Legendary SoloQ
(edited by Fortus.6175)
I recently made a post about whether Legendary Users Impressed you, https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/gw2/Do-Legendary-User-Impress-You/first
I gathered from there that right now the reputation for owning one is terrible for the most part, even if you did craft it. Please consider now that precursors can be crafted.
So I have a couple of questions;
If Anet were to make Legendaries account bound on production, with the extra benefit that you would be able to share it with all your lvl 80 toons and cannot be sold in TP, would this satisfy you?
Would there be at least some reputation in getting one?
Now that you could* actually get some reputation for crafting one, even if you werent going to do it before, would you do it?
Would you be encouraged to do multiple of them, non repeated since you know that once you cant stand a class anymore, you can simply move your weapon to another.
What would you give to have that instead of having the weapon, you know can make the skin, which goes into your achievement tab and can be put on any weapon of your choice as many times as you wish? (if put on a lvl 80 exotic this would bump the weapon stats to ascended when the items come out)
(edited by Fortus.6175)
I’d love for this to be implemented. Account-bound skins should have been in at launch.
Why not have weapons granted actually based on reputation? I.e some rating system akin to forum +1 where the more people rated you the better tier of weapon you were awarded.
So after an event/fractal/dungeon you gave man of the match (see Swtor PVP) to a player. Thus giving points/tokens whatever to buy unique skins. Thus you absolutely knew players that had these skins were genuinely of high regard. Much like the Xbox ones profile system.
Obv there’d need to be some discussion in regards to abusing the system to prevent guilds just repping each other etc.
Why not have weapons granted actually based on reputation? I.e some rating system akin to forum +1 where the more people rated you the better tier of weapon you were awarded.
So after an event/fractal/dungeon you gave man of the match (see Swtor PVP) to a player. Thus giving points/tokens whatever to buy unique skins. Thus you absolutely knew players that had these skins were genuinely of high regard. Much like the Xbox ones profile system.
Obv there’d need to be some discussion in regards to abusing the system to prevent guilds just repping each other etc.
3 problems with that system;
>farming; getting a big guild to do a daily/weekly event of giving everyone a +1, same from friends, basically if you arent in one of those you are missing out, like guild missions
>People are selfish, they will most likely than not try to grief other people, aka no give them the vote even if they deserve it. Anonymity tends to do this, no social repercussions.
> people tend to forget about it most of the time, mostly unintentionally. LoL had a similar system, worked perfectly for a while, now a day most people dont even bother to read the aftermatch chat, let alone “honor” others.
I do not like this system, it usually works for those communities that are mostly neutral/bad, like F2P games where you can get banned and do another account, where you have access to most of the game stuff so you are allowed to be as toxic as you want.
The community here is probably the best I have seen in any online game ever, like seriously, even my old hardcore WoW guild, and several other games. This community doesnt need more incentives to be good, it is amazing as it is. I would rather have another system that rewards teamwork rather than farming of votes.
Good points, on reflection I agree. Maybe if you could only vote once for one person? Would encourage PUGS (don’t know if that’s a gd thing) but it will boost playing with strangers. Who knows you might use your friends list!!
Legendaries are meaningless to me for a number of reasons.
One many of them are just plain silly, E.g. Pony Bow, Quip, i get that you want to troll people with it but still many players think you look pretty dumb wielding it, so how can players have a reputation wielding such silly looking items..
Two, the Legendaries in Guildwars 2 have zero lore, so how can they be legends with no lore? they did not exist in Guildwars, and none have any histories in the game..
Lastly it takes so much work and effort to get them that many just see the risk kitten large compared to the rewards is minimal, even if i can change stats (it still doesn’t seem enough for the work needed).
Also at some point Gold farmers took control of these things and sold them to players, since then their reputations took a plunge.
I think part of the issue remains the word “legendary”. I think if they changed that, most of the forum qualms would go away. They are after all, just pretty (subjectively) skins that require a lot of grind or money. I have zero issue with them at all.
ALso, the forums represent a very, very small number of the community (as has been said by the devs previously). Many people in game, whether you agree or not, are genuinely impressed by by people with legendaries. That simply doesn’t translate to players posting on the forum
If Anet were to make Legendaries account bound on production, with the extra benefit that you would be able to share it with all your lvl 80 toons and cannot be sold in TP, would this satisfy you?
YES!!! I have incinerator on my necro, but would love it to use it on my thief. I have no idea why its not account bound.. really.
Would there be at least some reputation in getting one?
What would you give to have that instead of having the weapon, you know can make the skin, which goes into your achievement tab and can be put on any weapon of your choice as many times as you wish? (if put on a lvl 80 exotic this would bump the weapon stats to ascended when the items come out)
YES!!! I have incinerator on my necro, but would love it to use it on my thief. I have no idea why its not account bound.. really.
Also, i would love to take out the skin, but since they are making legendaries so you can change stats whenever you want to i dont see the reason for this, really
I’d love for this to be implemented. Account-bound skins should have been in at launch.
^Absolutely agree with you.
If Anet were to make Legendaries account bound on production, with the extra benefit that you would be able to share it with all your lvl 80 toons and cannot be sold in TP, would this satisfy you?
YES!!! I have incinerator on my necro, but would love it to use it on my thief. I have no idea why its not account bound.. really.
Would there be at least some reputation in getting one?
What would you give to have that instead of having the weapon, you know can make the skin, which goes into your achievement tab and can be put on any weapon of your choice as many times as you wish? (if put on a lvl 80 exotic this would bump the weapon stats to ascended when the items come out)
YES!!! I have incinerator on my necro, but would love it to use it on my thief. I have no idea why its not account bound.. really.
Also, i would love to take out the skin, but since they are making legendaries so you can change stats whenever you want to i dont see the reason for this, really
yah this happens a lot, we think one class will be our main forever, then after some while we realize that other classes now “click” better with us.
in my case ele, I have been playing it for 11 months, still love it but Im well aware that Anet has no intent on fixing staff so if I were to put bifrost on it I would probably waste it, but now, if I were able to take it out on command then I would mind it at all.
Honestly, I feel great about my legendary. I didn’t farm at all for it. I got it while commanding the server I love after standing up for a good friend of mine. He got it from the Karka event and knew that I needed it, and I’ll forever be thankful. Things like that make legendaries and their components have sentimental value, and I don’t think I’m the only one who cares a lot about his legendary for that reason.
Half of the people raging in that thread are just screaming in some effort to rationalize to themselves why other people have something that they don’t and why those people are somehow fundamentally flawed. It’s the same story in every online game I’ve played: “I’m not impressed! It’s no big deal! Let me tell you at great length about how much I don’t care!”
It doesn’t matter how people get their legendaries, there will always be people who rant and rave to minimize their accomplishments.
Would I like my legendaries to be account bound? Absolutely. Would I like to see them stop selling on the TP? It doesn’t matter – if they didn’t want to buy it outright they could just get most of the main components with the same gold. But personally I feel like making it is the way to go.
Nay to the account bound idea. Chances are I will end up buying it with in game gold, for whatever absurd amount it takes at that point.
I have no intention of subjecting myself to the RNG luck fest.
What does the tradability of the weapon matter when they could just buy the gold and circumvent 99% of the difficulty in obtaining the weapon? Karma, tokens, and map completion are so trivial compared to the acquisition of precursor/ t6 mats/ lodestones/ icy runestones that it’s a laugh.
they will never be account bound for the simple fact that it would cause a bit of stagnation in the raw mats market.
the premiums for t6 mats(and indirectly t5) are high because of the associated costs of making a legendary. and usually those with legendaries are already tricked out in the best gear available, so 300-500 ecto later, 250 t6 mat of choice later…you see the trend.
Legendary Weapons should be tied to a meta-achievement where you had to complete smaller achievements from every type of content.
Yes, this would mean PvE, sPvP and WvW.
It could be achievements like:
Reach the “Avenger” title in sPvP.
Get X amount of kills in WvW.
For the PvE part it could be getting Dungeon Master, ascend to level 400 in all crafting disciplines and complete a lvl 48 Fractals Of The Mists (with it being your personal level).
This would (to some extend) ensure that people with legendary weapons were actually “worthy” of them.
It’s ridiculous when people with legendary weapons are the easiest targets in WvW and the most kittened in high lvl fractals.
(edited by KrisHQ.4719)
Legendary Weapons should be tied to a meta-achievement where you had to complete smaller achievements from every type of content.
Yes, this would mean PvE, sPvP and WvW.
It could be achievements like:
Reach the “Avenger” title in sPvP.
Get X amount of kills in WvW.
For the PvE part it could be getting Dungeon Master, ascend to level 400 in all crafting disciplines and complete a lvl 48 Fractals Of The Mists (with it being your personal level).
This would (to some extend) ensure that people with legendary weapons were actually “worthy” of them.
It’s ridiculous when people with legendary weapons are the easiest targets in WvW and the most kittened in high lvl fractals.
Honestly, I wouldn’t have my legendary even now if those were the requirements.
I have the Mercenary title in PvP, I have 56,860 kills in WvW, and I’m Fractals level 65. Two out of the three would be fine, but honestly PvP rank progression is far too slow and monotonous to be a requirement for a PvE item. Beside that point, they’ve mentioned that they plan to add ways to obtain a legendary in PvP within Q3-Q4 of 2013, so having PvP as a requirement for a legendary would be even more redundant.
They need to make acquisition of legendaries completely skill based and not grind based.
The only thing in this game that is worth anything are the old Qualifier Point titles from sPvP, because they were somewhat skill-based.
As of now, the only thing skill-based in this game is still PvP. However, it cannot be tied to sPvP rank, because that is still a grind-based achievement.
Perhaps something like participating and winning 50-100 “high-ranked,” PvP matches.
or Completing all dungeon paths faster than 99% of the Population.
I maintain that the absolute biggest failure of Guild Wars 2 is that anything and everything achievable in this game can just be grinded. This is obviously to please the “Everyones a winner!” crowd, but honestly, it cheapens the value of everything in the game.
Even if it was entirely skill based it wouldn’t have the effect the OP seems to be looking for.
The nearest comparison to that, off the top of my head, is Arah gear. You can only get it with tokens and you can only get tokens from completing the dungeon, which is in theory the hardest (definitely the longest) in the game.
But how do you react if you see someone else in a full set a Arah gear? Are you impressed? Do you see it as a sign that they’re obviously a skilled player? (Or at least good at that one dungeon?) Do you even notice?
At the end of the day it’s a persons actions that are going to set them apart, not their gear, no matter how they got it.
If you want a way to build up a reputation as an exceptional player then start leading groups in WvW, organise events for your guild and try to get other people/guilds involved. Organise events for your whole server. Help people with dungeon runs.
Do something to earn that reputation instead of looking for a token that will grant it by default.
Even if it was entirely skill based it wouldn’t have the effect the OP seems to be looking for.
The nearest comparison to that, off the top of my head, is Arah gear. You can only get it with tokens and you can only get tokens from completing the dungeon, which is in theory the hardest (definitely the longest) in the game.
But how do you react if you see someone else in a full set a Arah gear? Are you impressed? Do you see it as a sign that they’re obviously a skilled player? (Or at least good at that one dungeon?) Do you even notice?
At the end of the day it’s a persons actions that are going to set them apart, not their gear, no matter how they got it.
If you want a way to build up a reputation as an exceptional player then start leading groups in WvW, organise events for your guild and try to get other people/guilds involved. Organise events for your whole server. Help people with dungeon runs.
Do something to earn that reputation instead of looking for a token that will grant it by default.
I agree.
I also think there should be part of process tied to skill. But not in a way that would make you feel like a special snowflake (like some of suggestions above). Skill based part could be some instanced story quest where some lore about weapon is narated, and you get to chop things…its a win-win.
Would change nothing for me. I don’t see Legendaries as something that gives a reputation, because reputation is not something that i associate with gear. Someone with legendary can still be a terrible player. Waving some sparkling stick around won’t affect that.
When going after legendaries, i don’t do it for reputation they would give me – i am interested only in utility (that stat-swapping is a nice trick, and worth having) and looks (here, legendaries suffer seriously – only a few look good enough for me, and those are usually not the weapon types i use often).
Even if it was entirely skill based it wouldn’t have the effect the OP seems to be looking for.
The nearest comparison to that, off the top of my head, is Arah gear. You can only get it with tokens and you can only get tokens from completing the dungeon, which is in theory the hardest (definitely the longest) in the game.
But how do you react if you see someone else in a full set a Arah gear? Are you impressed? Do you see it as a sign that they’re obviously a skilled player? (Or at least good at that one dungeon?) Do you even notice?
At the end of the day it’s a persons actions that are going to set them apart, not their gear, no matter how they got it.
If you want a way to build up a reputation as an exceptional player then start leading groups in WvW, organise events for your guild and try to get other people/guilds involved. Organise events for your whole server. Help people with dungeon runs.
Do something to earn that reputation instead of looking for a token that will grant it by default.
Dunno. If I see someone with an “X of the Arena” title, I’m pretty impressed, and know for a fact that these guys are skilled players.
I gathered from there that right now the reputation for owning one is terrible for the most part, even if you did craft it.
I don’t think that was the tone of the thread at all. I think most people were just indifferent. It is one of those items where you see a player with one and think, “Okay, hope they like it,” and not , “Holly cow that’s amazing and blows my mind!”
I don’t care how a player got it, aside from scamming, and if they are glad they have it then I’m happy for them. I do think that some legendary owners seemed disappointed that there were not many people in the thread talking about how awesome legendaries are.
Anyway, in that thread it was more of a “I don’t really care either way,” than “People legendarys are a bunch of idiots I can’t stand.”
I gathered from there that right now the reputation for owning one is terrible for the most part, even if you did craft it.
I don’t think that was the tone of the thread at all. I think most people were just indifferent. It is one of those items where you see a player with one and think, “Okay, hope they like it,” and not , “Holly cow that’s amazing and blows my mind!”
I don’t care how a player got it, aside from scamming, and if they are glad they have it then I’m happy for them. I do think that some legendary owners seemed disappointed that there were not many people in the thread talking about how awesome legendaries are.
Anyway, in that thread it was more of a “I don’t really care either way,” than “People legendarys are a bunch of idiots I can’t stand.”
which is why many of us are trying to change, we are trying to bring some of its awe and glory, legendaries are certainly good enough by themselves (some of the skins, not all of them) but they need some more to make it more appealing.
As for the scavenger hunt I sure would like to have certain “chain” of difficult events (difficult, not impossible) in which you can complete by yourself or with relatively minimal teamwork (party of 5 max), involved with some lore as to why you are “worthy enough” to such magnificent weapon.
It could involve more players into that aspect of the game, restore some of the “prestige” of owning one as well.
Why not have weapons granted actually based on reputation? I.e some rating system akin to forum +1 where the more people rated you the better tier of weapon you were awarded.
Day 1 abuse because “lol we have to exploit everything”
I still wouldn’t be impressed. It would still be a grind for skin, and ugly at that. As Trogdor pointed out, what I feel is complete indifference.
This is the word I keep getting completely lost on… I can’t understand this. I tried to on the original thread but I ended up just closing it and saying “kitten it”.
Reputation… for having an item? For grinding out an item? For getting lucky with RNG? I don’t get it. “Oh look, someone has something”? It goes completely beyond me. Baffles me. What am I supposed to be impressed with?
To me, the only reputation that matters in a game such as this is being good at the game. Teldo and Jumper have a reputation I care about. They’d be equally scary opponents in full legendary shiny gear or in transmuted (for stats) level 1 gear. They’re impressive for what they do, not what they do it with.
I guess that’s what confuses me entirely. I don’t understand why the difficulty of acquiring an item matters. It always comes down to either grinding it out, which is a matter of patience, or getting lucky, which is a matter of luck. Neither impress me.
Even less can I understand why anyone should seriously care what anyone else looks like. I mean, I notice it when someone looks nice – nice to me, that being an extremely subjective issue and all, but that’s just a “cool”, it’s not something worthy of a “reputation”, and it is completely irrelevant of the rarity of their gear. If anything, sadly, most legendary weapons look like complete kitten. I wouldn’t wear most of them if I got them for free…
So at the end of the day, only things I associate with most legendary gear these days is either horrible taste, or a sad overcompensating attempt at some vicarious notoriety. “Look at me, I have something rare!”. That’s nice dear.
I respect anyone holding one, as long as they actually crafted it. Not because they have one, but because they have a lot more patience than I can muster. The weapon itself means nothing, I dont like most of them, but a player who is that dedicated as to go through the months of farming etc, yeah that is respectworthy.
I guess I respect those who bought one, but to a much lesser extent. They still had to farm all that gold.
I certainly will not dislike or disrespect anyone because of an item they hold. Either way, they worked for that and while I do not think it implies any ‘status’, all power to them for their dedication.
Show me some “Untradable, Unsellable, Character Bound Legendary Armor” then we’d have something to talk about because as I see it now anything that can be bought from the trader without actually earning it makes me not want it in the first place.
People want to be unique and want to be able to brag about it so what’s the point in that if some nut spends $300+ in the gem store to buy gold to buy Legendaries, it defeats the purpose of what the Legendary items symbolizes.
buy the gold
I’m interested in knowing who’s paying $600 per legendary…
If I had $600 to throw away, it wouldn’t be for a pixel sword.
This is the word I keep getting completely lost on… I can’t understand this. I tried to on the original thread but I ended up just closing it and saying “kitten it”.
Reputation… for having an item? For grinding out an item? For getting lucky with RNG? I don’t get it. “Oh look, someone has something”? It goes completely beyond me. Baffles me. What am I supposed to be impressed with?
I agree. Someone mentioned that, in other MMOs, sometimes people act impressed when they see someone with armor that takes a lot of grinding of raid X to get… But honestly I see nothing to be impressed with there. Same with Legendaries, or any other item in the game. It’s very hard to be impressed with a collection of pixels, especially considering how more often than not it’s reward for grind.
They need to make acquisition of legendaries completely skill based and not grind based.
I couldn’t agree more. I think ArenaNet was trying to make something to cater to players of classic MMOs, but the way all GW2 rewards focus on grind or RNG instead of skill is one of the main flawd of the game.
I think part of the issue remains the word “legendary”. I think if they changed that, most of the forum qualms would go away.
How about “Extraordinary” or “Pinnacle” weapons? Something that means they’re special or top of the line, but without the insinuation that there is some sort of history behind them?
OP: A weapon can’t give you a reputation. Only you can do that. Since LOOKS are a matter of personal taste, and Legendary weapons are all about looks, then my feelings towards another person’s weapon are going to be biased along those lines. But their weapon isn’t going to give me an opinion on the player. For that you need to see how they act.
How do I feel about people displaying Legendaries? I may scratch my head at The Juggernaut, wondering why someone opted to go to all that trouble to wield a lamp post. Or I may enjoy the galactic view inside the depths of Twilight while despising the oily footprints and black “swoosh” it leaves behind when swung. But I can respect the dedication required in getting something hard to achieve. Displaying the weapon for me shows dedication. Kudos for that. Your taste in weapons is a personal preference. My opinion of you depends on what you say and do.
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