Let us dye Townclothes ... Like before. plz

Let us dye Townclothes ... Like before. plz

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mister zeeRo.8561

Mister zeeRo.8561

So i remember a long time ago , some brilliant ppl decided to “improve” the game by revamping things like :

-the traits unlock system :

3 trainer tomes ; 1 for adept 1 for master 1 for grandmaster traits
…into the universally hated :
370 skillpoints + 43g or having “fun” grinding traits by doing awesome in game pve content like Lornar pass 100% map exploration or killing that WvW Grub…
…for each and single one of your alts ad infinitum

-sPvP ranks :
I was r60+ pre April 2014 with over 4000 soloqueue ranked games , one day i logged on and out of nowhere i have a dragon finisher… talk about anti climactic
Not to mention the fact that all my pvp armor skins have vanished , including T3 Charr bought with 60g and a metric bucketload of glory.

6x pieces of T3 cultural armor that DID NOT count towards “The Emperor” title achievement completion.

-Town Clothes, they used to be part of the game for roleplayers and dye collectors
now its a worthless tonic and probably the most useless Item in game.

so yeah, dear Anet you obviously dont give a flying bat’s rear about your new and improved trait system since u just locked 90+ page and havent give us any info about the next “improvement”. when all we want if a roll back to the pre april system because : there was nothing wrong with it in the first place.

Neither do you care about PVP players since after almost 3 years :
- all we got is 2 unranked map rotation arenas

Skyhammer : the rank farm where ppl jump into the void like lemmings until they have their dragon finisher

Courtyard : no need to say more

- dungeon track rewards that attract people who cant even run pve dungeons where you corner stack every single mob and zerk them to oblivion, exploit poor game design to auto attack to death bosses , into pvp so they can “farm” their dungeoneer title…

and your improved matchmaking system.

… So i’m not even going to bother hoping for anything to happen for traits or sPvP.

But can we please dye the kitten town clothes again ?

Pretty please with sugar on top ?

PS : I know you can read my posts with a whiney tone and a bitter attitude, but dont get me wrong ; I kitten love Guild Wars 2 , especially the combat system , community and plain beauty of the game…

yeah I do, but all these patches and “improvements” are making it real difficult for me to remain infatuated with this game…

…My feelings are still strong for you GW2 but you’ve changed… we dont talk anymore, I feel like we lost that spark that made it feel all so special in the start.

Unlocking Traits is a Nightmare since April 2014
One year & 90+ pages of outcry later : NOTHING

Let us dye Townclothes ... Like before. plz

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mister zeeRo.8561

Mister zeeRo.8561


Unlocking Traits is a Nightmare since April 2014
One year & 90+ pages of outcry later : NOTHING

Let us dye Townclothes ... Like before. plz

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Librascythe.3152


I would also like the town cloths to be switched from tonic to a outfit or even armor pieces, never liked the default color of them and now forced to keep them.

As for the other comments.

Trait system is being looked into being changed or reverted back before the update.

PvP (pve dungeon… ext) will probably be changed after the HoT expansion is hit and players have had a chance to comment on how the direction of anet is going. HoT has probably been on the list for a while but with all the changes it will try to accomplish why should they waste time and energy into fixing something that they will give a makeover once they have a system that is agreed to be a better alternative currently this is being done with WvW and as we don’t know what HoT will completely change we cannot say what needs to be done ASAP.

Ah, just noticed that the first post was from 14 days ago…

Let us dye Townclothes ... Like before. plz

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Plok.5873


Change the tonics into outfits and store the dyes per outfit and we’re all fine. ^.^

Pry Bar in yo’ face, You big disgrace / Box of Nails all over the place
Pet project: Outfit overhaul.