Legendary weapons
hahaha bubble glider.. I thought it was april’s fool joke hahahahahahahaha guess those 6 dev’s are effective…..but they are at dangerous level – digging their grave with this gem shop stuff.
Maybe these 6 devs taking 6 months to make a single legendary item could make a background image to fit the new WvW borderland maps before doing other things that will take years to make?
Even if the legendary weapons project team only had 6 developers, there is no way in hell that a team of 6 produces single to no results in 6 months time, unless said team had been severly miss managed and tossed around between other tasks instead of letting them work on what they are supposed to work on.
- At a guess, they’ve been fixing the collections that had problems, like the one in Snowden where players have to fail an event to proc a different event that allowed them to get the collectable “thing.”
- I’m also wondering if the code for much or all of the vanilla game is very complex, and that those who wrote it are gone. I’ve revised and debugged software that someone else wrote (and didn’t annotate at all or very well) and that can be its own special purgatory.
- If 2 is an issue, then that might explain why it would take this team “years to come” to produce collections that did not ship in the problematic state that some of the initial three had.
yes, that is also something i worry about. Spaghetti code in all its nasty little versions is what i fear to be there. I am not too versed in how complex things get in term of game development, from what i heard, they mentioned something about an average time of 4 weeks for an item to be added to the game. that code must be a real mess if that is the case…
hahaha bubble glider.. I thought it was april’s fool joke hahahahahahahaha guess those 6 dev’s are effective…..but they are at dangerous level – digging their grave with this gem shop stuff.
They’re digging faster than Ubisoft.
Please don’t tell me they just put new items in the Gem store – Dear God ive known Sociopaths with less flagrant disregard for reasonable behaviour.
There should be Razzies for Gaming , if Mo really thinks this is a full xpac he is the equivalent of Adam Sandler.
Some of the streamer reactions are on point – WP and Brasil in particular, kitten Bogotter not so much. When people like that sound sour you need to stop being so defensive and actually work yo butt off.
Guys, I understand that you are all really upset…
I still think that what some of us fail to understand is that this is how game industry works… I explain myself… you should not buy a game because the devs promised to add more content after the release that will compensate what the game is lacking from the start, that is your fault, I’m sorry, but it is true. You can’t trust a company that far because kitten-ups happen and things change and maybe something that they really want to ship never comes to life because they can’t find a way to do it or they need too much time. It was their fault to make some of us continue to think that the ideas, that what was planned was definitive and that it was a promise, to never iterate on the issue saying that they are trying but they can’t be sure themselves to deliver, because that is how making a game works. There’s no magic wand that will make the game interesting and fun, it is a process of trying out, and some times you find that is much better to put something on hold instead of sacrificing the results. Would you prefer the Legendaries to come out half finished? Or broken? OMG anet is shipping half the work done again! That’s what you would read again on the forums.
That in my opinion is what MO is trying to do, he figured out that is not going in the right direction and instead of fake it and make people think that they are doing it, instead of shipping half backed content, he is telling us that they are placing the Legendaries on hold, it does not mean that they will never come, in the future I’m sure that they will return on them but for now they are focusing on something that have better chances to be delivered in a short time and in good state.
Still, even if things are not great recently, I look around and couldn’t find any MMO that keeps me engaged as Gw2, and I’m sure that this is the same for a ot of other people, and that is why we get so upset and feel betrayed but instead of leaving and migrate to another game we are still here complaining.Expecting MO to say that the Hot release was a bad choice that it was a mess is not something that will ever happen! Just because, if he is still running the company it means he believes that even if things didn’t go as planned it is still a project worth the time. If MO says something like that, then you can be sure that GW2 has no future.
MO is trying to change things, obviously he is trying to do it for the better, not everyone agrees but none of us knows what is happening internally at Anet, what was the extension of the problem.
If things will be really better only time knows.
I will keep playing and if I finish every thing I like in this game, get too kittened off about some release or find something better, I will stop playing the game! If Anet doesn’t deliver any good content the next expansion isn’t worth that name I will not pay for anything else.It seems you fail to understand how business works.
Customer pays. Provider delivers.
It’s not Customer pays. Prodiver delivers partialy and changes the deal on it’s own without consulting the customer.
It litereally doesn’t matter what the story behind the curtains is. From the customers point the only thing that we should ask is:
Did we get everything that we paid for?
And the answer to it is: no.
It literally doesn’t matter WHY – at least not to us. Same as they don’t care how we got the money to pay for their game we shouldn’t care how they are working on the promoted features.
Don’t sympatize with your seller, because as soon as you do, the seller will use your kindness – which is exactly what was and still is happening with this game.Exactly for the life of me, I cannot understand people sympathizing with Anet on this one and saying it is ok. This effects everyone that bought the expansion. What if next O’Brien says “we are suspending work on new fractals indefinitely”, will this be OK? What if he said “We are not bringing out Legendary armor as only a small percentage of the player base will actually get the gear” is this ok too?
These features where promised with HoT if he can just drop Legendary weapons he can other features too. Wake up people, as a consumer you should get what you pay for!
Nothing you have listed was promised with HoT. They said it would cone after launch. No time frame was given. They only thing they have really gone back on as far as the legendary weapons are concerned is the regular intervals. We knew they would not be included with HoT at launch. Same for raids and legendary armor. Bit ANet told us we needed HoT to be able to get them. So really people got HoT so they could do and get these things later, not as soon as HoT dropped. When I buy something I know I’m buying what’s in front of me. Not what is to be added later on. Would the addition of things sway people to buy HoT, of course it would, ANet knew that, that’s why they talked about these features. Features that where not included with HoT at launch, because they knew HoT didn’t offer much at launch compared to other expansions from other MMO’s or even the campaigns from GW1.
So they focuses on the things coming after, which was wrong, it did make it look like they where a part of HoT, but in reality they where not. That is why I’ve always said HoT is not an expansion, it’s a DLC season pass. The things ANet bigged up where to be added later. I’m not defending ANet, and I have no sympathy, ANet messed up by making a big deal out of things that where not finished or anywhere near being ready. Now this storm is of there own making. But at the same time people who got HoT got it knowing that legendary weapons where not included at launch, and where not all ready. That was there mistake, believing they where buying something that was not there to start with.
You wouldn’t buy a car, and the guy show you one and say, this care is great it can do allsorts of things. You can buy it right now, but the wheels will not be ready for awhile, and we don’t have a time frame. Would you buy that car?
“we will be releasing new legendary weapons in small groups at regular intervals until the full set of sixteen has been added to the game”
1 month after release: 3 weapons
4 months after the 1st release: 1 weapon
indefinitelly stopped: 0 weapons.Not even Einstein could come up with a theory to make a 1:4:never interval a regular one as well as make 1 weapon and 0 weapons “small groups” – a group consists of at least 2.
At the same time, there were other features like Fractal Leaderbords, Guild Anthem, masteries like Bark cutting and downward gliding, which also didn’t see the light of day.
Please don’t defend them.
Did we pay a full expansion? yes
Did we get all of the features? no.
End. of.story.You didn’t even read my post, or you didn’t understand what you read.
I did. but even if you think you are not defending them, you are doing just that. And you literally don’t have to.
Once again – the only thing you need to know as a customer is if you got what you paid for – and the answer is NO.
It doesn’t matter how you look at it. Either including the missing features or the actual expansion.
The features weren’t that many to begin with, but most of us dealt with this fact.
Now, reducing the features even further “so they can work on the core game” – while they
1.) Had the money from the core game sale when we first bought it to use on fixing the core game but apparently rather used it on something else.
2.) HAVE 70 devs working on a new expac while they feel that is essential to cut off 6 developers working on one of the features that we already bought
3.) are telling people that they are unfair for thinking that what we got is an unfinished product (while it actually is unfinished)didn’t really help calming down the crowd. don’t you think?
There’s is NO explanation that would make it okay for them to cancel something that they were selling for 5 months.Wow, just wow.
As a customer I knew what I was paying for. I made sure I did. And I payed what I thought it was worth, (£28 four days before launch from Amazon).
I knew when I payed for HoT legendary weapons where not included and would come later, so how can I pay for something that’s no there in the first place?As I said the only thing that have gone back on the the regular intervals. With out knowing intent we can not say that ANet intent to never give us the rest as they said they would. You are acting as if ANet have out right said we are never having them.
But hay you keep believing you where lied to. Or next time you buy something make sure you know the difference between what is included when you buy it, and what will come later.
Yea, did you also not pay for the fractal leaderboards that were canceled?
Or for the guild anthem that was heavily talked about in one of their blog posts?
Or how about the masteries like bark cutting?
It’s not just the legendary crafting that got scrapped.
That’s the problem. And yes, it’s true that you didn’t pay for the legendary weapons @HoT release, however, you did pay for legendary weapons that you would get in small GROUPS in REGULAR intervals.
Group consists of at least 2. We’re getting 1 bow.
1 month after HoT, 4 months after the first release, indifinitelly suspended is NOT in any possible way, regardless how you look at it, a REGULAR interval. So you actually aren’t getting what you paid for.
kitten me, I said they have gone back on the regular intervals. By your reasoning, when I got GW2 all them years ago, I payed for everything that came out before HoT, so there for, if I was not around to LW2, I should still be able to get it for free. I payed for the core game, why do I have to pay again for content added after?
As I said, they should not have biged up content that was not included, ready or even started when they there trying to get everyone to buy HoT. Why? Because people then believed that they where paying for theses things. Yes other things have been cancelled. But then they where things that again probably didn’t work in the first place, or where too grand to work. Yet there was no kitten storm about it.
At the end of the day it’s quite simple. I understood what I was getting when I got HoT. I didn’t fall in to the hype of new things that where not even there or ready, started or anything else. HoT is a DLC season pass. The sooner people accept it and ANet admit to it the better we will all be.
Is it wrong, what’s happening with legendary weapons? Yes, yes it is. They made it sound like we where paying for them when we in fact did not. Should people be upset by it yes, again ANet hyped up something that was not part of the initial launch of HoT. But at the same time people should read things as they are. Not what they think they are. Everyone pulls out the same line but never reads it other than the regular intervals. They where to be added later. Later never a part of HoT to begin with.
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Please don’t tell me they just put new items in the Gem store – Dear God ive known Sociopaths with less flagrant disregard for reasonable behaviour.
There should be Razzies for Gaming , if Mo really thinks this is a full xpac he is the equivalent of Adam Sandler.
Some of the streamer reactions are on point – WP and Brasil in particular, kitten Bogotter not so much. When people like that sound sour you need to stop being so defensive and actually work yo butt off.
Today they “only” added the glider. Watch them add a full set of weapon skins nobody wants because they are ugly and in no way to related to whats going on in the game (mostly because there is NOTHING going on in the game) in about a week or two. that is the level of sensibility i expect from this company from this PR stunt onwards.
Yea, did you also not pay for the fractal leaderboards that were canceled?
Or for the guild anthem that was heavily talked about in one of their blog posts?
Or how about the masteries like bark cutting?
It’s not just the legendary crafting that got scrapped.That is why they always say that things are subject to change before release. And while I admit that too many things were planned for after release (which doesn’t make it half an expansion but a rushed expansion) this has been the case in every MMO since ever.
Bark cutting removed is really not a good example because there is no bark to cut anymore…
If you think this is a good example then you should have known that such promises are often taken away : engineer shield absorb, mine kit, skills that were supposed to change when jumping or when we climb in trees (back in 2007 !), dragons attacking the village as part of dynamic events, environmental bundles giving different skills for every professions, racial traits, traits on weapons, free distribution of statistic points, energy potions, energy cost of skills, necro DS back travel and as downed state…..In fact they cancelled much more “promises” before they launched the core game as for this expansion.
The things you list are features mentioned in development blogs for a game still in fairly early stages of design and development. Anything at that stage was known be subject to change. These things were never marketed as de facto features of a retail product. Legendary weapons were marketed as such, and still are right now despite being put an on indefinite delay.
This information is still on HoT’s website at https://heartofthorns.guildwars2.com/game/maguuma
Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns will let you begin your journey toward the first new set of legendary weapons to be added to the game since its original set of 20 that were included in the launch of Guild Wars 2. The first three to be released will be the celestial axe named Astralaria, an experimental energy pistol called H.O.P.E., and the raven spirit staff named Nevermore. Additional legendary weapons will be released in small groups at regular intervals until the full set of 16 has been added to this game.
As of the start of this thread, that information is patently false. This is not development-stage information that is subject to change. This is marketing information about a product that is currently being sold, for consumers to base purchase decisions on.
Seer Of The Divine | Sarina Starlight | Tireasa | Caedyra
Guys, I understand that you are all really upset…
I still think that what some of us fail to understand is that this is how game industry works… I explain myself… you should not buy a game because the devs promised to add more content after the release that will compensate what the game is lacking from the start, that is your fault, I’m sorry, but it is true. You can’t trust a company that far because kitten-ups happen and things change and maybe something that they really want to ship never comes to life because they can’t find a way to do it or they need too much time. It was their fault to make some of us continue to think that the ideas, that what was planned was definitive and that it was a promise, to never iterate on the issue saying that they are trying but they can’t be sure themselves to deliver, because that is how making a game works. There’s no magic wand that will make the game interesting and fun, it is a process of trying out, and some times you find that is much better to put something on hold instead of sacrificing the results. Would you prefer the Legendaries to come out half finished? Or broken? OMG anet is shipping half the work done again! That’s what you would read again on the forums.
That in my opinion is what MO is trying to do, he figured out that is not going in the right direction and instead of fake it and make people think that they are doing it, instead of shipping half backed content, he is telling us that they are placing the Legendaries on hold, it does not mean that they will never come, in the future I’m sure that they will return on them but for now they are focusing on something that have better chances to be delivered in a short time and in good state.
Still, even if things are not great recently, I look around and couldn’t find any MMO that keeps me engaged as Gw2, and I’m sure that this is the same for a ot of other people, and that is why we get so upset and feel betrayed but instead of leaving and migrate to another game we are still here complaining.Expecting MO to say that the Hot release was a bad choice that it was a mess is not something that will ever happen! Just because, if he is still running the company it means he believes that even if things didn’t go as planned it is still a project worth the time. If MO says something like that, then you can be sure that GW2 has no future.
MO is trying to change things, obviously he is trying to do it for the better, not everyone agrees but none of us knows what is happening internally at Anet, what was the extension of the problem.
If things will be really better only time knows.
I will keep playing and if I finish every thing I like in this game, get too kittened off about some release or find something better, I will stop playing the game! If Anet doesn’t deliver any good content the next expansion isn’t worth that name I will not pay for anything else.It seems you fail to understand how business works.
Customer pays. Provider delivers.
It’s not Customer pays. Prodiver delivers partialy and changes the deal on it’s own without consulting the customer.
It litereally doesn’t matter what the story behind the curtains is. From the customers point the only thing that we should ask is:
Did we get everything that we paid for?
And the answer to it is: no.
It literally doesn’t matter WHY – at least not to us. Same as they don’t care how we got the money to pay for their game we shouldn’t care how they are working on the promoted features.
Don’t sympatize with your seller, because as soon as you do, the seller will use your kindness – which is exactly what was and still is happening with this game.Exactly for the life of me, I cannot understand people sympathizing with Anet on this one and saying it is ok. This effects everyone that bought the expansion. What if next O’Brien says “we are suspending work on new fractals indefinitely”, will this be OK? What if he said “We are not bringing out Legendary armor as only a small percentage of the player base will actually get the gear” is this ok too?
These features where promised with HoT if he can just drop Legendary weapons he can other features too. Wake up people, as a consumer you should get what you pay for!
Nothing you have listed was promised with HoT. They said it would cone after launch. No time frame was given. They only thing they have really gone back on as far as the legendary weapons are concerned is the regular intervals. We knew they would not be included with HoT at launch. Same for raids and legendary armor. Bit ANet told us we needed HoT to be able to get them. So really people got HoT so they could do and get these things later, not as soon as HoT dropped. When I buy something I know I’m buying what’s in front of me. Not what is to be added later on. Would the addition of things sway people to buy HoT, of course it would, ANet knew that, that’s why they talked about these features. Features that where not included with HoT at launch, because they knew HoT didn’t offer much at launch compared to other expansions from other MMO’s or even the campaigns from GW1.
So they focuses on the things coming after, which was wrong, it did make it look like they where a part of HoT, but in reality they where not. That is why I’ve always said HoT is not an expansion, it’s a DLC season pass. The things ANet bigged up where to be added later. I’m not defending ANet, and I have no sympathy, ANet messed up by making a big deal out of things that where not finished or anywhere near being ready. Now this storm is of there own making. But at the same time people who got HoT got it knowing that legendary weapons where not included at launch, and where not all ready. That was there mistake, believing they where buying something that was not there to start with.
You wouldn’t buy a car, and the guy show you one and say, this care is great it can do allsorts of things. You can buy it right now, but the wheels will not be ready for awhile, and we don’t have a time frame. Would you buy that car?
“we will be releasing new legendary weapons in small groups at regular intervals until the full set of sixteen has been added to the game”
1 month after release: 3 weapons
4 months after the 1st release: 1 weapon
indefinitelly stopped: 0 weapons.Not even Einstein could come up with a theory to make a 1:4:never interval a regular one as well as make 1 weapon and 0 weapons “small groups” – a group consists of at least 2.
At the same time, there were other features like Fractal Leaderbords, Guild Anthem, masteries like Bark cutting and downward gliding, which also didn’t see the light of day.
Please don’t defend them.
Did we pay a full expansion? yes
Did we get all of the features? no.
End. of.story.You didn’t even read my post, or you didn’t understand what you read.
I did. but even if you think you are not defending them, you are doing just that. And you literally don’t have to.
Once again – the only thing you need to know as a customer is if you got what you paid for – and the answer is NO.
It doesn’t matter how you look at it. Either including the missing features or the actual expansion.
The features weren’t that many to begin with, but most of us dealt with this fact.
Now, reducing the features even further “so they can work on the core game” – while they
1.) Had the money from the core game sale when we first bought it to use on fixing the core game but apparently rather used it on something else.
2.) HAVE 70 devs working on a new expac while they feel that is essential to cut off 6 developers working on one of the features that we already bought
3.) are telling people that they are unfair for thinking that what we got is an unfinished product (while it actually is unfinished)didn’t really help calming down the crowd. don’t you think?
There’s is NO explanation that would make it okay for them to cancel something that they were selling for 5 months.Wow, just wow.
As a customer I knew what I was paying for. I made sure I did. And I payed what I thought it was worth, (£28 four days before launch from Amazon).
I knew when I payed for HoT legendary weapons where not included and would come later, so how can I pay for something that’s no there in the first place?As I said the only thing that have gone back on the the regular intervals. With out knowing intent we can not say that ANet intent to never give us the rest as they said they would. You are acting as if ANet have out right said we are never having them.
But hay you keep believing you where lied to. Or next time you buy something make sure you know the difference between what is included when you buy it, and what will come later.
Yea, did you also not pay for the fractal leaderboards that were canceled?
Or for the guild anthem that was heavily talked about in one of their blog posts?
Or how about the masteries like bark cutting?
It’s not just the legendary crafting that got scrapped.
That’s the problem. And yes, it’s true that you didn’t pay for the legendary weapons @HoT release, however, you did pay for legendary weapons that you would get in small GROUPS in REGULAR intervals.
Group consists of at least 2. We’re getting 1 bow.
1 month after HoT, 4 months after the first release, indifinitelly suspended is NOT in any possible way, regardless how you look at it, a REGULAR interval. So you actually aren’t getting what you paid for.kitten me, I said they have gone back on the regular intervals. By your reasoning, when I got GW2 all them years ago, I payed for everything that came out before HoT, so there for, if I was not around to LW2, I should still be able to get it for free. I payed for the core game, why do I have to pay again for content added after?
As I said, they should not have biged up content that was not included, ready or even started when they there trying to get everyone to buy HoT. Why? Because people then believed that they where paying for theses things. Yes other things have been cancelled. But then they where things that again probably didn’t work in the first place, or where too grand to work. Yet there was no kitten storm about it.
At the end of the day it’s quite simple. I understood what I was getting when I got HoT. I didn’t fall in to the hype of new things that where not even there or ready, started or anything else. HoT is a DLC season pass. The sooner people accept it and ANet admit to it the better we will all be.
Is it wrong, what’s happening with legendary weapons? Yes, yes it is. They made it sound like we where paying for them when we in fact did not. Should people be upset by it yes, again ANet hyped up something that was not part of the initial launch of HoT. But at the same time people should read things as they are. Not what they think they are. Everyone pulls out the same line but never reads it other than the regular intervals. They where to be added later. Later never a part of HoT to begin with.
but if a season pass tells you that you will get 5 updates with 5 hours of gameplay each, you get 5 updates with 5 hours of gameplay each, not 4, not 3. 5.
Meh, it’s disappointing news. But I still hope this is just a tasteless April Fool’s joke.
Meh, it’s disappointing news. But I still hope this is just a tasteless April Fool’s joke.
In all honestly, if they feel the need to make such a distasteful joke, they deserve the new hole their community is currently ripping them, and much more than that.
Guys, I understand that you are all really upset…
I still think that what some of us fail to understand is that this is how game industry works… I explain myself… you should not buy a game because the devs promised to add more content after the release that will compensate what the game is lacking from the start, that is your fault, I’m sorry, but it is true. You can’t trust a company that far because kitten-ups happen and things change and maybe something that they really want to ship never comes to life because they can’t find a way to do it or they need too much time. It was their fault to make some of us continue to think that the ideas, that what was planned was definitive and that it was a promise, to never iterate on the issue saying that they are trying but they can’t be sure themselves to deliver, because that is how making a game works. There’s no magic wand that will make the game interesting and fun, it is a process of trying out, and some times you find that is much better to put something on hold instead of sacrificing the results. Would you prefer the Legendaries to come out half finished? Or broken? OMG anet is shipping half the work done again! That’s what you would read again on the forums.
That in my opinion is what MO is trying to do, he figured out that is not going in the right direction and instead of fake it and make people think that they are doing it, instead of shipping half backed content, he is telling us that they are placing the Legendaries on hold, it does not mean that they will never come, in the future I’m sure that they will return on them but for now they are focusing on something that have better chances to be delivered in a short time and in good state.
Still, even if things are not great recently, I look around and couldn’t find any MMO that keeps me engaged as Gw2, and I’m sure that this is the same for a ot of other people, and that is why we get so upset and feel betrayed but instead of leaving and migrate to another game we are still here complaining.Expecting MO to say that the Hot release was a bad choice that it was a mess is not something that will ever happen! Just because, if he is still running the company it means he believes that even if things didn’t go as planned it is still a project worth the time. If MO says something like that, then you can be sure that GW2 has no future.
MO is trying to change things, obviously he is trying to do it for the better, not everyone agrees but none of us knows what is happening internally at Anet, what was the extension of the problem.
If things will be really better only time knows.
I will keep playing and if I finish every thing I like in this game, get too kittened off about some release or find something better, I will stop playing the game! If Anet doesn’t deliver any good content the next expansion isn’t worth that name I will not pay for anything else.It seems you fail to understand how business works.
Customer pays. Provider delivers.
It’s not Customer pays. Prodiver delivers partialy and changes the deal on it’s own without consulting the customer.
It litereally doesn’t matter what the story behind the curtains is. From the customers point the only thing that we should ask is:
Did we get everything that we paid for?
And the answer to it is: no.
It literally doesn’t matter WHY – at least not to us. Same as they don’t care how we got the money to pay for their game we shouldn’t care how they are working on the promoted features.
Don’t sympatize with your seller, because as soon as you do, the seller will use your kindness – which is exactly what was and still is happening with this game.Exactly for the life of me, I cannot understand people sympathizing with Anet on this one and saying it is ok. This effects everyone that bought the expansion. What if next O’Brien says “we are suspending work on new fractals indefinitely”, will this be OK? What if he said “We are not bringing out Legendary armor as only a small percentage of the player base will actually get the gear” is this ok too?
These features where promised with HoT if he can just drop Legendary weapons he can other features too. Wake up people, as a consumer you should get what you pay for!
Nothing you have listed was promised with HoT. They said it would cone after launch. No time frame was given. They only thing they have really gone back on as far as the legendary weapons are concerned is the regular intervals. We knew they would not be included with HoT at launch. Same for raids and legendary armor. Bit ANet told us we needed HoT to be able to get them. So really people got HoT so they could do and get these things later, not as soon as HoT dropped. When I buy something I know I’m buying what’s in front of me. Not what is to be added later on. Would the addition of things sway people to buy HoT, of course it would, ANet knew that, that’s why they talked about these features. Features that where not included with HoT at launch, because they knew HoT didn’t offer much at launch compared to other expansions from other MMO’s or even the campaigns from GW1.
So they focuses on the things coming after, which was wrong, it did make it look like they where a part of HoT, but in reality they where not. That is why I’ve always said HoT is not an expansion, it’s a DLC season pass. The things ANet bigged up where to be added later. I’m not defending ANet, and I have no sympathy, ANet messed up by making a big deal out of things that where not finished or anywhere near being ready. Now this storm is of there own making. But at the same time people who got HoT got it knowing that legendary weapons where not included at launch, and where not all ready. That was there mistake, believing they where buying something that was not there to start with.
You wouldn’t buy a car, and the guy show you one and say, this care is great it can do allsorts of things. You can buy it right now, but the wheels will not be ready for awhile, and we don’t have a time frame. Would you buy that car?
“we will be releasing new legendary weapons in small groups at regular intervals until the full set of sixteen has been added to the game”
1 month after release: 3 weapons
4 months after the 1st release: 1 weapon
indefinitelly stopped: 0 weapons.Not even Einstein could come up with a theory to make a 1:4:never interval a regular one as well as make 1 weapon and 0 weapons “small groups” – a group consists of at least 2.
At the same time, there were other features like Fractal Leaderbords, Guild Anthem, masteries like Bark cutting and downward gliding, which also didn’t see the light of day.
Please don’t defend them.
Did we pay a full expansion? yes
Did we get all of the features? no.
End. of.story.You didn’t even read my post, or you didn’t understand what you read.
I did. but even if you think you are not defending them, you are doing just that. And you literally don’t have to.
Once again – the only thing you need to know as a customer is if you got what you paid for – and the answer is NO.
It doesn’t matter how you look at it. Either including the missing features or the actual expansion.
The features weren’t that many to begin with, but most of us dealt with this fact.
Now, reducing the features even further “so they can work on the core game” – while they
1.) Had the money from the core game sale when we first bought it to use on fixing the core game but apparently rather used it on something else.
2.) HAVE 70 devs working on a new expac while they feel that is essential to cut off 6 developers working on one of the features that we already bought
3.) are telling people that they are unfair for thinking that what we got is an unfinished product (while it actually is unfinished)didn’t really help calming down the crowd. don’t you think?
There’s is NO explanation that would make it okay for them to cancel something that they were selling for 5 months.Wow, just wow.
As a customer I knew what I was paying for. I made sure I did. And I payed what I thought it was worth, (£28 four days before launch from Amazon).
I knew when I payed for HoT legendary weapons where not included and would come later, so how can I pay for something that’s no there in the first place?As I said the only thing that have gone back on the the regular intervals. With out knowing intent we can not say that ANet intent to never give us the rest as they said they would. You are acting as if ANet have out right said we are never having them.
But hay you keep believing you where lied to. Or next time you buy something make sure you know the difference between what is included when you buy it, and what will come later.
Yea, did you also not pay for the fractal leaderboards that were canceled?
Or for the guild anthem that was heavily talked about in one of their blog posts?
Or how about the masteries like bark cutting?
It’s not just the legendary crafting that got scrapped.
That’s the problem. And yes, it’s true that you didn’t pay for the legendary weapons @HoT release, however, you did pay for legendary weapons that you would get in small GROUPS in REGULAR intervals.
Group consists of at least 2. We’re getting 1 bow.
1 month after HoT, 4 months after the first release, indifinitelly suspended is NOT in any possible way, regardless how you look at it, a REGULAR interval. So you actually aren’t getting what you paid for.kitten me, I said they have gone back on the regular intervals. By your reasoning, when I got GW2 all them years ago, I payed for everything that came out before HoT, so there for, if I was not around to LW2, I should still be able to get it for free. I payed for the core game, why do I have to pay again for content added after?
As I said, they should not have biged up content that was not included, ready or even started when they there trying to get everyone to buy HoT. Why? Because people then believed that they where paying for theses things. Yes other things have been cancelled. But then they where things that again probably didn’t work in the first place, or where too grand to work. Yet there was no kitten storm about it.
At the end of the day it’s quite simple. I understood what I was getting when I got HoT. I didn’t fall in to the hype of new things that where not even there or ready, started or anything else. HoT is a DLC season pass. The sooner people accept it and ANet admit to it the better we will all be.
Is it wrong, what’s happening with legendary weapons? Yes, yes it is. They made it sound like we where paying for them when we in fact did not. Should people be upset by it yes, again ANet hyped up something that was not part of the initial launch of HoT. But at the same time people should read things as they are. Not what they think they are. Everyone pulls out the same line but never reads it other than the regular intervals. They where to be added later. Later never a part of HoT to begin with.
but if a season pass tells you that you will get 5 updates with 5 hours of gameplay each, you get 5 updates with 5 hours of gameplay each, not 4, not 3. 5.
That is true, but at the same time, the season is not over. Now if the legendary weapons are not available by the time the next expansion hits, then we can say, you didn’t deliver. Currently as it stands they are not delivering as fast as they said they would, and telling us not to expect the rest any time soon.
The have not cancelled them. We all know of times where things have been suspended indefinitely and what that actually meant was cancelled. But ANet know if they say cancelled then we have them over a barrel. But until they roll out the new expansion they have time. But then “to be added” is not a given time frame. This whole thing is a mess.
|Seasonic S12G 650W|Win10 Pro X64| Corsair Spec 03 Case|
Guys, I understand that you are all really upset…
I still think that what some of us fail to understand is that this is how game industry works… I explain myself… you should not buy a game because the devs promised to add more content after the release that will compensate what the game is lacking from the start, that is your fault, I’m sorry, but it is true. You can’t trust a company that far because kitten-ups happen and things change and maybe something that they really want to ship never comes to life because they can’t find a way to do it or they need too much time. It was their fault to make some of us continue to think that the ideas, that what was planned was definitive and that it was a promise, to never iterate on the issue saying that they are trying but they can’t be sure themselves to deliver, because that is how making a game works. There’s no magic wand that will make the game interesting and fun, it is a process of trying out, and some times you find that is much better to put something on hold instead of sacrificing the results. Would you prefer the Legendaries to come out half finished? Or broken? OMG anet is shipping half the work done again! That’s what you would read again on the forums.
That in my opinion is what MO is trying to do, he figured out that is not going in the right direction and instead of fake it and make people think that they are doing it, instead of shipping half backed content, he is telling us that they are placing the Legendaries on hold, it does not mean that they will never come, in the future I’m sure that they will return on them but for now they are focusing on something that have better chances to be delivered in a short time and in good state.
Still, even if things are not great recently, I look around and couldn’t find any MMO that keeps me engaged as Gw2, and I’m sure that this is the same for a ot of other people, and that is why we get so upset and feel betrayed but instead of leaving and migrate to another game we are still here complaining.Expecting MO to say that the Hot release was a bad choice that it was a mess is not something that will ever happen! Just because, if he is still running the company it means he believes that even if things didn’t go as planned it is still a project worth the time. If MO says something like that, then you can be sure that GW2 has no future.
MO is trying to change things, obviously he is trying to do it for the better, not everyone agrees but none of us knows what is happening internally at Anet, what was the extension of the problem.
If things will be really better only time knows.
I will keep playing and if I finish every thing I like in this game, get too kittened off about some release or find something better, I will stop playing the game! If Anet doesn’t deliver any good content the next expansion isn’t worth that name I will not pay for anything else.It seems you fail to understand how business works.
Customer pays. Provider delivers.
It’s not Customer pays. Prodiver delivers partialy and changes the deal on it’s own without consulting the customer.
It litereally doesn’t matter what the story behind the curtains is. From the customers point the only thing that we should ask is:
Did we get everything that we paid for?
And the answer to it is: no.
It literally doesn’t matter WHY – at least not to us. Same as they don’t care how we got the money to pay for their game we shouldn’t care how they are working on the promoted features.
Don’t sympatize with your seller, because as soon as you do, the seller will use your kindness – which is exactly what was and still is happening with this game.Exactly for the life of me, I cannot understand people sympathizing with Anet on this one and saying it is ok. This effects everyone that bought the expansion. What if next O’Brien says “we are suspending work on new fractals indefinitely”, will this be OK? What if he said “We are not bringing out Legendary armor as only a small percentage of the player base will actually get the gear” is this ok too?
These features where promised with HoT if he can just drop Legendary weapons he can other features too. Wake up people, as a consumer you should get what you pay for!
Nothing you have listed was promised with HoT. They said it would cone after launch. No time frame was given. They only thing they have really gone back on as far as the legendary weapons are concerned is the regular intervals. We knew they would not be included with HoT at launch. Same for raids and legendary armor. Bit ANet told us we needed HoT to be able to get them. So really people got HoT so they could do and get these things later, not as soon as HoT dropped. When I buy something I know I’m buying what’s in front of me. Not what is to be added later on. Would the addition of things sway people to buy HoT, of course it would, ANet knew that, that’s why they talked about these features. Features that where not included with HoT at launch, because they knew HoT didn’t offer much at launch compared to other expansions from other MMO’s or even the campaigns from GW1.
So they focuses on the things coming after, which was wrong, it did make it look like they where a part of HoT, but in reality they where not. That is why I’ve always said HoT is not an expansion, it’s a DLC season pass. The things ANet bigged up where to be added later. I’m not defending ANet, and I have no sympathy, ANet messed up by making a big deal out of things that where not finished or anywhere near being ready. Now this storm is of there own making. But at the same time people who got HoT got it knowing that legendary weapons where not included at launch, and where not all ready. That was there mistake, believing they where buying something that was not there to start with.
You wouldn’t buy a car, and the guy show you one and say, this care is great it can do allsorts of things. You can buy it right now, but the wheels will not be ready for awhile, and we don’t have a time frame. Would you buy that car?
“we will be releasing new legendary weapons in small groups at regular intervals until the full set of sixteen has been added to the game”
1 month after release: 3 weapons
4 months after the 1st release: 1 weapon
indefinitelly stopped: 0 weapons.Not even Einstein could come up with a theory to make a 1:4:never interval a regular one as well as make 1 weapon and 0 weapons “small groups” – a group consists of at least 2.
At the same time, there were other features like Fractal Leaderbords, Guild Anthem, masteries like Bark cutting and downward gliding, which also didn’t see the light of day.
Please don’t defend them.
Did we pay a full expansion? yes
Did we get all of the features? no.
End. of.story.You didn’t even read my post, or you didn’t understand what you read.
I did. but even if you think you are not defending them, you are doing just that. And you literally don’t have to.
Once again – the only thing you need to know as a customer is if you got what you paid for – and the answer is NO.
It doesn’t matter how you look at it. Either including the missing features or the actual expansion.
The features weren’t that many to begin with, but most of us dealt with this fact.
Now, reducing the features even further “so they can work on the core game” – while they
1.) Had the money from the core game sale when we first bought it to use on fixing the core game but apparently rather used it on something else.
2.) HAVE 70 devs working on a new expac while they feel that is essential to cut off 6 developers working on one of the features that we already bought
3.) are telling people that they are unfair for thinking that what we got is an unfinished product (while it actually is unfinished)didn’t really help calming down the crowd. don’t you think?
There’s is NO explanation that would make it okay for them to cancel something that they were selling for 5 months.Wow, just wow.
As a customer I knew what I was paying for. I made sure I did. And I payed what I thought it was worth, (£28 four days before launch from Amazon).
I knew when I payed for HoT legendary weapons where not included and would come later, so how can I pay for something that’s no there in the first place?As I said the only thing that have gone back on the the regular intervals. With out knowing intent we can not say that ANet intent to never give us the rest as they said they would. You are acting as if ANet have out right said we are never having them.
But hay you keep believing you where lied to. Or next time you buy something make sure you know the difference between what is included when you buy it, and what will come later.
Yea, did you also not pay for the fractal leaderboards that were canceled?
Or for the guild anthem that was heavily talked about in one of their blog posts?
Or how about the masteries like bark cutting?
It’s not just the legendary crafting that got scrapped.
That’s the problem. And yes, it’s true that you didn’t pay for the legendary weapons @HoT release, however, you did pay for legendary weapons that you would get in small GROUPS in REGULAR intervals.
Group consists of at least 2. We’re getting 1 bow.
1 month after HoT, 4 months after the first release, indifinitelly suspended is NOT in any possible way, regardless how you look at it, a REGULAR interval. So you actually aren’t getting what you paid for.kitten me, I said they have gone back on the regular intervals. By your reasoning, when I got GW2 all them years ago, I payed for everything that came out before HoT, so there for, if I was not around to LW2, I should still be able to get it for free. I payed for the core game, why do I have to pay again for content added after?
As I said, they should not have biged up content that was not included, ready or even started when they there trying to get everyone to buy HoT. Why? Because people then believed that they where paying for theses things. Yes other things have been cancelled. But then they where things that again probably didn’t work in the first place, or where too grand to work. Yet there was no kitten storm about it.
At the end of the day it’s quite simple. I understood what I was getting when I got HoT. I didn’t fall in to the hype of new things that where not even there or ready, started or anything else. HoT is a DLC season pass. The sooner people accept it and ANet admit to it the better we will all be.
Is it wrong, what’s happening with legendary weapons? Yes, yes it is. They made it sound like we where paying for them when we in fact did not. Should people be upset by it yes, again ANet hyped up something that was not part of the initial launch of HoT. But at the same time people should read things as they are. Not what they think they are. Everyone pulls out the same line but never reads it other than the regular intervals. They where to be added later. Later never a part of HoT to begin with.
but if a season pass tells you that you will get 5 updates with 5 hours of gameplay each, you get 5 updates with 5 hours of gameplay each, not 4, not 3. 5.
That is true, but at the same time, the season is not over. Now if the legendary weapons are not available by the time the next expansion hits, then we can say, you didn’t deliver. Currently as it stands they are not delivering as fast as they said they would, and telling us not to expect the rest any time soon.
The have not cancelled them. We all know of times where things have been suspended indefinitely and what that actually meant was cancelled. But ANet know if they say cancelled then we have them over a barrel. But until they roll out the new expansion they have time. But then “to be added” is not a given time frame. This whole thing is a mess.
I suppose all they need to do to fix their ad page is to add the word “Schrödinger” infront of “Legendary Weapons”.
we may get them in regular intervals, or we may not. Indefinete Possibilities.
Your whole post is entirely sarcastic and would cause Armageddon. Even though it’s completely funny you seem to be very angry, to me. xD
I kinda wish I was angry, but I am not. Being angry would show that I’d still care, but I do not.
Legendary Mike was right about one thing though: this thread is really entertaining, all thanks to him. Wasn’t being entertaining his number one priority?
I think he should get a new nickname, ive liked a lot that are being thrown around but im thinking:
Halfpac Mo ( a homage to Tupac Shakur)
SAB will NOT save this kitten at this point, so I hope they have more up their sleeves for April.
I think he should get a new nickname, ive liked a lot that are being thrown around but im thinking:
Halfpac Mo ( a homage to Tupac Shakur)
SAB will NOT save this kitten at this point, so I hope they have more up their sleeves for April.
Given the lack of response in this thread, how about Slow MO ?
Guys, I understand that you are all really upset…
I still think that what some of us fail to understand is that this is how game industry works… I explain myself… you should not buy a game because the devs promised to add more content after the release that will compensate what the game is lacking from the start, that is your fault, I’m sorry, but it is true. You can’t trust a company that far because kitten-ups happen and things change and maybe something that they really want to ship never comes to life because they can’t find a way to do it or they need too much time. It was their fault to make some of us continue to think that the ideas, that what was planned was definitive and that it was a promise, to never iterate on the issue saying that they are trying but they can’t be sure themselves to deliver, because that is how making a game works. There’s no magic wand that will make the game interesting and fun, it is a process of trying out, and some times you find that is much better to put something on hold instead of sacrificing the results. Would you prefer the Legendaries to come out half finished? Or broken? OMG anet is shipping half the work done again! That’s what you would read again on the forums.
That in my opinion is what MO is trying to do, he figured out that is not going in the right direction and instead of fake it and make people think that they are doing it, instead of shipping half backed content, he is telling us that they are placing the Legendaries on hold, it does not mean that they will never come, in the future I’m sure that they will return on them but for now they are focusing on something that have better chances to be delivered in a short time and in good state.
Still, even if things are not great recently, I look around and couldn’t find any MMO that keeps me engaged as Gw2, and I’m sure that this is the same for a ot of other people, and that is why we get so upset and feel betrayed but instead of leaving and migrate to another game we are still here complaining.Expecting MO to say that the Hot release was a bad choice that it was a mess is not something that will ever happen! Just because, if he is still running the company it means he believes that even if things didn’t go as planned it is still a project worth the time. If MO says something like that, then you can be sure that GW2 has no future.
MO is trying to change things, obviously he is trying to do it for the better, not everyone agrees but none of us knows what is happening internally at Anet, what was the extension of the problem.
If things will be really better only time knows.
I will keep playing and if I finish every thing I like in this game, get too kittened off about some release or find something better, I will stop playing the game! If Anet doesn’t deliver any good content the next expansion isn’t worth that name I will not pay for anything else.It seems you fail to understand how business works.
Customer pays. Provider delivers.
It’s not Customer pays. Prodiver delivers partialy and changes the deal on it’s own without consulting the customer.
It litereally doesn’t matter what the story behind the curtains is. From the customers point the only thing that we should ask is:
Did we get everything that we paid for?
And the answer to it is: no.
It literally doesn’t matter WHY – at least not to us. Same as they don’t care how we got the money to pay for their game we shouldn’t care how they are working on the promoted features.
Don’t sympatize with your seller, because as soon as you do, the seller will use your kindness – which is exactly what was and still is happening with this game.Exactly for the life of me, I cannot understand people sympathizing with Anet on this one and saying it is ok. This effects everyone that bought the expansion. What if next O’Brien says “we are suspending work on new fractals indefinitely”, will this be OK? What if he said “We are not bringing out Legendary armor as only a small percentage of the player base will actually get the gear” is this ok too?
These features where promised with HoT if he can just drop Legendary weapons he can other features too. Wake up people, as a consumer you should get what you pay for!
Nothing you have listed was promised with HoT. They said it would cone after launch. No time frame was given. They only thing they have really gone back on as far as the legendary weapons are concerned is the regular intervals. We knew they would not be included with HoT at launch. Same for raids and legendary armor. Bit ANet told us we needed HoT to be able to get them. So really people got HoT so they could do and get these things later, not as soon as HoT dropped. When I buy something I know I’m buying what’s in front of me. Not what is to be added later on. Would the addition of things sway people to buy HoT, of course it would, ANet knew that, that’s why they talked about these features. Features that where not included with HoT at launch, because they knew HoT didn’t offer much at launch compared to other expansions from other MMO’s or even the campaigns from GW1.
So they focuses on the things coming after, which was wrong, it did make it look like they where a part of HoT, but in reality they where not. That is why I’ve always said HoT is not an expansion, it’s a DLC season pass. The things ANet bigged up where to be added later. I’m not defending ANet, and I have no sympathy, ANet messed up by making a big deal out of things that where not finished or anywhere near being ready. Now this storm is of there own making. But at the same time people who got HoT got it knowing that legendary weapons where not included at launch, and where not all ready. That was there mistake, believing they where buying something that was not there to start with.
You wouldn’t buy a car, and the guy show you one and say, this care is great it can do allsorts of things. You can buy it right now, but the wheels will not be ready for awhile, and we don’t have a time frame. Would you buy that car?
“we will be releasing new legendary weapons in small groups at regular intervals until the full set of sixteen has been added to the game”
1 month after release: 3 weapons
4 months after the 1st release: 1 weapon
indefinitelly stopped: 0 weapons.Not even Einstein could come up with a theory to make a 1:4:never interval a regular one as well as make 1 weapon and 0 weapons “small groups” – a group consists of at least 2.
At the same time, there were other features like Fractal Leaderbords, Guild Anthem, masteries like Bark cutting and downward gliding, which also didn’t see the light of day.
Please don’t defend them.
Did we pay a full expansion? yes
Did we get all of the features? no.
End. of.story.You didn’t even read my post, or you didn’t understand what you read.
I did. but even if you think you are not defending them, you are doing just that. And you literally don’t have to.
Once again – the only thing you need to know as a customer is if you got what you paid for – and the answer is NO.
It doesn’t matter how you look at it. Either including the missing features or the actual expansion.
The features weren’t that many to begin with, but most of us dealt with this fact.
Now, reducing the features even further “so they can work on the core game” – while they
1.) Had the money from the core game sale when we first bought it to use on fixing the core game but apparently rather used it on something else.
2.) HAVE 70 devs working on a new expac while they feel that is essential to cut off 6 developers working on one of the features that we already bought
3.) are telling people that they are unfair for thinking that what we got is an unfinished product (while it actually is unfinished)didn’t really help calming down the crowd. don’t you think?
There’s is NO explanation that would make it okay for them to cancel something that they were selling for 5 months.Wow, just wow.
As a customer I knew what I was paying for. I made sure I did. And I payed what I thought it was worth, (£28 four days before launch from Amazon).
I knew when I payed for HoT legendary weapons where not included and would come later, so how can I pay for something that’s no there in the first place?As I said the only thing that have gone back on the the regular intervals. With out knowing intent we can not say that ANet intent to never give us the rest as they said they would. You are acting as if ANet have out right said we are never having them.
But hay you keep believing you where lied to. Or next time you buy something make sure you know the difference between what is included when you buy it, and what will come later.
Yea, did you also not pay for the fractal leaderboards that were canceled?
Or for the guild anthem that was heavily talked about in one of their blog posts?
Or how about the masteries like bark cutting?
It’s not just the legendary crafting that got scrapped.
That’s the problem. And yes, it’s true that you didn’t pay for the legendary weapons @HoT release, however, you did pay for legendary weapons that you would get in small GROUPS in REGULAR intervals.
Group consists of at least 2. We’re getting 1 bow.
1 month after HoT, 4 months after the first release, indifinitelly suspended is NOT in any possible way, regardless how you look at it, a REGULAR interval. So you actually aren’t getting what you paid for.kitten me, I said they have gone back on the regular intervals. By your reasoning, when I got GW2 all them years ago, I payed for everything that came out before HoT, so there for, if I was not around to LW2, I should still be able to get it for free. I payed for the core game, why do I have to pay again for content added after?
As I said, they should not have biged up content that was not included, ready or even started when they there trying to get everyone to buy HoT. Why? Because people then believed that they where paying for theses things. Yes other things have been cancelled. But then they where things that again probably didn’t work in the first place, or where too grand to work. Yet there was no kitten storm about it.
At the end of the day it’s quite simple. I understood what I was getting when I got HoT. I didn’t fall in to the hype of new things that where not even there or ready, started or anything else. HoT is a DLC season pass. The sooner people accept it and ANet admit to it the better we will all be.
Is it wrong, what’s happening with legendary weapons? Yes, yes it is. They made it sound like we where paying for them when we in fact did not. Should people be upset by it yes, again ANet hyped up something that was not part of the initial launch of HoT. But at the same time people should read things as they are. Not what they think they are. Everyone pulls out the same line but never reads it other than the regular intervals. They where to be added later. Later never a part of HoT to begin with.
but if a season pass tells you that you will get 5 updates with 5 hours of gameplay each, you get 5 updates with 5 hours of gameplay each, not 4, not 3. 5.
That is true, but at the same time, the season is not over. Now if the legendary weapons are not available by the time the next expansion hits, then we can say, you didn’t deliver. Currently as it stands they are not delivering as fast as they said they would, and telling us not to expect the rest any time soon.
The have not cancelled them. We all know of times where things have been suspended indefinitely and what that actually meant was cancelled. But ANet know if they say cancelled then we have them over a barrel. But until they roll out the new expansion they have time. But then “to be added” is not a given time frame. This whole thing is a mess.
I suppose all they need to do to fix their ad page is to add the word “Schrödinger” infront of “Legendary Weapons”.
we may get them in regular intervals, or we may not. Indefinete Possibilities.
Yes, that would probably help.
|Seasonic S12G 650W|Win10 Pro X64| Corsair Spec 03 Case|
I think he should get a new nickname, ive liked a lot that are being thrown around but im thinking:
Halfpac Mo ( a homage to Tupac Shakur)
SAB will NOT save this kitten at this point, so I hope they have more up their sleeves for April.
Given the lack of response in this thread, how about Slow MO ?
or like that last legendary staff : Never-MO-re
Please don’t tell me they just put new items in the Gem store – Dear God ive known Sociopaths with less flagrant disregard for reasonable behaviour.
There should be Razzies for Gaming , if Mo really thinks this is a full xpac he is the equivalent of Adam Sandler.
Some of the streamer reactions are on point – WP and Brasil in particular, kitten Bogotter not so much. When people like that sound sour you need to stop being so defensive and actually work yo butt off.
Today they “only” added the glider. Watch them add a full set of weapon skins nobody wants because they are ugly and in no way to related to whats going on in the game (mostly because there is NOTHING going on in the game) in about a week or two. that is the level of sensibility i expect from this company from this PR stunt onwards.
In which I asked people not to take them to task for this Tuesday’s likely glider and gave reasons why not.
There are plenty of valid reasons to be upset with this announcement and with the (so far) lack of dev followup. The bubble glider isn’t one of them, as far as I’m concerned.
I think he should get a new nickname, ive liked a lot that are being thrown around but im thinking:
Halfpac Mo ( a homage to Tupac Shakur)
SAB will NOT save this kitten at this point, so I hope they have more up their sleeves for April.
I disagree with this. A really good SAB world 3 along with a permanent re-release of world 1 and 2 would bring me back to the game, specially if they could also get their WvW kitten fixed. As it is right now I haven’t played it in over 2 months and I’m thinking about just uninstalling it, something really I did not want to do because of all the time invested for the 4 legendaries and gear I have.
I think he should get a new nickname, ive liked a lot that are being thrown around but im thinking:
Halfpac Mo ( a homage to Tupac Shakur)
SAB will NOT save this kitten at this point, so I hope they have more up their sleeves for April.
Given the lack of response in this thread, how about Slow MO ?
or like that last legendary staff : Never-MO-re
They will add one more legendary weapon. Never More.
Please don’t tell me they just put new items in the Gem store – Dear God ive known Sociopaths with less flagrant disregard for reasonable behaviour.
There should be Razzies for Gaming , if Mo really thinks this is a full xpac he is the equivalent of Adam Sandler.
Some of the streamer reactions are on point – WP and Brasil in particular, kitten Bogotter not so much. When people like that sound sour you need to stop being so defensive and actually work yo butt off.
Today they “only” added the glider. Watch them add a full set of weapon skins nobody wants because they are ugly and in no way to related to whats going on in the game (mostly because there is NOTHING going on in the game) in about a week or two. that is the level of sensibility i expect from this company from this PR stunt onwards.
In which I asked people not to take them to task for this Tuesday’s likely glider and gave reasons why not.
There are plenty of valid reasons to be upset with this announcement and with the (so far) lack of dev followup. The bubble glider isn’t one of them, as far as I’m concerned.
Sweetheart you arnt the one who gets to decide what is valid, what is not and consequently take someone to task for it – like you have just done with me – everyone has a right here to question Anet within the forum – you do not have a right to call me out for my differing opinion.
Please don’t tell me they just put new items in the Gem store – Dear God ive known Sociopaths with less flagrant disregard for reasonable behaviour.
There should be Razzies for Gaming , if Mo really thinks this is a full xpac he is the equivalent of Adam Sandler.
Some of the streamer reactions are on point – WP and Brasil in particular, kitten Bogotter not so much. When people like that sound sour you need to stop being so defensive and actually work yo butt off.
Today they “only” added the glider. Watch them add a full set of weapon skins nobody wants because they are ugly and in no way to related to whats going on in the game (mostly because there is NOTHING going on in the game) in about a week or two. that is the level of sensibility i expect from this company from this PR stunt onwards.
In which I asked people not to take them to task for this Tuesday’s likely glider and gave reasons why not.
There are plenty of valid reasons to be upset with this announcement and with the (so far) lack of dev followup. The bubble glider isn’t one of them, as far as I’m concerned.
Sweetheart you arnt the one who gets to decide what is valid, what is not and consequently take someone to task for it – like you have just done with me – everyone has a right here to question Anet within the forum – you do not have a right to call me out for my differing opinion.
He/She did say “as far as I’m concerned,” to be fair.
It’s sad that people think SAB will save this game. At the point people want SAB, their mind is already shifting to: “I want to play a different game”
Boy, this legendary thing really caught on fire eh?
Or was this intentional…
They didn’t make it sound as if we are paying for them. They literally put them on the list of the features that you get by getting HoT. And now, they weren’t supposed to be added later, they were supposed to be added in SMALL GROUPS in REGULAR INTERVALS. Besides that, as Minx said before, there were topics and debates with direct quotes from ANET talking about this weapons and literally promoting them as a HoT feature. Here’s part of one of them "What we haven’t told you yet is how that journey continues with our second set of legendary weapons, and how we’re shaking up that last step in your legendary journey for Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns™. "
It’s sad that you are trying to use semantics as a way to defend ANET, while it is obvious to everyone that what they did is a total kitten move.
It’s sad that people think SAB will save this game. At the point people want SAB, their mind is already shifting to: “I want to play a different game”
Boy, this legendary thing really caught on fire eh?
Or was this intentional…
I feel like there is always something. In my personal opinion, I feel the community is very emotional right now (actually, not just right now). I just sorta gaze past the negativity.
I trust that sooner or later A-net will finally get what they need to do. I don’t believe in “too late.” So I will be sticking around until that happens.
(edited by Razor.9872)
It’s sad that people think SAB will save this game. At the point people want SAB, their mind is already shifting to: “I want to play a different game”
Boy, this legendary thing really caught on fire eh?
Or was this intentional…I feel like there is always something. In my personal opinion, I feel the community is very emotional right now (actually, not just right now). I just sorta gaze past the negativity.
I trust that sooner or later A-net will finally get when they need to do. I don’t believe in “too late.” So I will be sticking around until that happens.
I suppose I will see you in 2020 then when Kanye West goes to office after Trump lost the election of that year. good times.
I’m kind of saddened by the fact that this means there will be no serious looking weapons or counter themed weapons to the overwhelming rainbows, flowers and straight up joke weapons that we got from the first series.
Every week I lose another friend who has gotten tired of playing, and to be honest the hope of getting a more serious looking longbow legendary for my male norn was a significantly large part of why I kept playing all this time. To quote one of my friend’s who stopped playing about 8 months ago, “I guess we got to grow up some time and stop playing these games.”
I am disappointed by this announcement, but I see a lot of things that need work and don’t see how Anet can do it all at once.
The legendary collections were my favorite part of HoT. Please consider resuming work on them once you finish the third wing of the raid, or Living Story season 3, or fix WvW, or revise fractals, or… Yeah, there’s a lot to do, but please consider resuming work on them at a later date.
It’s sad that people think SAB will save this game. At the point people want SAB, their mind is already shifting to: “I want to play a different game”
Boy, this legendary thing really caught on fire eh?
Or was this intentional…I feel like there is always something. In my personal opinion, I feel the community is very emotional right now (actually, not just right now). I just sorta gaze past the negativity.
I trust that sooner or later A-net will finally get when they need to do. I don’t believe in “too late.” So I will be sticking around until that happens.
I suppose I will see you in 2020 then when Kanye West goes to office after Drumpf lost the election of that year. good times.
See you there <3
No problem at all. Feel free to cancel legendaries. Just give us an option to cancel our payments for HoT.
I am disappointed by this announcement, but I see a lot of things that need work and don’t see how Anet can do it all at once.
The legendary collections were my favorite part of HoT. Please consider resuming work on them once you finish the third wing of the raid, or Living Story season 3, or fix WvW, or revise fractals, or… Yeah, there’s a lot to do, but please consider resuming work on them at a later date.
No one asks them to do all at once. But they contradict themselves when they say that work on an expansion should and will never affect live. Yet it does exactly that. Instead of working on the features that were promised in the context of the current live content, they instead suspend work and relocate work force, while continuing to work on the next payed content, without reducing the workforce of that content.
I dont care if it takes longer for the next expansion to come out if it means that they fix the current mess and deliver what they sold. because if they dont do that, no one is going to buy that expansion anyways. People wont get burned twice.
Your whole post is entirely sarcastic and would cause Armageddon. Even though it’s completely funny you seem to be very angry, to me. xD
I kinda wish I was angry, but I am not. Being angry would show that I’d still care, but I do not.
Legendary Mike was right about one thing though: this thread is really entertaining, all thanks to him. Wasn’t being entertaining his number one priority?
You’re right. But Legendary Mike hasn’t been entertaining to me from the very beginning of GW2… He’s been the quiet guy at the back of the room. The insanity of this news update is entertaining but very stressful for me. /Shrug
Finally! Now go fix the game!. I totally agree here with Anet.
They already wasted too much time on this legendary crafting stuff.. While we really dont need it at this moment while yhe rest of the game is dying.
Finally! Now go fix the game!. I totally agree here with Anet.
They already wasted too much time on this legendary crafting stuff.. While we really dont need it at this moment while yhe rest of the game is dying.
If the game is dying maybe they shouldn’t have 70 devs working on the next expansion
Finally! Now go fix the game!. I totally agree here with Anet.
They already wasted too much time on this legendary crafting stuff.. While we really dont need it at this moment while yhe rest of the game is dying.
Dont blame the project. blame the one who failed to manage it properly.
They didn’t make it sound as if we are paying for them. They literally put them on the list of the features that you get by getting HoT. And now, they weren’t supposed to be added later, they were supposed to be added in SMALL GROUPS in REGULAR INTERVALS. Besides that, as Minx said before, there were topics and debates with direct quotes from ANET talking about this weapons and literally promoting them as a HoT feature. Here’s part of one of them "What we haven’t told you yet is how that journey continues with our second set of legendary weapons, and how we’re shaking up that last step in your legendary journey for Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns™. "
It’s sad that you are trying to use semantics as a way to defend ANET, while it is obvious to everyone that what they did is a total kitten move.
I can explain it to you, I can not understand it to you.
|Seasonic S12G 650W|Win10 Pro X64| Corsair Spec 03 Case|
Finally! Now go fix the game!. I totally agree here with Anet.
They already wasted too much time on this legendary crafting stuff.. While we really dont need it at this moment while yhe rest of the game is dying.If the game is dying maybe they shouldn’t have 70 devs working on the next expansion
It’s like building a second floor to a house where the pillars of the first floor is termite ridden. Gotta fix that first floor.
Finally! Now go fix the game!. I totally agree here with Anet.
They already wasted too much time on this legendary crafting stuff.. While we really dont need it at this moment while yhe rest of the game is dying.If the game is dying maybe they shouldn’t have 70 devs working on the next expansion
It’s like building a second floor to a house where the pillars of the first floor is termite ridden. Gotta fix that first floor.
Or, as seen here, try to build the second floor anyways, assure your customer that it will all be a-okay, and then subsequently set the whole house on fire by accident.
… Because false advertising almost always requires you to prove intent to deceive. If situations change and something can’t get delivered, that isn’t considered false advertising in any country I know of.
I do not realize what can be worse: to be labeled as deceiver to or be labeled as incompetent.
Pretty much this. Even if I’m being extremely generous, Anet has engaged in some serious mismanagement of resources, human and otherwise, and some seriously bad planning and projection for them not to have known exactly what they could and could not deliver. Knowledge of this should have existed BEFORE the money was taken. It is their job to know and them not knowing makes the company look extremely incompetent.
That guy who made this clip, didn’t even realise how close true he was. Today we all know that one part of the content what ANet promised is not going to happen.
Here is that clip, I think this explains what kind of predictor gift this guy had:
Go to time index: 1 minute 47 seconds
Let the clip talk everything.
… Because false advertising almost always requires you to prove intent to deceive. If situations change and something can’t get delivered, that isn’t considered false advertising in any country I know of.
I do not realize what can be worse: to be labeled as deceiver to or be labeled as incompetent.
Pretty much this. Even if I’m being extremely generous, Anet has engaged in some serious mismanagement of resources, human and otherwise, and some seriously bad planning and projection for them not to have known exactly what they could and could not deliver. Knowledge of this should have existed BEFORE the money was taken. It is their job to know and them not knowing makes the company look extremely incompetent.
I thought most of the player base felt ANet was incompetent for a good while now.
|Seasonic S12G 650W|Win10 Pro X64| Corsair Spec 03 Case|
Wow. There is still back and forth over this. OK, white knight hat on I guess.
There is no false advertising here. People are acting like this is like buying a box of chocolates and then getting home to find that half of them are missing, but that simply does not reflect the reality. No reasonable person would infer from their advertising that the legendary weapons were in-hand waiting to be released, only that they were in the process of making them, and any reasonable person would understand that development efforts can fail. If this is a half-empty box of chocolates, it was displayed open with a stonking great “sold as seen” sign next to it.
Basic honour still dictates that ANet should compensate players in some fashion and be willing to refund people who aren’t happy with whatever compensation is provided, but this is not mis-selling or false advertising or bait-and-switch or whatever. Unless, of course, you believe that the remaining legendary weapons were never in development at all and have proof.
A better analogy is going to a pub or a restaurant and ordering a burger and chips. Most places cook these things to order, they don’t have a load of cooked burgers sitting in a warming tray ready to serve you, nor are they going to have freshly-cooked chips to serve you instantly.
In this case, the burger arrived after 15 minutes, without the chips, and you took two bites out of it and found that it was undercooked. And there’s no sign of anyone for a while, but you manage to flag down a waiter and ask them:
“Excuse me, but where the hell are my chips, and why is my burger raw?”
And the waiter responds that they aren’t making any more chips today — without elaborating on why — but says that they will re-make your burger, and asks you to choose a different side from the menu.
There are plenty of things wrong with what’s going on here, but if you honestly think it’s unfair trading or false advertising then quite frankly, we are not going to agree on anything any time soon.
Going back to the pub analogy, any reputable pub or restaurant would offer a bit more of an explanation for where your chips are — “I’m terribly sorry sir/ma’am, but our fryer’s broken down” or some such — and they’d do more than just apologise, re-make your burger (don’t forget that we’re still waiting for that remade burger) and tell you to pick something else of the menu.
Feel free to complain that ANet haven’t done that (given that they, you know, haven’t), but please don’t be the person who thinks they should respond to problems with their order by decking the waiter and flipping the table over.
Although there is another metaphorical table out there that maybe should have been flipped over at some point.
(edited by evilunderling.9265)
I think he should get a new nickname, ive liked a lot that are being thrown around but im thinking:
Halfpac Mo ( a homage to Tupac Shakur)
SAB will NOT save this kitten at this point, so I hope they have more up their sleeves for April.
I’m not going to lie, I like this nickname.
Phoenix Ascendant [ASH] | Rank 80
Wow. There is still back and forth over this.
It is actually pretty simple: there is no false advertising here. Any reasonable person looking at the advertising from before the expansion launched would conclude that they did not have the legendary weapons on hand to release, and therefore, no reasonable person would conclude that there was an absolute guarantee of getting any legendary weapons.
This is analogous to going to a pub or a restaurant and ordering a burger and chips. Most pubs cook these things to order, they don’t have a load of cooked burgers sitting in a warming tray ready to serve you, nor are they going to have freshly-cooked chips to serve you instantly.
In this case, the burger arrived after 15 minutes, without the chips, and you took two bites out of it and found that it was undercooked. And there’s no sign of anyone for a while, then the waiter who took your order grabs his coat and walks out. Then you manage to flag down another waiter and ask them what the hell happened to your chips and why is your burger raw? And the waiter says that they aren’t making any more chips today — without elaborating on why — but says that they will re-make your burger, and asks you to choose a different side from the menu.
There are plenty of things wrong with what’s going on here, but if you honestly think it’s unfair trading or false advertising then quite frankly, we are not going to agree on anything any time soon.
Going back to the pub analogy, any reputable pub or restaurant would offer a bit more of an explanation for where your chips are — “I’m terribly sorry sir/ma’am, but our fryer’s broken down” or some such — and they’d do more than just apologise and tell you to pick something else of the menu. Feel free to complain that ANet haven’t done that (given that they, you know, haven’t), but please don’t be the person kittenponds to problems with their order by decking the waiter and flipping the table over.
Sorry but you are just plain wrong, not much else to say. They advertised 16 legendaries released at regular interval, they are now refusing to provide said promise.
To sum up: they advertised A, they did not provide A, and say they refuse to provide A. Therefore they falsely advertised about A.
None of us know what was going behind the scenes at anet. Mike inherited all these problems from his predecessor. Perhaps the previous director didn’t know or understand how to manage his team successfully. I personally don’t like his decision, as the end game for me is to make legendary weps. But if this is what it takes for the greater good, so be it. This distrust we have was brought by the previous directors empty promises not the current one.
I’ll say it again because people don’t seem to understand it. Mike O’Brien isn’t new. Hes one of the founders of ArenaNets and has been President since basically its conception. To say he isn’t responsible for it’s problems is just downright ridiculous.
As President yes MO is responsible for the problems at Anet. With that said have you ever had anyone work for you that talked a better game than they where able to produce? You realize that in every industry there is a sort of disconnection between management and the wage slaves?
Look I’m not trying to make excuses for Anet since pretty much the entire game is broken or half finished atm. I bought the expansion for elite specs and dueling in the GH. What I got was nothing short of a mess. Whether I continue to play the game depends on MO being in the trenches so he can make solid announcements and move this game back on track. Rather than grab a pitch fork how about we give him a chance now that he is closer to things.
Indefinite suspension is “Canceled until Further Notice”
Indefinite- not clearly defined or determined; not precise or exact:
an indefinite boundary; an indefinite date in the future.Suspended – temporarily prevent from continuing or being in force or effect.
“work on the dam was suspended”Canceled – to decide or announce that a planned event will not take place; call off:
to cancel a meeting.Your literal definition of the words and their typical practical use are two entirely different things.
Sigh. If words didn’t have meanings they wouldn’t use them. And believe it or not “cancel” and “indefinitely suspend” mean something different.
When asked, Colin said that, “absolutely,” the new legendaries content would be in the game by end of year 2013. So, it was an absolute that we were going to get them. We absolutely have had them for more than two years now?
MO has used the words, “living breathing world,” to describe aspects of GW2. I woer what the game’s oxygen intake really is. The fact that Anet managed to create a new life form without the assistance of biologists is truly impressive dont you think?
We were told that the new legenaries would be released in groups at regular intervals. One, the shortbow, is not a group.
The reality is that MO considers the need for more living world content to be so important that Anet cannot spare 6 out of 120 devs to work on content that we were originally told was not suspended. The need for new content is not going to go away. Work on new legendaries will cease after the shortbow and the cause for that cessation will remain, for as long as the game exists. That Anet might, theoretically, someday, maybe, revisit legendaries doesnt change that reality.
When something was already over two years late announcing that the decision has been made to cease working on it is not an indication that it can be expected to ever be released.
Indefinite suspension is “Canceled until Further Notice”
Indefinite- not clearly defined or determined; not precise or exact:
an indefinite boundary; an indefinite date in the future.Suspended – temporarily prevent from continuing or being in force or effect.
“work on the dam was suspended”Canceled – to decide or announce that a planned event will not take place; call off:
to cancel a meeting.Your literal definition of the words and their typical practical use are two entirely different things.
Sigh. If words didn’t have meanings they wouldn’t use them. And believe it or not “cancel” and “indefinitely suspend” mean something different.
When asked, Colin said that, “absolutely,” the new legendaries content would be in the game by end of year 2013. So, it was an absolute that we were going to get them. We absolutely have had them for more than two years now?
MO has used the words, “living breathing world,” to describe aspects of GW2. I woer what the game’s oxygen intake really is. The fact that Anet managed to create a new life form without the assistance of biologists is truly impressive dont you think?
We were told that the new legenaries would be released in groups at regular intervals. One, the shortbow, is not a group.
The reality is that MO considers the need for more living world content to be so important that Anet cannot spare 6 out of 120 devs to work on content that we were originally told was not suspended. The need for new content is not going to go away. Work on new legendaries will cease after the shortbow and the cause for that cessation will remain, for as long as the game exists. That Anet might, theoretically, someday, maybe, revisit legendaries doesnt change that reality.
When something was already over two years late announcing that the decision has been made to cease working on it is not an indication that it can be expected to ever be released.
Well yeah, the faster we beat the dragons the faster we get Guild wars 3.
I mean that kind of sarcastically, but it’s true. In the long run the future of Guild wars is guild wars 3. Anyone taking the long view will see the game end when they can manage a natural close which would be at the end of the dragons. Can more be added? Definitely, but why would you add more to GW2 when you can get people to pick up a whole new game?
(edited by Finalfreefall.8247)
Well yeah, the faster we beat the dragons the faster we get Guild wars 3.
They said there won’t be a gw3.
Oh.. Wait…
They said many things, didn’t they.