Legendary Questions!

Legendary Questions!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LeviQuiteQuirky.6892


1. Legendary Lore

1a. Do the legendary weapons have lore behind them? (Actual lore. Not conspiracys or speculation)

1b. If so, who were the first beings to design them, and create them?

1c. If not, should they?

1d. Regarding the newly announced “legendary journeys”. Do you think these will give insight on any lore, or just be a huge and very long-winded scavenger hunt?

1e. Will the Legendary armors (including backpieces) have lore?

2. General Questions

2a. Will the Legendary armors also have precursors?

2b. If not, should they?

2c. Why can you sell transmuted legendary weapons to NPCs? What would be the point?

2d. Can you salvage legendary weapons? If so, why is that even an option? Who in their right mind would do that?

2e. Why isn’t there an option to apply a certain sigil to a legendary weapon, and have it saved to that weapon’s memory? E.g. I apply Sigil of Accuracy to The Moot. The Sigil of Accuracy is saved to the weapon’s “memory”. I then decide to apply a Sigil of Doom to The Moot. That sigil is also saved. I can then switch out the sigils between the Sigil of Accuracy and the Sigil of Doom freely, just like the swappable stats.

with different stat sets, I see different styles of gameplay. Sigils come into that gameplay, why not have them swappable (once saved to the legendary item’s memory) too?

This idea could also apply to runes with future legendary armor etc.

I’m sure I had a couple other questions, but I had a brain fart, and all was lost. Oh no

Legendary Questions!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rhapsody.3615


2a. Yes. IIRC, you will obtain the precursor in raids.
2e. I agree. Since we can swap stats on ascended easily now, legendaries need a little something to make them worth having. Especially with legendary armor coming in and potentially having to change builds for raids.

Legendary Questions!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Metalman.6345


2e This option isnt there probably because of game engine. That means theres very little chance it will be ever added.