Legendary Wyvern Mount?!
Even if they said they used it so far only for testign mounts… it just practicalyl showed us, what is all possible with this game and if Naet just tweaks and improves this “test content” into somethign with higher quality, bugs fixed ect. then I can absolutely see this thign bcome one day true. Maybe not with this size, because it was in that test absolutely huge xD Maybe like 20% smaller or so I think would be right and still big enough compared to the other “normal” mounts to look legendary and epic.
I coudl see Legendary Mounts become just liek legendary gear with this one be “Skins” that you earn in this case as Legendary Mount Collection just like you earn Legendary Weapons, Armor, Trinkets ect. by having to do all kinds of stuff ove the course of multiple achievements to unlock for your accoutn this way the Wyvern as your Legendary Mount
I think its just all a matter of time and for the right moment to find to implement them, once the quality of this test project has reached basically the level that Naet wants to have for it to mae usage of it as actuall upcoming game content.
I find it would be also wrong to start off instantly with legendary mount,s when PoF is just barely 3 weeks in front of us and we all start off first with simply Raptors in comparison and have first to unlock all the kinds of normal Mounts first..
So Legendary Mounts have in my opinino still alot of time left, before we could consider them becoming a real thing…
Maybe like at the end of Season 4 or somewhere in the middle of Season 5 I could see them gettign implemented, when Aurene has grown up into a young strong dragon if the fittign size to take over the mechanics as our story based “dragon/wyvern mount” type and that legendary wyvern test project skin just becomes then somethign for the gemstore later …
Thats what I kind of see as a reality for the future, that would make kind of sense for me.
Wait, what? Legendary wyvern mount? What am I missing here?
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
Wait, what? Legendary wyvern mount? What am I missing here?
Just watch the stream on mounts they did this week. They showed some stuff from testing that was cut or they just did for fun, which includes turning a legendary wyvern into a mount. It’s not going to make it info the game, of course, but it was fun to see.
just google legendary wyvern mount and you wil lfind a twich reaction video, which shows the testing of wyverns as mounts ..
but wait, I coudl naturally also relink it here :P
There you go
Enjoy watching
No, I don’t think so, having actual flying mounts breaks the game, people skip content, get to places they shouldn’t and so on. Not to mention the bouncing off invisible walls and the sheer screen space being taken up.
Perhaps flying mounts for some events, but they’re a bad idea for a game.
I wouldn’t be suprised if at some point of the story we need to ride on Aurene.
Maybe this is what they were testing. Maybe at one point of the story we will ride Aurene but they do not have a mature Aurene model yet, so they used an existing model.
No, I don’t think so, having actual flying mounts breaks the game, people skip content, get to places they shouldn’t and so on. Not to mention the bouncing off invisible walls and the sheer screen space being taken up.
Perhaps flying mounts for some events, but they’re a bad idea for a game.
You do realize, that this is just a visual illusion there of flying?
In that video where we see the test subject, the wyvern isn#t really flying, its just only its attack animation for breathign fire, where it flyies into the sky to perform seconds later its diving breath attacks…
But you are not actually flying with this thing.
I expect any mount not part of the core mastery ones to be skins for the core ones, unless we get more as part of LS4 or can at some point use Aurene as a mount
They were just testing how well their “stick characters on top of eachother and hand over controls” script works.
So basically it works with any such character, including wyverns. Or a chain of characters, whichs hands the controls over all the to the top.
Ingame Name: Guardian Erik
No, I don’t think so, having actual flying mounts breaks the game, people skip content, get to places they shouldn’t and so on. Not to mention the bouncing off invisible walls and the sheer screen space being taken up.
Perhaps flying mounts for some events, but they’re a bad idea for a game.
You do realize, that this is just a visual illusion there of flying?
In that video where we see the test subject, the wyvern isn#t really flying, its just only its attack animation for breathign fire, where it flyies into the sky to perform seconds later its diving breath attacks…
But you are not actually flying with this thing.
Right, so then a huge wyvern mount that doesn’t fly? Ok, sure no problem then, although I think it’d be quite reasonable to expect such a mount to fly as it is a huge flying creature.
A mount like that would be great in a story step, event or adventure where you could actually use those cool abilities to destroy hundreds of enemies.