I consider a Legendary Item to be the biggest prize you can get in the game but…
Let me start by saying:
1) I don’t do dungeons. Haven’t done a one and don’t intend to.
2) I don’t do WvW. Well in all honesty, I did WvW to complete the 4 maps required for the PvE World Completion achievement. Yep, you guess it, I ran like the wind from POI to Vista to Skill point, avoiding every conflict I could find till I finished them off. Surely that is not legendary. Legendary Chicken maybe? Caught 10 times, killed 10 times; thou in my defense, there’s never been less than 3 of you.
Don’t get me wrong. I am dedicated to the game. I have played pretty religiously for over a year now (from the April ’12 Beta). It is just that I play the game the “way that I like”, as we were encouraged to do. I currently have 5 characters, 4 × 80’s and 1 × 73 with over 4500 Achievement Points to date. Thou I may be considered a slacker by those with over 8000 points, I consider myself a dedicated casual player.
So why is this relevant to the topic? Because to get a Legendary, you need: in my case 500 Shards of Zhaitan (dungeon only) 500 Badges of Honor (WvW only). So because I don’t do Dungeons or WvW…I can’t be legendary? The only way at present that I CAN be Legendary is to take up farming. While in real life being a Farmer is quite a respectable profession, not everyone is a Farmer. That would be just silly, wouldn’t it, as we need many other professions to make the world go round. But in this game, if you want to get the big prize, you have to be a farmer.
The other requirements: 200 Skill points, 500k in Karma, 100% World Completion, Stack of Ectoplasm, 110 Laurels; yep got all those thru my standard PvE play. So that can’t be legendary.
There is a requirement for about 120 gp. Now for the farmers, that is in no way legendary, just a repeated walk in the park. For me thou, that is a ton of money which would require me to sell everything I own. But I could do it and then be in the poorhouse. Is that legendary I wonder?
Now comes the Precursor. We’re just playing the numbers for that RNG drop fairy to visit our door. No, I did not get that drop from the Lost Shores Finale. Nor did I get it from the 300+ World Boss Chests that I have opened. Or the Jumping Puzzle Chests, thou I still have some of those left to do. Or even a random drop from the thousands of nasties that I killed over the 230 days that I have played since Pre-Launch. So I guess Legendary Lady Luck is just not with me.
Then comes the Mystic Forge. I think that poor horse has been beaten dead many, many times already but you get the idea.
I guess you could always counter with: Hey, how did King Arthur get Excalibur? Why he pulled the sword from a stone – I guess that could count as a random drop. Or you might add, from a mystical lady in a lake – Mystic Forge? How about Bilbo, he found the One Ring on the floor by an underground lake – both random drop AND Mystic Forge. Enough, enough already, yes I know my position has a few holes but I will let others, who come after me and are wiser then myself, fill in the gaps.
The first Legendary item was crafted in LESS THEN ONE MONTH from launch date. ONE MONTH! What in all of what the 6 Gods deem holy is legendary about that, outside of the amount of unbridled dedication that was required to complete in that short period of time. In contrast, the way that Legendary items are laid out, I could continue my dedicated play for the next 6 years and still not be able to get one. Legendary amount of time invested with no Legendary outcome.
There is always the Trading Post, sure. Just let me drop down 2500gp and bam, you got yourself a Bifrost. Legendary?
Oh and by the way…toss in one of those Kudzus. And while you’re at it, give me a couple of them Twilights over there. Those things must be good; I see those bloody things at almost every Dragon event I go to.
For perspective, since I don’t farm I only have about 50gp saved up since Pre-Launch (yeah all 5 characters are outfitted with Gold Rares or better, but still), I’ll let you do the math.
The point that I am so laboriously trying to drive home is: let’s take the Farming and Gambling out of the process and make obtaining a Legendary item require a dedication to the game in a player’s own game style. Let us put the LEGENDARY back in Legendary.
Oh and all of you who already have a Legendary Item…You can all burn in Moto’s fiery Continue Room. Naaa, no sour grapes here… Continue Coins for everyone.
(edited by Yalora Istairiea.6287)