Legendary short bow?

Legendary short bow?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sunny Side.7960

Sunny Side.7960

Why on earth did they make all the other legendary’s quite serious and good looking, yet make the short bow, the weapon i use most, so ridiculous. Link

I don’t mind that its pink, i wouldn’t even mind if it looked a bit girly, but it has a huge unicorn and tassels on it! There are 2 great swords, why didn’t they make 2 of each legendary? At least we would have a choice.

Also in this page it shows the Staff, Hammer, both Greatswords and the Shield . All look amazing. Why not make a video showing them all? I’m not gonna sink so much time into a pistol that nobodies even going to see, what kind of effects does it have?

Legendary short bow?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tolunart.2095


And from what I heard, it shoots rainbows…

Legendary short bow?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Garenthal.1480


Could it be a deliberate reference to a certain irritating fad involving ponies? That’s the only logical explanation I can come up with, but if so I am bitterly disappointed since Arena Net promised not to go over the top with pop culture references.

Tastes certainly differ, though it looks ridiculously out of place compared to the rest of the legendary weapons and with no alternative legendary model available I can only grimace and vow never to get it on my thief despite being an avid short bow user.

Legendary short bow?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ageia.5843


Truth be told is the longbow really any better? It looks like it belongs in a garden or on a mantle for springtime fresh homes, not killing monsters in an epic and legendary setting. That said, my character is a girl so I guess it doesn’t matter much

Legendary short bow?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ageia.5843


Oh my god I forgot about that game! I wasted so much time jumping and running and ultimately crashing into a firy ball of unicorn doom…

Legendary short bow?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dark Saviour.9410

Dark Saviour.9410

Rainbow Ponybow and Flower-Power Bow are the best legendaries.
They’re fun and distinct without being too over-the-top.

Those were the only two I really wanted to get.

Gone for good after Halloween 2Ø12.
A shame fun things could not simply be fun.

Legendary short bow?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: sAdam.5876


They are great if you want to troll people. Flower bow can be good for Sylvari. Maybe they will make thorn version like they did with greatswords (twilight/sunrise).
Now imagine gloomy necromancer with rainbow making Bifrost


Legendary short bow?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sunny Side.7960

Sunny Side.7960

I actually really like the long bow, if the short bow was made of pink flowers i would get it no problem. I even don’t mind if it shoots rainbows.

I can see the funny side, it does look hilarious, but the novelty soon wares off when i think how much time goes into making it.

(edited by Sunny Side.7960)

Legendary short bow?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cod Eye.1632

Cod Eye.1632

Can’t say I’m impressed with any of the legendary skins, and won’t be wasting the effort on obtaining one, particle effects or not.

“Hey I swung a sword, Hey Hey I swung a sword again,”

“After several hours I’m still swinging this sword with1 lodestone drop”

Legendary short bow?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: sAdam.5876


I haven’t seen other Legendaries in action but I think that greatswords are worth their price.

Legendary short bow?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Harbinger.8637


Most of the legendaries do seem underwhelming, but you have to remember we haven’t seen any of the effects for them. Only Sunrise, and that looks great. So I’m sure Anet did something special for each one.

Guardian WvW Guide!
Heavens Rage

Legendary short bow?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aphix.9846


IMO Twilight its the best weapon on any MMORPG I’ve seen, especially with the particle effects.
Also when talking about unicorn weapons don’t forget the staff ! A white stick which has a rainbow glow and as you move it leaves a rainbow trail/footprints. Can’t wait to get that for my full abyss dyed mean looking necro. I will most likely have an easy time in WvW as most people will be absolutely mind-kittened at what the …. am I using as a necromancer. A full out death-magic life leaching beast is wielding a white glowy staff that shoots rainbows. Can’t wait.

Legendary short bow?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Logun.2349


You know I was about to just post get over it …or it just bow dude ….but for crying out loud it’s a MY LITTLE PONY’s Short bow …… Come on ANET this is ridiculous are you guys giggling in the back room every time you see a player with one of these equipped?

Seriously is this the best you could do ….. it shoots rainbows …..what does it use for ammunition Lollypops.

Rangers are going to be using this thing so let`s theme it appropriately, it should be carved out of Heart wood dark and green , replace the Unicorn with a wolfs head with wings of an eagle for the tips and it should shoot the spirits of the forest not rainbows.

Legendary short bow?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dark Saviour.9410

Dark Saviour.9410

You know I was about to just post get over it …or it just bow dude ….but for crying out loud it’s a MY LITTLE PONY’s Short bow …… Come on ANET this is ridiculous are you guys giggling in the back room every time you see a player with one of these equipped?

Seriously is this the best you could do ….. it shoots rainbows …..what does it use for ammunition Lollypops.

Rangers are going to be using this thing so let`s theme it appropriately, it should be carved out of Heart wood dark and green , replace the Unicorn with a wolfs head with wings of an eagle for the tips and it should shoot the spirits of the forest not rainbows.

You’ve already got the Howler if you want that.
Lay of the ponybow. :-(

Gone for good after Halloween 2Ø12.
A shame fun things could not simply be fun.

Legendary short bow?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Loxias.2375


As a ranger, they basically ensured there was no way I’d ever want to equip any legendary in the game, which makes things easy for me, but now there’s nothing left to do. Sigh. I think most of the weapons in game are an afterthought/rush-job compared to everything else, art-wise, particularly since there are so few models. I really think it was a joke, or meant to be one of many, and they ran out of time and ran with it. There are so many brony references in the game and it’s players, though, that maybe that’s just what today’s young gamers want and expect. I’d like to believe they just ran out of time, I’ll stick with that.

(edited by Loxias.2375)

Legendary short bow?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nefaria.7659


The detail on the shortbow is neat with the tassels and what-not. It’s seemingly too close to the brony culture for it to be something that I’d work towards.

Since my ranger is sylvari, the longbow is a better fit and I’d rather work towards that.

I know there is usually references to other media in GW, but this weapon is over-the-top compared to the other legendaries. Which I did find disappointing as I do use the short-bow quite often on my ranger.

Legendary short bow?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Malleusx.6092


Other than the shield they ALL look stupid…wow.

Legendary short bow?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zelkovan.2630


I’m pretty sure each weapon has its own unique particle effects of some sort. Like for example, with bitfrost when you take it out and you start moving the staff-it creates a delayed-rainbow version of it (sort of like an after trail).

Some weapons were created how they were based on their name (bitfrost means rainbow bridge in some myth/language.). TBH i thought the bow’s looked kitten. Why? Because they look unique. I didn’t even notice the little pony thing on the short bow till i was done looking at all the other parts of it.

The weapons weren’t meant to look like the stupidly-gigantic-spikey-kitten weapons that most MMO’s (especially korean ones) make. They were just meant to be unique, if you don’t like it then don’t get it, there are plenty of other cool-looking weapons in the game.

Legendary short bow?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: WasAGuest.4973


hehe. As a main thief – I had seen the legendaries and quickly said “Well, looks like that saves me some time and effort”. :P

The Pop-Gun pistol, Little Pony Rainbow Shortbow and so on. O.o

But that said; I have found a few skins I do like and am attempting to get them instead. Legendaries just not gonna happen (for me) unless they release more.

Legendary short bow?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ArchAngelZorak.9637


I’ve come to realize (to my dismay) that considering the lack of stat progression on gear from exotic to legendary that this game is in essence: Barbie Dress Up: Tyria Edition.

That being said, why not go with unicorns and rainbows?

I do plan on making the shortbow eventually, just because of the ridiculousness of it.

Legendary short bow?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Agemnon.4608


I like that bow! :D

Legendary short bow?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Agemnon.4608


Other than the shield they ALL look stupid…wow.

Even the cool lightning sword?

Legendary short bow?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kasama.8941


I’m sure there will be more legendary weapons eventually.

80 Ranger | 80 Mesmer | 80 Thief | 80 Guardian | 40 Engineer
“The learned is happy, nature to explore. The fool is happy, that he knows no more.”
-Alexander Pope

Legendary short bow?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Masher.8051


Maybe it’s for all the males who like to play as female characters?

Legendary short bow?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Agemnon.4608


Honestly the Twilight sword reminded me of Twilight Sparkle. It’s just a coincidence but still ^_^

Legendary short bow?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ashlotte.3719


It really is a shame because it eliminates one of the major things to play the game for day after day…I’m sure Anet is having a laugh over their pony bow, but it just makes me sad that they had to play a joke with something as important as this.

For now just saving mats in the hope that they’ll be more legendaries in the future that actually suit Ranger/Thieves because rainbows really don’t in any way…Are their even any horses in Tyria?

Legendary short bow?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aelelan.1639


Lol I love this bow precisely for posts like this. Makes everyone go “Wait…what?”. The rest of them are serious enough to offset the lightheartedness of this one. It’s great.

Legendary short bow?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Qelris.6901


Both bows looks cool, makes me wish I was a ranger.

I’m only responsible for what I say, not for what you understand.

Legendary short bow?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rosen Myst.7641

Rosen Myst.7641

Well, to each his own. It’s hard for me to understand how any ranger could seriously love a my little pony bow…..maybe as a joke.. okay.

Lore-wise it makes no sense since there aren’t any unicorns in Tyria. If ANET intended the bow to be some sort of joke, I’m not laughing.

Although there may be a few people who will want to craft this shortbow, most certainly will not. That takes away a huge piece of end game content for the majority of players.

Legendary short bow?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: wauwi.9162


that shortbow, my friends, is made of pure awesomeness and it will likely make me wanna try out shortbows

imagine black FC-gear in combination with that piece of art

and nopony can stop me from equipping it

[EU/GER]Elona’s Reach: Aerrith: Lv80 Ranger / Sephirra: Lv80 Mesmer
“Only the finest of potatoes in my zerkburgers.”

(edited by wauwi.9162)

Legendary short bow?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rosen Myst.7641

Rosen Myst.7641

Lol … you’ll have to post a pic for us afterwards. =)

Legendary short bow?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: wauwi.9162


it already exists
this pic gives me the motivation i need:


[EU/GER]Elona’s Reach: Aerrith: Lv80 Ranger / Sephirra: Lv80 Mesmer
“Only the finest of potatoes in my zerkburgers.”

Legendary short bow?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Garenthal.1480


Ugh. Looking at some of the replies to this thread, I can only hope that we don’t see it becoming a tend with future attire.

Legendary short bow?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kain Francois.4328

Kain Francois.4328

Don’t be a parasprite!

Friendship is magic, bronies! It looks like Celestia!

I know a ton of people who would love this shortbow in the pony community!