bummed if its anything short of glorious. Then I’ll come to the forums to complain
Agree, can’t use Kudzu if you’re not a Sylvari, it looks silly. Especially on a heavy armored Dragonhunter.
I love my Kudzu on my Asuran Dragon Hunter and my human Druid. I think it’s perfect in every way although I can understand why people would like to have more options.
I don’t think you will be disappointed with the new legendary longbow.