Legendary armor obtainable without raids?

Legendary armor obtainable without raids?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sykper.6583


If you look at it that way then you fail to understand my point. The hour isn’t the same because one is your time and the other hour is other peoples time. In other words a hour of my own time I can stop what I’m doing in the game to do other important things or I might have to stop all together abruptly. It doesn’t infringe upon anyone else. Were as with other peoples time you cant do this. You can’t just tell a group of people who expect you to be there and depend on you, that you are going afk for a extended period of time. Its disrespectful and selfish.

Or maybe the group has made these arrangements / planned for unexpected events already. Again, like normal adults.

Just how twisted is your view of raiding? Do you think that there isn’t a significant portion of the current GW2 raid population that has real life obligations that really impact their schedule? Jeez, even Pugs manage to get this down, it’s a common courtesy that if you have something come up IRL you simply tell the Raid Lead “Hey I got to go, something’s up” and more or less the pug group will understand and you can bail without wasting their time.

Yes, you can bail more easily in the open-world, that’s kind of the point the open-world is built around being that flexible. Instanced content however is putting just a bit more confidence in the fact you might have a half-hour of time on you to do it. Hell you are liable to get kicked from T4 Fractals if you tried going afk because you didn’t have the courtesy to tell other people that your cat suddenly decided to freak out and crash into a bunch of spill-able goods all over your kitchen floor (Milk and Soda do not mix). The only difference is that you are wasting 4 people’s time rather than 9 others.

Your argument is effectively showing your own immaturity if you think it is difficult for any adult to find some dedicated time to do some GW2, because adults are playing raids and not having Real-Life issues for it.

Suicidal Warrior.
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Legendary armor obtainable without raids?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aza.2105


Your argument is effectively showing your own immaturity if you think it is difficult for any adult to find some dedicated time to do some GW2, because adults are playing raids and not having Real-Life issues for it.

What is this?

Amd Ryzen 1800x – Amd Fury X -64GB of ram
Windows 10

Legendary armor obtainable without raids?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sykper.6583


Your argument is effectively showing your own immaturity if you think it is difficult for any adult to find some dedicated time to do some GW2, because adults are playing raids and not having Real-Life issues for it.

What is this?

The argument that players aren’t able to figure out in an instanced group setting that their time is now shared with other players’ times. As per your statement involving:

The hour isn’t the same because one is your time and the other hour is other peoples time.

Seems to imply. Players who raid =/= players who aren’t being responsible with real life time.

Suicidal Warrior.
Putting Perspective on Zerg Sizes since 2012. Common Suffixes for 40+ include ~Zilla and ~Train
“Seriously, just dodge.”

Legendary armor obtainable without raids?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aza.2105


Seems to imply. Players who raid =/= players who aren’t being responsible with real life time.

Seems to imply” Is a great way of explaining your perspective on what you feel I’m saying.

Amd Ryzen 1800x – Amd Fury X -64GB of ram
Windows 10

Legendary armor obtainable without raids?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sykper.6583


What exactly is your point then? Aside from agreeing with someone about how Raiders are clearly incapable parents and spouses, and proceeding to say that they are selfish with their time shared with others.

Suicidal Warrior.
Putting Perspective on Zerg Sizes since 2012. Common Suffixes for 40+ include ~Zilla and ~Train
“Seriously, just dodge.”

Legendary armor obtainable without raids?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dashingsteel.3410


Long before HoT launched legendary armor had been discussed by the community as something that would be cool for the game. In contrast, the subjects of gear grind, mounts, and raids always generated strong negative feelings among the community. Many players even stated outright that they had made gw2 their home because they left games that had raids and raiding culture.

With all of this as context, Anet has the brilliant idea to gate one of the most desired “shinies” behind raids. For a company who supposedly listens to the community they were incredibly tone deaf with this decision. Please note that I am not blaming people who enjoy raiding, this is solely on Anet management.

I propose that Anet go the route of legendary weapons. Just like dungeon tracks in pvp they could incorporate raid tracks.

To compensate raiders perhaps Anet could design a unique and exclusive backpiece like they did for pvp and fractals.

Legendary armor obtainable without raids?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


For a company who supposedly listens to the community they were incredibly tone deaf with this decision.

Nothing new here. Anet is very well known for granting the wishes of the community in ways that make said community wish they’ve never asked for it in the first place.

Actions, not words.
Remember, remember, 15th of November

Legendary armor obtainable without raids?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lunateric.3708


I think their decision to make legendary armor raid exclusive is fine, just like Ad Infinitum needs fractals and The Ascension needs ranked PvP matches. If anything, I hope they keep adding different legendary items to each mode that people can work towards.

Other than that I find people resenting raiders pretty childish, even for a game. Seems shiny pixels bring the worse out of some.

Legendary armor obtainable without raids?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zalavaaris.5329


I think their decision to make legendary armor raid exclusive is fine, just like Ad Infinitum needs fractals and The Ascension needs ranked PvP matches. If anything, I hope they keep adding different legendary items to each mode that people can work towards.

Other than that I find people resenting raiders pretty childish, even for a game. Seems shiny pixels bring the worse out of some.

People don’t resent raiders because of shiny pixels. They don’t resent raiders because they aren’t as “elite” as raiders and are somehow jealous of them. People resent raiders because of the bs hoops you’re forced to jump through to face bosses which are significantly easier than other games raid content. People resent the raiders that feel their whopping 1 year of raid experience qualifies them to be making any decisions that would exclude someone. The community is the problem with raids in GW2 not the content. A lot more people would have the armor already if it weren’t such an exclusive club. You may disagree with me but this is how a lot of people feel when they log on and think they might want to give this raid thing a shot.

Legendary armor obtainable without raids?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dashingsteel.3410


@Lunateric….. I agree exclusive items are fine…… and just like you compared pvp and fractals I think raids deserve a backpiece ONLY as well.

A WHOLE suit of armor just for one niche of the game?????

Legendary armor obtainable without raids?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lunateric.3708


I think their decision to make legendary armor raid exclusive is fine, just like Ad Infinitum needs fractals and The Ascension needs ranked PvP matches. If anything, I hope they keep adding different legendary items to each mode that people can work towards.

Other than that I find people resenting raiders pretty childish, even for a game. Seems shiny pixels bring the worse out of some.

People don’t resent raiders because of shiny pixels. They don’t resent raiders because they aren’t as “elite” as raiders and are somehow jealous of them. People resent raiders because of the bs hoops you’re forced to jump through to face bosses which are significantly easier than other games raid content. People resent the raiders that feel their whopping 1 year of raid experience qualifies them to be making any decisions that would exclude someone. The community is the problem with raids in GW2 not the content. A lot more people would have the armor already if it weren’t such an exclusive club. You may disagree with me but this is how a lot of people feel when they log on and think they might want to give this raid thing a shot.

Think it’s a perpetuated lie, I almost exclusively pugraid nowadays and have yet to see a player being shunned if said player is performing adequately with whatever special snowflake OR meta build they feel like using. And yeah, I pug 13/13 kills weekly. There is a very vocal minority here that hurts the game overall more than do good.

Legendary armor obtainable without raids?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lunateric.3708


@Lunateric….. I agree exclusive items are fine…… and just like you compared pvp and fractals I think raids deserve a backpiece ONLY as well.

A WHOLE suit of armor just for one niche of the game?????

That was their design choice and it’s fine, legendary armor doesn’t give you any stat advantage over ascended. The one thing you may not like is the free rune swapping and even then most if not all dedicated players have multiple ascended sets per character already.

They already stated they were adding ascended gear for WvW in the latest AMA and then each mode will be absolutely viable for gearing up.

Legendary armor obtainable without raids?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: phys.7689


@Lunateric….. I agree exclusive items are fine…… and just like you compared pvp and fractals I think raids deserve a backpiece ONLY as well.

A WHOLE suit of armor just for one niche of the game?????

That was their design choice and it’s fine, legendary armor doesn’t give you any stat advantage over ascended. The one thing you may not like is the free rune swapping and even then most if not all dedicated players have multiple ascended sets per character already.

They already stated they were adding ascended gear for WvW in the latest AMA and then each mode will be absolutely viable for gearing up.

the fact that they have multiple stat sets implies it had value.

Legendary armor obtainable without raids?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zalavaaris.5329


I think their decision to make legendary armor raid exclusive is fine, just like Ad Infinitum needs fractals and The Ascension needs ranked PvP matches. If anything, I hope they keep adding different legendary items to each mode that people can work towards.

Other than that I find people resenting raiders pretty childish, even for a game. Seems shiny pixels bring the worse out of some.

People don’t resent raiders because of shiny pixels. They don’t resent raiders because they aren’t as “elite” as raiders and are somehow jealous of them. People resent raiders because of the bs hoops you’re forced to jump through to face bosses which are significantly easier than other games raid content. People resent the raiders that feel their whopping 1 year of raid experience qualifies them to be making any decisions that would exclude someone. The community is the problem with raids in GW2 not the content. A lot more people would have the armor already if it weren’t such an exclusive club. You may disagree with me but this is how a lot of people feel when they log on and think they might want to give this raid thing a shot.

Think it’s a perpetuated lie, I almost exclusively pugraid nowadays and have yet to see a player being shunned if said player is performing adequately with whatever special snowflake OR meta build they feel like using. And yeah, I pug 13/13 kills weekly. There is a very vocal minority here that hurts the game overall more than do good.

I would LOVE to be wrong. However, what I described is how a lot of people feel. I didn’t claim it was a studied fact regarding the community. However with THAT bit out of the way, I think you should add me so I can raid with you every week as your luck with pugs is significantly better than mine lol

Legendary armor obtainable without raids?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LimitBreaker.4165


I think the heavy legendary armor is the best looking set in game so yea I guess i’ll have to raid sometime… I would have preferred it to be like the legendary weapons having to do collections or world completion even one for each piece would have been nice for people who dont like raids. I personally dont like raids because it isnt noob friendly, too many toxic elitists and with the pugs i’ve joined it never gets completed cause people keep rage quitting.

Legendary armor obtainable without raids?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Linken.6345


Hate this argument because i know a lot of players like me that have a job, a wife AND kids, and still can raid normally.
If you have time to play the game you have time to raid, stop blamming your job/family as the reason you cant raid.

Those kids and wife (or husband) deserve better then.

I agree! Well said.

Yes because if you spend 2 hours farming SW you are not forsaking your family, but god forbid you raid for 30 mins you are a terrible human being and should be ashamed /s

Playing open world content is using ones own time, doing raiding is using other peoples time. Its not the same.

Playing for 1 hour is playing for 1 hour no matter what you doing, If you can play one hour in SW you can raid, if you dont is your choice not because your family dont allow it.

If you look at it that way then you fail to understand my point. The hour isn’t the same because one is your time and the other hour is other peoples time. In other words a hour of my own time I can stop what I’m doing in the game to do other important things or I might have to stop all together abruptly. It doesn’t infringe upon anyone else. Were as with other peoples time you cant do this. You can’t just tell a group of people who expect you to be there and depend on you, that you are going afk for a extended period of time. Its disrespectful and selfish.

You dont go afk, you just say " Hey guys something happened, i got to go, thx for the run" and then you leave the group and do the stuff you need to do. There, problem solved. See thats how every adult raid, they go raid when they find a group and if something happens irl they just leave the group.

Yea and then next time you come to raid ( and someone from that other raid is there) then your kicked since we cant trust you to stay untill we are done.

Legendary armor obtainable without raids?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SkyShroud.2865


What I only like about legendary armor is that capability to switch stats and also runes without losing it. Then of combine with the capability to pass it around through shared inventory, it possible to make a single set of armor to rule them all. However, shared inventory is expensive and limited to 17 thus cannot put 3 sets. Also, skin is another customization issue. Same thing for weapon and sigil loss issue.

Edit: Possible solution is getting permanent bank access and pass out via that but the skin issue for different toon is a feature issue.

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(edited by SkyShroud.2865)

Legendary armor obtainable without raids?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cire.6795


Something might be wrong with me. I can play PvE, PvP, WvW, Fractals, JPs, and Dungeons. I love every mode gw2 has, but for some reason i cannot get into raids.

Maybe its because its pug unfriendly? All other modes are easy to pug and start withing minutes of loading GW2.

GW2 still rocks. Still plenty to do even if i cannot raid for some reason.

Legendary armor obtainable without raids?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Knuckle Joe.7408

Knuckle Joe.7408

maybe in expac 4 if there’s such thing