Let me switch factions...
I’m sorry to say but I really disagree with this. It clearly said in the story this was a big choice.
It would really take away from the game for you to be able to just go “oh yeah…I want another armor set” and replay your story.
In my opinion that would kill character development just to be able to essentially time travel backwards and redo choices just because you didn’t do enough research, and yes you could have done research because I checked the same thing out before I made my choice.
I believe we should be able to reset the personal story, especially since a lot of us went through it and came to regret some of the choices we made. I for one wouldn’t mind going through it all again if it meant adjusting a few decisions, though there should be some sort of limit to the amount of times it can be done per character.
What’s the point of having such a long narrative if you get a oops I want different button.
So you made 1 bad choice in a mmo you were new to, its not the end of the world.
I’m fine with the choices I made. I just didn’t know there’d be an armor vendor for each one. Which no one ever told me about, NPC or otherwise. I shouldn’t be punished for that. The alternative is “well, delete your character and lose everything so you can get this helmet.” Those of you moaning about being responsible for knowing this beforehand aren’t thinking about how you would know it. The wiki? An external source? It wasn’t even ON the wiki at the time. Thankfully I’m sure ANet is more considerate than some of the poisonous fans on these forums.
(edited by Plague.5329)
Wait… isn’t the PVP locker shared between characters like the bank?
Which means you might be able to play another character, have them join that faction, and buy the armor for your warrior?
Though i also thought the stuff in the PVP locker could be gotten by anyone in the PVP area anyway.
I don’t recall anywhere where it told you Order’s have different locked armor skins.
The only “big choice” with Orders is story afaik.
I don’t recall anywhere where it told you Order’s have different locked armor skins.
The only “big choice” with Orders is story afaik.
Each has an armor vendor that will refuse to speak to you if you are not part of their faction.
I suggest if you aren’t to this choice yet, look through these to see what components you may want, because you won’t get a second chance at it, and they don’t tell you about it. I also think it’s disappointing you may want to make the choice based on playing a role, yet have to go with another option just because of a NPC vendor.
Also, I’m talking about PvE gear. The PvP gear looks the same but obviously won’t be usable in PvE.
I’m saying, when you’re first choosing your order in the story, the npc’s don’t go “Hey each order has their own armor skin locked to that order just a heads up”.
I’m saying, when you’re first choosing your order in the story, the npc’s don’t go “Hey each order has their own armor skin locked to that order just a heads up”.
I know. I said that… If there’s no way for you to head down an optional story path at level 80 to join those Orders or get armor access to them, they should at least warn you as you make the choice that they’ll refuse to equip you later, and show you the armor vendors beforehand.
I’m the Commander of the entire Pact force, and they won’t even give me a hat.
I don’t recall anywhere where it told you Order’s have different locked armor skins.
The only “big choice” with Orders is story afaik.
Each has an armor vendor that will refuse to speak to you if you are not part of their faction.
http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Durmand_Priory_armorI suggest if you aren’t to this choice yet, look through these to see what components you may want, because you won’t get a second chance at it, and they don’t tell you about it. I also think it’s disappointing you may want to make the choice based on playing a role, yet have to go with another option just because of a NPC vendor.
Also, I’m talking about PvE gear. The PvP gear looks the same but obviously won’t be usable in PvE.
Just throwing this out there as a possible solution because I haven’t checked into this yet myself. It may be possible to get the PVP gear, and then transmute the look onto your PVE gear.
o.0 we’re only like 3 weeks in to the game… I mean that’s the kind of time frame that most would consider re-rollable, and if you store all your gear you don’t even have to worry about a lot of the expense?
That aside, I believe you do get a chance to change your mind part of the way through the faction quest line.. If you made the same choice twice, without considering your options, I think we’re more in to the realms of “well you blew your chance” than “anet need to fix it”
If they do, at lvl 80, I’d suggest the cost to a character to do so be pretty vast in all honesty.
I mean seriously if this was IRL its like asking your boss to give you the nice well paid job with the car after you turned it down, twice, to work as the cleaner.
Considering you eventually unite all 3 orders together against Zhaitan, its not exactly a stretch that you’d be able to acquire armour sets from each respective order. It avoids the hassle regarding no forewarning about the availability of the armour sets from the get go and gives players more content for that matter. Plus its a payback for the atrocity that is.. Trahearne.
Considering you eventually unite all 3 orders together against Zhaitan, its not exactly a stretch that you’d be able to acquire armour sets from each respective order. It avoids the hassle regarding no forewarning about the availability of the armour sets from the get go and gives players more content for that matter. Plus its a payback for the atrocity that is.. Trahearne.
Honestly, that’s my opinion. It should be something you can do at the very end of the game. Maybe even get a little subpath option for it. Maybe not to join the order, but to at least get the armor, which should not have any impact on your faction decision to begin with.
Made your choice kid. Now you’re stuck with it.
I like the look of some of the great swords better than short swords. My thief will never be able to use a great sword.
I like some of the light armor better than medium (especially Kodan balance set), I will never be able to wear light armor.
I chose to find my real parents. So I will never know what its like to have joined the circus.
I chose to help the Hylek at some point and now there is an army of stinky frogs in my home instance that I cant get rid of.
I picked Order of Whispers. I cannot have Vigil or Priory gear.
There are a lot of silly mistakes the game will let you make by not confirming things (buying soulbound Karma gear you can’t wear), but the order decision is not one of them.
There are also three achievements. One for joining each order. So re-roll and next time be more careful with you decision. The game only tells you it’s forever.
And saving individual points in an mmo so you can re-make decisions? wtkittens is that about? Instinctually make choices based on how you feel personally or from your characters perspective. There is no “right” or “wrong” path. They all lead the same place with equivalent rewards and a slightly different narrative. There is no rewind button because you didn’t like the way something played out. Your character ends up getting to own your decisions and that’s what makes it their story. At least most of you probably don’t have frogs in your house!
I often thought it was odd that so many decisions in other games are re-rollable or changeable in some way.
This one’s permanent. I hope ANet leaves it like that.
SOS Spy Team Commander [SPY]
You guys are really adamant about this guy not getting his hat.
Narratively it’s a big choice, sure, but really being locked out of end-game armor skins because of a choice you make early on without possibly knowing the consequences (unless you look them up beforehand) is the kind of terrible old-fashioned meta-gaming that they should really have known better than to include. Especially considering by the end of your personal story you’re basically a kitten new god they should REALLY let you get other faction armor.
Yaaaa, I agree, you should be able to do most everything with one character.
Just make it so that if you’re not part of the faction, everything costs 10×. You love goldsinks Arena.net, you nickel and dime us for everything. Here I am willing to give you 10 gold for just one single piece of armor… It’s an easy, change. Just take my gold.
I’m sorry to say but I really disagree with this. It clearly said in the story this was a big choice.
It would really take away from the game for you to be able to just go “oh yeah…I want another armor set” and replay your story.
In my opinion that would kill character development just to be able to essentially time travel backwards and redo choices just because you didn’t do enough research, and yes you could have done research because I checked the same thing out before I made my choice.
Isn’t “killing character development” really a matter of perspective for each player individually? If you don’t like the option, if it’s given, you don’t have to use it. It doesn’t personally affect you. Besides doing research on every little thing makes the game less enjoyable overall. I’d rather be playing my game versus researching every tiny detail. Just saying.
I would purchase this option from the gem store if it was available. I took my faction based on flavor. At the time I had no idea that there were exclusive armors available. If I had known I would have picked a different faction because I neither like the aesthetic nor the stats of my faction’s armor. I’d be fine with going through the motions of a new faction story. A “reset” option would be perfectly acceptable. I’ve even seen someone mention it would be more fluid to make a change possible based on new additions and events to the game. Perhaps an act of betrayal or something to trigger a reason for the character to abandon the faction they initially chose and head in a new direction. People can have a change of heart based on their experiences, even the characters in this game. Of the stories I’ve seen thus far, Divinity’s Edge is proof of that, lol.
Meredith Nic Éssus ~ Necromancer
After killing Zaitan and being commander of all Pact forces you should have access to all Pact armours. Just my opinion.
Blood In, Blood Out. Delete. Re Roll. Or just plain Alt the other Heavy Class, you could even alt the same class, many do it…I know someone with 5 thieves.
Hmm, from the orders standpoint…none of them trust each other. You being the Commander doesn’t mean the other two orders will pass along ALL of their trade secrets with you. They gave you a few bodies and a few weapons (actual weapons included) to help you defeat a threat because they realized that it was to benefit their own survival.
The Orders recruited you. They have standards. You are now part of a club. They may let you interact with other clubs, but they don’t want you wearing their gear. It’s a respect thing.
I agree that it is annoying in a game where the end game gear more or less is (or at least was supposed to be) about skins that you can’t access tget the other orders’ skins, especially since there was no heads up about it when chosing an order. I don’t think you should be able to join another order but I do think you should be able to buy gear from the other factions after completing the personal story.
Why are you guys replying to a 3 month old question/rant that already has a solution? Make an alt, roll it to the point where you choose an order. Buy order gear, transmute it to any white piece of gear to make it acc bound instead of soul bound and bank it. Then just put it on to w/e char you want it on and transmute it to a piece of gear with w/e stats you wanted .-.
lol, I’d imagine that members from the Order of Whispers would LOVE to buy other order armor…that way they can infiltrate them and gather their secrets.
While I agree that you shouldn’t be able to go back and change things on your story willy-nilly, I also think that the faction locked armour is kind of annoying.
Really, there isn’t a reason (besides an entirely RP based one) that you shouldn’t be able to get the other factions armour at some point in the game. Even if you could only get the skins, or something.
a bunch of stuff
Holy thread-necro batman! This stuff was from when the game first came out. Note the guy who said “The game is only 3 weeks old” along with the “3 months ago” date.
As somebody said already, there’s a work around so get over it.
While I agree that you shouldn’t be able to go back and change things on your story willy-nilly, I also think that the faction locked armour is kind of annoying.
Really, there isn’t a reason (besides an entirely RP based one) that you shouldn’t be able to get the other factions armour at some point in the game. Even if you could only get the skins, or something.
I wouldn’t want this, personally. What would be the point of feeling like you belonged to a faction when everyone and their mother dressed like them when they weren’t?
Nah, I do not agree with this. Will loose the “special” factor. Makes choosing so much more important.
What should ANet do if you regret a choice or click the wrong choice without thinking?
Absolutely nothing
There are plenty of other games where this happens and players suck it up and just try again.
You’re only whining because ANet is showing developers can listen to their players. But this is NOT the type of feedback they’re looking for.
“Kill/Corrupt Trahearne” – Now that’s feedback I can stand by.
Lv80s: Guard, Thief, Necro. Renewed my Altaholic’s card on the HoT Hype-Train. Choo choo~
Just make it so that if you’re not part of the faction, everything costs 10×. You love goldsinks Arena.net, you nickel and dime us for everything. Here I am willing to give you 10 gold for just one single piece of armor… It’s an easy, change. Just take my gold.
Agreed with this.
I don’t like the idea of going back and switching orders or re-doing a story choice you regret. However I do like the idea of the order vendors (and the racial vendors) being willing to sell their wares to “outsiders” at a premium.
Why not simply change all order-associated armor and weapons to being “account bound” instead of “soulbound”? That way you could buy order-associated armor and weapons for all of your characters, but still have to have joined that order as a player. That way you keep the “specialness” of having to join that order to obtain the items, but without locking away content from a player’s characters.
For example, I chose the Order of the Whispers on my Norn warrior because they fit my ideals the best, but the armor and weapons don’t match my style at all, while I love the appearance of the Priory items. Having the ability to transfer those items between characters on a single account would swiftly fix all of the issues caused by locking the player into a choice, without the negative effects of giving them the ability to alter their choice, and also without simply making the order items available to everyone.