Legendary Mounts? Daydreaming again ...
that it makes every other class in the game boring to play.”
A little late for April Fools, isnt it? LOL
Its possible. We still do not know what kind of high end reward we will get for PoF map completion. It could be anything.
“Quoth the raven nevermore”
Platinum Scout: 300% MF
In contrast to weapons, backpacks, armor, etc mounts are not items. Mounts are not something you can equip, they are more like gliders. So I don’t see how making a legendary mount would even work.
Apart from the 4 mounts we get at launch, a 5th mount is speculated to be introduced with the next living season. Apart from switching between these 4(5) mounts, the only way to customize your mount is applying a different skin. So are you talking about a skin, that is as hard to obtain, as a legendary weapon?
Pretty sure all they are thinking about is the potential revenue generation from all dem extra juicy gemshop skins they can sell.
Ava Solaris – Warrior SFR
Terrible but unstoppable idea in my mind: Legendary mounts are some sort of creature that can do all the special movement options without needing changing mount.
It hovers, long jumps, high jumps and teleports. Very legendary, IMO.
that it makes every other class in the game boring to play.”
I kind of would like to see that becoming real, as a kind of epic ultimate form of “mount prestige”
Its just pure logic, that we will naturally see in the future ANet wantign to make profit from the new Mount feature.
they instantly did so as well with Gliders…
The very moment Gliders were in the Ganme, anet practically forgot everything else they used to make and put into the Gemstore, like Outfits, Minis, Weapon Skins ect. pp, and they literally BOMBARDED US permanently for a long time with 1 new Glider Skin after another for like a felt year, 1 update after another for a long time you could be dead sure, that the next update Anet does, that they would add for the sake of the game and its gemstore at least definetely 1 new glider skin!!
The same will happen for sure with Mounts once they are in the game, Anet (or should I better say, the money greedy company behind them – NCSoft) will dictate Anet to mass produce for the games gemstore for a certain whiel with high focus on that topic lots of new Mount Skins that Anet has to put then into the gemstore…
Because we all know, once they are buyable skinns, it iwll be just another new virtual product, that will sell itself like hotdogs.
Sure, the introduction mounts will be all earnable ingame, and maybe we will see in the future soem more to earn as rewards… but the absolute vast majority that will come after the PoF mount skins iwll definetely be gemstore skins with that ANet can make good money with that they can pay their bills, reinvest into new content and so on.
However, Legendary Mounts surely won’t count to this. They would be something, just like legendary weapons, gear or accessoires, that would have to be earned by the player, so that they can be truly prestigious and not somethign that every 0815 running around noob has, only because he has had daddys credit card for a while in his hands…you know what I mean …
Legendary Mounts if they would exist are easily makeable unique and special – not only by giving them a unique looking reskinned design or even possible unique body model design, but they could provide also in all kinds of their animations differences compared to just common mounts.
Disengagement Attacks could have for Lwegendary Mounts more special looking animations
Their Running(Jumping/Leaping/Gliding animations could leave behind like legendary weapons unique looking Paw/Claw Prints and the like, leaving behind animated trails like player characters do.
Legendary Mounts could come with the unique feature, that you could give them unique NAMES just like Ranger Pets and that they could show also maybe “Titles” just like the player character while hoverign the mouse over them.
Legendary Mounts could come also with some quality of life features, like being mobile Account Chests, like being a unique Inventory Increase which has its own Inventory Space that can be further enhanced with Bag Upgrades from the gemstore for all those peopel which simpyl can’t have enough inventory space and which would do anything ingame for it to get more inventory space letting your legendary mount be your legendary “mule” as well to become able to carry more stuff, if you own one.
Having a Legendary Mount could be as quality of life improvement also be your “personal waypoint” that you can place wheever you want onto the map once a day and which other players could use for their “teleport to friend” as well as location that players which own a legendary mount, can send it out to collect up their friends to let them spawn to your side like some kind of own unique personal living “taxi” that runs to the location of your selected friend and brings him/her to you literaly having this way the unique option for a legendary mount to “temporarely” share it with others, with just the difference, that when lettign it play taxi, that the person who taxis by it, can’t control it, as it will just run back to its owner with its rider on its back to bring the person to you
Just brainstorming, but the feature of mounts could be used for so many fun things like this ^^