Legendary effects not so... Legendary?

Legendary effects not so... Legendary?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zaoda.1653


Is it just me or does anyone else think some of the special effects of legendary weapons could be slightly improved?

For example, The Bifrost’s rainbow cloud-like spell to me isn’t very large and isn’t very noticeable amongst all the other spells – I think it could be a bit bigger in my opinion.

And for the Guardian staff #1 skill, surely the normal ‘wave’ spell could be replaced with a ‘rainbow wave’ spell – to suit The Bifrost’s rainbow theme. I think it would be cool to send out waves of magnificent colors!

And why not change the meteor spell for elementalists to a whole bunch of rainbow meteors? Of all the fire spells, that skill would make the most sense to change.

In fact, wouldn’t it make the most sense to have EVERY spell changed when wielding a legendary weapon? I’ve never understood how it can only effect a few spells – these things are legendary after all… Why not produce a rainbow trail when using the fiery retreat #4 fire skill too? I really don’t understand…

I’m sure there are other legendary weapons with special effects that could be improved on, so feel free to post your ideas too.


Forever a supporter of more male skimpy armor

(edited by Zaoda.1653)

Legendary effects not so... Legendary?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crysto.7089


Coming Soon TM

New Legendaries!
Quality Pass on all Old Legendaries!
Precursor Scavenger Hunt!
Secret Surprise Reveal (spoilers its legendary armor skins)!

#1 Commander/Player NA: Promotions

Legendary effects not so... Legendary?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: notebene.3190


Well, regarding Bifrost, I’d rather ‘not’ see the rainbow coming off my back when the weapon is sheathed.

I’d either like a way to kill legendary effects (either entirely or in ‘groups’ – i.e., hide sheathed effect, hide drawn effect, hide firing effect, etc) and/or hiding sheathed weapons altogether.

The latter would probably be the easiest.

Legendary effects not so... Legendary?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arikyali.5804


I want my footsteps to be more noticeable with the Bolt. ._.

Legendary effects not so... Legendary?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Flitzie.6082


No no no! Stop!
This game truned into starwars already.
Stop with the effects nonsense.

Rather introduce some new skins. Some good ones for once.
Some actual heavy plate armor, realistic looking or noble and powerful. High tier looks.
Plated leather skins. Chainmail bits and pieces etc.
More curvy robes. Less symetrical robes.

You touched the shiny, didn’t you?

Legendary effects not so... Legendary?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Farming Flats.5370

Farming Flats.5370

It will never happen , legendaries effect are unfinished , inconsistent among classes ….

For example .. Rodgort deserve better footfall , also If you use it on a Guardian the projectile effect is changed on skill #4 but if you use it on a Ranger the skill #5 projectile effect is the same … so before improving one , they need did to rework all of them for every class.

But , like i said it will never happen .. A.net now use short-cuts and avoid everything that require lots of work … New armors skin is outfits now ….

(edited by Farming Flats.5370)

Legendary effects not so... Legendary?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: KeyLimPi.9031


I have to say, I don’t want incinerator changed at all. It’s simple, straight forward, and beautiful to watch. Not a lot of excess particle effects, the footprint looks nice as well. Add in the beautiful slash effect and all enemies “burning” to death and it’s easily my favorite legendary.

Followed by flameseeker

Legendary effects not so... Legendary?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mityr.1320


“Pink fluffy unicorns dancing on rainbow”…sry :-)
I have to agree with the incinerator..for me is the only awesome legendary. Dont get me wrong others are not bad, but this shine!

Legendary effects not so... Legendary?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ezd.6359


Korean style effects? Yay! (*wants)

English is not my native language, sorry :<

Legendary effects not so... Legendary?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sariel V.7024

Sariel V.7024

Is it just me or does anyone else think some of the special effects of legendary weapons could be slightly improved?

takes a drink

Not this again. They just did an improvement pass a few months back.

Legendary effects not so... Legendary?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zaoda.1653


I think at the very least Anet should allow us to move the special effects over to another skin.

Like, be able to use the chaos staff skin, but with bifrost’s rainbow animations. I understand there’d be people that want nothing changed (and that’s fine – Anet should cater to those who want nothing changed too), or think I’m being too demanding, but really, it’s legendary weapons people – they deserve to be epic.

I don’t get why others think it’s ok for some skills to not have any effects whatsoever, while others get great effects.

I think legendaries in general need a makeover.

They need to have special effects on every skill, allow us to hide the effects if we want, allow us to transfer the special effects over to another skin (Anet could introduce some new transmutation stone that transfers the special effects over, and perhaps one that removes them?), and also give us the ability to unlock sigils on our legendaries so that, once unlocked, they can be switched out at any time – just like stats.

Anyway just my two cents

Forever a supporter of more male skimpy armor

Legendary effects not so... Legendary?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


I have to say, I don’t want incinerator changed at all. It’s simple, straight forward, and beautiful to watch. Not a lot of excess particle effects, the footprint looks nice as well. Add in the beautiful slash effect and all enemies “burning” to death and it’s easily my favorite legendary.

Followed by flameseeker

Same here. The footsteps are just about right. I am glad isn’t one of those ugly puddles.

By the way the burning death isn’t really an Incinerator specific thing.

Legendary effects not so... Legendary?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: yolo swaggins.2570

yolo swaggins.2570

I’ll be honest, this game could do with less effects in my opinion. When the effects begin to scale with the enemy size, it becomes a fireworks show and takes away from the actual combat aesthetics.

Liaison for [Teef]
“Please stop complaining about stuff you don’t even know about.” ~Nocta

Legendary effects not so... Legendary?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Piogre.2164


I’d like a way to kill legendary effects

Step 1: Roll an engineer.

Step 2: Equip a legendary on said engineer.

Step 3: Deploy a weapon kit (something most engineers do because weapon skills were intentionally made less powerful because of kits).

Step 4: ???

Step 5: Profit!

/s anet pls fix

[VIG], SoR
Main: Asuran Engineer — Alt 80’s Ra-T-M-G-El-N-W-En-En-Re-Ra
Doctorate in Applied Jumping

Legendary effects not so... Legendary?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


A lot of people like simpler weapons…I’m one of them. I don’t like most of the legendaries because I think they’re overdone.

Legendary effects not so... Legendary?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sourde Noire.5286

Sourde Noire.5286

Kudzu still going strong. :]
It is very inconsistent though. And engineers have it worst. Didn’t stop me from trying to make The Predator, although reading up on the effects on the wiki was rather sobering. Especially since some kits basically don’t get any other effect at all or just for one measly attack.

But I must also say, with bigger enemies the effect scaling becomes ridiculous. Most noticeable are huge underwater enemies (like a champion shark), where it’s virtually impossible to see anything when you have a group attacking it, not to mention the awful model placement when something like sink is applied. It looks like the enemy is half a screen away but it’s just the tipping over animation.

Plus, since the wardrobe, more and more people are getting legendaries and most bigger world events are nothing short of a laser show, culling or not. A way to tone that down without reducing overall game graphics would be nice.

Anyhoo, expect a fix sometime around 2016 if you’re lucky.

Legendary effects not so... Legendary?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: HHR LostProphet.4801

HHR LostProphet.4801


Legendary effects not so... Legendary?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Harper.4173


No no no! Stop!
This game truned into starwars already.
Stop with the effects nonsense.

Rather introduce some new skins. Some good ones for once.
Some actual heavy plate armor, realistic looking or noble and powerful. High tier looks.
Plated leather skins. Chainmail bits and pieces etc.
More curvy robes. Less symetrical robes.


Bring back elite templar and elite platemail from GW1.

If here they fall they shall live on when ever you cry “For Ascalon!”

Legendary effects not so... Legendary?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Absconditus.6804


I’ve noticed that darn line a lot. It stays in the environment even though the Kudzu-player isn’t there anymore. It’s a wee bit annoying, making it look like your GPU is dying or something (granted, mine is, but that’s besides the point) with lines floating around everywhere.

I also think there can be some more modification done to Legendary weapons. I was a bit disappointed when I made Kamohoali’i Kotaki in example for my Mesmer. The only skill that triggers the shark-head on Criticals is the Feigned Surge, our #2 skill. But on Warrior, I have auto-attacks triggering it, the second skill, the fifth skill, and the third skill is even a projectile turned into a shark. And I find this to be a bit.. in lack of better words, unfair? Why isn’t my auto-attacks on Mesmer triggering it if I get a Critical strike when the Warrior ones do? I understand that the third, fourth and fifth skill aren’t doing it, but why not auto-attacks? There’s a few “inconsistencies” like that with the Legendary weapons I’d like to see something done with. Otherwise I’m fine with the effects they grant by now.

If I could have one wish granted, it’s to be able to collect Sigils for them. E.g., you place Bloodlust on your Sunrise. Then you want Force. Now you’ve collected Bloodlust and Force, and can switch between them at will outside of combat, but only for Sunrise. You’ll have to repeat the collection process for each Legendary. It’s a bit frustrating to have a weapon with the awesome ability of switching stats at will outside of combat, which is amazing for builds, but since builds include Sigils, that becomes a bit more of an annoyance. A system such as this would need to make it so that you can’t extract Sigils on Legendary weapons though. Perhaps make it so that it “collects” the Sigil only if you overwrite it. If you wish to store the latest applied Sigil, you must switch to one of the stored ones or apply a new one, storing the latest applied Sigil in the process, with proper warnings and ability to cancel in advance. If you don’t store it, it is still considered a regular Sigil, and is possible to extract. Needs a bit of coding done, but would be such a Quality of Life improvement to Legendary weapons.

Vella Absconditus | Human Mesmer
Seafarer’s Rest

(edited by Absconditus.6804)

Legendary effects not so... Legendary?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khenzy.9348


The legendary that needs a pass the most is Kudzu, by far.

Legendary effects not so... Legendary?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tenrai Senshi.2017

Tenrai Senshi.2017

To be honest, I do think some legendaries need to be updated to feel more legendary (Minstrel needs complete rework, Rodgort footfall needs to be better, etc), however, aside from that, I think they’re fine.

As someone who has legendaries myself, the last thing I’d want is for the effects to be too pronounced. They should stand out, yes, but you don’t want to see effects being spammed everywhere, to the point where it starts to become an eyesore, especially in large crowds. I also wouldn’t personally want the effects to in any way hinder the view of my own character, which is part of why I actually prefer legendaries without auras. There’s no point in having great character outfits or customized looks and colours if all of that just gets hidden behind a blinding aura.

What would be nice is to have optional effects, or let us customize our own legendaries to a degree (eg, choosing to have footfalls or auras on or off). It would also be nice if we could choose to show or hide aura and footfall effects from other legendaries in this case.

(edited by Tenrai Senshi.2017)

Legendary effects not so... Legendary?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Absconditus.6804


I think Rodgort has beautiful footprints, I love the licking flame. Minstrel is also perfectly fine, as it leaves a nice juicy trail of notes behind itself (I’d consider those the footprints, and they work alongside other Legendary footprints even!), and it glows when pulled out. I am happy with both of these and have no regrets making them. Personally I think the effects are rather good for all the weapons these days. (That includes Kudzu, which footprints are very distinct, and that turns projectiles into a golden spear(?) that drops flower petals near the target. It needs that bowstring fixed though, it bugs out and stays in the air.)

I would just like to see more skills trigger them when it makes sense however. E.g., like Kamohoali’i Kotaki not triggering on auto-attack on about half the professions.

Oh, and more customization in terms of deciding which footprint to use instead of the main hand weapon deciding it would be awesome. And to hide/show effects I guess. I like that idea, Tenrai. Mainly I’d like the option to select footprints over anything else when it comes to customization such as this. Perhaps it could be a little checkbox in the UI element where we select the stats?

Vella Absconditus | Human Mesmer
Seafarer’s Rest

Legendary effects not so... Legendary?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tenrai Senshi.2017

Tenrai Senshi.2017


My issue with Misntrel is the design. There’s nothing about it that says “legendary” it’s just a straightforward harp with a particle effect. There are other focus designs which are actually more intricate and have better particle effects than it.

For me personally though, I’d actually like it if legendaries stood out more for their unique designs than for their effects. Adding lots of particle effects to a weapon to make it stand out is just a cheap solution for covering up dull designs. My personal favorite legendary is actually Meterologicus, because the design is interesting. It has lots of moving parts, clouds going around the base, an interesting theme, and in general, there isn’t a single other scepter that looks anything like it, so it stands out from a design perspective as a whole. I also love Rodgort not because of footfalls or anything, but because of how it moves and breathes flames and actually looks like it’s alive (the first time I saw it I was really impressed). The only thing that stopped me from crafting it already is just a general lack of usefulness for torches. If they buffed torches, I’d be all over it.

And yes, it would be nice if we could customize effects or footfalls a bit, either to check them on or off or even if we could choose between a few options for each legendary. Like, choosing what type of sky shows in sunrise’s blade (all day sky types) or in twilight’s (all night sky options). Or choosing a footfall for meteorlogicus (lighting, or puffy white clouds, or star dust, etc). A general option to turn them on or off in itself would be great, just for people who don’t want them (I personally like footfalls but I know others who do not).

Legendary effects not so... Legendary?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mad Queen Malafide.7512

Mad Queen Malafide.7512

Maybe what Anet should do, is tone down all of the effects in the game, so we can actually see what is going on.

“Madness is just another way to view reality”

Legendary effects not so... Legendary?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tenrai Senshi.2017

Tenrai Senshi.2017

P.S. to give an idea of how they could make the Minstrel more interesting, have a figure that’s maybe built into the base of the harp, like maybe an angelic figure (something humanoid would be best) and when you draw the harp, the figure’s hands and arms move and pull on the strings, as if it’s playing the harp itself (which causes the musical notes to appear). You could also make it that the strings themselves faintly light up as they are pulled.

Just that on its own would make the design much more interesting than it currently is and make it stand out. It would certainly feel more unique and legendary.

Legendary effects not so... Legendary?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Exeon.4358


I think in general this game is definitely NOT lacking in FX

Legendary effects not so... Legendary?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MatthewCam.4391


That noise that incinerator makes, most pronounced on d/d eles in fire 1 skill.
It is nails down a god kitten chalk board awful.

Other than that, not many things I think need tweaking. I wouldn’t mind if Bifrost did get a more distinct aura (even though it already has been given a rework) but then again I’d be happy if it turned my ele into one big rainbow.

Sea of Sorrows | Lt Mc Muffin
Don’t worry the games still in Beta.

Legendary effects not so... Legendary?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tachenon.5270


I don’t understand the appeal of the footprints (or even why they exist). Did King Arthur leave behind, I dunno, grail-shaped footprints whenever he wielded Excalibur? How about Elric with Stormbringer – big black footprints that swallowed the souls of anyone who stepped in them? What fictional (or otherwise) precedents led to this concept of legendary footprints?

The table is a fable.

Legendary effects not so... Legendary?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rhapsody.3615


I liked meteorlogicus before the change. Now I have it equipped but default to running around with my alternate weapon because meteo just feels gaudy now. I have the bifrost and I like the soft footprints and aura. Please don’t make bifrost gaudy too (I’m looking at you, rainbow pony bow).

Legendary effects not so... Legendary?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mesket.5728


still waiting for aura and foot steps on The Flameseeker Prophecies.

Zerk is the average Joe build. Don’t pat yourself in the back too hard.

Legendary effects not so... Legendary?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: pdavis.8031


I wouldnt mind bigger and better legendary effects, but before that, we NEED to have the option to turn down/off particle effects on our side. Some of those boss events there are so many particle effects going on you can’t even see the boss, and the only way to tell if you are close enough is if you are seeing numbers. And with such lag because of those effects, it makes certain bosses almost unplayable.

“You know what the chain of command is?
It’s the chain I beat you with until you
recognize my command!”