Legendary transmutation (other concerns)

Legendary transmutation (other concerns)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: erilie.8709


bugs on legendary’s and transmutation some are being fixed on near future but seems the merged post dont says or there is no answere for the possible bug might come on the future and i would like some clarification.
Once ascended weapons are introduced on future patches, will transmuted legendary’s scale to those lvls? (higher stats then exotic) or gonna stay on same place of the weapons used to gain new stats.
I think is a valid concern cuz is a decisive point for ppl that simply dont like stats on the current legendary’s cuz dont mix with their build and an official answere to this would be nice so ppl can decide what to do with thier legendary.

Legendary transmutation (other concerns)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Doomguard.5094


ANet said they wanted transmuted weapons to retain the quality of the higher weapon used in transmutation, so even if it isn’t so now (i heard only the color is that of the higher item, but not the item), despite it being bugged I’m sure they will eventually make it how it needs to be through a patch. However until we actually hear from them officially on this subject I wouldn’t transmute any legendary if I were you.