Legendary Quests, Bonus Traits, etc...

Legendary Quests, Bonus Traits, etc...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Grayson Stonyahmmer.2915

Grayson Stonyahmmer.2915

If any employees at Arena Net do like these ideas, please feel free to change/adapt ANY of these suggestions to fit the game and how you guys feel is best for the game.

These are just a few of my opinions and suggestions about the game that I believe could make the game more fun, and even more interesting. Please leave your feedback on these topics. If you wish to add to them, agree with them, or hate any of them then please feel free to do so!

Legendary Questing System

The Legendary Questing System is a very rare, and unique set of quest(s) that players can UNLOCK by completing specific tasks. This is not a quest that you can see publicly on the map with the heart icon, and is hidden to every player that does not have the quest or is in the party with the quest “owner”. The point of the Legendary Questing System is to give players a rare opportunity to unlock extremely rare and unique weapons that can not be obtained anywhere else. Legendary weapons in Guild Wars 2 (ex. Twilight) are currently obtained through the Trading Post, or by being crafted. But how cool would it be to have unlocked a hidden quest to a hidden dungeon/area that rewards you with a unique weapon that very few players can have in the game. Say there are 100 Legendary Quests in the game, (this is just an example) 10 of them can have the unique Greatsword, 10 of them can have the unique Scepter, etc… There would be a limited amount of these items and a limited amount of these quests.

These hidden quests can be completed with friends if they are in your Party. They can not earn the “Legendary” weapon that the owner of the quest has the ability to obtain, but they can earn other cool rewards for completing the quest that are already obtainable in the game (ex. gold, skins, crafting materials, etc..)

How can these quests be unlocked? I think these would be cool ways to unlock the quests:

- Say you’re exploring the world randomly, and come across this cave that is glowing, you approach this cave and it gives you the option, “Begin Legendary Quest”. Anybody who happens to pass by this glowing cave can try and get the quest, but only the first person to click “Begin Legendary Quest” can activate the quest and complete it! Once the person accepts the quest line the glowing cave disappears and the quest is no longer obtainable in that area.

- Legendary open world event. These open world event(s) occurs a limited amount of times in random areas at random times, you’re exploring the oceans when a horde of Sharks attack a Quaggan village! There will be a Quaggan with a Heart Icon above their head now, You have to interact with the Quaggan, and click on “Begin Legendary Quest” (Same as last time, first person to accept gets the quest, then the ability to get the quest is gone)… You save the village from the horde, but now the boss battle begins with a giant octopus, you defeated them with your friends and the boss drops a chest filled with random loot. You go back to the Quaggan NPC you got the Legendary Quest from, he thanks you for your assistance, and grants you the Legendary weapon! Your friends in the party do not earn the legendary weapon, but they do earn random loot from the game that is also appreciable.

That is all for the Legendary Questing System, please tell me what you think about it!

Legendary Quests, Bonus Traits, etc...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Grayson Stonyahmmer.2915

Grayson Stonyahmmer.2915

Unique Traiting System

This may have many mixed reactions, for understandable reasons. In my opinion, this would only be for PvE and WvW but in PvP EVERYONE already has these traits unlocked like it is now in the game.

The idea of the Unique Traiting System is to give players the ability to unlock bonus traits based on their gameplay in addition to the current traits that are available to everyone in the game right now. There are multiple Unique Traits you can unlock per category (ex. for Warrior: Strength, Discipline, etc..), but you can only have 1 Unique Trait active per category.

How would you unlock these traits? The Unique Traits you unlock is 100% based on the way you as a player interact with the game. Say you’re fighting a mob, and you dodge attacks very well and very often on a daily basis. You unlock a trait called “Agility”, this trait speeds up regeneration for the “Dodge” button by what ever amount of seconds which results in more times you can dodge, and improves your reaction times. The person who unlocked this bonus trait will most likely appreciate this because it’s based off of their gameplay! (So unless you have quick reaction times, and are aware of the Mobs’ animations/movements frequently, you won’t unlock this trait)

Another Bonus Trait could be: “Cloak”. This is a bonus trait that players can unlock if they very frequently roam the world In Stealth aka “Invisibility”. It allows the player to be in Stealth for a few more seconds, and if they choose to they can “Re-Stealth” right before the current Stealth runs out but at the cost of a large quantity of health. If they “Re-Stealth” too much they can potentially kill them selves.

^ That is all for the Unique Traits System. Those were just examples for traits that could be added, how ever Anet decides to utilize the system is up to them.

Mount System

Alright, I can feel the hatred coming towards this now. Guild Wars 2 forum members tend to avoid mounts like the plague. But please hear me out.

With the expansion of HoT, Arena Net has showed that they are interested in vertical maps and gliding rides. So with this newly designed map coming out this opens up tons of possibilities for new rides, so here are some:

(Some of these rides don’t have to be able to actually fly, gliding, or just hovering on the ground would be awesome too)

TO CLARIFY: These mounts do not give any speed boosts, and probably shouldn’t be in WvW. But they should be an option to explore the wonderful world that the developers took the time to create, those who don’t want to explore can simply continue to use waypoints all the time. These mounts will give no boosts at all, like the current mounts in game already (Broom/Rug)

- Hot Air Balloon (That can carry 3 other players)
- Phoenix
- Doyalk (That can carry 1 other player)
- Centaur
- Eagle
- Moa
- Giant Rabbit

So those are just some of my ideas for the future of this game. Please please leave your feedback!

(edited by Grayson Stonyahmmer.2915)

Legendary Quests, Bonus Traits, etc...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Stephani Rabbitheart.6452

Stephani Rabbitheart.6452

Wow it sounds like you have really thought this through. I really like all your ideas. I would also just like to say that I would love a giant rabbit mount.

Legendary Quests, Bonus Traits, etc...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aidan Savage.2078

Aidan Savage.2078

Where can I send suggestions for in-game content?
We are grateful for the enthusiasm of our fans, and appreciate the efforts and creativity that they use to develop concepts intended to assist with or expand upon our current and future titles. Suggestions about Guild Wars and Guild Wars 2 are welcome on the Guild Wars Wiki in the Guild Wars Game Suggestions section or on the Guild Wars 2 Wiki in the Game Suggestions section. However, we cannot accept or review any unsolicited ideas or suggestions that are sent to us outside of the Guild Wars Wiki or Guild Wars 2 Wiki, so please direct your suggestions and ideas to the Game Suggestions sections.

From the CToU. Also, I sincerely doubt they’d do anything of this sort. Quests dont exist in this game, special traits are unnecessary given the current systems, and shame on you for even daring to suggest mounts. Again. If you want to bring up mounts, go do it in their appropriate thread.

Legendary Quests, Bonus Traits, etc...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Grayson Stonyahmmer.2915

Grayson Stonyahmmer.2915

Aidan, quests are known as Hearts in this game. A quest is when you strive achieve a goal, hearts are that goal in Guild Wars 2.

Also special traits won’t be unnecessary since these are totally different than the current traits. The current traits are open to everyone who wants to buy them, these bonus traits are obtainable only through your gameplay. This makes you more connected with the game and your playstyle and encourages more gameplay.

Also what’s wrong with mounts, I’ll say what I said in another thread since the GW2 community is very toxic towards mounts. The following paste is going to sound like I have a little bit of an attitude, but that’s because the people I was talking to were very ignorant, none of the attitude is directed towards you.

“WP’s don’t make traveling more efficient when you are resource farming, world completing, trying to catch up with a commander (again not every one has all the WPs.), or just plain want to host a guild event with friends. It makes the game fun in a different way, a mounted race is a lot more fun than a foot race. GW2 is supposed to be a game where players have the option to play how they want, when they want, so again, if a player wants to use a mount, what is wrong with that. It is THEIR option, you do not need to use it. You guys can waste yours traits on swiftness when having fun exploring the world, and others will use their mounts. If a mount provides the same speed bonuses that Swiftness does, there is absolutely nothing wrong with it. If it provides faster speeds than what’s available through traits/skills then there may be an issue when it comes to costing money. If someone WANTS to spend money on a mount, then they should be able to (as long as the mounts are the same speed as swiftness), if others don’t want to, then don’t buy it then.”

Legendary Quests, Bonus Traits, etc...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Galphar.3901


Unique Traits sound like Masteries to me. Same for Legendary Quests. To obtain Mastery you have to gain Mastery Points by doing certain things on the new maps. You will only see these hearts/quests by having a certain level in a Mastery. You won’t see a Gliding Quest if you have 0 Mastery points in Gliding for example.

As far as Mounts go, the closest I think you’ll ever get to Mounts will be something like the Gliding Mastery and being able to skin your glider.

(edited by Galphar.3901)