EU Elona Reach – Void Sentinels
(edited by xXxOrcaxXx.9328)
The night is way too bright.
Please make it darker or atleast add an option to ‘turn off the light’. #Qo(n)L
To specify my idea:
(edited by xXxOrcaxXx.9328)
I wouldn’t want it too dark, but yes, having more of a differentiation between night and day would be good. Right now, sometimes I can only tell it’s night time when some players’ weapons glow differently.
No kidding. When I first got the game I was like, “Why does it stay daytime 24/7 in this game?” It needs to be much darker. Much, much darker at nighttime.
Couldn’t agree more. I would love love love a darker night. 50% darker would be awesome.
I would love it if wvw actually had a day night cycle.
Make it dark like it was in Everquest years back. It got dark dark, like, actual night time dark. You either needed a torch, a spell with infravision/night vision, or a race that granted the latter options. My first time playing was as an Iksar and they had Infravision and at night, the area turned blue while the enemies glowed with an orange-red glow, like what you’d see in Predator.
A slider would be cool. So you can choose how dark you want the night to be. I would take the darkest possible option.
Darker nights would be nice. However I wonder how that would effect WvW…
Darker nights would be nice. However I wonder how that would effect WvW…
Therefore add a slider, so noone has to use it if he don’t want to.
Darker nights would be nice. However I wonder how that would effect WvW…
Therefore add a slider, so noone has to use it if he don’t want to.
No, that’s ridiculous. Practically no one would if it gave a visual disadvantage… so the thought of adding a slider that only a fraction of a percent would use seems like it fails the risk/reward sniff test.
Now included in the Black Lion Chests: A chance to get a Light Booster consumable that allows you to actually play the game during the night cycle!
This would actually be pretty cool.
Totally agree, the night time in Tyria is way too bright.
About WvW, that could be used as part of the strategy, since it would be night for everyone, so you can’t say it is an advantage or not, if a particular player don’t like it, well too bad, wait a few minutes and fight during the day.
Totally agree, the night time in Tyria is way too bright.
About WvW, that could be used as part of the strategy, since it would be night for everyone, so you can’t say it is an advantage or not, if a particular player don’t like it, well too bad, wait a few minutes and fight during the day.
It would certainly open up doors for surprise attacks…
+1 to slider – it would make the game so much better. Much more immersion.
I wouldn’t mind it a little darker than it is right now. I don’t think darkening it a bit would make it too difficult to see in, since it is rather extremely bright right now. But I’d rather see what’s going on than have it “realistically dark”, so they definitely shouldn’t go overboard with it.
IF they want to go for a “realistic dark” type situation, then that needs to be an option. You can’t force it on everyone and make it harder for them to enjoy the game just because some people want more immersion.
(edited by Electro.4173)
Been asked before, and I am still 100% for darker nights.
I’d rather see what’s going on than have it “realistically dark”.
If they want to make it an option, sure. But they sure as heck shouldn’t force it on everyone just because some want more immersion.
… slider.
Or just the option to choose between current light system and realistic light system.
I’d rather see what’s going on than have it “realistically dark”.
If they want to make it an option, sure. But they sure as heck shouldn’t force it on everyone just because some want more immersion.
… slider.
Or just the option to choose between current light system and realistic light system.
Sliders work for PvE. For PvP of any kind you have to standardize that type of thing in order to keep the playing field level.
It would not even be that difficult. The night cycle could just revolve around server time.
Yeah, no need to be very dark or realistic dark, just darker than the current one, just enough to people easy tell if it is night or day, currently it makes almost no difference.
PSA: your monitors come with built-in “sliders” to make it darker.
I would love for it to get darker during the night than it actually is right now. Whether this is done through an optional slider or whatever I don’t care, just make it possible for the night to be actually a night.
There is a thread about this:
I totally agree, glad this idea is coming back into the light.
I want this since day 1. Oh and better looking sky and clouds. I see Sun reflection but where is on the sky? No Sun.
Just a tickbox for ‘true night’ would be nice, I’d love to solo roam WvW in the dark!
I do think it would add more interesting gameplay if it wasn’t an optional tickbox, so ‘night-raids’ could be an actual thing in WvW and nighttime exploring would be much more imersive in PvE.
I’ve also had this idea rattling around for sometime about making the condition ‘Blind’ actually do just that; temporarily darken or even blacken the screen (except UI) for the duration of the condition. Sort of like what they did with Liadri and the Toxic Alliance ‘nightmares’. But that’s a bit off-topic and maybe I’ll make a thread about it myself someday.
Just a tickbox for ‘true night’ would be nice, I’d love to solo roam WvW in the dark!
Only to be killed by the zerg you never saw but that saw you a mile away.
Just a tickbox for ‘true night’ would be nice, I’d love to solo roam WvW in the dark!
Only to be killed by the zerg you never saw but that saw you a mile away.
You DON’T have to use it. If he WANTS to use it, fine! It’s not your problem.
+1 for Slider. Player’s OPTION is always better than forcing something on them. I would love to see it darker during game night and in underground settings, but I have some friends who already can’t see very well in some spots. If “true” darkness was forced upon them, then they would have to wait around in town until the sun came up again.
Not only that but also weather effects that aren’t zone-bound would be nice.
On second thought I suppose if it were not optional WvW players could just crank their brightness up to gain an unfair advantage.
So much for that bright idea.
Nighttime does need to be darker, even if things have a “full moon” illumination. I don’t even notice day/night in this game.
Nighttime needs to be darker, for sure. It harms immersion that it’s barely distinguishable from daytime.
In addition to the lighting I would like the night to feel like the night, you know a change from day? As is, the only difference is light levels-where are my nocturnal mobs? Night time events? Why are so many people still loitering in the streets? Also…was I mistaken or was it not this game that said they’d have dynamic weather and it would affect dynamic events? If I am mistaken and it’s not this game….well…it’d be nice to have.
It’s night in the Applied Development Lab, we got a wonderful sky full of stars…
… and an awful bright forecourt.
Just to visualize the problem.
+1 for Slider. Player’s OPTION is always better than forcing something on them. I would love to see it darker during game night and in underground settings, but I have some friends who already can’t see very well in some spots. If “true” darkness was forced upon them, then they would have to wait around in town until the sun came up again.
And if you sacrifice everything in favour of player OPTION you’ll end up with a half-hearted mess that is prone to any number of exploits (hmm…kind of like the state of gw2 now imo,the irony). I know the in-thing is to clamor about ‘freedom, choice and option’ now but that’s a fairly immature way to look at everything; having a clear goal and delivering it is the most polished state is the way to deliver enjoyable content. If that goal is to give the players options and choices then design decisions will be made around that and not hamfisted to compromise the end product (like darkness sliders which people who do pvp will simply ignore).
Compare having the sliders to having light play an actual role in wvw (I don’t pvp but it’s a good example). The zerg will have to change tactics during night time if they want to do some sneak attack-can’t have people simply running around with lights broadcasting your presence when you’re doing something covert now can you? That can add to the gameplay experience so in the long run imo, that would be better than forfeiting design decisions to ‘player option/choice’.
I would welcome having really dark nights in GW2. Gives me an extra reason to bring out my Krytan torch.
On second thought I suppose if it were not optional WvW players could just crank their brightness up to gain an unfair advantage.
So much for that bright idea.
This. If it will give advantage everybody in WvW will start changing general light settings. Slider as an option may work if somebody will want it but don’t force us to play with the game settings for half a game period
And if you sacrifice everything in favour of player OPTION you’ll end up with a half-hearted mess that is prone to any number of exploits (hmm…kind of like the state of gw2 now imo,the irony).
How do you want to exploit a light engine???
Also, like I and many others said, the current light system wont be gone.
You just get the option to choose how dark you want the night to be. Its only for the esthetic.
And if you sacrifice everything in favour of player OPTION you’ll end up with a half-hearted mess that is prone to any number of exploits (hmm…kind of like the state of gw2 now imo,the irony).
How do you want to exploit a light engine???
Also, like I and many others said, the current light system wont be gone.
You just get the option to choose how dark you want the night to be. Its only for the esthetic.
Love how you take one part of what I said out of context-how about you read everything or don’t bother reading at all? I’m sorry but it makes no sense for me to reply further to this post because I’ll just end up repeating the rest of what I said in the post you conveniently snipped that bit from and took out of context.
Darker nights would be nice. However I wonder how that would effect WvW…
WvW takes place in a magical pseudo reality plane. There is no reason they can’t just leave it as is there since it’s a pvp zone and RP takes a back seat if it gets to sit in the car at all.
Full screen gamma is your friend. Let’s just pretend.
If you drop it to like 65-70%, pretty much night time.
And if you sacrifice everything in favour of player OPTION you’ll end up with a half-hearted mess that is prone to any number of exploits (hmm…kind of like the state of gw2 now imo,the irony).
How do you want to exploit a light engine???
Also, like I and many others said, the current light system wont be gone.
You just get the option to choose how dark you want the night to be. Its only for the esthetic.Love how you take one part of what I said out of context-how about you read everything or don’t bother reading at all? I’m sorry but it makes no sense for me to reply further to this post because I’ll just end up repeating the rest of what I said in the post you conveniently snipped that bit from and took out of context.
You just have a serious problem. This is meant to be a QoL update. Nothing gamechanging, nothing content related. How does the ability to craft with materials lying in your bank affect PvP players? Not at all. Still its requested, as you can notice, if you read the other posts. If you don’t want to use it, fine. Otherwise stop talking trash about sense and nonsense of this suggestion and and bring up some real reservations, if you have some, so I can crush them.
Also, let me get this clear. This suggestion is pretty much for PvE only. For those guys who want to explore Tyria at night. At dark night. This is not meant to affect PvP or WvW in any way!
(edited by xXxOrcaxXx.9328)
I wouldn’t mind darker areas of the game, where it matters to use a torch.
Me too, but they will never do it … at least not globally
I wouldn’t mind darker areas of the game, where it matters to use a torch.
Seriously though. Drop full screen gamma to about 0.65 and everything is darker, whilst torches/fire appear brighter.
I agree! GW2 lacks alot of dark ambient,in fact it lacks more then any other MMO i played.I like dark/goth atmosphere and there is none of it on Gw2
I wouldn’t mind darker areas of the game, where it matters to use a torch.
Seriously though. Drop full screen gamma to about 0.65 and everything is darker, whilst torches/fire appear brighter.
This would be the worst of all solutions. You don’t just tone down enviromental light, you tone down all light which looks just awful.
Beside, I don’t run GW2 in fullscreenmode.
…there’s a nighttime?
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