Legendary Weapon Clues

Legendary Weapon Clues

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: deschRTG.4310


Hello everybody, I promise I tried to find a thread on this and if there is one already that I didn’t find I apologize for starting another thread on something already discussed.

I’ve been doing a little research on legendary weapons trying to find any help I could get for finding prereqs and gathering materials, and in that search I’ve come across an article saying that the GW2 world is full of hints and clues hidden throughout all the the game about forging a legendary weapon.

What I was hoping for from the community was not an outright answer on how to make legendarys (if anyone knows) but could I get a little help on finding those clues. There suppose to be in DE and dungeons and hidden in plain sight. If I could get an idea of what to look for then my GW experience could be revitalized.

Maybe even just one example, like an NPC conversation, "I spent my whole like trying to become the chosen, (legendary prereq) I even spent that time gathering <insert material here> to achieve it.

You know something like that would tell me that a material is key to crafting “the chosen” If that’s how the clues work, any sort of push in the right direction would be immensely helpful and I would be eternally grateful.

Legendary Weapon Clues

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: psilosopher.5807


What exactly are you trying to figure out? All of the components for legendary crafting have been discovered along with how to obtain them.

Beorn The Berserker
Level 80 Norn Warrior

Legendary Weapon Clues

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: deschRTG.4310


Um I guess what I’m trying to figure out is how to create the prereqs, I’ve seen the things for legendarys themselves

Legendary Weapon Clues

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: psilosopher.5807


Precursor weapons are obtained through the mystic forge or as a random drop, both of which are extremely low percentage. The only other option is buying it on the trading post.

Beorn The Berserker
Level 80 Norn Warrior

Legendary Weapon Clues

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Surinen.9684


I sincerely suggest to drop idea of buying it from trading post and if you are only into pve aspect of game then drop game itself until arenanet resolve RNG problem with precursors and mystic clovers.

currently, prices on precursors are highly manipulated and if you are not manipulating TP yourself then your chances of obtaining precursor are close to zero.

being a good willed player who simply enjoys events is not enough to gather gold as money you get is patheticly low – 1s with something for killing a huge icy Claw of Jormag made me giggle when I done him for the first time.

I hoped I wont need to grind for anything, even for legendary and here I’m grinding for scraps. Legendary parts ( honor badges, karma, gifts ) are more than enough, no need for such a gold amounts.

dont let people fool you, those who say that skins are “optional” are missing the biggest point of this game at lvl 80: it is all about skins and your look.

Legendary Weapon Clues

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Smitten.3076


The statement " Clues for Legendaries are everywhere in Tyria" was a complete line. Not one person has every documented an in-game source for any of the information leading to the recipes discovered for the legendaries.

I thought Legendary precursors were going to be the first step of an epic struggle, Ala Everquest. Instead I turned out popping two precursors from the MF a day or so prior to the knee-jerk nerf bat. Unluckily I equipped them, instead of stashing them for the “Rich get richer” TP. So now that the systems been nerfed, regardless of Anet stating is hasn’t, precursors are a RNG.