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Guias de Raids en español / Spanish raiding guides
(edited by Elrey.5472)
I like the direction the game it’s taking, but it has a major issue. There is a lot of dev resources to the Single Player features of the living story (even if you tell me that 5 players can join those instances, it still sounds as an excuse). I think that it’s isolating more and more the players and they’re slowly turning gw2 into a single player experience.
I’d like to see more Multiplayer content focused instead of just a little piece of the map (This time it’s the labyrynth) for each update. Something replayable that it’s epic or fun it’s what i’m asking for.
(edited by Elrey.5472)
I have to agree.
The single player missions can just not get anywhere close to real single player games quality. Then again, that is how the story is told. Like you have a big world, and get capsuled in to small, static bits of it.
In proper single player games, stuff around you just get’s blown up, you have big events and that kind of things. GW2 just throws a few random mobs at you and maybe a boss on 5 square meters which you are not allowed to leave.
That is why I have to agree, ANet should focus on what this game can actually offer better than a single player game, enjoyable group content.
true, more MMO plz….
LS moving towards Single Player?
In contrast: As an Ele I have done ALL the living stories Solo up to Silverwastes (Stopped after Drytop due to time constraints). I am not sure I understand “slowly turning GW2 into” unless you mean All the LS content.
To me, excluding the LS, GW2 new content is MetaZerg.
There actually isn’t that much time you can spend on the single-player instances compared to the open-world content. Not seeing a problem myself. Except perhaps a shortage of group content.
2013: Bwuaaaaaa!!! I wanna be able to replay the LS! What if I miss it, I can never be able to play it!!!! Buuuhhuuuu!!!
Anet Remodules the Living story so people now can replay and play the Living story whenever they can, thought this leads to problem. They can not make any story content that affects all players in the same instance. Like Attack on LA, Defence of LA and Merionette and more…
2014: Bwuuuuaaaa!!! This game is only made for Solo players!!! Please make the living story content world based again!!! Buuhhuuuu!!! Anet is slowly digging a grave for GW2!
My questions; isn’t the Dry Top Sandstorm events making players play together? Isn’t the new Silverwastes defend event getting people to play togheter? Sure there isn’t one new massive area to put players in every two weeks but there is always content aimed for the MMO part.
2013: Bwuaaaaaa!!! I wanna be able to replay the LS! What if I miss it, I can never be able to play it!!!! Buuuhhuuuu!!!
Anet Remodules the Living story so people now can replay and play the Living story whenever they can, thought this leads to problem. They can not make any story content that affects all players in the same instance. Like Attack on LA, Defence of LA and Merionette and more…
2014: Bwuuuuaaaa!!! This game is only made for Solo players!!! Please make the living story content world based again!!! Buuhhuuuu!!! Anet is slowly digging a grave for GW2!
My questions; isn’t the Dry Top Sandstorm events making players play together? Isn’t the new Silverwastes defend event getting people to play togheter? Sure there isn’t one new massive area to put players in every two weeks but there is always content aimed for the MMO part.
In fact there is no more LS now.
We get some quests every now and then, more like a personal story, and additionally some persistent content on new and existing maps.
This is just like EVERY other theme park MMO out there.
I agree .. i have no intend to even play these instances a second time and after
the bugs in the last part of episode 5 that made me unable to finish it i have
meanwhile no intend to even start the actual story.
If they want to continue with that stuff they need at least to put in stuff like that
instances stay alive for 5-10 minutes after a DC so that you could rejoin, and also
put in some savepoints in overlong instances so that you can reenter them there
instead of having to redo the whole thing if something is bugged.
And i also think that is no “living” world anymore .. the temp content was what made
the world alive .. it was changing .. now everything is permanent and those instance
are more or less like a parallel universe .. but not the real world for me
LS moving towards Single Player?
To me, excluding the LS, GW2 new content is MetaZerg.
^This, but this time was much better designed, players were more spreaded across map and events, and not that one zerg blobbing spamming 1 key
one thing that i did not understand was the damage from mobs on light armor (2k armor) 3-4k damage on heavy armor with 3.8k armor same damage, is this Anet killing gear on PVE and forcing players to go all zerker?
Even if you put it nicely like this, all I’m seeing is: “I don’t care about story, more zerg events please!”
You’ve even listed The Silverwastes, the main content update this month, but disregarded it due to balancing issues – they were fixed. We’ve got the new MMO-esque zone to play in and a story (one to five players; it’s instanced content, not single player) to go with it; if you took away any more of the single player content, we’d have none and be forced to group up in a blob of 20 to even progress in the story.
All in all, I really have to disagree with the sentiment of this thread. The bulk of the updates we’re having is multiplayer, with only the story instances even allowing for single player (but are multiplayer, just not a zerg, sorry).
2013: Bwuaaaaaa!!! I wanna be able to replay the LS! What if I miss it, I can never be able to play it!!!! Buuuhhuuuu!!!
Anet Remodules the Living story so people now can replay and play the Living story whenever they can, thought this leads to problem. They can not make any story content that affects all players in the same instance. Like Attack on LA, Defence of LA and Merionette and more…
2014: Bwuuuuaaaa!!! This game is only made for Solo players!!! Please make the living story content world based again!!! Buuhhuuuu!!! Anet is slowly digging a grave for GW2!
My questions; isn’t the Dry Top Sandstorm events making players play together? Isn’t the new Silverwastes defend event getting people to play togheter? Sure there isn’t one new massive area to put players in every two weeks but there is always content aimed for the MMO part.In fact there is no more LS now.
We get some quests every now and then, more like a personal story, and additionally some persistent content on new and existing maps.
This is just like EVERY other theme park MMO out there.
Yea true, I am one of those who liked the old LS concept better than this new one. But I just umm… complain over this constant complaining over stuff that just isn’t true, atleast in my opinion. In my opinion there has more or less been almost as much MMO feel to the game from day one with some ups and down but never with a constant down spiral :P
Actually what I feel more lacking since the new LS is the updates to WvW and PvP… Before updates included updates for every aspect of the game, now it’s mostly aimed at the living story it seems. I should not complain for I mostly do PvE but I feel for the WvW and PvP players.
I like the flash mob with swords approach that this game has. As it is I think the game has too much required team play. I do understand where the OP is coming from but if this game needs even more teaming then I would be less inclined to play, especially if the rewards for that team content aren’t attainable by other in game means (other than gold).
I like the flash mob with swords approach that this game has. As it is I think the game has too much required team play. I do understand where the OP is coming from but if this game needs even more teaming then I would be less inclined to play, especially if the rewards for that team content aren’t attainable by other in game means (other than gold).
This is an MMO. You should expect group content unless told otherwise.
LS2 will likely finish as mostly personal story instances for the repeatability it offers.
But any living story after that, I would assume group required until told otherwise.
I really don’t get why people want MMOs to create single player content. They aren’t single player games by definition.
Don’t get me wrong, I love that they are adding in content with the capability of being completed by a single player for the LS. But I don’t expect or demand that ANet caters to my desire to play alone in a multiplayer game.
MMO means that other players share the same world with you. Doesn’t mean you have to play with them.
MMO means that other players share the same world with you. Doesn’t mean you have to play with them.
That doesn’t mean you should expect the major content to be doable by a single person.
The main reason I think that that LS2 is mostly single player is due to them wanting to be in the story journal which meant it had to be instanced content like the personal story. Being single player was just a side effect of them making a change to fit the demands of the players (ability to do the story over again as well as not have to be on during those 2 weeks to enjoy it).
And if you read my last paragraph, it should have been clear that I am a player who prefers to play by themselves. So I’m fully aware that I don’t have to play with others.
I just don’t expect nor demand ANet to cater their major content releases around my lack of desire to play with others.
MMO means that other players share the same world with you. Doesn’t mean you have to play with them.
That doesn’t mean you should expect the major content to be doable by a single person.
And that’s where the flash mob with swords come into play. I’m not fighting alone, I’m just not in a formal group. Most of my guildies grind dungeon paths, fractals and WvW. I prefer PvE so I rarely see them unless we bump into each other at a world event or at the TP/Bank in a city.
MMO means that other players share the same world with you. Doesn’t mean you have to play with them.
That doesn’t mean you should expect the major content to be doable by a single person.
And that’s where the flash mob with swords come into play. I’m not fighting alone, I’m just not in a formal group.
Thats also why i prefer the open world events. You can play with other but don’t
have to deal with them. You can simply join an event but take a break or leave
whenever you want and noone tells you that you wear the wrong gear.
I already liked that in RIFT .. sadly the better gear there in the end was again gated
behind dungeons/raids so i left after 5 months. The world events there however
were really fun for me.
MMO means that other players share the same world with you. Doesn’t mean you have to play with them.
That doesn’t mean you should expect the major content to be doable by a single person.
And that’s where the flash mob with swords come into play. I’m not fighting alone, I’m just not in a formal group. Most of my guildies grind dungeon paths, fractals and WvW. I prefer PvE so I rarely see them unless we bump into each other at a world event or at the TP/Bank in a city.
But not all content they’ll add will be single player or flash mob with swords. They will likely add in content in the future that requires coordinated group play. Teq, Marionette, and Three-Headed Wurm are/were popular events. The dungeon players deserve a new permanent dungeon (or path as long as it doesn’t override any of the existing paths) at this point, they’ve been neglected since Fractals came out. Short of one temporary LS1 event.
Players should expect most content to fall into the flash mob with swords or coordinated group play.
Players should expect most content to fall into the flash mob with swords or coordinated group play.
I’m not sure why I or other players should expect this.
ANet does a great job of spreading around the types of events to include coodinated group play, events that require players to come together in a quick group to finish the event then disperse, and even solo events.
I don’t see why players should expect ANet to abandon their solo play efforts and focus all their time on coordinated group play events.
Really, that is one of the great things about this game. There is so much variety that there is something for everyone to enjoy. But not everyone is going to enjoy everything.
And tbh, I’m not really sure how the LS has been lacking in group content given Silverwastes and Drytop and how their events are setup.
Players should expect most content to fall into the flash mob with swords or coordinated group play.
I’m not sure why I or other players should expect this.
ANet does a great job of spreading around the types of events to include coodinated group play, events that require players to come together in a quick group to finish the event then disperse, and even solo events.
I don’t see why players should expect ANet to abandon their solo play efforts and focus all their time on coordinated group play events.
Really, that is one of the great things about this game. There is so much variety that there is something for everyone to enjoy. But not everyone is going to enjoy everything.
And tbh, I’m not really sure how the LS has been lacking in group content given Silverwastes and Drytop and how their events are setup.
It’s still in the MMO genre. Players should expect that a majority of things released to be things that cater to group play. Whether or not that group play is doable solo or not is another thing. Explorable mode dungeons are doable solo if you have the skills, though they were designed to be coordinated group content.
The personal story and LS2 have the ability to be done in small groups but ANet let it be doable solo, except the last step in the personal story (which is Arah story mode). LS2 only that way most likely due to most people wanting more permanent content.
If ANet releases 11 things and 7 of them are group play oriented, that’s still a majority of group play oriented content.
They release their content and balance around 1-5 players for instances, 5 players for dungeons, and larger groups for open world (how many depends on if it’s flash mob or coordinated).
Yes, they’ve done a better job this LS season at releasing content doable in groups or solo. I hope they continue to balance solo/small group (2-5 players) play and group play, but I don’t expect them to release content geared toward solo players only.
(edited by Seera.5916)
You guys will get your guild raiding content down the line. Which hopefully is in way better condition then the Season 1 stuff was. Also I hope that QA actually scrutinizes over this content more then they ever have done before it’s release. It won’t content I will personally go for. Since I still think the whole guild mission structure is a loaded excrement (you know what I mean), when it comes guild size diversity. However it will be fantastic for those big guilds that seem to relish on killing Tequatl or the Great Jungle Wurm.
(edited by Sindex.9520)
well one of the main reasons i joined this game was it has mmo content and single player content , there r enough mmo content ingame i dont disagree with adding new mmo and multi player activities like new world bosses and … but its also nice to actualy have some single player content , also idk why dont u see that this game have one of bigest mmo contents wvw and that new zone they added i mean sw its all content that can only be done by having many groups of players , also i might aswell add this that one of my friend is a single player gamer who plays the game mostly coz of the story , so i can say this game is one of best balanced games, tbh i would like them to add more soloing content
Single player content in the LS is actually a good thing. Weeks from now when season 2 is done and over not many players will do the living story and players in guilds will even have a hard time finding groups. Believe it or not a majority of players only contribute when there is a reward for them in the end. So even using the LFG tool it would be really hard finding groups to do the achievements.
- The Marionette was the perfect example of replayable content. Probably the best raid GW2 ever had, yet it was removed from the game
- The Tower of Nightmares was ok and fun for an update, and kept people going there (even guilds raided the tower as an improved guild mission) because it wasn’t instanced only for 1 player (or a group of 5).
It’s funny that nobody realizes that Marionnette was the best raid because it was not permanent. It’s like people always referring to GW1…. it was better because we don’t play it anymore (during its active time there were loads of criticism about the lack of novelty and so on… and also no official forum to concentrate the criticism).
Tower of Nightmares was not so different than the new maps. In fact the principle of it was less deeper than getting a T6 dry top. But again as it only last for 1 month, everyone remembers it as one of the best update.
Anyway, about the main topic, LS takes the good part of PS, that is solo mission to progress in the story, but adds some incentives to do it with friends for the achievements, especially since the success come with a nicer reward (the collection and the ascended trinket). I really think that during those last 6 months they really delivered content for every kind of pve players : solo through mission, small groups through achievements and joining the new maps and organized large groups through the way the maps work.
Now rewards look pretty much like the ones from other open world activities of that level (Orr, world boss..) which is fine in that it doesn’t make the oldest things completely useless…
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