Legendary of choice for 1st place pvp tourney
This may very well suck in a lot of non SPvPers into the game mode.
Knowing Anet, they’ll expect you to be thankful when they decide for you that your choice of legendary quality item should be…
1 Obsidian Shard
for there you have been and there you will long to return.
I think it is awful that they are offering this. Invalidates those of us that hated doing things like World Exploration, and would rather do WvW but we had to do other game modes. But because Anet favors PvP thinking it will save this game they get a legendary for winning a tournament. I like PvP and do it myself, but giving away something that people grind for for 6 months to people that just mastered one game mode is wrong. Precursor, or one gift I guess is ok, still over the top, but giving away the whole thing is such a slap in the face to the rest of us. A title would have sufficed. Still makes them stand out, but doesn’t invalidate others’ accomplishments.
Thanks Anet…
Phoenix Ascendant [ASH] | Rank 80
This non sPvPer still hates PvP and hates it even more now. This is by far the most boring part of the game (in my opinion) and I would much rather WvW or do anything else.
I am not the best player and even with as much time as I’ve logged I wouldn’t stand a chance in this “tournament”.
PvP is a watered down boring version of WvW with nothing special about it and these tournament rewards makes me want to punch a quaggan.
Not going to say anything else because this is my own opinion and nothing I say is going to change anyone else’s opinion.
I’m just aggravated because I know how much effort I put into crafting my two legendary weapons. Legendaries should have been account bound from the get-go and not at all tradeable/sellable. So now PvP players are going to get a free legendary weapon that they didn’t have to work for….good job. (Someone is going to say winning this tournament is work, blah blah blah)…..
I think it is awful that they are offering this. Invalidates those of us that hated doing things like World Exploration, and would rather do WvW but we had to do other game modes. But because Anet favors PvP thinking it will save this game they get a legendary for winning a tournament. I like PvP and do it myself, but giving away something that people grind for for 6 months to people that just mastered one game mode is wrong. Precursor, or one gift I guess is ok, still over the top, but giving away the whole thing is such a slap in the face to the rest of us. A title would have sufficed. Still makes them stand out, but doesn’t invalidate others’ accomplishments.
Thanks Anet…
And how is this different than people buying legendaries off the TP?
At least the people who are winning this are winning based on merit/skill, rather than time/luck/grinding like they have the whole time.
And it’s only 5 people. That’s insignificant.
And how is this different than people buying legendaries off the TP?
At least the people who are winning this are winning based on merit/skill, rather than time/luck/grinding like they have the whole time.
And it’s only 5 people. That’s insignificant.
I completely agree with you about the buying them off the TP making those of us that work for it insignificant too…..which is why they should have been account bound when the game launched.
It’s still 5 people who are getting a weapon that symbolizes (or is supposed to symbolize) mastery of ALL aspects of the game….5 people who may or may not have ever stepped outside of PvP.
what tournament are you talking about?
Guild Leader of Favorable Winds [Wind]
what tournament are you talking about?
A sPvP tournament where a subset of the game is trying hard to be an “esport”.
Are people seriously insinuating that winning 1st place in a PvP tournament takes less effort than farming/saving for a legendary?
Anyone can farm/save for a legendary, not everyone will be able to win a pvp tournament. Its about time they started adding real rewards in sPvP. Just because it isn’t your preference and rewards something you would want doesn’t make it bad, just makes you jelly.
Just because people don’t enjoy a certain mode doesn’t mean people that do shouldn’t have desirable rewards. It doesn’t affect you at all and nothing is stopping people from competing except their own mentalities.
If its so effortless and easier than other methods, why not jump on it?
A a legendary is far from representing all aspects of a game…. considering if you have enough laurels and earned enough achievement points, the only thing u have to do in WvW is walk around in it. Should is represent all aspects? absolutely, but that will have to cover sPvP as well which it currently does not, which its why it makes since to reward the best sPvP team with one. Its a totally optional reward which in no way dictates your characters performance or ability.
can i get a link to this information plz?
Are people seriously insinuating that winning 1st place in a PvP tournament takes less effort than farming/saving for a legendary?
Anyone can farm/save for a legendary, not everyone will be able to win a pvp tournament. Its about time they started adding real rewards in sPvP. Just because it isn’t your preference and rewards something you would want doesn’t make it bad, just makes you jelly.
Just because people don’t enjoy a certain mode doesn’t mean people that do shouldn’t have desirable rewards. It doesn’t affect you at all and nothing is stopping people from competing except their own mentalities.
If its so effortless and easier than other methods, why not jump on it?
A a legendary is far from representing all aspects of a game…. considering if you have enough laurels and earned enough achievement points, the only thing u have to do in WvW is walk around in it. Should is represent all aspects? absolutely, but that will have to cover sPvP as well which it currently does not, which its why it makes since to reward the best sPvP team with one. Its a totally optional reward which in no way dictates your characters performance or ability.
Why do you assume I’m a PvEr? I’m a WvW and PvP person predominantly. I HATED doing world exploration in PvE and it took me a few months. But I still had to do it for my legendary. Why do you think just beacuse you have mastered sPvP you deserve not to have to do the grunt work of a legendary?
Phoenix Ascendant [ASH] | Rank 80
I think it is awful that they are offering this. Invalidates those of us that hated doing things like World Exploration, and would rather do WvW but we had to do other game modes. But because Anet favors PvP thinking it will save this game they get a legendary for winning a tournament. I like PvP and do it myself, but giving away something that people grind for for 6 months to people that just mastered one game mode is wrong. Precursor, or one gift I guess is ok, still over the top, but giving away the whole thing is such a slap in the face to the rest of us. A title would have sufficed. Still makes them stand out, but doesn’t invalidate others’ accomplishments.
Thanks Anet…
And how is this different than people buying legendaries off the TP?
At least the people who are winning this are winning based on merit/skill, rather than time/luck/grinding like they have the whole time.
And it’s only 5 people. That’s insignificant.
You shouldn’t be able to buy it on the TP, but two wrongs don’t make a right. Also it isn’t about just the 5 people. It is the precedent this sets. Who’s to say this won’t be standard fare reward for their little “esport” tournaments? They do it once, then they can do it again.
Phoenix Ascendant [ASH] | Rank 80
Are people seriously insinuating that winning 1st place in a PvP tournament takes less effort than farming/saving for a legendary?
No… I can’ t speak for others, but I do speak for myself. I’m upset that the prize for winning a PvP tournament is a weapon that is many people’s ultimate goal. Unless they’ve made one themselves they will never know what it’s like to deal with the crapshoot of an RNG lottery loot system in PvE to try and gather all of the materials to craft this item. The loot system and drop rates in PvE and WvW are hella-bad.
While the time from start to having the legendary in hand is the same, these 5 people get to play the one single game mode they enjoy and everyone else that spends time crafting one has to grind for materials, grind dungeons, grind gold to buy a precursor unless they’re lucky to have one drop….it is a long tedious process and PvE/WvW players generally do not enjoy the process.
So you guys are saying that champ train and dungeon running grinding should be the only way to get legendaries. Grinding for gold and buying it or making it not the superior way to do things.
This doesnt affect you nor does it invalidate the legendary that no one forced you to grind for. This is aimed at us pvp players who wouldnt have a chance to get a legedary otherwise.
Some of you need to get over your pointless hate for all things pvp and just continue playing the game how you want, because thats what we will be doing.
[url=https://] [/url]
Are people seriously insinuating that winning 1st place in a PvP tournament takes less effort than farming/saving for a legendary?
Anyone can farm/save for a legendary, not everyone will be able to win a pvp tournament. Its about time they started adding real rewards in sPvP. Just because it isn’t your preference and rewards something you would want doesn’t make it bad, just makes you jelly.
Just because people don’t enjoy a certain mode doesn’t mean people that do shouldn’t have desirable rewards. It doesn’t affect you at all and nothing is stopping people from competing except their own mentalities.
If its so effortless and easier than other methods, why not jump on it?
A a legendary is far from representing all aspects of a game…. considering if you have enough laurels and earned enough achievement points, the only thing u have to do in WvW is walk around in it. Should is represent all aspects? absolutely, but that will have to cover sPvP as well which it currently does not, which its why it makes since to reward the best sPvP team with one. Its a totally optional reward which in no way dictates your characters performance or ability.
Why do you assume I’m a PvEr? I’m a WvW and PvP person predominantly. I HATED doing world exploration in PvE and it took me a few months. But I still had to do it for my legendary. Why do you think just beacuse you have mastered sPvP you deserve not to have to do the grunt work of a legendary?
Assumptions, assumptions everywhere.
Never even mentioned you and I by far haven’t mastered sPvP. I already have done the “grunt work” for my legendary, and you don’t see me complaining that my work is devalued because could be added to sPvP. Its just offensive to see people want to take rewards away from other players just because the means of earning it does not fit their play preferences. sPvPers earning legendaries in this way does not affect your experience what so ever, the insinuation that is does is rather selfish.
swipe a credit card…. win a tournament…. legendaries mean less & less these days….
swipe a credit card…. win a tournament…. legendaries mean less & less these days….
they never meant anything to begin with.
Anything that requires just a mindless grind that requires nothing but RNG + farming something that requires no skill what so ever makes it meaningless
Besides, there are waaay better skins out there than legendary skins
So you guys are saying that champ train and dungeon running grinding should be the only way to get legendaries. Grinding for gold and buying it or making it not the superior way to do things.
This doesnt affect you nor does it invalidate the legendary that no one forced you to grind for. This is aimed at us pvp players who wouldnt have a chance to get a legedary otherwise.
Some of you need to get over your pointless hate for all things pvp and just continue playing the game how you want, because thats what we will be doing.
I have never grind for gold or champ train. I don’t even do dungeon much only when im bored and my friends need help. There are many casual players like me that have legendaries.
There are no hate for pvp.
but come on at least, the winner for this tourney should have to have world map completion to obtain a legendary. because that is the only “hard/boring” e.e’ part about geting a legendary.
Are people seriously insinuating that winning 1st place in a PvP tournament takes less effort than farming/saving for a legendary?
Anyone can farm/save for a legendary, not everyone will be able to win a pvp tournament. Its about time they started adding real rewards in sPvP. Just because it isn’t your preference and rewards something you would want doesn’t make it bad, just makes you jelly.
Just because people don’t enjoy a certain mode doesn’t mean people that do shouldn’t have desirable rewards. It doesn’t affect you at all and nothing is stopping people from competing except their own mentalities.
If its so effortless and easier than other methods, why not jump on it?
A a legendary is far from representing all aspects of a game…. considering if you have enough laurels and earned enough achievement points, the only thing u have to do in WvW is walk around in it. Should is represent all aspects? absolutely, but that will have to cover sPvP as well which it currently does not, which its why it makes since to reward the best sPvP team with one. Its a totally optional reward which in no way dictates your characters performance or ability.
Why do you assume I’m a PvEr? I’m a WvW and PvP person predominantly. I HATED doing world exploration in PvE and it took me a few months. But I still had to do it for my legendary. Why do you think just beacuse you have mastered sPvP you deserve not to have to do the grunt work of a legendary?
Assumptions, assumptions everywhere.
Never even mentioned you and I by far haven’t mastered sPvP. I already have done the “grunt work” for my legendary, and you don’t see me complaining that my work is devalued because could be added to sPvP. Its just offensive to see people want to take rewards away from other players just because the means of earning it does not fit their play preferences. sPvPers earning legendaries in this way does not affect your experience what so ever, the insinuation that is does is rather selfish.
by your definition, there should be separate ways to obtaining a legendary. because there are also pve’ er only and wvw’ er only. And these 2 types of people have to do both to obtain their legendaries. there are also “fractal’er” people who do nothing but fractal. There isn’t an option for these people to do what they love and obtain a legendary. It simply is just not right. If anet is going to do this for spvp they should do it for pve and wvw players too.
Is there 4 totally awesome sPvP’ers out there who can ‘carry me’ to the final and win it, so I can get a legendary?
Here is the link btw…
(edited by Meglobob.8620)
I mainly play PvE, but really like this idea to give PvP players a high value reward to play for.
Think about how some grand PvP tournaments in games have large monetary prizes for 1st place. In a GW2 scenario that could basically come as winning a heap of cash, then buying/selling gems for gold, then just purchasing a legendary on the Trading Post. I spent a lot of time working on my legendary, but have no problem with the winning taking home legendary rewards for earning top spot.
I could see them making a PvP championship line of legendary skins that could be won in these big time tournaments if they want to add some prestige to it. If not the weapon itself, perhaps a selectable skin that sits in the achievement panel for anytime access! Either way there should be a significant and/or prestigious reward for winning on the big stage in PvP.
It not like Legendary weapons carry all that much prestige. They could have, but ANET screwed that into a hat by allowing them to be bought and sold.
Sincere grats to the winners to be. Enjoy your prizes!
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
For me personally these rewards are unacceptable.
Way too rewarding for doing just over the course of a few days some few minute battles and gettign rewarded with something, that takes other players that are mostly no pvp’ers like an eternity to get….
Plus this gives those winners a huge financial advantage over other players, if these rewards should be sellable in the TP.
These rewards will be only acceptable, if anet makes legendaries before of that tourney finally unsellable in the TP by changing legendaries into accountbound items.
For me personally these rewards are unacceptable.
Way too rewarding for doing just over the course of a few days some few minute battles and gettign rewarded with something, that takes other players that are mostly no pvp’ers like an eternity to get….Plus this gives those winners a huge financial advantage over other players, if these rewards should be sellable in the TP.
These rewards will be only acceptable, if anet makes legendaries before of that tourney finally unsellable in the TP by changing legendaries into accountbound items.
then how are others gonna get it who really hate doing the whole jumping hoops grind?
i am only interested in maybe 2 of them but the amount of grind attached to it only makes sure i rather buy the kitten things, removing the ability to sell them pretty much forces the ridicules grind.
But because Anet favors PvP
Oh yes, because sPVP has received so much love since release.
Way too rewarding for doing just over the course of a few days some few minute battles and gettign rewarded with something, that takes other players that are mostly no pvp’ers like an eternity to get….
The people who win this tournament are the type of people who have put an “eternity” of gametime into PvP and having nothing to show for it except their rank. Earning a legendary this way is more interesting than your average casual PvE champ train farmer..
Plus this gives those winners a huge financial advantage over other players, if these rewards should be sellable in the TP.
These rewards will be only acceptable, if anet makes legendaries before of that tourney finally unsellable in the TP by changing legendaries into accountbound items.
Rewards for PvP are pretty garbage in general. The rewards earned in PvP with the amount of time playing does not match the rewards playing PvE. The people with the real financial advantages are those who are pure PvE players. The winners from this tournament are just playing catchup.
It’s fantastic though that they are offering rewards like this. Hopefully we will see more tournaments and rewards like this to encourage more PvP teams and players.
For me personally these rewards are unacceptable.
Way too rewarding for doing just over the course of a few days some few minute battles and gettign rewarded with something, that takes other players that are mostly no pvp’ers like an eternity to get….Plus this gives those winners a huge financial advantage over other players, if these rewards should be sellable in the TP.
These rewards will be only acceptable, if anet makes legendaries before of that tourney finally unsellable in the TP by changing legendaries into accountbound items.
You act as if ANYONE can just hop into a tourney and win these prizes
Any PvE player that decides to hop into this tourney will get absolutely smoked by guys who have been doing PvP for majority of their game time.
Only ONE team will get a the prize… thats not going to disrupt ANYTHING on the market if they so decide to sell 5 legendaries lmao.
Anyone with a credit card can buy w/e they want on the market. There are more credit card warriors/ TP flippers that have waay bigger financial advantages
The PvE’ers crying about these prizes is hysterical.
I pve more than do spvp (but i do almost have champion hunter, just need few more wins) only after about 2 weeks of pvp…I enjoy both game modes and do pve more simply because theres more to do there but still, I think these rewards should be even better. I say give the winner even more prizes.
PvP deserves to be held to a higher standard.
There is absolutely nothing even CLOSE in terms of testing an indivuals skill as a team player in PvE like there is in tPvP.
These rewards are absolutely fine and should be even more imo
All you have to do to get a legendary in PvE is explore + farm champ train for endless hours. You think that requires any sort of prestige or skill? thats purely a test of patience.
Isn’t eternity only worth like $600 to $800USD?
The rewards. . . definitely not eSports
Isn’t eternity only worth like $600 to $800USD?
The rewards. . . definitely not eSports
GW2 is not even a blip on the e-sports radar…..
Its about as popular as pking in runescape dude… GW1 pvp is still much entertaining pvp than what we currently have
They just NOW added team deathmatch… and to make it even worse, its only available in custom arenas… you can’t even play it on ques lol but crap like skyhammer still exists…. amazing logic
Is this something I can just queue for once the tournament starts?
what tournament are you talking about?
At least the people who are winning this are winning based on merit/skill, rather than time/luck/grinding like they have the whole time.
So doing work has no merit now????#smh gg, young people
Why werent you kittening about the pvp tournament by Anet in the summer? They gave a lot more than a legendary there.
Bring back: ‘Gamer’ title + MAT’s!
Throw out: Hotjoin!
Isn’t eternity only worth like $600 to $800USD?
The rewards. . . definitely not eSports
because GW2 isnt ready for eSports and never ever will
Why werent you kittening about the pvp tournament by Anet in the summer? They gave a lot more than a legendary there.
I know they talked more about the rewards but the legendary of choice is the main focus.
For me personally these rewards are unacceptable.
Way too rewarding for doing just over the course of a few days some few minute battles and gettign rewarded with something, that takes other players that are mostly no pvp’ers like an eternity to get….
The guys that have a chance to win this are players that practiced their classs and the gamemode for 1000s of hours. These are arguably some of the most hardcore players in the game. Ask a rank 70 pvper how many matches he played and his answer well be around 15000 … at 10-15 minutes each. These guys played this game for 4000-5000 hours since release and they have nothing to show for besides a pretty phoenix finisher.
And its 5 of the best of those guys so its not even a certainty unlike in PvE. Where every random person can grind for it and will get it eventually. Hell ive seen PvEers with an entire collection of legendaries. And you complain about 5 individuals that win a single legendary via a global pvp tournament after practicing since release pretty much.
Im literally disgusted that people complain about that.
At least the people who are winning this are winning based on merit/skill, rather than time/luck/grinding like they have the whole time.
So doing work has no merit now????#smh gg, young people
You call farming champ train for endless hours work? you realize people just bot it right?
There is no TRUE work.. I can watch movies and do homework while farming a champ train to get my legendary
For me personally these rewards are unacceptable.
Way too rewarding for doing just over the course of a few days some few minute battles and gettign rewarded with something, that takes other players that are mostly no pvp’ers like an eternity to get….Plus this gives those winners a huge financial advantage over other players, if these rewards should be sellable in the TP.
These rewards will be only acceptable, if anet makes legendaries before of that tourney finally unsellable in the TP by changing legendaries into accountbound items.
Good thing you didn’t play gw1 or you’d be appalled at the $100,000 tournament series every year, or the TRP system.
Just wow….. saw this on the front page now I am intrigued the spvp community finally gets something but /shrug do they even care/want a legendary?
Kaiji Ruko – 80 Ranger, Revanat Shadowdeath – 80 Necromancer
I think this is awesome that they are finally recognizing the PvP community with this level of reward.
I hope that the peeps that win can show off their Legendaries in the Heart of the Mists where they will have the status and prestige commensurate with the skill it took to earn them.
Just wow….. saw this on the front page now I am intrigued the spvp community finally gets something but /shrug do they even care/want a legendary?
This is mountain times better than anything we’ve ever gotten outside of the PAX tourney.
99.99% of us are so excited for the .01% of us that get anything.
I think it is awful that they are offering this. Invalidates those of us that hated doing things like World Exploration, and would rather do WvW but we had to do other game modes. But because Anet favors PvP thinking it will save this game they get a legendary for winning a tournament. I like PvP and do it myself, but giving away something that people grind for for 6 months to people that just mastered one game mode is wrong. Precursor, or one gift I guess is ok, still over the top, but giving away the whole thing is such a slap in the face to the rest of us. A title would have sufficed. Still makes them stand out, but doesn’t invalidate others’ accomplishments.
Thanks Anet…
I can’t tell if you’re serious or not…
Lots of people will likely enter this tournament, and to get in the first few slots you have to be a VERY skilled player.
They are actually giving the best rewards in the game to some (ONLY 5) of the most skilled players in the game for once, and you’d rather everyone has to grind for it…?
What does this community even want?
I think this is awesome that they are finally recognizing the PvP community with this level of reward.
Think they’re finally acknowledging the fact that the pvp community is dwindling ever since launch and is at its stalest point in over a year. Ever see eles or rangers in top pvp? There might be 1 for every 30 warriors, mesmers and thief. PvP has gone stale, it’s left a sour taste in most people’s mouths. They’ve had over a year and a half to fix the issues with it. Being capture the point type maps gets old, having the same 4 classes with little to no variation in builds among them gets old.
They figure giving out a legendary to a few PvP players (no way are PvE players going to win this what so ever) will do little to no harm even if they are tradable to the market and might help bring a bit of people to PvP.
You wanna know what I think is funny? I’ll tell you anyways.
We were promised something along the lines of new ways to get legendaries [without all the grind.] (someone please bring the actual wording)
This is probably it.
I base this on things like “introducing new skills” meant 1 general heal skill and 1 class specific heal.
EDIT: Before I get totally shot down, I could have mistaken legendary. And the “promise” part was as far as any “promise” because they do not promise, but do mention it somewhere. Happy hunting!
(In other words, this post is probably irrelevant)
(edited by Snow.2048)
You wanna know what I think is funny? I’ll tell you anyways.
We were promised something along the lines of new ways to get legendaries [without all the grind.] (someone please bring the actual wording)This is probably it.
I base this on things like “introducing new skills” meant 1 general heal skill and 1 class specific heal.;)
Okay I’m REALLY curious about this one, please tell me where this “promise” was made. I need a source for this.
Hi, i just wanted to drop in and say that all the kitten PvE/WvW players can simply make a team and go get a free legendary handed to you. Should be easy right?
For this legendary you actually have to know how to play this game to it’s fullest and not just grind dungeons. This legendary has more prestige to it than all the other’s because it takes actual skill to get one. Not just time and luck. All the haters are free to join and see how easy it is to win that tourny.
You wanna know what I think is funny? I’ll tell you anyways.
We were promised something along the lines of new ways to get legendaries [without all the grind.] (someone please bring the actual wording)This is probably it.
I base this on things like “introducing new skills” meant 1 general heal skill and 1 class specific heal.;)
Okay I’m REALLY curious about this one, please tell me where this “promise” was made. I need a source for this.
Go back in the blogs. It’s there I remember reading it. The only thing that they’ve added skill wise was the general purpose heal and the class specific one.
You wanna know what I think is funny? I’ll tell you anyways.
We were promised something along the lines of new ways to get legendaries [without all the grind.] (someone please bring the actual wording)This is probably it.
I base this on things like “introducing new skills” meant 1 general heal skill and 1 class specific heal.;)
Okay I’m REALLY curious about this one, please tell me where this “promise” was made. I need a source for this.
Go back in the blogs. It’s there I remember reading it. The only thing that they’ve added skill wise was the general purpose heal and the class specific one.
Good, I’m not completely crazy =)
So I take it you all think that there shouldn’t be esports in any game. Because those players like in LoL win millions of dollars for winning a large tournament. Or should you be able to win millions of dollars for not being competitive and playing only the PvE part of the game? Should you win millions of dollars for completing the Call of Duty campaign? You guys are ridiculous. Absolutely ridiculous. 5 players from the whole entire sPvP community get a chance at a legendary and people think it’s unfair? LOL.
You all have been complaining for ages about a new way to obtain a legendary that actually requires skill rather than mindless farming and now you got it and you are complaining because you aren’t good enough at the game. Give me a break