Legendary not so legendary?
Legendaries were never legendary
oh god it’s wow forums all over again
I agree with op
[Dark Renegatus]
Legendaries were never legendary
Legendaries were never legendary
This. In any case, with the Ascended grind, the main advantage of Legendaries is now the OOC stat swap not the skin.
Buying a legendary from the TP sure is legendary.
they never were, OP
Boon Dispenser. Lv80 Guardian 15/25/0/20/10 Boom Dispenser – Lv80 Engineer 30/30/0/10/0
Chuck Thunderstruck – Lv 80 Ele 30/10/10/10/10
Welcome to Material Wars 2
W v W-r o a m e r
This has always been possible anyway. Legendaries have been relatively common for a long time as well. I don’t see any problem except for people who thinks getting a legendary makes them a unique snowflake.
again, another thread in which cognitive bias makes people think everyone has spare $600 to throw into a virtual item or that almost 99% of the playerbase already went through the painstaking grind that is to create a legendary weapon.
Yes, legendaries lost some value because of the possibility of freely transmuting the skin with the wardrobe system, but I reckon still only 1% of the GW2 playerbase actually has a legendary.
again, another thread in which cognitive bias makes people think everyone has spare $600 to throw into a virtual item or that almost 99% of the playerbase already went through the painstaking grind that is to create a legendary weapon.
Yes, legendaries lost some value because of the possibility of freely transmuting the skin with the wardrobe system, but I reckon still only 1% of the GW2 playerbase actually has a legendary.
1% is an understatement, it’s more like 10% or more.
People are downscaled in this game. Newbies already see people their level with legendaries even before patch.
Legendaries were never legendary
^ this
Im making my legendary progress through… trade post play! jaja.