Legendary as a sign of unskilled player?
In a game as casual as Guild Wars no weapon can really give a player the status of “good”. There’s good and bad players all around, and aside from map completion and a few dungeon runs you can simply exchange gems for gold to get a Legendary. I wouldn’t feel bad about running with a bad player wielding a legendary in the same way I wouldn’t feel bad about running with a guy with an ascended weapon that’s not good.
If Legendaries were truly hard to obtain, as in anything but time consuming, then I could understand holding Legendary users to a higher standard of gameplay, but let’s face it. Legendaries are just a time consuming grind that you can mostly buy from gem conversions if you so choose. Nothing to really worry over.
You should be required to have fractal 48 and to have cleared each dungeon path in a certain amount of time in order to get a legendary.
Morrï (Mesmer) | Serah Mahariel (Guardian) | Morrï Mahariel (Warrior)
“colesy’s on rampage today. Slaying casuals left, right and centre” – spoj
That’s a very silly post. I seriously doubt that 70% of the pugs carrying a legendary are any worse than 70% of pugs NOT carrying a legendary.
It’s people like you who make unsound generalizations that are scary.
Stormbluff Isle [AoD]
You should be required to have fractal 48 and to have cleared each dungeon path in a certain amount of time in order to get a legendary.
I wouldn’t have one then.
Why would you hold a legendary user to a higher standard? Ascended weapons take no effort or risk. They take no ‘skill’ to obtain either. Its not hard to zerg the mats you need (PvE or WvW), you barely even have to be looking at the screen. And you can buy the ones that aren’t bound. Time gating is the only difference.
By your logic, all you can ascertain from someone wielding Ascended is that they know how to tag mobs in a zerg.
In one respect this is good to not know. Because you can’t just kick someone because of their choice of weapon, like you alluded to wanting to be able to do.
In either case, neither require skill and can’t judge a user of either for being ‘skilled’ for using one or the other because neither require it.
Dungeons can give up to 40g/hour.
We’re talking typical, not “I got a lucky drop” runs. A die-hard 4H tour will be 8g cash plus token/ecto conversion (maybe 2~4g). That’s not a normal dungeon effort, though. Normal includes time for breaks between runs, recruiting, etc.. Including Arah in the tour ups that number, but then also greatly increases recruiting effort (I wouldn’t bring more than one pug on an Arah run).
40g/h as a typical repeatable number for dungeons seems absurd to me after the dungeon-spamming nerf. If you’re not simply trolling, you’ll have to back that up with at least a general methodology.
In one respect this is good to not know. Because you can’t just kick someone because of their choice of weapon, like you alluded to wanting to be able to do.
This is a different topic, but I would like a way to judge whether a player is suitable for grouping or not. The ideal would be a way to tell what their stats currently are; ie. are they zerk or pvt, what’s their actual AR, etc..
The legendary as a “gold grubber” item is simply unfortunate. If it had been done with grouping required, it could have been a useful indicator. Now, it’s not. Would you have preferred it to be a sign of skill or as it’s become, a sign of grind?
I should have titled this post “Inverted Risk/Reward” and left the legendary comparison as a side-note or not mentioned it. I think I’ve arranged for the truly important point to be conveniently ignored. ><
This is a different topic, but I would like a way to judge whether a player is suitable for grouping or not. The ideal would be a way to tell what their stats currently are; ie. are they zerk or pvt, what’s their actual AR, etc..
No, there should be no way for this ever. This leads to the most horrible elitism. People kicked because of what build they are (even if its viable, but someone just doesnt like it), because they wield a weapon someone in the party doesn’t agree with, because they’re wearing only half berserker and half something else.
The only part of this I would agree with is AR as it is required for that particular dungeon. Noone should have to be subjected to random kicks and exclusion for playing in viable gear or a viable build but its just not the accepted norm. Regardless if that’s your intention, I guarantee it would happen. I’ve played an MMO with that (get a window with other players full info) and it was terrible.
On the flip side, should a dungeon party have to put up with a non-skilled, inadequate geared player? No, but you still have the option to kick at any point when that becomes evident. Once you implement this, theres a lot of conform or GTFO.
The legendary as a “gold grubber” item is simply unfortunate. If it had been done with grouping required, it could have been a useful indicator. Now, it’s not. Would you have preferred it to be a sign of skill or as it’s become, a sign of grind?
I would prefer it to be a sign of skill. But you cant say any different about Ascended. Its just a sign of mob tagging in a zerg. There’s barely any weapon or armor sets that point either way, especially with transmutation crystals. The only ones I could think of might FotM skins as they have to complete higher FotM’s to get the drop or an Arah set…..and both of these are still agruable either way.
Why does ascended require gold?
You should be required to have fractal 48 and to have cleared each dungeon path in a certain amount of time in order to get a legendary.
yea, something like actually achieving hard to do things requiring skill should have been the basis for legendary’s… not oh I grind-ed for a month or bought everything for it lol.
Especially them being sold on the TP.
To me having a legendary isn’t very legendary as they can be bought basically and took 0 skill to aquire.
This is a different topic, but I would like a way to judge whether a player is suitable for grouping or not. The ideal would be a way to tell what their stats currently are; ie. are they zerk or pvt, what’s their actual AR, etc..
No, there should be no way for this ever. This leads to the most horrible elitism. People kicked because of what build they are (even if its viable, but someone just doesnt like it), because they wield a weapon someone in the party doesn’t agree with, because they’re wearing only half berserker and half something else.
The only part of this I would agree with is AR as it is required for that particular dungeon. Noone should have to be subjected to random kicks and exclusion for playing in viable gear or a viable build but its just not the accepted norm. Regardless if that’s your intention, I guarantee it would happen. I’ve played an MMO with that (get a window with other players full info) and it was terrible.
On the flip side, should a dungeon party have to put up with a non-skilled, inadequate geared player? No, but you still have the option to kick at any point when that becomes evident. Once you implement this, theres a lot of conform or GTFO.The legendary as a “gold grubber” item is simply unfortunate. If it had been done with grouping required, it could have been a useful indicator. Now, it’s not. Would you have preferred it to be a sign of skill or as it’s become, a sign of grind?
I would prefer it to be a sign of skill. But you cant say any different about Ascended. Its just a sign of mob tagging in a zerg. There’s barely any weapon or armor sets that point either way, especially with transmutation crystals. The only ones I could think of might FotM skins as they have to complete higher FotM’s to get the drop or an Arah set…..and both of these are still agruable either way.
What, are you worried your bad build with non-berserker will get you booted from dungeons?
I would seriously love for ANet to introduce a gear checker, I ask for gear pings anyway when I’m not in a hurry, it just means that people can’t lie and ping a set in their inventory or use the code anymore.
The game is full of elitism already too, just see how every third post of a berserker user on this forum gets replied to with “blahblah elitist”.
Morrï (Mesmer) | Serah Mahariel (Guardian) | Morrï Mahariel (Warrior)
“colesy’s on rampage today. Slaying casuals left, right and centre” – spoj
To the OP:
Why would you even make this thread? Do you have any idea how obnoxious it is? Only on the internet do you see this sort of logic…
Here’s how I see it. For whatever reason you decided that you do not want to bother making a legendary. Which is fine, I’m sure making them is an expensive/time consuming PITA.
But this being the internet, instead of being confident and at peace with your decision, you have to drag those who do have legendary weapons through the mud. Does a legendary weapon mean a given player is more likely to be skilled or unskilled player? How the kitten should I know? You don’t know either, and your reasoning is some of the weakest, most convoluted logic I have ever read.
Most likely, the weapon carried by a given player has no relation whatsoever to how skilled they are at playing the game. And who cares? Lousy players have every right to play the game. I welcome them. In general a lousy player is more likely to have their life (in REAL life) priorities in order than someone who is fantastic at a computer game. Think about it for a minute and you might see what I mean.
One thing I know for sure, this thread is about YOU, not about those with legendaries.
I have 3 legendaries, I must be a very bad player
though I did finish my 48 fractal sometime at the beginning of the year… no wait.. can it be…
It can only mean…
I am the chosen one!
Being serious, the OP is making a pretty silly generalization. His generalization is based on the assumption that legendary owners farmed all day and night and suck at doing everything else. What he doesn’t realise is that,
A. people didn’t farm day in day out.
B. Time played actually does has a relationship with player skill. In general more time = more experience = more skilled (unless you’re a bad apple).
C. Everything is puggable.
To finish off, your view of legendary people being bad players who don’t know how to play as a group is as bias and racist as me assuming you’re American because you are typing in english though I probably have a better chance of being right than your legendary stereotyping lol.
(edited by Lafiel.9372)
Well, all I know, I have yet to “try” for a legendary and have even sold many of those mats, while I have 8-80’s (all classes), representing all races, 2 commander tags, avg 2.5 full sets of gear and weapons per character, 1/2 t2/t3 transmuted cultural, master crafter, personal story twice. Most guilds I’ve been in, majority of players are farming alone and doing solo world map completion with one or two characters built for after legendary mats/gold. I don’t knooow…. /me shrugs
Wait, no pugs allowed for FotM?
Who the hell have I been smoothly running 48s with for the past few months then, because I’m pretty sure I don’t know the entire dungeoneering population of GW2? Also a legendary owner, so…yeah.
Resident Thief
Dungeons can give up to 40g/hour.
We’re talking typical, not “I got a lucky drop” runs. A die-hard 4H tour will be 8g cash plus token/ecto conversion (maybe 2~4g). That’s not a normal dungeon effort, though. Normal includes time for breaks between runs, recruiting, etc.. Including Arah in the tour ups that number, but then also greatly increases recruiting effort (I wouldn’t bring more than one pug on an Arah run).
40g/h as a typical repeatable number for dungeons seems absurd to me after the dungeon-spamming nerf. If you’re not simply trolling, you’ll have to back that up with at least a general methodology.
He’s referring to spot selling. Duo P4 will take ~40 minutes. All spots sold is 30-40g each. If you did that 3 times, it would take you 2 hours. That’s 90-120g /2 = 45-60g/hour. These are obviously ideal conditions. You don’t always fill straight away, and sometimes you don’t fill at all.
Regardless though, I’m not sure where you get your numbers from for dungeons. You can get about 35-40g from just doing a casual tour which takes 2-3 hours. Of course, that only works for once a day.
(edited by The Mexican Cookie.3690)
This is a different topic, but I would like a way to judge whether a player is suitable for grouping or not. The ideal would be a way to tell what their stats currently are; ie. are they zerk or pvt, what’s their actual AR, etc..
No, there should be no way for this ever. This leads to the most horrible elitism. People kicked because of what build they are (even if its viable, but someone just doesnt like it), because they wield a weapon someone in the party doesn’t agree with, because they’re wearing only half berserker and half something else.
The only part of this I would agree with is AR as it is required for that particular dungeon. Noone should have to be subjected to random kicks and exclusion for playing in viable gear or a viable build but its just not the accepted norm. Regardless if that’s your intention, I guarantee it would happen. I’ve played an MMO with that (get a window with other players full info) and it was terrible.
On the flip side, should a dungeon party have to put up with a non-skilled, inadequate geared player? No, but you still have the option to kick at any point when that becomes evident. Once you implement this, theres a lot of conform or GTFO.The legendary as a “gold grubber” item is simply unfortunate. If it had been done with grouping required, it could have been a useful indicator. Now, it’s not. Would you have preferred it to be a sign of skill or as it’s become, a sign of grind?
I would prefer it to be a sign of skill. But you cant say any different about Ascended. Its just a sign of mob tagging in a zerg. There’s barely any weapon or armor sets that point either way, especially with transmutation crystals. The only ones I could think of might FotM skins as they have to complete higher FotM’s to get the drop or an Arah set…..and both of these are still agruable either way.
What, are you worried your bad build with non-berserker will get you booted from dungeons?
I would seriously love for ANet to introduce a gear checker, I ask for gear pings anyway when I’m not in a hurry, it just means that people can’t lie and ping a set in their inventory or use the code anymore.
The game is full of elitism already too, just see how every third post of a berserker user on this forum gets replied to with “blahblah elitist”.
Why are you even in the General Discussion forums? Plz go back to that sewage dump called the dungeon forums. With you and the DnT crowd coming in here there is no way for anything to become a true discussion.
Unstable Shield, Unstable Light
You should be required to have fractal 48 and to have cleared each dungeon path in a certain amount of time in order to get a legendary.
Thankfully they didn’t decide to make doing boring repetitive stuff a requirement of getting a legendary..oh wait…
Many people loath fractals as being the most boring place in teh game, as well as being reliant on pugs some of the time, waiting to form groups, or being half way through a run and someone d/cs, leaves, etc etc meaning you don’t advance in level that time around and ir was a complete waste of time.
Dungeons- again, not everyone wants to spend lots of time forming groups and watching them fail or the alternate which is getting in some ‘leet’ group that doesn’t explain anything after you say you’re rusty or new but just kicks, or moans at you when they just had to give a brief explanation before diving in to the next bit.
Having a legendary says nothing about a players skill level or how they came about getting it- it’s just another way to improve your stats (and a very time consuming or costly one at that).
You want to know a real way to really just judge a book by it’s cover and be right 60 % of the time.
Achievement points.
High AP = more time sinked in = more experienced = more skilled. USUALLY.
Everyone knows that getting a legendary weapon is a broken system. Why the hell you start a topic if you don’t have a good suggestion that can be worked into a solution?
With you and the DnT crowd coming in here there is no way for anything to become a true discussion.
You shouldn’t generalize so hard, it makes you look bad.
Do not be conceited, ye sub-humans without legendaries.
You should be required to have fractal 48 and to have cleared each dungeon path in a certain amount of time in order to get a legendary.
Thankfully they didn’t decide to make doing boring repetitive stuff a requirement of getting a legendary..oh wait…
Many people loath fractals as being the most boring place in teh game, as well as being reliant on pugs some of the time, waiting to form groups, or being half way through a run and someone d/cs, leaves, etc etc meaning you don’t advance in level that time around and ir was a complete waste of time.
Dungeons- again, not everyone wants to spend lots of time forming groups and watching them fail or the alternate which is getting in some ‘leet’ group that doesn’t explain anything after you say you’re rusty or new but just kicks, or moans at you when they just had to give a brief explanation before diving in to the next bit.
Having a legendary says nothing about a players skill level or how they came about getting it- it’s just another way to improve your stats (and a very time consuming or costly one at that).
I loathe map completion. I have a precursor, I have all of my t6 besides charged lodestones, I have weaponsmithing and armorsmithing at 400, I have icy runestones, I have gift of battle, I have my gift of ascalon.
Boring? Sure.
But nothing matches the tedium of map completion.
The difference with dungeons, is that clearing them quickly, and having a high fractal level either means going out of your way to find a group to carry you, or actually spending the time to get good at the game, which is a lot more deserving of a legendary than just having the willpower to do a bunch of boring hearts. I haven’t got higher than 62% on any of my characters and it’s excruciating.
Morrï (Mesmer) | Serah Mahariel (Guardian) | Morrï Mahariel (Warrior)
“colesy’s on rampage today. Slaying casuals left, right and centre” – spoj
I love how people expect pugs to have teamwork. This makes me laugh.
Imagine if professional sports teams worked this way. The New York Yankees pick up a complete stranger and expect him to play short stop and turn double plays with no practice or warm up. Right.
An elite navy seal team joins up with a complete stranger to rescue a hostage. Okay.
If you want team work, don’t expect it from people you don’t “train” with. Join a guild, play with the same people. Enjoy teamwork.
With you and the DnT crowd coming in here there is no way for anything to become a true discussion.
You shouldn’t generalize so hard, it makes you look bad.
I’ve lurked on these and the dungeon forums to know exactly who is trash, and you sir win the prize.
Unstable Shield, Unstable Light
With you and the DnT crowd coming in here there is no way for anything to become a true discussion.
You shouldn’t generalize so hard, it makes you look bad.
I’ve lurked on these and the dungeon forums to know exactly who is trash, and you sir win the prize.
Please, oh judgmental one. Enlighten me as to how you define trash.
If you’re making a judgment based on troll posts in the dungeon forum; I’m sorry that you can’t figure out what’s a joke and what isn’t.
When I become the best player in the game, probably around the end of next week by my calculations, I’m going to transmute the appearance of starter armor and weapons onto all my awesome stat gear. That way if you happen to see me on one of those days I just don’t feel like playing totally awesome you won’t wonder what is going on.
(edited by JustTrogdor.7892)
Legendary weapons should not be able to be sold. Plain and simple. Epic weapons in Everquest were a status symbol. Why? Because it took 20 coordinated people to get certain updates and required actual skill. The game has no endgame quest with a reward worth the time.invested. its safe to say a.good portion of.the players wielding one didn’t quest it at all but rather used plastic to purchase it.
| lv 80 Elementalist ~ Fyvcentz |
What, are you worried your bad build with non-berserker will get you booted from dungeons?
What? All my characters that have Berserker sets along with the other sets they have?
Yes, I’m terrified. Just cause I have zerker sets on mine doesn’t grant me the right to be a kitten and judge other people and call anything but zerker fail. You are right, elitism runs through this game now…the last thing it needs is a tool to make it worse.
Considering the ease of farming zerker gear, you actually have no way but to assume they are wearing the gear they link you.
I love how people expect pugs to have teamwork. This makes me laugh.
Expect? Expect nothing normal from this game, you will be better off Yet, I do feel I contribute to teamwork in a pug or most any group, since I’ll take a long hard look at class composition of the group and choose the right class/build to play for any given group or situation. Sort of like an anchor I guess. Need a tank, a healer, buffs, melee, ranged, more DPS? Covered. Only full ascended gear has me worried at this point.
One things for certain: Legendaries are a very crappy concept.
^ If they were that elite, they’d have a dedicated group anyway. They’re just trying to blame their poor performance on someone else.
Tarnished Coast
This thread is a sterling example of how people use gear to attempt to judge the skill of a player.
What, are you worried your bad build with non-berserker will get you booted from dungeons?
What? All my characters that have Berserker sets along with the other sets they have?
Yes, I’m terrified. Just cause I have zerker sets on mine doesn’t grant me the right to be a kitten and judge other people and call anything but zerker fail. You are right, elitism runs through this game now…the last thing it needs is a tool to make it worse.
Considering the ease of farming zerker gear, you actually have no way but to assume they are wearing the gear they link you.
Well anything outside zerker and in some cases assassin is fail.
This thread is a sterling example of how people use gear to attempt to judge the skill of a player.
Good players tend to use good gear.
Morrï (Mesmer) | Serah Mahariel (Guardian) | Morrï Mahariel (Warrior)
“colesy’s on rampage today. Slaying casuals left, right and centre” – spoj
Well anything outside zerker and in some cases assassin is fail.
Well, if you don’t know how to play without a squad of zerkers carrying you, that’s your problem I guess. Doesn’t need to be dragged out on the rest of us with an info tool.
If you sit in WvW for a long time, and don’t spend much money. You’re bound to get enough for a legendary eventually. It has no weigh on your level of skill, especially after a year of playing.
Maguuma – [TriM][DERP]
OP = Jelly of legendary owners
Makes thread about it.
Dungeons can give up to 40g/hour.
We’re talking typical, not “I got a lucky drop” runs. A die-hard 4H tour will be 8g cash plus token/ecto conversion (maybe 2~4g). That’s not a normal dungeon effort, though. Normal includes time for breaks between runs, recruiting, etc.. Including Arah in the tour ups that number, but then also greatly increases recruiting effort (I wouldn’t bring more than one pug on an Arah run).
40g/h as a typical repeatable number for dungeons seems absurd to me after the dungeon-spamming nerf. If you’re not simply trolling, you’ll have to back that up with at least a general methodology.
In one respect this is good to not know. Because you can’t just kick someone because of their choice of weapon, like you alluded to wanting to be able to do.
This is a different topic, but I would like a way to judge whether a player is suitable for grouping or not. The ideal would be a way to tell what their stats currently are; ie. are they zerk or pvt, what’s their actual AR, etc..
The legendary as a “gold grubber” item is simply unfortunate. If it had been done with grouping required, it could have been a useful indicator. Now, it’s not. Would you have preferred it to be a sign of skill or as it’s become, a sign of grind?
I should have titled this post “Inverted Risk/Reward” and left the legendary comparison as a side-note or not mentioned it. I think I’ve arranged for the truly important point to be conveniently ignored. ><
I think you might have wanted to title the thread: Entitled Elitist LFG.
Please define “skill”. “Elitist” does not imply elite.
-Leaving the rest unsaid
Legendaries : either botter OR dedicated players….. nothing related to skill
Archeage = Farmville with PK
He’s referring to spot selling. Duo P4 will take ~40 minutes. All spots sold is 30-40g each. If you did that 3 times, it would take you 2 hours. That’s 90-120g /2 = 45-60g/hour.
Ah, P4 is so easy. I didn’t realize anyone sold completions. Appreciate the data; so much of this thread has devolved into trolling. Big mistake to mention legendary and indicators for potential pug skill at all here. This forum has gone downhill in a big way since I last posted.
Regardless though, I’m not sure where you get your numbers from for dungeons. You can get about 35-40g from just doing a casual tour which takes 2-3 hours.
1g/path, roughly 30m/path, 4H play non-continuous (time lost for recruit/etc), no Arah. 5g+ is common for me. More dedicated would do 8g~10g easily. Arah you’ll do another 6~8g on top of that just for the extra cash. So, I could see 20g’ish from a 4H tour; 35~40g sounds a bit high.
High AP = more time sinked in = more experienced = more skilled. USUALLY.
Unfortunately, all we can actually check is the character name. Some of our group will add a pug to friends temporarily to check AP, but we’re usually not that concerned. If a character has a name that shouts out “ranger, engineer, or necro”, we’ll probably skip it for another that sounds like “warrior, thief, guardian”, but if we guess wrong, we just suffer through it for that path.
We tend to watch low AP players for bad behavior more closely, though. If we post with “experiened req’d”, we will sometimes kick for annoying bad play. If someone sends a tell first saying they’re new and we take them, we teach them and/or carry them for the full path unless they don’t listen, which has never happened with those that give a tell in advance — only with newbies “sneaking” into an experienced run.
Regardless though, I’m not sure where you get your numbers from for dungeons. You can get about 35-40g from just doing a casual tour which takes 2-3 hours.
1g/path, roughly 30m/path, 4H play non-continuous (time lost for recruit/etc), no Arah. 5g+ is common for me. More dedicated would do 8g~10g easily. Arah you’ll do another 6~8g on top of that just for the extra cash. So, I could see 20g’ish from a 4H tour; 35~40g sounds a bit high.
There’s no way for me to say this without seeming belittling, however. The average path takes 15 minutes, each Arah path (excluding 4) is roughly 20. 30 is far too long, unless you are measuring by PUG standards.
Hmmm…measuring the skill of the individual player instead of how rapidly the group starts executing with the synergies needed to succeed in this game…seems like a measurement more suited to a different, somewhat older game.
And the community of that game, too.
Have a good day, sir.
To the OP:
Why would you even make this thread? Do you have any idea how obnoxious it is? Only on the internet do you see this sort of logic…
Here’s how I see it. For whatever reason you decided that you do not want to bother making a legendary. Which is fine, I’m sure making them is an expensive/time consuming PITA.
But this being the internet, instead of being confident and at peace with your decision, you have to drag those who do have legendary weapons through the mud. Does a legendary weapon mean a given player is more likely to be skilled or unskilled player? How the kitten should I know? You don’t know either, and your reasoning is some of the weakest, most convoluted logic I have ever read.
Most likely, the weapon carried by a given player has no relation whatsoever to how skilled they are at playing the game. And who cares? Lousy players have every right to play the game. I welcome them. In general a lousy player is more likely to have their life (in REAL life) priorities in order than someone who is fantastic at a computer game. Think about it for a minute and you might see what I mean.
One thing I know for sure, this thread is about YOU, not about those with legendaries.
Well said.
Stormbluff Isle [AoD]
When did PvE become a competiton?
If you want to prove how much more skilled you are, go play sPvP.
[CDS] Caedas
Sanctum of Rall
A long time ago, when people were first getting their legendaries, every Twilight I encountered was a terrible player. I mean, I would be doing <insert major event> and there would be the Twilight guy either dead, exploiting the mechanic in some way, or in the middle of a zerg. It didn’t take long to equate legendaries to bad players. I’m guessing this was because those people didn’t actually learn how to play the game, they just farmed all day.
After a year, it doesn’t matter anymore, since everyone should be able to make one by now. For example, I have no intention of getting a legendary, yet I have gathered all the resources to make one just by playing the game.
wheres teh – or neg rep button?
Dungeons can give up to 40g/hour.
Whatever – I am so tired of people who claim the gold earnings without doing a video or giving some proof.
Sorry but I’ve lost so much gold trying to make and find gold it’s insane.
This is what happens when you try to extrapolate your experience to all of reality.
Stop looking for patterns where they don’t exist.
for there you have been and there you will long to return.
This feeds an impression I’ve come to embrace more and more: a legendary weapon on a pug is scary. It indicates a player that is unlikely to have any skill playing in a group. It’s not a definite mark of badness, though. I’d say it’s about 70/30. Most of them are horrible, but the ones that aren’t horrible are usually pretty good. That’s why it’s scary. You can’t just kick on seeing a legendary; it might be one of the good ones you’ll want to add to your list, but it’s probably not. ><
I feel the reasoning behind this is patently false.
Here is why:
Given how long the game has been out, even a person who averages a lower amount of gold/hour will have gained enough gold that if they have the focus to save their pennies, they can afford even one of the more expensive Legendaries.
Given current TP prices of things like ectos, bloods, lodestones, here’s a monetary breakdown of the purchasable components of Dawn:
[spoiler]500 Globs of Ecto = 500 × .31 = 155
250 Powerful Blood .2792
250 Venom Sac .2270
250 Elaborate Totem .1721
250 Crystalline .1269
250 vicious Fang .2261
250 Armored Scale .2573
250 Vicious Claw .1842
250 Ancient Bone .2130
250 Darksteel Ingot .0376
250 Mithril Ingot .0052
250 Orichalcum Ingot .1056
250 Platinum Ingot .0308
250 Orichalcum Ingot .1056
250 Cured Leather Square .0213 =
250 * 1.9919 = 497.975
100 Charged Ldstn 100 × 1.884 = 188.4
Precursor Dawn 570.7
Icy Runestone 100
Superior Sigil of Strength .6894
Recipe x2 = 20
So 1533 gold to buy the components, and then just playing the game will get you the karma, skill points, badges of honor and gift of exploration that you’ll need that can’t be bought.
If we lowballed it and said that a person averages 2 gold per hour, you’d have to have played this game for 766 hours to be able to just outright buy the components for Sunrise off of the TP at today’s current prices.
Given that the game has been out 388 days so far, you could average 2 hours a day playing the game and afford to make Sunrise.
Now before you say there are people out there that can’t play 2 hours a day, I understand that, but also know that there are people out there that have played this game close to 3,000 hours as well, so I think we can agree to remove outliers from our arguments.
Let’s just say the Average player has put in about 1,000 hours of play. That’s 2 hrs on the weekdays and 4 on weekends. Let’s also say they earn more than 2g/hr, and earn more like 4g/hr. At 4,000 gold earned over the course of just “playing the game”, Sunrise would equate to 38% of a person’s monetary budget, and well within the means of an average player to acquire if they have the focus to just save 4 gold out of every 10 that they make.